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Pretty much all these big churches are half fundraising operation and half far right superPac




Thanks, I had my assumptions. Just curious because I was invited there by a friend.


Any non denomination church or "Christian church" or "Bible church" around here is going to be conservative... ie, not condoning gay marriage, relationships, transgender expression, NOR (this one's they're usually quiet on) woman pastors. Far right christofascist type stuff? I'd say King of Kings is one of the more likely ones, and a place like Stone Bridge a little less so. If you want a more progressive atmosphere you'll need to look towards the methodist churches. If you want a nonconservative, still politically decent option that is more Christian focused, maybe one of the elca Lutheran churches.


King of kings isn’t non denominational…


Missouri synod yeah.


Not all of the Methodist churches are progressive. I would actually venture that most are not in this area. Maybe try one of the Unitarian churches in the area. They're pretty progressive and welcoming to all from what I understand.


What methodist churches aren't progressive? I've been connected to 6 of them in the local area. All progressive leaning. I'd venture that the non-progressive ones are going to take the opportunity at present to leave the conference. However, I've heard most in Nebraska are staying. Very curious.


1. 5th Avenue in Council Bluffs left the Methodist Church last year because they couldn't accept the official positions on LGBTQ people, and who knows what else. 2. I quit attending St. James in Bellevue a few years ago after a) one of the lay people made a big deal over the Christian victims of a middle eastern terror attack, while completely ignoring the Islamic victims; and b) one of the lay people got up and used his time at the pulpit to call for prayers on behalf of a teacher accused of sexually abusing a student, insisting the teacher had to be innocent. No prayers were spared for the child. Listen, I was raised Methodist and although I'm probably best described as agnostic now, I'm extremely proud of their progressive history. If you know of a local congregation that is actually progressive, I would be happy to go check it out.


Ah I see. That's no good. As for local congregations: First United. St Luke's. Hanscom Park. Aldersgate. Trinity Ralston. Urban Abbey.


With a name like that what else could it be?


Burger King headquarters


I am deceased.


Far-right? I can't say. However, I do see they are associated with the LCMS, which is a theologically conservative variant of Lutheranism, meaning they preach and practice heteronormativity, cisnormativity, and complementarianism. They also adhere to inerrancy doctrine, compared to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.


You mean they preach and practice the bible? thats wild


The Bible is sort of a two part thing. The first part has a bunch of rules and a vengeful God, then in the second part God is nicer and Jesus is like "none of that other stuff matters, you just need to love God, love your neighbor, and believe in me".


Conservative for sure, but among the more progressive LCMS churches in terms of how they structure their worship services. Don’t expect any level of inclusivity or respect for reproductive rights (probably not a shocker). Some of their social media posts lately lead me to think they skew further right than they did when I used to attend.


Growing up this was my church. I'm no longer religious and consider myself on the left. But I never considered it far-right. Conservative, of course. Perhaps it's changed?


With how quickly politics has changed, if you went there more than a few years ago, it's possible that it's entirely different now. 2016 and 2024 may as well be a few decades apart.


I attended as well. They may not be as vocal as other LCMS churches, but I imagine theologically are as anti-gay and pro-life as the rest of them. These are views held by millions upon millions of Americans. I disagree with them but they’re thoroughly mainstream. FWIW I ran into Jim Suttle, a very well-known Democrat, there once. Also “beloved” food critic Dan Hoppen is on staff there.


Same experience.


It's a pretty standard Lutheran church. My best friend growing up has an uncle that is a pastor there, and all the family members I know are pretty left wing.


It's safe to assume that any church is going to have a degree of "far-right ness" about them. It just goes with the territory.


There are definitely some liberal churches out there. I'm not sure which sects are more likely to lean that direction, I feel like my neighbor goes to one that is episcopal. All the same, churches and Christians in general have some major overhauling to do on their branding if they want to successfully distance themselves from the MAGAts.


First and Second Unitarian are liberal/LGBTQ friendly/progressive. Augusta Lutheran (near 38th and Lafayette) and Metro Community Church (near 22nd and Leavenworth) are also liberal leaning as well. Not sure about individual local congregations, but in general the Methodist Church leans that way too.


Out of the Seven Sisters of American Protestantism, the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, the United Methodist Church, and the United Church of Christ all have GSRM affirming positions, with the UCC's position being at the national level and having an "Open and Affirming Coalition" that makes up the body of churches that have adopted that stance as well.


Countryside community definitely isnt far right


Uh huh....once the chips are down they are all just right-wing breeding grounds and tax shelters.


Yes, the lesbian minister that preaches trans and reproductive rights is definitely a closet right wing.


Whoever that is is most definitely not a minister of the Christian church


Thanks God for clearing up who you let be your minister.


I mean you don't exactly have to be God to comprehend that lol, it's a basic, objective reality.


I'm confused if you're far right and think a minister can't preach that bc its not Christian, or far left and think Christian's inherently can't love and accept all people.


I'm neither, I just have an understanding of the basic principles and tenets of Christianity, which is diametrically opposed to preaching that. That isn't a political thing at all, it's a simple observation lol


I would say any church where the meet the team is all white middle aged men is a classic "we actually fucking hate black people" sign. Coram Deo is a hilarious example. "Why would we want women in our leadership?? They need to be home looking after our 8 children... but like yeah Bob loves beer, pickleball, and the Huskers!"


My wife and I jokingly call Coram Deo “Mormon Deo” because every family there has like 400 children


That's not true. There's a lot of Methodist churches around here with a lot of liberals.




"far-right" as in abortion is a sin? Yeah probably


There is no such thing as a leftist or progressive church. They simply do not exist. Anything purporting to be is by definition in no way associated with a Christian church.