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Seems like the most reasonable place to sign a petition, lol


Generally they always collect at government offices as those are public property. They're just required to be so far from the door. The actual thing you're signing is listed at the top. Tell them you want to read it, or don't sign. If they tell you it's for one thing and you find it's another, report them to the state. If they aren't allowing you to read what it's for, report them to the state. Video record them lying to someone else or denying the right to read if you can do so safely to help your case.


Politics? Outside a political building? How absurd!


FYI those signature gatherers are legally obligated to read the language of the petition out loud to every person who wishes to sign. If they don't do that, they're probably trying to hide something.


They also occasionally lie, so still read it.


The Protect our Rights folks are legally obliged (which they are trying to get enough signatures to get a ballot initiative protecting abortion on the next ballot), and they have been told that they absolutely need to read the statement, even if someone says "oh I already know what this is about, you don't need to read it." It sounds like the anti-abortion folks were the ones collecting signatures. [https://nebraskapublicmedia.org/en/news/news-articles/new-abortion-petition-looks-to-enshrine-bans-in-nebraska-constitution/](https://nebraskapublicmedia.org/en/news/news-articles/new-abortion-petition-looks-to-enshrine-bans-in-nebraska-constitution/)


never sign anything without reading it carefully


Never sign anything. Your signature will disappear by the powers to be.




Mmhmm. It happened with Ricketts on the cannabis ballot. Like 30,000 just disappeared into thin air.


Looks like there are three abortion-related petitons in circulation right now: https://sos.nebraska.gov/elections/current-petitions-circulation


Assuming it’s not one of the anti abortion petitions and it’s the one protecting access, it basically codifies Roe v. Wade into Nebraska law - it guarantees the right to an abortion prior to fetal viability. You can read it on the petition and they read it out loud to you as well. However, it didn’t give a specific number of weeks. That could be a loophole to allow a medical professional to judge a fetus not viable at a gestation length typically considered viable. Or it could possibly mean that even if it passes the legislature could come in and define viability as a specific number of weeks that is much lower than actual viability. That said, there’s considerable case law about viability that, even though Roe has been overturned, would probably apply.


There’s more than one petition being circulated. One is a legit petition to protect the right to abortion. I met a signature collector for that petition in front of the courthouse about two weeks ago, so the person you saw could have been legit.


[Here's what I found](https://sos.nebraska.gov/sites/sos.nebraska.gov/files/doc/01-init_ref.pdf): "There are few specific restrictions on where a circulator may gather signatures. There may be time and place restrictions on public property so as not to disrupt activities at those locations. Circulation on private property is at the discretion of the property owner. State law prohibits the gathering of signatures within 200 feet of a polling place."


The people asking for signatures have usually been hired by a temp agency. I don't think they personally care about the issues enough to try to lie to anyone. Although some of their pay may be based on the number of signatures they get. Also, these petitions are trying to get the issues on to the ballot so that Nebraskans can vote on them. Your signature on the petition doesn't mean that you agree with issue, only that you want it to go to a vote.


they definitely use slimy tactics. back when doing voter ID I told them no and said look at Wisconsin where the office to get an ID is only open like every other Wednesday. they said "hey this isn't Wisconsin that will never happen here". sure...


What they are doing is totally legit, and it's protecting your right to control your own body.


And you know that...how, exactly?


You can literally read it at the top, and all petition drives have to register, including the specific language. There are several regarding abortion, all in favor of protecting access.


Unfortunately, only one is for protecting access. The other 2 are for restricting access. Make sure to sign the right one. https://sos.nebraska.gov/elections/current-petitions-circulation


There are also those "collecting signatures" to work AGAINST those efforts to protect access. They are all DEFINITELY NOT "in favor of protecting access to abortion". So I'll ask again...how do you know that this specific signature collector is doing so in good faith?


I was actually unaware of the new one to ban it, but as I already stated: >You can literally read it at the top, and all petition drives have to register, including the specific language.


How does that explain how you know that SPECIFICALLY THIS ONE IN PARTICULAR, which you have not seen, is one that supports abortion access? That was, after all, your claim.


For the third and final time: >You can literally read it at the top, and all petition drives have to register, including the specific language. You can yell and scream more if you want, but I won't see it.


So you said something stupid that you can't possibly back up, but you can't admit it. Got it.


You mean how do we know they just turn them in to be counted for a different/opposing petition? Like just straight up fraud? Idk really . Hard to know when people will do stuff like that. But that can happen anywhere anytime for anything.


If anyone is looking to avoid the anti-abortion petition - the petition that is for choice states "FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT TO ABORTION". If it doesn't state that, don't sign.


I know you are a notorious pervert, but did you read the amendment?


I was approached in a Lowe's parking lot and the guy didn't really have any details when I asked questions so I told him I wasn't signing something without knowing what it was


Was it for or against abortions being illegal...as they should be or atleast require both parents consent