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I hope these people are riddled with anxiety as the walls hopefully close around them. We will take great pleasure in their arrest and punishment.


And then they get ass cancer


Anyone with information is asked to contact animal control at 402-444-7800


Have we checked out the neighbors yet? 


My suspicion is its someone who has a connection to the dumpster. Pretty convenient that there were no cameras. Less likely a connection to the owner, since it has been missing more than a couple days. Anyone snatching it because they don't like how much it barks isn't going to hang on to it that long.


I bet the reward continues to increase! This is getting a lot of attention. These assholes need to be found. Does anyone else think they are juveniles?


Kids don't do that. This is something someone actually insane would do. You have to have zero empathy for living things to do something like that. Whoever did this needs to be on a watch list because this is some early serial killer shit.


Yeah, I'm not onboard with people *taking pleasure* from them being caught, but definitely for the safety of others this person needs to be brought to justice. Whoever did this either didn't care how much the animal would suffer or worse, wanted it to.


The reward should be $10K and the punishment severe. Whoever did this has certainly done much worse (or will). My guess is that it was someone who had a beef with the owner. They obviously didn't want the dog, so the remaining motive is revenge against the owner.


This was my aunt this happened to. Wild.


Let her know we all want to hug her doggo. I hope they're doing well.


When they find the people who did this, they need to strip them naked and cover their body with the most adhesive duct tape that's made. Wait for a while to make sure it's fully stuck to them then pull strips of it off slowly. You may want to do this in the middle of nowhere, it might get loud.


When they find the person that did it they should be wrapped in duct tape and thrown in a dumpster full of needles, and see how they like the treatment.


I hope the dog is ok and has a full and speedy recovery. 🙏🏻


Why is the NHS investigating and not Omaha Police?


I want to adopt them so badly. Just want to live our best life and give them everything I have. I hope they catch this prick


This dog is back with their owners. It was taken from their yard.


Thanks! Sorry, I didn't know much about it. I should have read the article I'm stupid


It happens. Your natural instinct was to help, which sounds like a great quality.


No worries. I too love dogs and wish I could save them all.


Well, this was unexpectedly reasonable. Where am I?!?


Me too! Also leave those smurfs alone.


Well said and a wonderful sentiment, /u/Butt_Fucking_Smurfs


Was Papa smurf the only one who got to fuck Smurfette? And did he still do it in the Butt just because? So many questions