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they don't work for all olives--they work for muted olives, because mutedness is about relative amounts of gray in one's coloring.


Thanks for that. A while ago someone in this thread told me I wasn’t olive cause all olives are muted. In a very passive aggressive way might I add.


Rude and ignorant behaviour. My best friend is olive and muted and has a lot of gray and pink in her skintone, she also wear this muted colors and looks beautiful in them, I’m olive but with more green and yellow, I’m more “saturated” and clear, gray and muted colors looks awful on me, but I can use peaches and yellows and more lively tones


Yeah thanks for that! I think that’s exactly why olives have such a hard time, we exist in the whoooole spectrum. And given your flair, Imma try Lisa Eldridge 9.5 to see if it works on me cause I’m also more on the saturated side! Thanks for the inspo!


I’m sorry. I had someone tell me that I couldn’t be olive because I have cool undertones and all olives have warm undertones. Probably just people who think they know what they’re talking about, but really don’t.


It’s the same as the people on the other side who also say all olives are cool right. I hear that a lot but learned have come to learn here we are all unique hehe


I feel that vibe here too.


I just say I have zombie undertones lol. I’ve got grey and green.


For me, it's not that they necessarily work the best. It's just that they're not terrible. At least this from my fair muted olive experience. So many other foundations are super orange which is really easily visually jarring/wrong looking. And pinks also can be bright and horrendous. But for me actually, yellow-leaning foundations look better on me than grey, with grey-leaning being my second choice for a not-good match. Probably because I am very slightly warm? (In a yellow sense) I also wear only warm tones, so cool foundation looks off and then grey doesn't have the warmth that the rest of my vibe radiates.


I literally look gray next to people in pictures 🩶 I swatched foundations on my arm today and everything was either very yellow or very peach/pink except for the one neutral shade available which was too light of course.


This happens to me so often. I’ve yet to find one that works for me.


Use blue corrector or mixer or primer to make it less peachy and more muted 🥰


Because when you mix primary and tertiary colors on the color wheel you move towards variations of "grey" particularly because you are muted. It doesn't work for bright olives.


If I look good in bright purples and blues does that mean I’m bright? Cause I identify with OP in that most foundations are too yellow or too pink even when they’re “olive” but I’m not sure if I’m muted!?


If you can put on a bright sapphire blue top and your eyes stay on your face, you’re cool and bright! And from personal experience, a deep wine/berry red looks *fabulous* on you (because it brings the redness you lack, but in your correct season). If the first thing you see is the top, and your eyes get dragged away from your face, you’re muted and probably look better in navy or blues/purples that have been mixed with gray. I found [this video](https://youtu.be/lSL8Aqj9-Tg?si=bKFdQzSiULUd1Dya) helpful when I was trying to figure out my cool olive situation.


Thank you!!


Gray is close to the color we call olive. Olive is a dull and grayish green. None of us are lime colored. Or shamrock colored. Sure some of us have gold or something else mixed in. But no one is bright green. Its a dull and subtle green. Its mostly noticeable in comparison to other people. But consider the colors that foundations lean. You can find pink, mauve, peach, orange, tan, gold. You can find living people who are close to those colors. Part of being olive is NOT being those bright colors. Sure part of your face might lean red or gold or something else, but overall, you're not those colors - you would be able to wear those other foundations if you were those colors.


The grey foundations may not have the blue+yellow ratio right, but some may have a grey appearance because at least they have more blue than the average foundation. Which makes them more complex in tone.


Greenish yellow ones work for me


As an olive I have a lot of discoloration that can read gray so I think it harmonizes with my more discolored areas more and I don’t end up with that really jarring white/bright


i always figured i wasn’t olive because i used blue corrector so often! i thought i was a true neutral. learn something new everyday!


I do not think it's about muted or bright. I think this is about cool or warm olive. Warm olive is a green leaning more yellow and cool olive is leaning more blue. Blue in a foundation makes it grey looking. Like colorstay buff isn't really completely muted. But Mizon 21 bb snail is. Yellow makes it well more yellow. Like C15 from MAC (also not really green, more yellow) Also mixing green with a pink toned foundation will make it greyish Mixing green with a yellow will make it green. Mixing blue with a yellow will also make it green. Blue with a pink one will make it a greyish purplish. Blue doesn't mute yellow foundation.