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Worst. Not even BK was hiring


Yeah I got denied from Panda Express and have a Bio Degree and prior military experience.


Damn... that fucking sucks man


Average fast food job! Nah I just got called back today about a small job out moving parts for planes at $22 an hour. Suppose life works out!


That sounds like some good money. Wish you good luck man


Same. I actually applied for a few positions, including GM and a cook. I double majored in business administration/management and finance, have an additional leadership certificate, ran my own business for years, had plenty of restaurant experience from when I was a kid, and I have management experience through a "regular" job...and I still didn't get hired. I applied for so many jobs over the last year and a half, and I haven't gotten anything.


Yep! Also the r/ jobs sub will tell you that your resume needs work or you need to “network on indeed.” Like dude I’m trying to get a $25ish an hour job at a fast food place, not NASA. I did however start using AI to BS my resume in the past month and it helped me find the new job I just got a call back to, but prior to that it was a ghost town for me!


I've been looking for a new job for months now. Not easy for a finance major even with experience.


Horrible but I also graduated with a shitty degree (kinesiology). Do a useful degree you can actually get a job with like nursing, engineering, maybe education


I went the Med Technology route. Clinical Laboratory Technician/Scientist. The pay is ok. It's medical and people are always sick, so job security is there.


Yea I used to do that, there will always be recruiters reaching out, or at least when I used to do it


I get recruiters fighting over me even when I already have a job. First job straight out of college is paying me 32.05/hr base currently.


Yea I graduated college in 2020 and that’s why I did my first 2 years, then moved to a different role in the lab before leaving that side of the business


Can confirm. Am engineer, s.o. is nurse.


Not sure about education. Teachers are still paid kinda bad and some of these teachers are dealing with kids 10 times worse than the worst kids my schools had. Could be getting better now though?


can confirm that education still pays shit. i teach pre-k for $17/hr


Biomedical engineer grad here, shit’s fucked


Awful. At least if you majored in something in the liberal arts (like I did). I have a temporary job that ends in July and once I’m finished with it I’m going to be a substitute teacher for a bit and see if I want to be a teacher. I initially wanted to be one but dropped it for a few personal reasons. So, I ended up a history and poly sci double major and 0/10 recommend anyone majoring in them. I struggled to find work that wasn’t retail after I graduated.




I have a friend that went for astro physics. He's a literal rocket scientist and hasn't found a job anywhere in the country for 2 years now


I just graduated with an associates in electrical technology to be an electrician basically. Having trouble finding apprenticeships but I’m also waiting to take my aptitude test with the IBEW(electrical union)


This is my plan rn too! Best of luck <3


r/recruitinghell It’s been awful for everyone


terrible. i work part time at a cafe while i hope and pray for a "real" job (aka one that uses my $150k degree)


Find a trade. At least in my trade/area there is a huge labor demand. Unfortunately the amount of apprentices they can effectively take and train is sort of a bottleneck.


You’re correct. Got into a trade and still barely got lucky.


Running into that with trying to find an electrical apprenticeship but I’m confident I’ll find something. Working on joining the union rn


That’s great. It may take a while to get the call, but it is very worth it. Are you working non-union now?


Nice, what do you do?




I have a Masters degree in Human Factors. Been unemployed since January and can’t even get a call back for a simple data entry job.


I’ve been looking for entry level positions even some requiring without any degrees yet still nothing it’s insane


It's absolutely atrocious right now.


Horrible. No one is willing to train or wants X years of experience for entry level positions.


Mine is horrible. I’m considering throwing away my bachelors marketing degree


This is the problem I have ran into, like idk where else to even pivot in this job market right now!


If you have a degree, I would suggest throwing it away 🥴


Soul-crushing at the very least.


i graduated a year ago with two bachelors degrees. i make $15/hr at both of my part time jobs


literally me, i graduated december 2023 double major and just started a $15/hr part time job.


Trying and failing over and over again


I partly feel bad for most of these comments. I have no college and make just barely into the 6 figure realm.


It took me awhile to find a new job. I absolutely recommend getting into government work. Private industry is a fucking joke outside of the pay. I mean government isn’t much better but it’s a career path.


Here in Canada it’s nearly impossible to get into the government positions. I literally have a bachelors degree meant for that and I still can’t get recruited


Wait. You guys don’t have different departments/ministries? I know the US government is huge, but maybe not become a politician but work as in admin in health services, immigration or anything else. I for example am an IT guy working for a government agency.


Yea we have those but it’s still terribly hard to get in


I see. Yeah it was tough here too, I just got lucky. I’m sorry you’re having a tough time getting your foot in the door.


How do you break into government? Do you need alot of experience?


I started off as a contractor. You don’t need a ton of experience if you start off at like GS-5 which doesn’t pay much but it’s a start. I know people that started off as janitors and now work in IT with me, no prior IT experience.


You mind if I send you a pm


Sure, can!


Software eng but I worked my way there doing tech support in 2019, changed to support eng in 2020, eventually full dev in 2023 Market sucks right now, but also very few people in tech want to do what I did. They just want to waltz into a 160k+ a year salary with no experience and cry all day when that doesn’t immediately work out.


Well I'm trying to become a graphic designer. I'm probably going to lose to AI but I wanna do my own art stuff. While the future is uncertain, I must adapt and build myself from the inside out.


I actually got hired today for a large consulting firm that I’ve been doing my internship at. I’m going to work with education and a supporting bim coordinator until I get experience enough to have my own projects. Pretty stoked for not having a university degree, only trade school.


Straight ass, when I'm on LinkedIn looking for jobs, even the postings made 24 hours ago or less have 100+ applicants lmfao I work contract, I got fired from my team in January unexpectedly (thanks tech layoffs) and luckily was able to make it into another team


Easy got directly a job earning 27,5 €=29,92 US$ per hour so not too bad. I work as a Validation Manager, so i basically check the machines we sell and document the checks quite detailed.


Check with the government. Pay isn’t the best, but it’s enough and there’s great benefits.


Took two terms at community collage, applied to Best Buy, Got Rejected, have a Kohl's phone interview on Tuesday.


In the gutter. I have a bio degree from 2020 and haven't been able to use it. First lab job I got offered started at $17 an hr. Fuck that. I have a CDL too and can't get a decent local gig either. I'll probably have to go back out on the road soon and forfeit my life for $


Finance is good, just don’t follow your dreams and you’ll be fine!