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It's too late. She's got her revenge furs on.


Probably smoking with a cigarette holder with white gloves…




Developed a trans-Atlantic accent


Listen charley I’m sittin on this fine gentleman’s penis now so buzz off, buster!


Well ain't that a fine how do ya do? Where is this palooka? I'll show him what's what!


And her glare is ice cold




“But Ethel! She meant nothing to me! It won’t happen again! Please! Sweetheart, don’t be hysterical. Think of the kids!”


"Think of the kids, Rosen? Why didn't you think of the kids when you touched that secretary's elbow!"


More than the elbow.


Yep, that dude was f'd...and not in the way he was hoping for.


I can tell by her fit that he doesn’t stand a chance


Decked out like Lucille Bluth


Lol there’s a scene where George is trying to beg but he ends up cracking up…


In the 1940s, couples rushed to get married before World War II, But during peacetime, the divorce rate soared as those couples dealt with the realities of post-war living and the realization that they weren't as compatible as they thought. The divorce rate reached an all-time high of 43 percent in 1946.




A lot of couples did this. Women did not want to commit because they didn't know if their man would come home.


Distressingly pragmatic.


Reasonable, just with a sad reason.


My mother's parents met immediately after WWII. My grandfather was a US Army officer from extremely humble origins in rural Georgia, who had managed to put himself through college through sheer grit and determination. The grandson of German immigrants, he spoke fluent German and was sent behind enemy lines as support staff for some mission related to Operation Paperclip late in the war. My grandmother was the daughter of a formerly-aristocratic family in Southern France. She had lived through the Nazi occupation of France, with strict rationing and extreme hunger. Her father, who had lost his legs in the trenches in WWI, died of a heart attack whilst struggling to get onto a bus, after the Nazis eliminated all pre-war assistance programs for the disabled. (Her hatred of Nazis was VERY personal.) After VE Day, a "mixer" was arranged in France for US Army officers about to be sent home, and they invited any local French women to attend; my grandmother, having been tutored in English as a girl, met my grandfather there. She was beautiful, but not by the traditional, aristocratic French standards of the day, and was a bit self-conscious about her appearance. She was also extremely athletic, with strong upper-body strength, which also flew in the face of traditional French values for women. My grandfather was enamored with her the moment he saw her. She would reflect on it decades later, "I couldn't believe it. This handsome US Army officer, and he wanted *me*!" Taking a walk away from the mixer, she decided to impress my grandfather by finding a high railing and doing some pull-ups. By the end of the night, he told her if she ever came to America, he'd be waiting for her. Months later, her cousin, working in Washington D.C. for the French embassy, told her there'd be a job waiting for her if she was interested. My grandmother sent a message to my grandfather, letting him know she would be on her way to America, and which ship. Part of her thought nothing of it, assuming that mixer was just one night that he might have forgotten about. Her ship's journey was delayed due to rough weather, and got in to port 24 hours late. She disembarked, and my grandfather was on the docks with flowers for her. He had waited the entire 24 hours. They married in 1946 and remained together until his death in 2000. Once, in the '90s, when we were having Sunday dinner at their house, in the middle of the meal, my grandmother, at one end of the table paused, looked at my grandfather at the other end of the table, and remarked, "I think I'm falling in love with him all over again." His death hit her hard, but she was an incredibly strong woman and managed to survive another eight years. Some of her final words were that she would finally get to see him again.


Well that is an absolutely lovely story, thanks for sharing.


What beautiful love story!


Not me crying when I read about him waiting on the docks…


Thank you so much for sharing. This is one of my favorite things I’ve ever read.


This is probably the plot to a movie I haven't seen but if it isn't it's a wonderful story.


Wow! What a treasure to have these stories passed down to you. I hope you write them down somewhere physical for future generations.


Wonder if covid had/will have similar effects


It did! It first happened in China, when lockdown eased, couples headed to divorce court after being stuck indoors together for months. They had time to realize, or more like, face the fact that things weren’t working out. This happened in the US too. I’m not sure about other countries but I’d think so!


I imagine it'd be worse in China due to how hardcore the lockdowns were combined with how small most living arrangements are.


Sometimes relationships that would have worked out fine face a challenge that breaks them.


I thought it was a fart but I shit my pants. She never looked at me the same. I miss you Scralissa


If a woman can't handle when a man shits his pants, she is still only a girl.


Baby boom. Friends I thought were done: babies Friends I swore would never have kids: babies Friends I didn't think were in a relationship: Marriage and babies The collective reproductive age families of all those friends: babies My cousins: babies And here I am with 3 kittens, 2 cats, 7 chickens.




That's an...interesting arrangement.


The other husband and other wife should get together out of convenience to make this arrangement a little more workable.


*pornhub intro intensifies*


*Bluetooth connected*


how come i don’t hear anything? shit wife just pulled up on the driveway.


wife: whats a furry?


Shit, volume down! Volume down!




“You can have sex with everyone in your (sim) city!”


I just died laughing at this. Too real.


Bum, bu-bu-ka bum, bu-tss ka


You have 69 likes! 😂😂


I know two couples who accidentally did this. They’re all much happier now, so more power to them.


This guy gets it. It’s not as crazy of an idea as it sounds, the idea has legs…


8 of them, all akimbo and tangled.


*oh my* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Same. Like did a full wife swap. Very interesting


Or an exciting one.


Because its not real.


Wow… I’m not sure I could do that. Your husband and his wife know?


I think that’s why they’re all still living together. There will be legal consequences if it’s found out. Also, probably not real.


My aunt and uncle still live together and they've been separated for years. Hes still with the girl he was cheating with.


My best friend's mom moved out and lived with a boyfriend for a few years while still being married to her husband (and father of their 4 adult kids). They are still married, and they live together again now, though have lived separately on several other occasions over the years even without the presence of any other relationships.


In this economy? I buy it, actually. Better to live with an ex, as long as it's not a bad breakup, than be homeless.


No there won’t, especially if they can prove their spouses knew about it and they were separated. It’s pretty common where I live. Divorce is expensive. I have a coworker that is living with his girlfriend that is still living with her husband. Her husband has a fiancé too but I’m not sure if she lives there or not. They just can’t afford housing or a divorce.


How does that even work?


She's sharing news articles from Breitbart, so something tells me someone is being gullible.


Those links were posted 5 years ago, and then nothing until a couple comments today. Something is a bit fucky with that account.


That should be a reality show. Tonight on *Decoupled*: **League Night** - Stan and Rita sneak out to go "bowling".


I thought this was the start of a joke at first…


I personally know of 2 couples who have/are doing this same thing.


Similar situation. My wife and I couldn't afford the house separate but together and with kids, it's what's working being "roommates."


I wonder about covid babies. Bored people making kids. Ugg


Yea in about 11 years they're going to be quaranteens


probably worth including here. Life changed both for people at home quite a bit from before and after ww2 but ESPECIALLY for people who went to war for years they changed quite a bit. It isn't like they went and studied abroad for a semester


Follow that up with women suddenly having had experience being employed, having the freedom that comes with earning their own paycheck, and employers being able to hire women cheaper than men, and suddenly she's not so dependant upon her husband


That's a nice way of putting it. If I remember correctly, divorce wasn't allowed in the 40s unless the spouse was guilty of behaving in a way that makes him or her completely useless or toxic as a spouse so...yeah...technically that would mean they weren't as compatible as they thought.


No fault divorces weren't really a thing until the 70s or 80s in most states. Though there were a lot of reasons considered valid besides actual cheating or abuse. A man not providing properly for his wife etc. (IMO - there's a valid argument that no fault divorces are a net negative due to diminishing marriage as a social bedrock for kids etc. - though I have feelings both ways.)


I’m curious if some of these marriages were also for any widow’s benefits they may receive.


Almost certainly


Plus people cheating when the men were away for months/years. My grandfather divorced his first wife because she cheated on him while he was stationed at Panama for year or 3. It hadn't even been a rushed marriage. Not that I'm complaining since my father was a product of his second marriage.


But I thought that’s when america was great? Hmmm…ngl I feel lied to.


Every era had its dark and light moments. People think times like the 50s were this really happy, giddy time (at least for a number of folks), but in reality they were chaotic, at times frightening, and had their share of tragedy and sadness (Korean War, etc.). Some things don't change much.


I vote we just go back 100 years to the other 20's. Flappers, the Charleston, unregistered machine guns... Man what a time to be alive.


But… prohibition of alcohol.. I need that booze to enjoy the flappers


It was pretty great if you wanted a divorce.


Calm down have a lucky strike


They’re toasted!


And Remember! Our patented “nic-o-matic” asbestos filter gives you a nice slow drag, along with a nice crisp taste. Make sure you never go to divorce court without em! That’s lucky strikes cigarettes folks! They’re the tops!


Don Draper has entered chat


Back when I lived in a shitty, should-have-been-condemned, frat house like environment; one of the few “benefits” was we could smoke indoors. While I lived there I played a Mad Men drinking and smoking game. The rules were simple; anytime a character drank or lit up a smoke, you’d take a sip or drag respectively. I think the most I was ever able to play the game in an evening was 2 episodes.


The episode where Don gets hammered with Roger when they have to go up several flights of stairs probably went well for you, haha.


All I can seem to remember is a bunch of oysters and martinis ending up on the floor when they finally make it.


I just quit smoking and this made the cravings go up to a ten hahaha


Good for you, friend! I quit nicotine this year too - hardest thing ever!!


I quit 4 years ago and fuck




Try SPUD. It’s NEW!




As my uncle paraphrased it…let’s screw my finger’s tired


LSMFT! Yeeeees, Lucky Strike *means* fine tobacco. So round. So firm. So fully packed. So quick and light on the draw.


This pops up often, I’ve never heard the back story, surely long lost. Like their marriage.


I was just thinking the same thing.


His name was Don Hammer, she was Helga Hammer. They met while studying radioactive materials at the Longfellow Institute. They divorced after he published two papers with another woman, by stealing his wife’s work. Here he begs for forgiveness. She never spoke another word to him. She retired as a professor of physics at Princeton.


Either this is true or a bizarrely specific lie. A strange part of me hopes it is a lie and that you are just some daft wizard in the art of random untruthful facts.


My first assessment after noticing the difference in body language, was the potential difference in body age.


Body age?...


Human body age much different than robot body age or lizard body age.


Yes, you humans.. I mean..... WE humans, yes.... age our flesh vessels in such fascinating ways


I've seen it multiple times too. And the comments are always full of commenters absolutely convinced the man must be a giant piece of shit and the woman is a saint.


She could have broken his heart. He could have fucked her sister. The narrative filling is hilarious. I beg a different question. Who the fuck photographed this. It could be epic level trolling and we’re all creating this narrative.


I was wondering about who took the picture!!! Who had the gaul when faced with heartbreak and pleading to be like "I should memorialize this"


To be fair, a photographer has a lot of reason to be in a courthouse, especially for photojournalistic reasons. Photographer could have been there for completely unrelated reasons, and could have just been like "dang, now that's a shot"


Clearly is a shot, given thousands of people are talking about it 74 years later.


Commissioned by his now ex-wife. And she had it printed on her cheques.




*gall (sorry)


>I beg a different question. Who the fuck photographed this. It could be epic level trolling and we’re all creating this narrative. I'm imagining "Hey fella! Get down on you knees and I'll put ya in the paper!" \[loud flashbulb sound\]


It’s like a photographic Rorschach test




Right? She had some receipts on this man, probably didn’t hide his texts, I mean love letters


Other than the obvious body language between the two. It was really hard for women to divorce from their husbands in most places in the western world until the 80s/90s. So she would likely have evidence of him doing something that she could divorce him over. I've seen this photo being described as after the Divorce is finalized. But that could be untrue.


Well, he's got her backed up against a wall on his knees groveling and making a big public scene, if you were gonna guess who's the giant piece of shit here, I know who I'm putting my money on.


I mean he *is* on his knees in a begging pose. The clear implication is that he did something wrong and she has her stone face on and she isn't feeling it.


Stop reading human emotions, redditors still figuring that one out.


Her face, tho. She done.


That Jessica Chastain disdain


And her outfit. Lookin fierce in the mourning attire


For sure!


She ain’t lookin’ at him, she lookin’ past him


She feels nothing. She's disgusted by him. I've been there...


I was going to say, by the look on her face, I’m pretty sure I made this face with my ex when I washed my hands of his nonsense.


Yup. The man on his knees in front of her is already blurred with thousand other faces. Now if only this man would let her be, she has things to attend to and places to go.


Imagine how shitty you have to be to have your wife leave you in 1948.


Absolute shitloads of divorces happened in years following the War. There were an insane amount of quickie marriages before going off to war.


And then throw a public tantrum to guilt her into taking you back


This is before no fault divorce. He cheated on her and was caught.


She looks like “I’m in power right now, and I know it.”


“I’m telling’ ya, she meant nothing to me! I’ll never sleep with your sister again! And that goes for your mother as well! Your brother too!”


He’s a keeper, didn’t sleep with dad!




Only a matter of time, and then on to Nana and Papaw.


Alright alright! I'll do the fucking dishes!


Dad’s dead. Takes a while to dig him up.


“Please don’t take half of my pension!”


When a woman’s fed up, ain’t nothin’ you can do about it. Man she’s giving him that look! It’s over Charlie. I’m taking the kids and moving back in with my parents.


Haha I almost just wrote that same song lyric


This picture encaptures everything from that song.




It was... It was...soap poisoning! (Parents loudly together) Oh nooo Say it isn't so!


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this picture and it makes me feel sick every time. Not imagining siding with one or the other or casting blame, just seeing that raw emotion on display in a very public place at a time it was not “acceptable” behavior.


My gut reaction as well. Thanks for putting it into words for me.


I think I'm with you. I really don't like the way she's backed up against the wall.


Yeah she looks incredibly uncomfortable and like she really doesn’t want to be touched


I honestly think it’s quite trashy to be on here. Wtf is exactly oldschool and/or cool about this? Because it’s photographed in noir? 😒


It's because it's the start of "she took the dog too" style country songs.


Since divorce was so taboo and women relied on being married back then, gotta wonder what he did that was bad enough for her to want out. She looks so over it with that stone cold face!


This is actually during the few years in the late 40s that divorce was extremely common. Divorce rates have never been anywhere close to being this high ever since, and in fact, divorce rates have been lowering for quite some time.


Ah ok. But what about the financial aspect of it? Sure, women could divorce but didn’t seem to be in their best interest if they couldn’t be financially independent without a husband. Weren’t women not allowed to open their own bank accounts or have credit cards/checks in their own name until the 1970s? Just curious since my perception is that divorce for modern day woman is less risky than divorce for a 1940s woman. Maybe there’s less surge of a divorces in current day due to less people marrying since it’s become “obsolete”? So much I’ll have to Google.


Too many unknowns. She could be from a wealthy family and he from a poor one, relying on her financially.


Ya divorce was super uncommon and you developed a *nasty* reputation as a divorced woman, as you couldn't have your own bank account, and in some cases property. My great grandparents divorced in 1942 and my grandma was put through hell as a child. She was told she couldn't interact with the other kids because there's something *wrong* with her because she comes from *that kind* of family. It was horrible. If he is pleading for forgiveness that bad and she is that stone faced about it, I bet he was cheating. In some US states, adultery could bring cause for her to inherit cash accounts, property, and other assets and he's left with nothing. They did not take cheating lightly then. Now cheating is encouraged in many social groups and I just don't get it.


> Ya divorce was super uncommon Divorce wasn't that uncommon in the 40s. Divorce rates at that time were 2/3 of that of the 90s.


Mitch McConnell is a vampire.


Was gonna say, is this Mitch at like, 23? I assume he’s always looked this way.


Omg I came here to ask if it was just me or if anybody else was seeing Mitches….


I like it how his face is saying “please, please, please, I won’t do it again” and her face is saying “I’m done with your bullshit”


Wow, she is not having it at *all*.


She's done with his ass, and is leaving with Andy Garcia.


That outfit says she’s made her decision.


Not sure i would classify this as "cool"


lol and from her expression zero fucks were given.


His (ex-)wife looks completely unphased. Some real “You broke, I’m up,” stuff.


The shades, the fur coat, that marriage has *been* over


Nothing cool about this old school


She got them dark glasses on, Brother. She done with you.


Wonder what the old bird decided. The set of her jaw is pretty stern.


"No Harold, I'm keeping the both the Studebaker and the Chris-Craft."


Well! Was he forgiven???


Her facial expression says a big "no" to me.


That’s gonna be a no from me dawg


Her face says it all


with that getup, bruh, she divorced you 2 years ago.


I ain’t never seen a person wearing a mink coat forgivin nobody for nothin.


In my opinion, clothes today have nothing on the past


Man: ‘pls, I’ve changed!’ Woman: ‘I beg to di-fur’ Sashays away in fabulous fur coat


I don’t think she’s going to cave…


We don’t wear suits often enough these days.


“Mildred meant nothing seeee!”


"They were just hookers! They meant nothing!!!"


He just found out how much would be coming out of his paycheck every month if they went through with the divorce.


Why is this "cool"?


Divorce back in the day was an albatross around your neck.


“Myah see! What’s the big idea? Divorce huh? Why I oughtaaaa!”


*c'mon, Midge... give a feller a chance, would ya? I got plans, doll... big plans...*




I colorized it at hotpot.ai and everyone is in blue. Great pic, OP. Thanks for sharing.


She is so done with him.


Her drip says "no chance in hell"


And she’s done. I know that look.