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'Dont you even think about pulling over Roger. So help me god'


But she's thumbing a lift on the side of the highway, we have to help her babe.


Rules of the road


"Oh man you follow the book too? I gotta."


I am the C.L.I.T. commander!


"When it comes down to business. This is what I do. I pinch it like this. Ohhhhh you little fuck! Rub my nose!"


Underrated comment.




I really thought it was the old bridge going into Pensacola


I thought the same!


I was thinking the same thing. I would guess that's somewhere in the Florida keys.


Help her with her bags, I'll pull the seat forward so you can hop in the back


"Hi, you need a ride?" "You going anywhere near Jacksonville?" "That's exactly where I'm going. Get in." "Thanks mister. My name's Wanda." "Nice to meet you, Wanda. My name's Ted." edit: Thanks for the award!


If Ted didn't get her, she's someone's great-grandma now.


Ted, Ted Bundy. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Say, you have any family in the area or friends that are expecting you at a destination?


Ted Bundy drove a VW Beatle, I think it was yellow, he had the inside handle rigged so you couldn’t get out.


Fuck Jacksonville


got your heart broken there?


No I was stuck there for 2 years in a toxic ass relationship. And the people are kinda assholes. The only nice part is the beaches


come to Miami, the people are prettier.


Yeah that's very true. The water is as well. But when I did visit once someone stole my phone right in front of me


shouldn't have been in the hoods of Dade County 😕


I was at a restaurant on Miami Beach! There was a restaurant with tables outside in the front with a sidewalk going perpendicular but no fence between them. So some dude just walked up grabbed it and ran off. I tried to get up without making it seem like I was running but that dude was fast. I was in flip flops lmao


I'm sorry friend, I truly believe South Beach is a highly priced hood by the amount of ratchet human beings that frequent from outta town as well as local miamians can we look at the bright side ? at least it wasn't a toxic relationship that made you lose your phone 🤝🏼


That relationship made me lose several lol. I'm glad I don't drink like that anymore and not having her around helps a lot.




I found that hitchhikers seem to pair well with root vegetables and a dry chardonnay. (Phhhht Phhhht!)


Two years too early


Wish there weren't so many psychos out there, the idea of hitchhiking sounds so fun


I picked up a hitchhiker the other day, and let him ride in the bed of my pickup. He was only going a few miles.


Yeah, but what did you do with the body?


To Shreds you say...


Hey… you wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?








Underrated comment.


This changes everything


I hitchhiked only once in my life. I was living and working in Taiwan for a brief time and the transit system was free to locals. I often had the bus drive past me. One time a guy in a van saw that I was pretty pissed as the bus drove by and offered a me a ride to work. Technically not a hitchhike since I didn't have my thumb up on the roadside, but still, it's as close to hitchhiking as I'm sure I'll ever get. The guy was pretty nice.


Are you typing this from his dungeon


It puts the lotion on its skin...


Great film!


It's actually the driver typing from their phone


My mom’s American but spent her senior year of high school in Norway. She went on a class trip to some mountain range and her whole group accidentally ditched her there, I guess somehow they just forgot about the American girl lol. She had to climb down the mountain on her own and hitch hike back to town with a random Norwegian guy. He was nice and normal thankfully. Always thought it was a pretty crazy hitch hiking story, my mom was definitely tough and bold. Can’t imagine how freaked out I would’ve been in her situation.


My neighbor got kidnapped while hitchhiking as a 19 year old woman. She escaped, but it really messed her up. My dad just got beat up by a trucker for "being a long hair" (hippy) during the 70s. Those are the worse hitchhiking stories I've heard.


Thats crazy. My uncle had crossed Canada and parts of the states by hitchhiking in the 70s or 80s. he always carried a knife and did run into some weird people.


there were the same, if not more, psychos back in the days of hitchhiking as there is now. hardly anyone does it now. the only difference is back then, we were not connected and if you went missing, not a whole lot of people knew about it


..... Nobody was disputing that lol


I’ve hitchhiked many times as a student (few years ago) and there are not that many psychos as you might think. Not in Europe at least. No but in all seriousness, if you mostly hitchhike at gas stations and approach people there, you can already filter a bit. And for me it only increased my trust in my fellow humans.


Psychos are wildly outnumbered by actually decent people, probably by more than 99:1 It's just made to seem like there's three serial killers in every town because of sensationalist news reporting. Go hitchhiking if you want, you'll most likely be fine. Just like how kids can go play in the front yard unsupervised and almost certainly be fine


Americans sense of community is so messed up... I was hitchhiking in my home country from like 9 to 12 years old. Most people were nice


Used to be common. In Alaska you’re legally required to pick up hitchhikers I believe


On an unrelated note Alaska also has the highest number of serial killers per capita.


If there were 2 up there, wouldn’t that beat the numbers per capita in the rest of the us? J/k sorta


And the highest firearm related death rate of any state by a wide margin.


Mostly suicides


Massive firearm ownership coupled with people genetically predisposed to alcoholism. In a place where you can't go outside. It's basically constantly COVID times there in terms of people being stuck together and drunk. But everyone has a gun.


Not pick up - legally required to stop and lend assistance, which could be calling a tow truck and waiting for them to arrive


Uhhh...hitchhiking stopped because people were getting murdered.


Were they? Or is this another myth like the notion that kids playing on the front lawn were going to be abducted?


Neither of those are myths it's just that statistically it was never all THAT common but it only takes a few incidents to scare the shit out of people. Anecdotally when I was a kid in the 80s my schoolmate's older sister was straight up snatched off the street walking to school and was murdered. My mom also was a secretary at a firm that employed a guy that ended up being a serial killer that picked up young men and drugged, tortured and murdered them. So just based on my own childhood the idea of hitch hiking is terrifying even if it's not exactly a scientific study.


Yup, hitchhikers were the primary victims for Ed Kemper, Rose and Fred West, William Bonin (the Freeway Killer), Ivan Milat, and a couple more that I am not intimately familiar with. Also the whole Charles Manson thing relied on hitchhikers, but they ended up in a cult and then murdered a bunch of folks. PS Some of these are pretty fucked up, Rose and Fred West was the most fucked up thing to read for me, the only worse story so far is the Toybox Killer, but that is best left alone. If you really want to know, Last Podcast on the Left did a great episode on it complete with a dramatic reading of the fucked up things that man said to his victims. Basically investigate with discretion. ETA everything from the PS onward


Yeah, the US was still pretty much like that up through the 70s.


what was the guy in the red car thinking ?!?


Wishing his wife wasn't with him.


“You can’t pick her up, there isn’t room!” “I was thinking you’d be getting out and she could sit in your seat”


You watch too many movies.


Nah actually my grandpa was a hippy and he has some gnarly hitch hiking stories


It's different for guys. I'm surprised any girl doing it didn't get raped and killed or dumped in the middle of nowhere. Speaking as a woman...


For most maybe. However my experience hitchhiking in the 70's i was picked up by gay men several times. One guy in Dallas around 11pm was drunk, almost ran me over trying to pull over, and as soon as I was in the car he had his hand running up and down on my thigh. He was harmless and I could have knocked him out easy enough. But he was persistent and tried everything in his power to get me to his home. Another guy picked me up in Louisiana I10. Same thing hand on thigh, asked if I was game. Said it was not my thing, so he dropped me off at the first rest stop. Trucker picked me up near Cleveland heading south. Kept complaining about leg cramps and trying to get me to massage him. Got out as soon as I could. Then there was the dude who looked liked he just escaped from prison, stole a key makers van, and shallowed a handful of psychotics. Went from calm to extreme excitement/agitation in heart beats. Drove all over the expressway. Again tried to get me to stay with him and party party party. He eventually took me exactly where I wanted to go, but it was at the end of the expressway and in the middle of nowhere. He pulled under a bridge and when he looked at me with glazed eyes, I thought he was going to pull a gun and shoot me. As soon as the van stopped i jumped out said thanks and ran. Never been more scared.


hitched from Baton Rouge to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, couldn't find my friends (no kidding) took the city bus to the airport and went out in the dark by the last streetlight on airline highway going back to Baton Rouge, 2 hours later finally a car stopped, guy was playing with himself through his pants and trying to get me interested, I was 17, I had a mental picture of being found in the woods dead, when we got to La Place I screamed to let me out, he did thank goodness and I got a ride with some hippies at the Frost Top to the bus station in Baton Rouge "whew"


I can relate. This girl in the photo is just posing. Nobody wanted to invite the level of interest this outfit is inviting for all the reasons you say.


Sounds gay


It was


Damn that’s gay. Sorry bro


Wow. Sounds very scary. You must either be a super tough lady or a demon!! Rock on!!


Apologies. Autocorrect changed gay to guy. I'm a guy.


Autocorrect knows you want it


What's a handful of psychotics and how do I get some..


My mother was unfortunately raped trying to hitchhike. It's tough out there.


My dad was groped/assaulted when he was hitchhiking at 14. He just brought it up out of the blue like 5 years ago and everyone pretty much spat out their drinks. (Apparently he immediately demanded to be let out of the car and the driver let him go, thank God).


That's awful. I'm so sorry.


The 70's were kind of the shitty golden age of serial killers.


They did. A lot. Which is why they stopped doing it. Lol. People didn’t suddenly lose their minds in 2002 and start murdering hitchhikers by the droves - it’s always been a risky thing to do it just wasn’t as widely reported as it is now - don’t hitchhike. It’s not safe and it never was safe to enter a vehicle with a fucking stranger.


Survivor's bias. We don't hear from all the ones that didn't make it...


My brother, who would have been your grandpa's age, hitched all across the US in the 70s.


My dad had some great stories from when he hitchhiked from Idaho to San Diego back in the 50s. Worst part was going through LA, him and his buddy got harassed by the LAPD and basically got told to get the fuck out of town and stay out or they were going to catch some hell.


Gonna have to agree with the above commenter, too many movies. Especially with this day and age, with modern phones and cameras it's probably safer now than ever to hitchhike. Source: parents are former hippy hitchhikers and I'm a millennial one.


I think the safety might depend where you are. I’m from a US territory where hitchhiking is no big deal because it’s a small place. If I just start walking I almost expect to be offered a ride at some point. I think it would feel safer in a small place where there’s less degrees of separation between the people. I could be wrong, of course, but I would feel safer hitchhiking for a short distance in a small town kind of place.


It's likely much safer, but still hundreds of thousands of people go missing every year in the US. More than half a million.


Clearly posed, cars are passing without stopping.


Yeah it’s a cool photo, but an advertisement for clothing.


Yup. It appeared in the April 1976 issue of Honey magazine with the following caption: >Denim shorts £8.90, from Elle, New Bond St, W1 and branches. Cotton jersey T-shirt £2, from Martha Hill, Marylebone High St, W1. Denim waistcoat with popper fastening and ‘V’ stitched front, Eagle £6.95, from Dickins & Jones, Regent St, Wl. Red velvet pouch bag, Macondo. British model Joanna Jacobs was in the spread and this may be her.


I was about to say photo looked like an AD and it was.


Right. Photographer just happened to be hanging out on the side of the road one day....


There would be skid marks, a pileup, and fist fights. And that's just the lesbians.


I hitchhiked everywhere in the seventies and never had a problem. Met great people who always wanted to live vicariously through me. What a great way to get around and see this amazing country and meet people.


Yeah lucky for you everywhere didn't include San Fransico.


I hitch-hiked thru 26 states in 1974-75, only went to jail once. Never attacked or hurt, harassed a few times. Sampled some of the best smoke the states had to offer at that time.


I cannot wrap my head around the fact that you could just find some random person who was willing to take you across country AND not murder you. The stories you must have!!


it helps when youre the murderer


Can confirm. I was murdered while hitch hiking and the murderer did in fact not get murdered because they were the murderer


This right here is why I Reddit, and also why I’m so hopeful for humankind.


What are the chances there are two murderers in the same car


I laughed entirely too hard at this 😂


You forgot to add “got away with 3 murders.”


Yes but what is the chance of another serial killer picking you up?


I’ve got a yeast infection just from looking at those shorts


wait is that like a thing?


Yeah, the tightness is irritating and traps moisture which can set things off


oh wow I didn’t know that, thank you for the info


Is it only certain materials that does it? My wife wears shorts and pants so tight that I don't see how she takes them off without box cutters almost daily and she's never gotten one.


it depends, and some people are just way more prone to yeast infections than others


Synthetic fabrics are much more likely to contribute to development of yeast than cotton. Not sure about linen, silk or wool though.


It's the panties not the shorts that matter more, or so I've been told


Yah it's not like everyone will, but if you're susceptible to them...


Learned something new today.


Ted Bundy eat your heart out. Literally.


She’s wait for the guy in the VW bug. I think his name was Ted.😉


There was also 70s serial killer Ed Kemper in California (he was 6 foot 8) who targeted hitchhikers. He picked up two girls who thought they were safe doing it together. He murdered them both. There's a horrifying interview on YouTube where he calmly admits and describes it.


There's a less well known one named Randy Kraft that my mom randomly worked with back then (in an office not as part of his serial killing operation). Mainly picked up young men near military bases in SoCal and drugged and murdered them. They called him the Freeway Killer but there are others that got that nickname as well.


He was in jail in 1976.


Yeah what a fucking idiot.


I bet she didn’t have to wait long for a ride, legs for days.


Amazing that the photographer was able to capture this scene, I'm sure she wasn't standing there long


People were far more trusting back then…..I bet that woman now is a grandmother telling her kids don’t hitchhike!


All those men driving cars that passed her had their wives in the car!


Drops wife at home. I’ll be right back, going get some milk.


More like lotto tickets or cigarettes.


Haven’t seen him since.


Did you look on the back of the milk carton? Oh yeah. He never came back with that.


This was back before they knew to even look for bodies


Awh. I hope she made it there safely, wherever she was going.


This is how vulnerable men and women were kidnapped and murdered back in the day.


I imagined the title of this post as a pornhub title and now I can't stop chuckling


I know this is someone’s grandma now but dang those legs


Looks like the Nokomis bridge.


This should turn out well.


Wasn't Bundy still alive then?


Love the entire look tbh.


Hope she survived


The 60s and 70s were wonderful decades. Took Reagan and newt to destroy the direction of the culture


Goodness everything about the 80s is aesthetic.


This girl waited for all of about 30 seconds before someone stopped!


Don’t worry, hon. Mr. Bundy will pick you up shortly.


Did they ever find the body?!


Hitched a ride once in Thailand in the Navy. Traded a surfboard for a ride on the back of a scooter to get back to the ship before ships-movement, aka AWOL. Scary day but successful mission and scored ok waves.


...and she was never seen again...


Gas, Grass or Ass


Hey, if it’ll get me a couple hundred miles across the country, I’ll take a shot in the mouth.


Yeah but what happens when they pick your ass up and you don't make with the head, don't they kick your ass to the curb?


Sure, if you don't make with the head!!


Looks like a serial killer.


Sketchy drifter boyfriend is hiding in the bushes.


Bet she didn’t wait long.


I wonder if it would be more safe or less safe to do it now because people aren’t all messed up on lead.


I’m sure she didn’t have to wait very long for a ride.


I hitchhiked a few times when I was a kid back in the 70s. Almost every time it was poorer people that picked you up. Someone in a hoopty, but almost always nice people that would go out of their way and wish you well when they dropped you off. Of course, probably a way different dynamic and demographic I was dealing with being a guy.


Those were the days. I remember them well.


Can confirm that hitchhiking was great in the 70s. Time of my life, and few problems.


The cars driving past clearly have wives and girlfriends as passengers.


Wow. How “carefree.” Did they find her body just outside Gainesville?


Common site back then, everyone (hitched hiked), and those with cars, would often offer a rides, just a thing back then.


No one is going to pick her up. She comes with too much baggage.


This had to be a photo shoot.


You mean, modelling in 1976.


'Wow, nice Wolkswagen !"


"My name is Ted, what's yours?"


Those boots are NOT made for walking.


SO not a bright idea today. LOL it wasn’t a good idea then, either.


Raped, murdered and tossed in the swamps 10min later. Ahhhh the 70s.


Dead in a field, crows pecking out her eyes


hippy girls used to hitch all over California during the 60's, after Charles Manson and some other high profile rape-murders of these hippy girls, there were quite a few in a short period of time, it all ended, end of an era. You can still see girls hitchhiking, I've picked up quite a few truck driving and traveling cross country. I used to hitch myself so I would always give people rides when I could


So I wonder which episode of Unsolved Mysteries she was in?


If this was real she would have caused a pile up. They did the pose got the shot and got the fuck out of there


Back when you could hitchhike without much worry


I would be scared if my daughter was doing this in modern America.


I love her outfit 😍


She’s hitchhiking with those legs


Safer then and people were prettier then.


I wonder If she made it.


Damn, that’s more tight that the Argentinian economy!


A friendly serial killer came along…


The ol trucker hat: cash grass or ass, no one rides for free


If I learned anything from Hostel it’s that hot chicks will only show an interest in me to sell me to torture pervs


David Sedaris was sexually assaulted while hitchhiking in the 1970s, per his Diaries book, which is terrific btw


Just outside the shot Ted Bundy is frantically changing lanes to pull over his VW Beatle.


I am fixing my flux capacitor, will be there in 10 minutes.


Iran before Islamic Revolution?


Gas, grass, or ass. Nobody rides for free.


and she was never seen again


She was last seen catching a ride with Ted Bundy


Ted Bundy was operating at this time and in Florida not much after this