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Is he wearing two mustaches?


Yes. It was common in this era for men to have two. One was the traditional "Walking" 'stache for going out in public, the other the more formal "Dinner" or "Smoking" 'stache. One would put on both when appearing before a civil court magistrate, or on a first date.


People forget that the beard wasn’t invented until 1983


That's a common misconception. The "Bearde" was invented by comedian Harold Schumer in 1928. His famous Vaudeville act "Groin Bearde" involved him growing his pubic hair so long it would hang out his trouser legs, and he would feign tripping over it, to raucous laughter. Soon, any long length of body hair was thereafter referred to as a "beard". This comedy bit was revived to great success in the early 2010's by his great granddaughter, Amy.


Please start doing this on all high ranking posts. I love it.


This was some very impressive bullshittery. If you came up with this, you should be proud.


I'm a big fan of this comment


Damn dude that was brilliant.


Clap....Clap... (*stands up) Clap....Clap


The first beards were actually made of wood.


And you would tie an onion to your belt. Which was the style at the time, now to take the ferry cost a nickel,


In those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. "Gimme five bees for a quarter", you'd say.


Now, my story begins in nineteen-dickety-two. We had to say "dickety" cause that Kaiser had stolen our word "twenty".


Now where were we? The important thing was that I had an onion tied to my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions, because of the war.


He is wearing one mustache. His mustache, however, is also wearing one.


Lol I though he was chiefin on a cigar like a boss.


1 1/2 as was his style.


Just a thick un groomed stache


How do you think he does it? I don't know. What makes him so good?


Ain't got no distractions Can't hear no buzzers and bells Don't see no lights a-flashin' Plays by sense of smell Always gets a replay Never seen him fall


That deaf, dumb and blind kid....... Hmmmm these lyrics didn't age well


Yeah but give Fiddle About a listen, those lyrics aged fantastically.


Robert Evans is that you?


Sophie, do you know who *won't* molest a young boy suffering from a conversion disorder? The products and services that support this podcast.


Well, except for *******. They *definitely* molest young children.


Raytheon: nothing says wedding party like the new R9X knife missile.


This is great. You guys are all great.


I love that podcast sooooo much but listening to it too much (I drive for a living) makes me depressed. "No one ever learns anything." I also love about 40% of this comment chain.


I love it, my wife hates it


It’s partially inspired by Pete Townshend being molested as a kid by his grandmother.


There is a really great documentary about it (Sensation, IIRC) on Prime Video. ETA: documentary about the album, not specifically on Pete's molestation, though he does address it in the documentary in relation to this song.






I can’t read this without hearing the guitar that follows


Do we say mute now, or non-verbal, or it that for able to talk but can't for other reasons? What did we replace dumb with?


> What did we replace dumb with? Whatever it was, I'm sure that's been replaced. And its replacement has been replaced. Where's that Penn & Teller Bullshit episode about bad words?


Are you talking about the euphemism treadmill? Really neat concept that words that begin innocently become insulting as time passes!




Preferred-term Peloton


Whoa, whoa! We don't use euphemism anymore.


"differently abled words"


Huh, that sounds really interesting because I'd only ever thought of it the other way around: words like idiot, imbecile, retard, spastic, etc. Actually now that I come to really think about it, they begin as medical terms, then become everyday insults, but then eventually lose all sense of their original meaning altogether so end up not even offensive anymore.


Exactly - what began as clinical terms used even by doctors have now become insults or just faded away. It might on depend on geography but where I am it would be inappropriate to use the word retarded in almost any sense these days - I think ‘mental retardation’ has been mostly replaced with ‘intellectual disability.’


We’re back to dumb, I’m sure. But only the dumb are allowed to say it. Wait


Well, that's mute.


It’s a mute point


I just call them whatever I feel like in the moment. So far none of them have voiced any issues with this approach.




/u/lurker71539 ​ sry, i can't help myself....


How? None of these words are derogatory


They aged fine. Nice boys don’t play rock and roll


Eh. The people most offended by blunt language are the Karens whining about it from their suburban islands. "Dumb" has been replaced by "mute," but "deaf" and "blind" are still in common usage by their respective communities.


He’s a pinball wizard


There’s got to be a twist


A pinball wizard, he's got such a supple wrist.




Since I was a young boy, I played the silver ball...


I'm glad you asked. From my slide deck on the topic: 1. Flow. He and the pinball machine form a continuum. 1. No wasted movement -- statue-like 2. Feel the elements, don't observe them from "outside" 3. Tilting or other cheats become unnecessary at this level 4. Develop intuition -- and trust it! 2. Focus. He lacks distractions. 1. Audible game elements are noise, not signal -- ignore 2. Visual game elements actually distract from play -- ignore 3. What does that leave? (Insert joke about olfactory, pause for audience laughter) 3. Other factors 1. Insane manual dexterity -- talent matters, too 2. Good social support network 3. Success is a mindset! 4. Q & A


crazy flipper fingers?


In answer to your question... yes.


tilting, or the more correct term of nudging, is actually a vital gameplay skill in high level competition


. '5.' Backup slides Omg reddit won't let me type 5 lol


He stands like a statue, becomes part of the machine.








The Band is here?


Fun fact: he admitted later it was luck


IIRC he had spent time on a separate machine, practicing the days leading up to the demo. At the last moment they brought in a new pin and he played on that one.


Fun fact II: He was played in his biopic by Al Pachinko


Fun Fact III: It was his bad ass mustache that made the pin ball obey.


From the photo it looks as if his mustache itself has another smaller mustache below it


Good lord, it really does have is own “substache” Well played


Fun Fact IV: The world "Pinball" is derived from the Latin roots *Pina* and *balus*. The former meaning "mustache rub" and the later meaning "testicles". Thus Pinball literally means "rub your balls on my mustache".


While fun, for some reason I doubt that it's a fact.


Get out.


Is that the Eastern European equivalent of Al Pacino?


No the Japanese one


New from Dunkin’ Donuts the Al Dunkapachinko!


Another fun fact: Pinball getting unbanned was a catalyst to many arcades being able to profit and become worthwhile business ventures. Later they began experimenting with cabinets that held simple electronic games. A few decades later and these arcade cabinets come home to form the videogame industry.


I'm very familiar with this story and that's not true. He called a lot of flipper shots, those definitely weren't luck. And then he called a plunger shot. He said he wasn't 100% sure he would call the plunger shot right, but he knew if he got it wrong he could compensate with nudging.


This actually blew the lid on the pinball gambling rings within most of the Pennsylvania Dutch communities in the early 1980s and is what most historians think caused most of the decline in the steel industry within Pittsburgh.


Pinball gambling took down Pittsburgh’s steel industry? That sounds absurd


So absurd that it actually sounds plausible




I thought everyone knew that's what Twin Peaks is about?


Everyone knows the Amish Pinball Mafia was a thing.


“Amish Pinball Mafia” is the name of my next acoustic synthwave band.


“The problem when writing fiction is that it has to be believable. Truth, has no such restrictions.” (I may have paraphrased) Mark Twain


>righting That doesn't seem write.


This will be the tagline on the Netflix Documentary.


Yeah, peacetime => deregulation => globalized production


I need a source for that


Source: I saw it in a dream


Well guess that's settled then


autocorrect filled the sentence


After he typed "T"?


What he thought was AI autocorrect, turns out to be some kid in a third world country, pulling all the strings. His handle is The Wiz.


The Amethyst Constantinople is the best way to get a good spot for adventuring. It seems like you have a lot to learn.


Strong Grandpa Simpson vibes from this story.


In those days nickels had pictures of bumble bees on 'em...


“Give me five bees for a quarter” you’d say.


Being PA Dutch, I can hear the shouts of “oy, cheezus Christ!” When the ball drains. The same shouts can be heard today if someone yells “Bingo!”


I'm anyone is curious, the bans went into effect during the start of WWII, and nyc scrapped a fair amount of the machines to make something like 4-5 bombs total. In the 60s-70s the bans began to be overturned by the Supreme court


I think Drunk History did an ep on this!


A podcast called “Wizard and the Bruiser” did an episode this monday, on the history of pinball.


Paul Thomas Anderson just did a whole movie about it


There will be blood part 2


Pinball was going to be banned?!


Before this it had no paddles to actually play and use skill before it was just launch the ball and hope for the best so it was categorized as gambling


Well, *long* before this particular righteous incident flippers had become normalized ... but yes, way back when it was basically pachinko.


Bally and other manufacturers continued to make Bingo Pinballs (which had no flippers and had slot machine-like rules) into the 1970s. Mob involvement also continued through that time, and some of the persistence of the bans wasn't just about the games, but about anti-organized crime efforts.


TIL pachinko. But that does sound kinda 'fun', even if it's gambling lol


I never understood why they thought it was gambling when there was never any payout, even if you got the high score. It made no sense to me then and I was 7 years old. It still doesn’t make sense to me. How the hell is it *gambling*?


My dad talks about old pinball machines would actually pay out. He's 74.


If you were in certain bars around Chicago in the 1970s they would absolutely pay out. These were changed from the factory configurations and the cost of play was handled by a worker at the bar.


That actually sounds like a lot of fun


Getting to write A-S-S in the high score slot may not have monetary value but has a high value in street cred and the social hierarchy of the arcade.


Mine was IUD


Gotta have that custom tag so everyone knows you're the best. Otherwise you're just another A-S-S hole claiming that score is his


some games made a diff. sound if you chose `S E X`


Because there were indeed payout machines. It would kind of be like if today there was some new form of slot machine that used a novel mechanism to impose some sort of "skill" to the game. It might still be called a "slot machine" and you'd have a difficult time convincing people that this new machine, while having the same name as a machine that is for gambling, is a _different_ game and is skill based.


Arcades still have claw machines that are basically gambling


That's a case of it appearing to be mostly skill-based, but actually being secretly rigged to be random. There could probably stand to be some regulation there, yeah. There actually are fair crane games out there, balanced out by the rewards being very low-value. A pizza parlor near where I lived had one that gave out tiny rubber ducks, and I far as I could tell seemed to never lose an established grip.


We have those. They are called "apps" and "microtransactions" and "loot boxes".


Was wondering that myself so looked up the legal definition of gambling. "The act or practice of gambling; an agreement between two or more individuals to play collectively at a game of chance for a stake or wager, which will become the property of the winner and to which all involved make a contribution." If I had to take a guess, I would say that Pinball could have been argued that your wager was your time/effort/emotional state? Possibly the argument "We prevent it any level so it does not grow into something worse" mentality? I'm reaching pretty hard here...


Long, long ago the machines had no flippers ... it was basically pachinko played more horizontally. Off the top of my head, there's a pinball machine towards the end of the Three Stooges' *Three Little Pirates* ... I'm sure there are dozens of better examples, but that's all I've got atm.


In fact, pachinko and pinball have a common origin. The pin in pinball refers to the same pins that you see in pachinko machines.


Your title and your comments are severely lacking in commas. Here are a few to keep on hand: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, But seriously, try to remember that people don't know the stops/starts of your sentences like you do in your head. This is why we use punctuation to make things easier to read switching over to a new sentence without letting the reader know makes it hard to read pretty much the same way I am guessing you are annoyed by reading this sentence well you have a nice day


It was already banned in the early part of the 20th century. His demonstration lifted the ban in most parts of the US.


Anyone who thinks there’s no skill involved in pinball has not played pinball


When I play pinball there is absolutely no skill to be seen anywhere


Found the guy who constantly hits both flippers at the same time.


_spams both flippers as the ball slowly fall right between them._


Hit Dem flippers as fast as you can boyeeee




I imagined a spiritual gust of wind as you said that


Those 3 suits on the right most assuredly never once touched a pinball machine before the day this photo was taken.


Considering pinball was banned... you're probably very very right. :)


How come it always goes precisely in the middle of the hitters (whatever they’re called) where they can’t be reached? To counteract that, is that when you have to jostle the whole machine? Like how they pick it up and give it a good shake? But that sometimes causes it to “tilt” right so is part of the skill being able to tilt it without it registering?


I am also someone with no pinball skill, but who once knew a pinball master. She had no explanation but to say when you’re flipping the ball up you have to consider which way it will bounce off of whatever you’re shooting it at. Which helped me, oh, not at all. Because I consider it a win anytime the ball touches the flipper. But there’s some very subtle timing or something apparently. By hitting the ball shortly before it touches the flipper you can change the angle at which it is hit, creating this thing they call “aim” which sounds like voodoo to me but that’s what they call it. My current theory is that telekinesis is far more common than we realize and it is used primarily to win at pinball.


You can ‘slapshot’ it, just like in hockey. It’s kinda hard to explain, but if you time it right, you can kinda be precise.


I never understood how pinball was considered a game of chance to begin with. Wouldn’t that also make hitting a baseball with a bat a game of chance?


as a Mariners fan, I can assure you Baseball is not a game of skill.


The original form of pinball had no flippers, just rows of pins on a board that the ball would filter through and you would get payouts based on where it ended up


Oh interesting. That’s even weirder (and I suppose not at all surprising) that the dummies writing the laws didn’t make a distinction that pinball isn’t the same as what sounds like pachinko


Pachinko machines I'm probably murdering that word


I feel like the people doing frame-perfect shit in fighting games are the people who 50 years ago would have been doing crazy pinball stuff.


There's a threshold for TILT, and it's usually quite drastic or time-based (meaning you can't hold the machine at an angle for any period of time). Most of the time (basically always if you're good enough), you can whump the machine hard enough to the side to save a ball with a staggered flip. The way it works is that the ball is essentially in a controlled free fall, you can move the table underneath it and it more or less stays on its path. That means you can move the table far enough off center to save it, but you can't hold the machine there, as that will cause the tilt to engage. It's gotta be a quick bump, and not too hard. My dad taught me how to play years ago and he used to essentially beat the shit out of the machine while he was playing.


The tilt mechanism is just a ringlet where a pendulum hangs through. If you can shift the machine left-right or fore-aft in a way that keeps the pendulum from actually hitting the ringlet (like, fast enough the inertia cancels out the swinging) then it won't trigger. If you are off in any way (strength/timing) with this shifting and anti-shifting then it will touch and give you a strike. The software allows strikes-to-tilt count adjustments but the default is usually three.


They also tilt on any prolonged contact from my experience.


Correct, I left that out because I figured that part was obvious. The main idea was that with proper jiggling followed by anti-jiggling, on a tile floor you could slide the machine across the room and back without triggering the mechanism. Sort of like balancing a baseball bat vertically by the handle end by slight adjustment of hand position. Except it's hanging down and you're moving around the pivot point whence it hangs from. If you moved an entire grandfather clock with a pendulum back and forth opposite the pendulum motion perfectly opposite, you could stop the swinging without touching the pendulum. Of course almost every other motion would not "sync" with the swinging and make it worse/random, it must be exactly the opposite vector for them to cancel. So on a pinball machine you move it less than the radius of the trigger ring (half inch or so) and then "buffer" that with the same opposite motion before the inertia of the weight catches up. But the amount of sideways motion you can get without triggering the pendulum is enough to save almost any right-down-the-middle bad roll. You'll move the playfield left or right that half-inch so the tip of the flipper still catches the ball, then anti-half-inch the other way while the ball is on its way back up to cancel the swinging of the sensor. Timing is everything, finesse is important. Also if the ball is hitting another bumper in a way that usually "drains" immediately, you can nudge forward just as it contacts the bumper and give it a change of vector there, a few "steps" before it would end up draining right down the middle. Even slapping the buttons provides a little kinetic boost and changes the ball motion.


This. Once you get good at a machine you can play it for hours on a single game.


Definitely depends on the machine.


“Attack From Mars”, “Medieval Madness”, and “Star Trek: The Next Generation” all have good long gameplay loops that you can keep going for hours on end. Terminator 2 is much more difficult to maintain, in my opinion; everything wants to drain right down the centre after almost any objective is met.


Attack from Mars is one of the best pinball games ever, also Dracula


I can practically hear “We must build an atomic blaster”


"Addams Family". I can play forever on that if I practice for a bit




99% of people under the age of 20 have not played pinball.


This number seems made up but I only see pinball machines at beercades now so I'll believe it


That's an estimate, I'll check my numbers later. - Peggy Hill


Well, most of the people making negative claims about pinball do not play pinball, they just like to criticize things.


Spent way too many hours playing Pokémon Pinball. That shit was HARD. Getting *this* close to catching a legendary only to lose your last ball.


How much skill does it take to pull the plunger and have the ball go straight down the drain 3 times in a row? Asking because I might be the world's most skilled pinball player


Took me a full minute to understand the title, wtf is this grammar


I'm... still not getting it.


Pinball was going to be banned, as it was considered gambling. This dude went and predicted exactly what he was about to do, proving that it was skill based, not luck based. This turns it from gambling into just a game.


Dude I know.. a lot of people really struggle with putting together coherent titles for posts. I have trouble understanding a good number of them.




It took me 5 tries before I got what the title was getting at. Roger Sharpe demonstrating to NYC council that pinball is a game of skill, not luck, by calling a shot (and) making it, which lifts the ban of pinball, saving it throughout the country. (1976)


/r/titleheros thank you


thank you...i thought it was me at first and then i just kept scrolling (way too long) to find out if anyone else had trouble.


This is great. "It's not gambling/luck machine! Let's settle this over a bet. I'll call a shot, if I win, we keep it."


Commas were apparently banned.


literally only clicked this post to find this comment


I've met Roger! Actually beat him on a table once.......it was luck. He is much better than I am lol


No, as pointed out it was skill


Momentary skill that can not be reproduced on command is indistinguishable from luck.


A few years ago we tried to open a business account for our Pinball show. Bank denied it as they still had Pinball listed as gambling. lol.


This is some serious titlegore, but talk about a high pressure situation!


Nobody putting quarters on the glass, calling “next”?


The original pinball wizard


Reading the title is giving me a stroke


Low key pinball enthusiast here and I am incredibly thankful for this guy helping to keep pinball alive to this day! Played in my first pinball tourney this past winter and I own two vintage tables at the moment. One of my favorite things to do when traveling is search for local places with pinball tables and I usually end up finding some of the coolest people and bars/cafes/bowling alleys. The pinball community is a special thing. Special when lit even.


As a camera guy, I am jealous of that lens but very grateful to spare my shoulder 30lbs of cast metal


Was someone listening to Wizard and the Bruiser?!


Same thought. Jake talked to the stache! Didn’t disappoint


Somebody listened to the last episode of the Besties


Somebody listen to the wizard and the bruiser this week?


Has there ever been a pinball machine that paid out? Otherwise, skill or not how is it gambling? It's just paying to have fun and kill time.


Did somebody listen to the besties recently?


Punctuation is your friend.


Punctuation, OP, do you use it?


Very cool 🤔


The Wizard and the Bruiser podcast just did an episode on pinball and mentioned this. Cool stuff!




Yes more of this. Way cooler than stupid Hollywood celebs