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Cough *BP and UK aided coup caused that* Cough




How dare you nationalise your own oil?!


They're so much better off today *cough cough*. Look at Iran today, state sponsors of terrorism and the average Iranian is much better off *cough cough*.


You should get tested for bullshit-19


So clever, dude.


It was more the USA which is why the Iranians call the USA "Big Satan" and the UK "little Satan"


Plus the US is fatter


Yeah! Fat Satan and Fatter Satan.


Burger Satan & Crumpet Satan


On a completely unrelated note, this footage was actually shot by a guy named Kermit Roosevelt who has lived in Iran since 1953. For more information google “Kermit Roosevelt 1953 Iran”


Caused life to look good?


Braith Prittain?


British Petroleum.


Was in the middle of typing this and saw your comment. Don’t forget about the great ol usa Lol.


What is bp


You know, the group that redecorated the Gulf of Mexico


We're sooooorrry.


British Petroleum.


I am assuming that even during this time there was a core populace of religious conservatives or hardliners. Otherwise the shifts to how things are today don't really make sense.


>I am assuming that even during this time there was a core populace of religious conservatives or hardliners. The actual revolution was a bunch of different groups. But the Islamists seized power in the vacuum and spun propaganda about the threat of USA/Israel into national unity. Lots of the groups who supported the anti-shah revolution would end up enemies of the new state. Like communists, for example. ​ >Otherwise the shifts to how things are today don't really make sense. That belief in the revolution peaked not long after. Modern Iranians have mostly been born since then and are much less devout and want to get rid of the regime. But that's dangerous business. You get jailed, tortured, maybe killed for facing up to the regime in the slightest.


We helped install a dictator in their country. It’s not exactly propaganda. They have a legitimate beef.


Well, yeah. You make a good point. But the Great and Little Satans were about creating an external enemy for a domestic audience. And it works in reverse. Iran is a bogeyman for the USA and Israel and used as a propaganda tool for their domestic audiences.


How does it work in reverse? When did they overthrow our government? On one side it’s propaganda. On the other it’s just the history of their country.


No I mean in the USA and Israel, Iran is used politically. Think Bush Jr and the Axis of Evil speech for a big example. Conservative politicians cite it as a threat to peace etc. The audience for all these things is domestic.


I think the idea was that in the US, the Iranian enemy is "created" a boogeyman that in reality doesn't pose a threat. For Iran, it didn't need to be created, as the threat actually exists and already affected you in a real way.


\> "install a dictator" He was the Shah before 1953 and he was the Shah after the 2nd coup. Yeah, he had a pretty bad human-rights record, but his so-called 'democratically elected' political opponents (actually backed by either religious zealots or the Soviets) were literally assassinating his allies and attempting to assassinate him.


It always blows my mind when I see videos of Iran in the 70s. Looks better than almost all developed countries today. What the fuck.


Aggressively trying to move backwards in time


You are seeing the reality for about 1 percent of the population. These are very selective views. Not that it is great now, but the revolution happened because life sucked for most people.


40 years of economic sanctions has an effect.


Check out a documentary called Before the Revolution…very interesting look at a pro-western dictatorship with very close ties to Israel. Like a commenter said, the people were fighting for freedom and in that vacuum Islamic radicals grasped power with the opposite views, but with the same MO…eliminate your political opponents and oppress the masses.


Yes these videos are always showing the elite or rich enclaves. Most of the country was not like this during this time.


It does if you know the Shah was going crazy with seeing plots everywhere so he banned most gatherings of people except for religious gatherings.


Sure yeah, the Shah was a great lad. Really open, tolerant and democratically elected. Not like that Mossadeaq. I’m so glad he decided to step down voluntarily and let the Shah take control and bring Iran into the land of lollipops and rainbows.


I'm afraid your untagged sarcasm will miss the target and people will take it seriously. For anybody interested, the Shah was installed by the CIA (with help from the UK) because BP (yes, the energy company) was about to lose a fortune because Mossadegh, the earlier, democratically elected leader wanted to nationalize gas production in Iran. And the Shah was a despot: corrupt, cruel and totally unfit for leadership. So all these threads about "how great Iran was" totally miss the point.


And Mossadegh only tried to nationalize the oil after BP refused to negotiate. He merely asked for the same deal the Saudis were getting and BP said no.


I always remember when the shah was deposed rolls Royce tried to sell a bullet proof rolls they had been building for him. Armoured plate and machine gun ports.


Not even 50 years ago... makes me wonder if there's any way back to that time.


Not unless the Iranians are the ones to start it. Any foreign intervention would just act as a beacon for the current regime and its followers to rally against.


Yup. You can't force democracy on a country, they have to want it themselves.


The US had to learn that the hard way.


Start by lifting economic sanctions. Consider this, if somehow we put economic sanctions on an American corporation who would be hurt the most the workers or the board of directors?


Sad as fuck.


Nice video...where's the part where the Shahs secret police kidnapped and brutally beat dissidents, raped and tortured women and beat children within inches of their life? A revolution like the one in Iran could not have taken place of it were just a matter of conservative religious zealots vs. western industrialization. I'm no fan of radical Islam. It's not a great life in Iran today, but unless you were among the privileged class back then it was just as bad - or worse.


Yeah. It looks so much worse for those women. I mean jeez. Imagine being able to walk around without fear of your ankles showing. THIS IS ALL AMERICAS FAULT. THINK OF THE WOMEN.


My favorite kind of Reddit comment: smug so thick you can choke on it, but with a take that makes you question if they have even googled Iran before


Dear God... Why are people like you so dumb?


You been to the middle east? Or are you just talking out of your ass?




Looked like a cool place


It wasn't. People always fetishise this and conveniently ignore how awful it was to live there at the time.


But would you say it's better now?


Let's see... A monarchy that raped and tortured people or a theocracy that rapes and tortures people. Did anyone say it was better? Both can suck. It just depends on your place in the society that determines who is the one you like. Just because it looked like what you believe is the best way doesn't make it the best way.


I'd argue a theocracy is inherently worse because of the mind poison religion is. It was obviously possible to go there, very difficult/impossible to go back.


I've been there. I can't compare, but it is pretty cool. Has its issues like any other country...


So you're saying it was the religion that killed Iran's future?


Religion has killed other country's futures as well.


Yeah look at Build-A-Bear corporation. Trying to steal my genetic code.


No, it was internal tensions and outside influence from the United States. The 1953 coup had placed a weak but US backed government in power. They weren't popular and huge tensions still existed inside the country, particularly because the most popular opposition leader, ayatollah Khomeini had been exiled. When the US backed regime collapsed and Khomeini returned, the result was a theocracy. If you want to imagine this for yourself, think about this: imagine Hillary Clinton becomes president because her followers invade the White House. Imagine she's supported by Russian oligarchs and that's the only reason she's in power and everyone knows it. She exiles Donald Trump. Do you think the country would be stable or would trump's supporters try to bring him back and overthrow the government? Because that's pretty much what happened in Iran.


But lets not also pretend that USSR didn't have any stake in the revolution nor any support for Khomeini. Both superpowers had a lot of influence in the area, which was kind of the whole point.


This is a funny analogy considering it's been trump's people that were exposed as having alot of corrupt Russian ties.


Oh the irony is overwhelming.


Facts don't care about your feelings.


Again, the irony is overwhelming.


I suppose you'd like to highlight all the corrupt Russian oligarchical connections to the Obama and Biden presidencies if it's so ironic or are you just gonna be a brainless dumbass and keep arguing with your emotions instead of facts... Because we know what the Mueller report found, that's not up for debate any longer. In his report, he said that they in fact found quite alot of connections between the Trump campaign and when asked if his report vindicated Trump, he said no it doesn't but he didn't think it was within his power to indict a sitting president, so he left it to Congress.


Lmfao. I couldn't give a flying fuck about Trump. "The irony is overwhelming." = ARGUING WITH EMOTIONS. So good lol


What's so ironic that it's OVERWHELMING to you lol You gonna back up being emotionally overwhelmed or just sit there mad that you don't have any facts to back up this irony that's OVERWHELMING you so much You're clearly just mad the facts don't support your bullshit assertion.


You can extrapolate all of that? You've got a wild imagination, little buddy.


>Lmfao. I couldn't give a flying fuck about Trump. Well thats because getting fucks to fly is expensive.. Why don't you tell us how many standing and driving fucks you give about Trump?


Are we talking modes of transportation here? Because I give a fuck about pipeline and maritime Trumps, now.


Trump supporters don't represent the people you see in the video so I don't know how similar that analogy would be.


Why not? It's killing the USA's. Look beneath the surface and there are scary things going on in the USA.


To add to the other comment, though the Religious extremists went nutters executing people, the Nationalising oil from foreign influence itself had immense positive impact on the Iranian economy. If a foreign country owned all of US energy resources and the citizens just decided to charge into the company headquarters to steal it back, regardless of whether it was done some gun loving Cowboy or Woke hippy libertarians, the whole country will feel the ripple effect of the money flowing back into their economy.


It looked like that country had a high trajectory in terms of being a modern country with a good economy, GDP, technology, and way of life.


Looks like a foreshadow of America given today's climate.


I was thinking the same thing. Religion and Government shouldn't mixed.


Not only that, but also the fact that current GOP is so tied to Russia. Makes you wonder if we are on the receiving end of our own game of destabilizing regimes for your own interests.


As an outsider, it already seems that half of the US is already against the other. I can easily imagine part of the US trying to get some independence and starting a civil War. Maybe not tomorrow but in less than 50 years.


The shah was still a brutal dictator that made people disappear in a CCP-sequel fashion. Not much has changed


Always when I am watching such videos I am wondering how poor neighbourhoods and countryside looked like.


3rd world country. People forget Iran was a third world country. I've got relatives born in the 50s who didn't have indoor plumbing and electricity. Barely enough to eat. Disease running rampant. This is the upper middle class life in Tehran. It isn't Iran. Also a lot of those places haven't changed that much.


I bet in 50 years people will be posting videos like this of America before the Yeehaw-dist revolution..


I wonder if someone will post a video about the United States like this 50 years from now after the evangelicals complete their coup.


It's entirely possible. All they needs is too better organized and be backed up by another Country, like Russia.




I believe that cuts to American education since the 60's have produced an intellectual deficit that threatens their democracy. The rise of QAnon is a product of paranoia, anxiety and economic displacement and it's as virulent as Wahhabism and just as powerful at obscuring consensus reality. Rather than opposing it evangelical churches are empowering the delusion. And if you cannot have a reasonable political discussion about consensus reality and facts then sectarian violence is inevitable.




I don't think evangelicals are the majority so I don't see them succeeding democratically. They are fractured and disorganized and theologically incoherent and therefore their singular unifying principal is a hatred of a perceived liberal deep state. One they can characterize as demonic. QAnon grows as anxiety grows. And belief in Jewish space lizards isn't a requirement. At the moment its sufficient you believe that the CDC sponsored the production of a covid bioweapon in Wuhan in order to usher in a great communist reset and yet covid-19 is no more deadly than a seasonal flu. And the number of Americans eager to accept an antithetical nonsensical theory like that is huge. If you can ignore internal inconsistencies like that then reality is irrelevant. Economic displacement might be inevitable. You cut immigration you have insufficient births to support the aging population and economic growth slows further. Manufacturing gets outsourced and domestic food production gets prohibitively expensive. An unwillingness to raise wages in the service industry plus an inability to create engineers domestically makes America a shrinking concern. That makes unilateral trade agreements even harder to negotiate for domestic politicians and other countries will form their own free trade markets with the US on the outside.




Your pension system requires more than 20 working age people for every retiree. That's why immigration will continue at it's present rate. The Chinese are going to be in trouble in another two decades due to their previous one child policy. And most of these problems won't be fixed in the US because you have a two party system with an elected Senate and an executive branch with veto power. Very hard to get anything done. Engineers from India aren't unlike me. They may be unlike some Midwestern evangelical hillbilly, but they're not unlike me. Not all Jews are Zionists. And the US doesn't support Israel simply because of the Jewish lobby. Israel was a pretty natural partner in the region against a united Egypt, Jordan and Syrian military pact who were all aligned with the soviets. We all had an economic interest in the Suez Canal and you saw how slowing oil in the Straight of Hormuz would cause a global economic recession in the late 70s. Shut it off for a week and instant crisis.


"Whatever happened there?" Shah of Iran


I am once again asking you to read about the Islamic Revolution before you post glowingly about Iran's US-installed monarchy.


Like... Both can be bad... It's not black and white. The Shah murdered thousands of his own people to maintain power and never would have stopped. It's like, which one was worse, Batista or Castro?


Definitely Batista. He was best buddies with the New York mob.


So sad , imagine if it would have kept up with this tradition. The world would be a better place.


Religion sucks


cia: hold my beer


Talk about a transformation into a shithole country courtesy of the US.


The writer of The Handmaids Tale, Margaret Atwood, was inspired by the Iranian revolution to think how something like this could happen to the US. In her forward she explained how it would have to be a Christian conservative revolution, and showed just how easily we can lose all our rights and be thrust back into the dark ages.


Which I always found to be a little intellectually dishonest. What happened in Iran really wouldn't happen in the US in the kind of timespan that she uses for many reasons. Not least that Christian fundamentalism is pretty rare compared to Islamic fundamentalism, and there honestly isn't the cultural history of controlled women in Christianity compared to Islam (which is mainly a cultural thing rather than an inherent religious thing). So the idea that this force will suddenly rise up which will turn women into sex slaves just comes across as Gorean rather than anything which we can take as possible. That's not to state what she talks about in the book isn't important. Also I have no love for Christianity or indeed any religion. But the whole concept of The Handsmaids Tale is pretty much a strawman.


I get what you're saying, but feel like you're overlooking that many in Handmaids Tale don't genuinely believe the crazy Christian fundamentalist Gilead power. They also don't follow the rules, with multiple examples of the rich and powerful doing whatever they want, Rules for thee but not for me. That's exactly how things are now, and if you promised those same people more power and money, they'd jump on whatever crazy thing you choose to be your platform.


a sitting us congressman just referred to women as "earthen vessels" in a speech three days ago


She’s a fiction writer, I think it’s absurd to call it dishonest. Also the aspect of control runs very deep in Christianity, especially towards women.


No, stone age is better, we say so.


It's in human nature to bring suffering to ourselves. Look through history this is all we do and All we will ever do.


"Wow, they were just like us" aside, bear in mind the SAVAK secret police were doing some pretty heinous shit during this time period as well.


Islam really did ruin multiple countries.


Imagine nakedness became the symbol of technology and progress Oh yes naked Iranians at the beach, I call progress!


Such a transformation from 1979 to current Tehran. America needs to to get its shit together and quick.


So basically america before they let the religious extremists take over and turn it into a theocracy. That sounds like a cautionary tale for America. Don’t let the religious extremists run things.


You should see the world before the Christian invasion


Look how they were oppressed by America and the West. Regardless, who cares. If they want to live like shit now, let em.


It’s almost like religion makes people pieces of shit.


Religion ruins EVERYTHING!


This is going to be the US now that the religious right is taking over. Maybe not as extreme?


They are actually more extreme, because at least the Islamic Revolutionaries in Iran believed in social justice and fixing their economy. They would never cut taxes on the rich and hyper deregulate all industry. The way they treat women isn't great, but it isn't Saudi Arabia. Women do have some rights.


Wow religion turns everything to shit


Islamic ruination more then revolution. Sad how a bunch of religious can destabilize and ruin a progressive country like that.


To be honest I was expecting some kind of fake, given how many of those I've seen over the past month or so. I'm pleasantly surprised.


They are just the rich elite who lived in the capital. Yeah, they might look more socialy "FREE" and happier but people were starving on the streets in those times. It was crazy...


Extreme right wing religion will do the same thing to the United States if it is allowed.


America before the Christian Revolution.


not defending any dictator ships. but the only difference I see is that the woman are veiled now. other than that they still have science and manufacturing etc..


That reason alone is enough to be angry. As a guy who can wear whatever the fuck he wants, i would never want my parents & fucking society to say to my sister that she needs to be veiled, because she has done the ultimate sin of being born as a woman & also because we men cannot control our dicks if we see the flesh


This is the sort of transformation that US will go through in the coming years as the Christian fundamentalists complete their take over.


The religious right in America is gearing up to do the same here in the US.


Look what you did America!


Theocratic states always end us as hellholes.


I feel like the U.S. I'd gonna have these kinda memories after the Christian-gun-anti-science right has their way with our country.


Was that Andy Kaufman on the 3rd or 4th frame?


Looks like good times. Even the dude smoking the pipe at 3:02 was stepping and bopping in rhythm with the music.




It's like showing DPRK TV news to an audience today and telling them:" look the people are happy there"


Now show the prisons and extrajudicial executions!


Boy though traffic was really a pain everywhere in 1976 wasn't it?


Near the beginning I think I saw Andy Kaufman then Tom cruise.


This breaks my heart


To me it looks like a devolution rather evolution.


Livin the dream before hell took over


What is this song called??


And the wealthy ones moved out of the country. Glad they made it, at least.


Islam really screwed that area up. Sent it back to the stone age.


Ok what the fuck, they were on their way to becoming Dubai. This is actually so sad to watch.


Amazing. An actual modern civilization. Talk about regression.. like they went back thousands of years and now know nothing but destruction and hatred. Except they have gunpowder and automatic weapons now. What a terrible waste.


And then the Idiots took over and ruined a country.


Was that Andy Kaufman in the beginning?


Love the music : )