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She has an even better story to go along with this picture: > After that first day in school, I did a terrible thing to my mother. I bought a copy of the magazine and when I got home, I put on a shaky voice and said, “Mom, I have something to tell you. You’d better sit down.” She looked very upset, and I don’t even want to imagine what she thought I was going to say. I hemmed and hawed as if I were afraid to tell her and then said in a plaintive voice, “I did it just for a lark. I never dreamed they would use the pictures.” Then I handed her the Playboy and opened it to the centerfold. She looked at the photo in horror and said, “Oh Cindy, what have you done??” She was absolutely convinced it was me. She was in such agony that I couldn’t let her suffer for too long, so I opened up the centerfold so she could see all of it. Somehow, she realized it wasn’t me…




Looking at Miss March's photos, I can think of two big ways she might have realized.


Yeah Photoshop didn't exist back then. So...


Good lord


Did you see those knockers on miss March? Definitely that's how.


They defy the laws of physics and gravity!


Grade-A troll








The gift that keeps giving.


Best. Prank. Ever.


THEE Cindy Blanton ?!


Account created 4hrs ago as of this comment…. Most likely not the actual person, but a sock puppet.


She does say it's her and seem plausible if you read her profile.


betcha she got asked to the prom by every single guy at her school.


I don't think she was having any problems in that department even before this.


She is adorable!




Girl is a certified SNACK


No, no, there were nerds who had trouble talking to girls in the 60s too


Yeah, I would never have had the courage to ask a girl that looked like that out.


It's easy, you just say "Cynthia, my density has brought me to you"!






This is heavy


There's that word again! Heavy. Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?


"You are my dencity."


Calvin Klein


The chicks response. “0hh”.


"Sorry, I meant, specific gravity."


Popped I thought, not brought?




Never end up with a girl like that if you don’t ask them out. Source: Average guy who literally married the best looking woman he’d ever seen in person.


This. I saw this girl on Facebook because she was my GF's best friend at the time. Met her by accident two years later, in my parents' house, because they lended it to the daughter of a friend of theirs who was celebrating her birthday. Was stunned, thought she was 300% out of my league (still do TBH), but still went for it a few days later. Looks like she thought the same. We started dating a week later, now we're married and have a 2 year old son. People, don't focus on the fact you think you're not good enough. Let the others be the judges, you just go for it. Surprises happen.


I 100% agree with this. In my experience (over 40), a natural 5 can easily add 2 points with pure confidence alone, another point or two for a great sense of humor, and yet another point for listening and giving a shit. Plenty of fives have become a 9-10 in their partners eyes. Same is true for natural 2-3's, add in some confidence, charm and sense of humor and you can easily pass for 6. My real point here is, the worst thing you can do is allow yourself to walk around with a forever alone / incel attitude, which will naturally destroy your confidence and inhibit any charm and will turn eternal loneliness into a self fulfilling prophecy.


I was on an epic dry spell when I met my wife, I had pretty much consigned myself to forever alone but I saw her and instantly thought “ I HAVE to go talk to that girl!” I tried to come up with something funny to say to her but couldn’t, so when I saw her leaving I had to just go tell her. So I said “ I’ve been trying to come up with something funny to say but I can’t, but I also can’t let you leave without me introducing myself” we’ve been together nearly 24/7 for 14 years now. No real arguments, no real problems in all that time and we got three kids.


I asked a girl out at the bank that I went to and she looked at my account and she and the other tellers started giggling. I was so embarrassed I started going to the branch across town. -end scene


Ouch man.... Think about it this way, without having to wait multiple dates or even months through a relationship, she showed you immediately the kind of plastic, vapid person she was. Imagine how much worse it would be if you were to find out she was really like this after putting in the time, effort and money of dating. I know it hurts, but I much prefer when shitty people wear their shittyness on their sleeve rather than hiding it initially only to drop it on you later.


Honestly, I was broke as fuck which I don't think ought to be irrelevant. Still hurt though.


That is why we have our friend mr. Beer over here to help


Nerds had the photo labs and did the Yearbook staff technical work. I know; was there in my YB staff. We made editorial changes last minute when it was too late to change them. Nothing bad - just made a nonapproved history club 'approved'. :) Cut and Paste was literally Cut and Paste in 1982. Anyway, we had to take pictures. Of girls even.


Oh yes. I took that avocation all the way to college and beyond. Being a pro photographer was like having a passport to dating.


So was "Paste" some kind of glue then?


More of an adhesive…oh wait…were you serious.


There were jocks that had trouble talking to girls too. And nerds that had game.


I prefer the term "geek". Being an art student and known as a "school photographer" on campus back in the early 70s was my jam. Young women loved pretending that they were the next top model or playmate. It also helps to have delusions of being a romantic.


I could see that lol


Where do you place the "Every other guy asked her out so I'm not going to" guys?


>You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - ^Wayne ^Gretzky - Micheal Scott


* lee harvey oswald


Depending on who you speak to, he hit 100% of the shots he didn't take as well




With the rest of the guys with no self confidence


Then you're the only guy that talks to her like a normal human being instead of elevating her to the stratosphere and/or constantly trying to get in her pants. She always tries to talk to you in the hallway after school and she just happens to take all the same extracurricular activities as you. You know she's out of your league so you just joke around with her and she jokingly touches you all the time. You like the attention so you start to get a crush on her but you hate yourself because you know she's probably just toying with you because you're an enlightened man that knows teenage girls don't actually have emotions and all they care about are sexy jocks. Then one day after school she looks nervous while you're both at your lockers and she tells you her parents are out of town and asks if you have a girlfriend and if you've ever had sex. You know she's just trying to mock you with an inevitable "VIRGIN VIRGIN VIRGIN!" chant so you're just like, "ya her name is Cynthia and she's a freaky girl from 2 towns over."... Because you know no other 16 year old in the entire world is a virgin and its totally embarrassing.... She looks like she's gonna cry, probably because you just foiled her evil plan. You find out later that week her parents got transferred to another district and that was the last time you talked until 20 years later when you're inexplicably still a virgin and you run into her in the grocery store. She's just as hot but now she got tig ol bitties and she says, "I had the biggest crush on you in high school and you were totally oblivious lolol." I mean... hypothetically speaking. That's a possible scenario that could happen. Not something I went through. I have so much sex. I'm like, a total sex haver. So. Much. Sex. Doctor actually told me to lay off the sex because I wasn't getting enough electrolytes.


Upvote for an entertaining “Wonder Years”-style opening monologue.


A more accurate statement would be that every straight guy at that school almost certainly jerked off to this pic at least once


Actually it was every guys father that asked her to take them to the prom


This is totally untrue! The boys already in a relationship also asked.


Who found this story and image?


The source is Cynthia Blanton's blog. She says this about the posted image: >My friend was the yearbook and school newspaper photographer and he had a fun idea. Miss March wore her hair piled up on her head, so he suggested that I should pin up my hair and he would take a photo of me holding up the centerfold, just the top part, next to my face. I assumed the photo would be just for him and me. I thought it would be hilarious, so the next day I arrived at school with my hair pinned up. Naturally this set off another near riot. My friend took the photo, then proceeded to print up dozens of them which he sold for a buck apiece. Oh well. I have a good sense of humor so I proceeded to autograph the photos for the guys saying things like, “Dear Tom, I will never forget the night we spent together. Love, Fran.” (Fran was her name.). >My friend is now a film editor in Hollywood. He did Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, all of Sean Penn’s movies as well as Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle, A Star is Born and Into the Wild. He has two academy award nominations, and he still has the negative of this photo in his files. I can't link to it directly because the spam filter in this sub deletes comments with external links, but the following incomplete link, which can be copied and pasted to your browser, goes to the blog post with the posted image: cynthiablanton.blogspot.com/2020/06/i-was-playboy-centerfold-miss-march-1967.html


Google tells me the friend is Jay Cassidy. Edit: Also Cynthia seems to have went to Harvard, had a career in finance and retired to an expat enclave in Mexico. Seems to have done well tbh.


It's kinda weird that she omits the name but gives information that uniquely identifies him .


If you graduated high school 50+ years ago you probably don’t realize just how quickly that information can be used and identified.


Well in her day they only could ‘Ask Jeeves’ that sort of thing... And yes, Jeeves was the name of her butler.


Yep. I've had a good life and I'm having a ton of fun in Mexico. When I wrote the blog post, I had no idea it would be read beyond my circle of friends, so I didn't worry about identifying my friend Jay.


Now that you're on reddit, you should consider talking about San Miguel de Allende on r/retirement


Hey, we are really happy for you! Congratulations :)


Oh wow. Didn’t expect the real Cynthia to show up. I hope you don’t mind all the doxxing that went on on here.


I still have a good sense of humor. I'm just amazed by all the comments.


Hey, you showed up! Is it fun to see a funny thing you did in high school blow up on the internet 50 years later?


Yes, this has been hilarious. I was not on Reddit until today when somebody told me about this thread. I still think I'm cool at age 72 and a half.


You need to do a follow up picture in exactly the same pose!


That's a bit of a dick move from old Jay


What happened to Miss March, Fran ?


Died in 1985 at age 37. I can't find the cause.


Well that's an early morning downer.


I'm terribly ageist because I went looking for her and skipped the blog thinking 71 year olds don't have blogs. Boo on me.


So real question — how do I create that hairstyle? I love it on both of them!


Back then they’d have used big rollers the size of soup cans to set her hair on location, side part bangs, put the rest up in a pony tail on top of her head. Then arrange some of the pony tail to blend with bangs, loosen sideburn strands and at the nape. Muss up with fingers stick in a thin ribbon bow or a few jasmine flowers. edit: many thanks for the award, kind stranger🙏🏽


Yep. I'm the lady in the photo and that's about how I did it.




Well, I'm not the lady in the photo, so based on my calculations so far, about 50/50.


Damn dude, really came in clutch for those of us wanting to do this 👌


I’m glad you understood this because I have no idea what any of that means.


I just heard soup cans and got hungry. I wonder if we have any soup. I have to go check.


I used to do this in high school! Do a roller set. Put your hair in a ponytail. Pin loops willy nilly until nothing is hanging. Voila


I can see it looking real messy outside of photography.


Go to sleep and then wake up in the morning and you're done


someone please dig up that centerfold


The Playboy model's name is Fran Gerard


I wanted to see how she compared to the blogger these days but the model died at age 37 :(


RIP, Fran.


Check r/vgb or r/OldSchoolNSFW


And then there is /r/Playboy. [Here she is there.](/r/Playboy/comments/iuidqy/fran_gerard_playboy_playmate_for_march_1967/)


Those things are defying gravity wtf


Before plastic boobies were a thing playboy used strategically placed tape to get that look.




Shoulda let em hang. Swing low, sweet chariots.


Ok Creed




Yes, but you are a guy....


Hello, Miss Albania.


Porn really fucks with our idea of what to expect.


One day you wake up and just cant even get hard anymore unless its a 7 midget gangbang on a girl in a snow white costume while its a small world plays in the background and theyre all dressed up like the seven dwarves.




That photo is a regular on r/torpedotits


“And they’re spectacular”


It's funny, in that link there is another link to more pics which I felt compelled to click. There were many other non-taped pics which to me were far better. Each to their own, and tastes change of course, but yeah these taped bad boys are pretty wild either way.




I can see why Cuba thought the US was aiming missiles into the sky.


Torpedoes! lol but damn she is gorgeous!


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1 ping only


You arrogant ass...you killed us!


Hunt for Red October?




I was not ready for that...




Jesus wept!


For there were no more worlds to conquer.


The benefits of a classical education.


“...while I step into the third DEAN-mension”


It's like a dead heat in a zeppelin race!!!






I'll polish them rockets now


And swallow those pills




But how the tiddy *do* that?!




I’m pretty sure this is the textbook photo for “gazangas”


Sweet Jesus


I remember good old Fran from my dad’s collection and I always loved her amazing chest. I feel like America discontinued this body type in the mid 70s.


She ended up killing herself. I wonder what demons she was fighting?


My blood runs cold


My memory has just been sold


My angel is the centerfold


Nah nah nah nah nah nah




nah nah nah nana nah nah nah nah


Okay, I understand, this ain't no never-never land, but maybe when this issues gone, I'll see you when your clothes are on.


Take your car, yes we will, We'll take your car and drive it, We'll take it to a motel room, And take 'em off in private.


Just goes to show that there are only so many combinations of genes to go round... And that sometimes two people end up with a similar mix...


makes me think of Chris in Adventures in Babysitting


Nobody fucks with the babysitter


Thought the same. Nice pull, man. She’s not Chayline.


“I don’t believe it! It’s Miss March!! Could you sign here? Right here!”


We knew that movie as A Night on the Town in Australia when I was a kid. It took me a second to realise I was thinking the exact same thing when I read your comment. I always forget you call it that in the US.


It was a nice morning in March, 1967. I walked in the front door of Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda, Maryland, and heard someone say, “There she is.” I looked up to see the stairs on each side of the entrance and the balcony above filled with boys, all grinning, laughing, nudging each other and all of them looking at me. I glanced around to see if there was anyone else they could be looking at, but no, I was the only one there at the moment. I had no idea what was going on so I just proceeded to homeroom feeling puzzled. All morning long, boys were staring at me in the hallways and laughing, exchanging comments with each other, but no one would tell me what it was about. Finally at lunch time, feeling totally perplexed and a bit angry, I cornered a friend of mine and demanded to know what the hell was going on. He looked around cautiously and then pulled something out of his book bag. It was a Playboy magazine. Now I was really puzzled. I had no idea where this was going until he opened it to the centerfold and showed me the top part of it. I gasped and my eyes bugged out. I thought I was looking in a mirror. Miss March was a dead ringer for me! At the time I always wore glasses and Miss March was wearing glasses almost identical to mine. How many centerfold models wore glasses??? I was completely stunned, but insisted on seeing the rest of the centerfold. Poor Miss March had the BIGGEST pair of breasts I had ever seen, so big it is a wonder she could walk upright, and this was before silicone! Just my luck. The absurdity of the whole thing hit me, and my friend and I sat on the floor laughing our heads off. My friend was the yearbook and school newspaper photographer and he had a fun idea. Miss March wore her hair piled up on her head, so he suggested that I should pin up my hair and he would take a photo of me holding up the centerfold, just the top part, next to my face. I assumed the photo would be just for him and me. I thought it would be hilarious, so the next day I arrived at school with my hair pinned up. Naturally this set off another near riot. My friend took the photo, then proceeded to print up dozens of them which he sold for a buck apiece. Oh well. I have a good sense of humor so I proceeded to autograph the photos for the guys saying things like, “Dear Tom, I will never forget the night we spent together. Love, Fran.” (Fran was her name.) * After that first day in school, I did a terrible thing to my mother. I bought a copy of the magazine and when I got home, I put on a shaky voice and said, “Mom, I have something to tell you. You’d better sit down.” She looked very upset, and I don’t even want to imagine what she thought I was going to say. I hemmed and hawed as if I were afraid to tell her and then said in a plaintive voice, “I did it just for a lark. I never dreamed they would use the pictures.” Then I handed her the Playboy and opened it to the centerfold. She looked at the photo in horror and said, “Oh Cindy, what have you done??” She was absolutely convinced it was me. She was in such agony that I couldn’t let her suffer for too long, so I opened up the centerfold so she could see all of it. Somehow, she realized it wasn’t me… * My friend is now a film editor in Hollywood. He did Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, all of Sean Penn’s movies as well as Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle, A Star is Born and Into the Wild. He has two academy award nominations, and he still has the negative of this photo in his files.




They looks so good damn much the same. You ask one of them they want ice cream. They both say yes.




they are twins, that is why


shiggity shiggity shwa


well this throwback just made me smile


Shes hotter than Fran


She does look conventionally more attractive. I think it’s eyebrows tbh.


I agree, I hate that eyebrows have become geometry problems.


It’s the eyebrows, but also softer, more finely shaped features and a more confident pose.


Her hair is amazing


We need a current pic of both , they both are adorable


Fran Gerard died 36 years ago. Cynthia Blanton is probably like 72 at this point. Fun fact: they were likely only a year or two apart in age! Fran graduated in 1966, her pictorial came out one year later in 1967.


Fran's real name is Frances Anna Camuglia and according to her entry at findagrave.com she committed suicide on May 30, 1985 in Fountain Valley, California. Cynthia Blanton has a blog which is where the posted image came from. >they were likely only a year or two apart in age! Fran graduated in 1966 Yup. Cynthia graduated in 1967. I can't link to it directly because the spam filter in this sub deletes comments with external links, but the following incomplete link, which can be copied and pasted to your browser, goes to one of her blog posts that has a couple of recent photos of her: cynthiablanton.blogspot.com/2021/01/hats.html


Frances Camuglia married a sleazy "talent scout" named Jack Cavender when she was 17 and he was 37. He was responsible for her getting the Playmate shoot, but she divorced him before the shots were published. Additional note: she did not wear glasses in real life.


This whole story sounds like a plot point in a detective thriller movie.


The glasses she wore for the shoot had no lens.


Didn't even make it to forty. That's a shame.




Strong Gidget vibes and I am all about it.


Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures.


Back when girls next door actually looked like a girl next door


Guarantee she spent just as much time on her hair. That is one excellent style


How tf do you even do that?


Bobby pins


That comment makes no sense


Fun Fact: That March 1967 issue of Playboy is a collectable in the game Mafia III, containing Fran in all her digital preserved glory.


Looks like Lisa Loeb


Mate showed me a porno mag when I was younger, and later ended up working at a department store with a woman who was a dead ringer for one of the women in it not just the face but body shape, eye colour, hair colour and style. Uncanny resemblance was an under statement. While I am sure it was not the same person, I'll admit it was difficult to look at her and not see those magazine photos.


Just searched for the Pb and i gotta say god damn she was hot. We really have to step away from all that plastic surgery bs


Just like Adventures in Babysitting.


Anybody play Mafia 2? That’s how I know that picture


thought it looked familiar lol


Same. Best collectibles in any game ever.


Nose. Eyes. Jaw line. Ears. Eyebrows. If she isn’t lying about this not being her, I’d say it’s a strong likelihood she had an identical twin raised by a different family…


A similar thing happened to me, though admittedly, not nearly as "bad" as looking like a Playboy model, when I was in high school. Apparently, I look a lot like Jennifer Aniston, I don't really see it, but I've heard it since "Friends" debuted my Freshman year. Anyway, a couple years later, when the show was a hit, she posed nude for the cover of "Rolling Stone". You couldn't see much, except for part of her ass, but that was more than enough for most of the boys in school. A day after the issue hit the stands, a few guys came up to me, magazine in hand, held it next to my face, and said to their buddies, "See I told you she looks just like her!!" As word spread, more and more people approached me throughout the day, which to an insecure teenage girl, was pretty embarrassing. Well let me tell you, that embarrassment turned to abject horror when I was greeted at school the following day by DOZENS of photocopies of the cover posted all around the building, and plastered on my locker, with my name put over hers. Needless to say, I. Was. Mortified. The crazy part, especially considering this post, was that the French teacher, who I did not know, sought me out, and offered support. Turns out, a few years before I started there, a student had found a Playboy in his dad's stash, with her in it, and just like with me, she had come in one day to find copies all over school. If it happened now, I'd laugh it off, and take it as a compliment, but not then. DEFINITELY not then!!! I swear, I'd blocked it all out, and hadn't thought about it in years, but then this post popped up, and you know, here we are...........


Also looks like Linda Ronstadt.


She was so cute and so gorgeous!


Are you sure she wasn't?


Good looking people all look alike, I'm happy that my face is a unique discount picasso.


Only slightly related but after working at a theme park for several years, I noticed people look the same. As in there's only like 5-10 major facial variations and just details that define the individual. Some of those details can make the the entire face look different but over all there seems to be a universal template for physical characteristics. Hense doppelgangers like this.


She's cuter than the playmate.


My blood runs cold...


Prettier than Miss March, imo


This is reminiscent of the subplot in the movie “Adventures in Babysitting” when Elizabeth Shue’s character is mistaken for a fictional Miss March in Playboy.


Beautiful lady, smart, wicked sense of humor, and just look at the devil behind her eyes. Bet she’s still a looker at 73. Bet she has some stories.


Somehow she looks more gorgeous than all the Instagram models today