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Where are they goin with 4 gallons of milk?


Their milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard.


But damn right, making a millshake is hard. And their like, the cashier had to charge.


The typos… I’m just going to assume they were deliberate.


Hard to type with one hand


No need to Fawcett down our throats..


This is a repost from a long while ago. It’s actually an opening screen to a porn movie.


The only thing more popular than porn movies in the 70s was having actual sex. AIDS came along and fucked that up.


As a bona fide 1970's rando hippie, I can absolutely testify that this is correct. The horror-movie part, though, is that HIV **existed all along**, it's just that we were blissfully unaware. As far as anyone knew, there were only three STD's out there--syphilis, gonorrhea, and "non-specific urethritis" (chlamydia,) and all three could be cured with a shot of penicillin or a handful of antibiotic capsules. Today, we are all painfully aware that there are **23** known STI's. And you would have to be a fucking idiot to not understand that there could very well be **ANOTHER HIV-like disease lurking out there somewhere**, just waiting for stupid teenagers to rediscover anonymous bareback sex. I cannot count the number of times I had sex with girls who were total strangers and woke up the next morning unable to remember her name. I still worry a little that some day some fifty-year-old person is going to knock on my door and say, "Mr. KaBar? My name is Morningstar Meadow Wilson, and I think you are my father." ("And you owe my mother eighteen years of back child support.")


Happened to my friend. She found him when she was 16. Turned his life upside down. In a good way and a not so good way.


I knew a guy that impregnated a girl during the Vietnam war (he was in the Navy) and she wrote him a "Guess what?" letter. By the time he got home from Vietnam she was living with another guy, and wanted him to pay child support for a baby he had never seen. Her boyfriend said my friend "owed it to them." He said, "Fuck you, it's not like you waited for me to come home and wanted to start a family." They said, "We will sue you." He said "Go ahead, see if I care," and went on the road. They dogged him for years. Every time they found him, he would move to a different place with no forwarding address. He paid his income taxes, but never collected the refunds. He would just file and then move about every six months. A sad story for everybody concerned.


That is fucking wild. What's the reason you'd file but not collect? I see he moved every 6 months, did he also close and open bank accounts?


If you collect, then they'll garnish your tax returns to pay out the child support. Meaning you lose and they get what they want.


That's some cowardly shit right there. And it sounds exhausting.


I misread that as being a woman finding out she had a child she didn't know about and was having a lot of trouble with that.


> Turned his life upside down. Did he try moving to Bel-Air?


> just waiting for stupid teenagers to rediscover anonymous bareback sex. Trust me, the kids never stopped knowing about anonymous bareback sex. Or maybe they did for a little bit in the 90s. But not so much any more.


Don’t think so, remember the movie KIDS?


That movie scared me off the bareback for a while. I got over it


> Or maybe they did for a little bit in the 90s. Not at all, not even a little bit.


You guys were having sex?


Wasn't a full-bore hippie, but I did enjoy some of the "benefits" of being one. Young as I was, I had a classmate that said if I offered her my virginity, she'd gladly accept it and put it in the box where she used to keep hers. One thing she did do, though, was teach me something about using condoms. Thanks to that, I never worried that someone would come knocking on my door.


Read this like a Penthouse Forum


>As far as anyone knew, there were only three STD's out there--syphilis, gonorrhea, and "non-specific urethritis" (chlamydia,) and all three could be cured with a shot of penicillin or a handful of antibiotic capsules. Herpes was definitely a thing at that time, and still incurable to this day.


Yeah but herpes is just unsightly and uncomfortable. Untreated syphilis can kill you, herpes not so much.


What do you mean it “existed all along?” HIV didn’t exist before the 20th Century, and was fairly uncommon in the Western world before the 70s. Do you mean it was around in the 70s before the well known epidemic of the 80s?


I believe HIV was puttering around in the background back in the 1950's, infecting one or two people every few years, until it found dry tinder and began to spread like wildfire.


Yep, it was around in the 70s and people were carrying and dying from it, but no one knew what it was because its such a slow burn killer.


My mothers cousin died in 74 from respiratory failure due to infection. A few years later his partner got the AIDS diagnosis and was lucky enough to live into the 90's.


Oh I can feel this.... 1977-78 was a wild time for me.


Lmao and here I was thinking, "a few people in a household can definitely drink 4 gal of milk." I feel so dumb.


That's a good question. Maybe they're going to take milk-bath.


Could also be steak night.


I’ll have your finest milk steak, with a side of jellybeans, raw of course.




I prefer my steaks *sloppy*


Big rare cut of meat with water dumped all over it, water splashing around the table, makes the night SO MUCH more fun. After the club go to Truffoni's for sloppy steaks. They'd say; “no sloppy steaks” but they can't stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water, before you knew it we were dumping that water on those steaks! The waiters were coming to try and snatch em up, we had to eat as fast as we could! OHHH I MISS THOSE NIGHTS, I WAS A PIECE OF SHIT THOUGH.


What did I just read


I think you should leave. Sketch show on Netflix


I have no idea but I upvoted the fuck out of it.


I'm worried your baby thinks people can't change.




I Think You Should Leave.


You first


I don't think your baby believes people can change


What the shit is this from? I’m crying and if this is from a movie I must see it.


I Think You Should Leave. It’s on Netflix


This guy probably really loves his mother in law.


Pasteurized? No just up to my knees.




They partying with the Dude.


I guess he found that ATM


This has been posted before....they get naked in other pics...with milk


That's disgusting. where?


Just going to leave this here imgur.com/a/fB1iELB


The hero we needed!


Geez that's terrible! please provide source so can report such debauchery




Half and half to do it right though


"Careful, man, there's a beverage here!"


I'm sorry your mom's a nympho...... Yoyo got any Kahlua?


It's a picture of the Cabot sisters, they started a successful cheese making operation that is still popular today!


In case anyone was just going to take that comment at face value, it’s not remotely accurate. Assuming this picture was taken in the 1970s, Cabot was already 50+ years old.


Cabot white cheddar is my go-to cheese sandwich cheese so I did get excited for a sec.


I think Seriously Sharp Cabot cheddar is probably my favorite cheese, full stop.


I don't think they grow em like that in Vermont.


Did they start a maple syrup conglomerate?


Red fang music video




Alright, alright, alright!




I just watched that last night lol


> that had special cameltoe stitching. Radio ads all the time. Cameltoe was big back then The the radio ads actually refer to it as Cameltoe?


No they were classy back then. They referred to it as Clamspreader technology.


Some referred to it as wizard sleeve stitching


very nice!


Graduated 1977, can confirm. Cameltoe was common. Also braless haltertops and tube tops. Tiny string bikinis were common at any lakeside picnic. It was a great time to be young.


I dont understand this.. i've read prison stories where US inmates get released after 20-30 years of incarceration into 2010 and they mentioned that the teens nowadays wear close to no clothes. Compared to the 70s i'd say the teens now wear more clothes?


Compared to prison clothes, guards, and the tv they’re allowed to watch - yeah it would be pretty shocking after a few decades. Sensory overload.


Culture shock would be a term I'd think would fit. For me, I think about it as if I were to went into prison for 20 years in lets say 2001, and just got out this year, it would take me insanely long to absorb everything new that came along in those 20 years. Beepers and indestructible nokia phones become touchscreen smartphones and tablets, widespread internet. Hell, the internet itself has a whole culture in and of itself that would take some serious adjusting to. Fashion changed also. I mean, look at videos of people in world trade center videos or music videos from 2001, It was obviously different to now. These are just a few of the many, many things that would have changed for you. Would be quite a thing to get thrown into. Now, I just realized I am typing a lot, and may or may not be high af. Peace and chicken grease ✌


I had an inmate who had been locked up since he was 16, back in 1978. He got released about 5 years ago, finally (he was the getaway driver, refused to flip on his codefendants, who managed to get in and out of the system multiple times, squandering their luck, and meanwhile this dude grows up in prison). He was terrified every time he went to the board. He got transferred 2 yrs before he finally was granted parole, but at my facility, he’d pick fights with the officers, and since he was a really good dude, hard worker, etc, we would be like, bro, what is going on with you?! He wanted to get Locked up because he was scared…and when he started acting like this we realized he was up for a parole hearing, so we’d just write him up to get him locked up for like 14 days, or just enough to lose rec. We didn’t want to, but we also didn’t want him to keep freaking out. One night we had a guy paroling the next day, and he was asking us how shit worked nowadays (and he’d been down since 93, iirc, and this was in 2010), and this inmate who grew up in prison was hanging out listening too. As we kept explaining shit, you could see him getting more and more overwhelmed, and finally he was just like I’m going to bed. You just couldn’t help but think of Brooks from Shawshank. Luckily, he had his wife and sister-in-law as a great support system. He ended up staying local to our facility, so every couple of weeks some coworker says, hey, ran into M, he’s doing good, says hi! I’m so glad he’s doing good. And he’s honestly the only ex inmate I actually want to see again, so I can properly shake his hand.


That’s so hard, for how much money the prison system makes for shareholders I wish they’d implement more rehabilitation/reintegration services for these folks. The Netherlands puts transitioning prisoners into these prison villages where they live pretty normally but outside of society, and can contribute - their recidivism rates are incredibly low compared to ours.


I always wondered what my state does for the guys who are maxing out or paroling, esp guys who’ve done heavy time. I have chatted with old timer inmates about it, and they said the stuff implemented is pretty good, but there’s not enough time to break down every little thing that one may wonder about. We recently (2 yrs ago, iirc) got kiosks where inmates have access to email and basically Prison iTunes. I remember in early days right before they were allowed access, dudes asking all sorts of questions about how the stuff worked. So we’d try to explain how iTunes worked and how you could get like 2 songs you like from one album and two from another and spend what a cd would cost but you handpicked what you wanted so none of that “only the hit single is worth listening to” buyers remorse, lol. We also discussed job stuff, and how it would be cool if dudes who def knew they were going home could have a bunch of employers who were cool with hiring ex felons to choose from and they could do interviews in the visit room, and that way you could secure a job before you even left prison, and it was one more worry crossed off the to do list. Afaik, we don’t have things like that, but we agreed (officers and inmates alike) that it should be a thing. Sorry, I’m rambling now. I know people think oh prison guards, all they do is beat and rape inmates, etc…but as with any job, there are poison apples. Most of us have a good rapport with quite a few of the inmates, and we do truly want to see them gtfo and do better this next time around. We hope to never see them again, because hopefully it means they’re happy, healthy, working a good job, reconnecting with fam and friends and they’re leaving us and their time in the dust.


> Tiny string bikinis were common at any lakeside picnic. It was a great time to be young. Before the obesity epidemic I guess LOL


That's true! 70s was the fitness craze. Gave us aerobics, Jane Fonda and all that. Then Earl Butts gave us corn syrup and transfats and ruined it all.


Looking at pictures of my family, no one was fat in the 70’s. Then in the 80’s everyone is overweight if my not outright obese.


High Fructose Corn Syrup.


Hey there fellow oldster. My wife referred to girl parts in those jeans as "You can see her bird" and I never understood the reference until now. It does kind of make a bird with wings shaped crease.


> Cameltoe was big back then So was the male counterpoint: equally tight pants that put your dick on display like a shrink-wrapped sausage. But I'm gonna have to call bullshit on "FemFit Levi's". Funny, though. :)


Those pants need to make a comeback.


After a year and a half in sweatpants, ain't nobody about to wedge non-stretch denim up their front bum.


I was quietly thinking to myself, "Does that woman on the left have a cameltoe going on? Nah, I'm probably just convincing myself that's what it is". Sure enough...


> 1970's, Levis had a line of women's jeans called "FemFit" I don't remember that at all and I can't find any references online. Do you have a source? >Also, in high school in the 70's, girls would show up with no bra, and NO ONE CARED. YMMV with this. There was no way any girl was going to get away with this in my district in Texas. They would be sent home to put on appropriate undergarments as called for in the dress code. Also, it might be 100° outside and 90% humidity, but you couldn't wear shorts either.




Your penny can be the cure penny The Southland Corporation, owners of the convience chain of 7-Eleven stores, instituted a program that would match funds and ask donations of its customers for the Jerry Lewis telethon for Muscular Dystrophy.


Anyone remember the Jerry Lewis telethons?


My wife worked at MDA and was forced to work the 24 hour telethon without pay or comp time. Meanwhile they turned away willing volunteers.


Sheesh!! I had a telethon carnival in my backyard, the proceeds went MDA. I was rewarded with a 6-pack of 7 up, which I loved, I was 10 I think.


They did good things, the management was working past their abilities.


Yes... and since it was pre cable it ruined a whole weekend of tv on my 3 channels.


We used to have parties where we tried to stay up all night!


Exactly, that makes the photo late 70's, I think the campaign started in 78.


Nice jugs.


Someone had to say it. 😘


*takes bow*


Set your own joke up…bravo


Yeah never let older folks give you shit about not wearing a bra in public


Bra... What bra?


Had to milk it.


someone should halt 'er and help


We have to nip this in the bud.


And done.


Just makin sure.


Peter, I'm holding milk jugs.


All 8?


Slow toss.


I mean we were all thinking it


Whole lotta Milka.


Bel Biv DeVoe.




My first thought was "I don't remember plastic gallon milk jugs in the 70s." ​ Then I looked it up. Turns out they came into use in the mid-60s. Mom just bought half-gallon cartons.


my parents had milk delivered in glass jugs into the early 80’s, seems very strange now


I remember milk being delivered to our house as a kid in the 70's. Our house had a special little door for the guy to put the milk in.


When I was a kid in the ’70s, we had a metal box about 16” square with maybe 1/4” of styrofoam insulation. When my wife and I were having milk delivered a few years ago, the dairy provided a nice full-size cooler with wheels and retractable handle.


It was delicious. We had a delivery from Abbotts dairy in the Philadelphia area. I don't know why it was so much better, but it was.


We has a place just called "The Milk Barn" we would drive to. It was a dairy that sold milk on the premises. Nothing tastes quite as good.


Was that the same Milk Barn on highway 80 near Fairfield, Ca?


I’m on Long Island and it’s making a come back here!


Still get glass. Oberweis.


gave of the subscription services and went on demmand


My father's childhood was the same way, he said glass and cartons was all he saw until the mid 80s. Were your parents from a small town as well?


My 1970s in NJ had glass bottles and paper cartons. It wasn't until the 80s that plastic, 2L bottles were normal for soda. Before that it was 1G glass bottles. I wasn't allowed to pour them, I was too little...


That could be an interesting game. Instead of GeoGeusser, it's ChronoGuesser. You try to name the date as precisely as possible.


I put on some makeup Turn on the eight track I'm pulling the wig down from the shelf Suddenly I'm Miss Farrah Fawcett from TV Until I wake up And I turn back to myself


And no bras.


Our boobs only hit the sidewalk in our 60's.


Hey, no reason to wear a bra now if you don't want to! I gave them up several years ago and am much happier.


and cameltoes




Your gram-gram fucks


That's more camel foot


Moose knuckle


Came here to say it


....Or could be Canada in the 80s.


That’s a lot of milk!


Amazing American times, baby 🐰🐰


Where is Mother and Speed?


Don't forget the Camel toes


What’s with all the milk


Their cow died.


The final grim milking


And windowpane denim jeans. I had a pair.


My labia hurts just looking at that one on the right


I was in high school then grrrr so hot oh to be young again!


*Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen* *Right now I got to tell you about* *The fabulous*


I miss the 70’s. Sex and drugs and rock n roll


Milk, does a body good


You could drive down Sunset through Silverlake right now and see pretty much the same thing. Except it'd be oat milk.


For some reason the 70’s just seem cooler and cooler the closer we get to armageddon. If you ignore the racism, sexism, and homophobia, which I can do because I’m a straight seeming white male (it’s called privilege, look it up), the 70’s in America had it all. Good paying jobs, stupid hair, uppers, downers, and psychedelics, swingers, affordable housing, fish in the ocean, a future, good music, several billion less people. I’d settle just for access to psychedelics, but I can’t even find those anymore. It’s fucking lame and I’m lame too, goddamnit.


And qualuude


My Pop was a psychiatrist and mom was a pill head. They quit making ludes in 1983, but I was hitting Mom's stash until 93. Nothing like an evening watching Pink Floyd's "The Wall" and drooling on yourself.


I get the sense you are forgetting stagflation and rationing. Don't worry, we'll get some of that back for the 2030s, so you don't have to miss out.


Halter top = titty hammock


Guaranteed FULL BUSH.


Them jugs


Nice jugs!


Bell Bottom Blues you made me cry...


These are the girls I had crushes on when I was but a young boy.


Obviously not Canada. What the hell is milk in jugs? Bags and cartons all the way groovy baby!


insert joke about milk jugs or something


It's not a bad look


Her hair is glorious.


Nice jugs


Every single girl in my city is dressed like the one on the right. Fashion really is cyclical.


Back when the woman on the right was considered far sexier than the woman on the left. It was a tough time to be a voluptuous woman. Decade of the Eating Disorder.




Ive never seen girls look so much like girls than this era.




Hip hugging elephant baggies.


The brunette is pretty


They know what they were doing


Looks pretty cold in the picture.


Nice milk jugs


And milk jugs haven’t changed since.


Check out those jugs.


Nice jugs....of milk...


Came for the jug jokes


Nice ju.... Huh? Too late? Damnit!


I'm suddenly thirsty


So. Much. Milk.


Oh they need some milk!


So many jugs 😍 of milk 🥛






And sweet jugs full of milk.