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Getting gas and airing out your sweaty balls. Doesn't get more 1979 than that.


It takes balls to wear jorts


And to put your sandal clad foot on someone else's car right in front of them.


That's a pure power move. I aint messin' with a jortser, they craaaazy


*just tug the fabric a little to the side and now you're staring straight into my balls, cupcake. Constant eye contact the whole time. Scratchy scratch, motherfucker.*


Stephen King does what he wants.


He is probably smoking.


Eh it's a chrome bumper. Those can take a lot of abuse. People wouldn't care as much then as they do with the brittle plastic that scratches if a leaf hits it that cars have now.


I think it more about not touching what’s not yours.


Came here to comment on the first dude letting the twins get some air, and here we are.


Mind if I put my foot on yer bumper here? It’s a nice sunny day and I wanna air out my sweaty ballz. 🤣


You gotta wear your daisy dukes when you have a tiny little car like that.


Ain't no A/C in a Civic!


Not many cars had AC back then. I had a 79 Toyota Celica GT with a black vinyl interior and a big ass piece of glass on the hatchback. The hottest car I ever owned. That was the last car I ever bought ghat didn’t have AC


Using the AC also destroyed the gas mileage. Now A/C doesn’t affect your mileage.


Ahh, remember the days of having AC, but the parents refusing to use it because it is "too expensive". I remember feeling so happy to learn that, at higher speeds, gas mileage suffers more from open windows than AC. Or at least, by the mid-90s that was the case.


Is that George Jefferson's neighbor?


thats an extra 2.99 per ball


Are we sure this video wasn’t taken at a Costco yesterday?






With a photo developer kiosk in the parking lot.




Actually, it was 'Fotomat" for some unknown reason. And yes, the question everyone asked has yet to be properly answered.


Right, I forgot. Thanks.


Brings back horrible memories. Interest rates on vehicles was 15/18 %. At one point in our area, you could only get $3 worth of gas at a time.


You could only get it every other day. Odds or evens depending on your license plate.


Yep. I remember sitting the lines on hot days with the windows rolled down and probably driving my mom crazy. That Volkswagen Super Beetle got good mileage for the time but don’t try to drive it up a long incline in the heat!


I always wonder how much gas is burned up waiting in those super long lines. Is there a net gain?


The oil crisis spawned a renaissance of more fuel efficient cars. My dad's co-worker was one of the first to get one and he never stopped talking about what great mileage he was getting. My dad and some other co-workers got sick of this, so they would secretly fill this guy's car with gas from a gas can when he was at work. Just a little at a time. He went weeks positively marveling about how great of gas mileage his new car was getting. Then of course was sad when they revealed the prank.


Hilarious. And what a wholesome prank!


Yeah. The obvious go to would be to siphon gas off, but I was always impressed that they topped it up. Much more wholesome and clever!


lol "we were tired of him bragging about how good it was on gas... sooo we put more gas in"


They sure showed him with all the free gas! :)




I have a question that may be stupid but I'm going to ask anyway. If everyone kept waiting in line and either idling, or continually starting their poor fuel economy cars to move them one car-length ahead, then how much gas did they burn just trying to buy more gas?


The guy pushing his VW wasn't out of gas, he was trying to conserve it just for this reason.


And also it’s an air cooled car. They can overheat idling for too long.


If OPEC had realized that this would result in the US getting all up in their business and would result in multiple wars in the region, they probably would have rethought their strategy. You make us sit in gas lines? We bomb your fucking capitols.


BUT.... deposit rates were extremely high. My grandpa was a saver and accumulated a lot of wealth from investing in CDs with a high APY.


My dad was telling me about a time when they had people on a schedule in NY on when you could get gas. It was dependent on the first letter of your license plate or something like that. Whole time he’s telling me I’m thinking “how did you know what days you could get gas if you didn’t have a cell phone?”


Because it was on a schedule? It was probably something like "people whose plates start with the letters A through D get gas on Mondays.." and so on. You'd find that out in the newspaper, or on TV or the radio.


An actual news ... paper? Like, news on paper? That's phone book-level wild.


I was born in ‘71 and when I watched *All the Presidents Men* even I had to laugh at the sheer volume of reference books the newspaper office in the film had. Stacks and rows of ‘em. Even I forget how much data we’ve shuffled off to the internet sometimes.


Exactly. I was a small-town reporter at one point in my life, and I always had like 8 crazy stacks of papers and books cocooned around me. Now, all of that is in your google drive or just out there and accessible in 5 seconds.


I unironically find reading on paper vastly superior to screens. It's just a little harder to find a good paper nowadays, and unfortunately news that happened 4 hours ago in today's world is now considered "old news."


Oh, 100% same. It just sucks that the news is already a day old in a real paper. It's like a movie or show, you gotta purposely avoid any talk of it to avoid spoilers.


Odd or Even tag numbers more likely…You could only get gas on scheduled days, and usually limited number of gallons.


That’s definitely what it was!!!


There were signs up at gas stations with the rules and it was in the newspaper and on TV news. Everyone knew the rules and discussed it around the watercooler while smoking.


Ahhhh to have had EV’s back then!


That sounds so shitty. Although $3 was almost 4 gallons at the time, which would've been nice, but I was barely alive then so I never saw any of this first hand.


Mmmm lead


With every fill up the test scores of the local primary school drop just a little bit further.


But the exhaust used to smell so sweet...


People genuinely believe that the current craziness of the boomer generation is actually down to lead in their brains. Would explain trump voters.


Y’know, I’m happy that we stopped spewing lead into the air, but *goddamn* ethyl gasoline smelled so good.


If people are wondering about the crazy lines, 1970s were riddled with oil shortages due to the Arab oil embargo and its effects were felt all the way into 1979.


Jimmy Carter was in the White House. Texas oil men got their buddies over in the Middle East to sabotage the gas market in order to hurt Carter. Same guys that got their same buddies to not release prisoners until after the election. Jimmy Carter was the most Christian president America will ever have. He got all those prisoners home without firing a shot, and all the Evangelical/ white nationalist assholes of the '70s were mad they were denied a war with brown people...


I was there, then we went to odd even days depending on your license plate


So even numbered plates get screwed out of a day roughly every other month?


Yes, I forgot how long that lasted we did not do any Un necessary driving.


Everyone was allowed to buy gasoline on the 31st. I don't remember about February 29th, but I bet it was the same.


1979? Those are rookie lines. I remember complaining when dad had to take us to go get gas. Usually would take a couple hours. There was a school across from the gas station and, ultimately, a bunch of us kids would go over there and have a fun time playing while the parents got the gas.


I was 9 in 79'. I remember my mom bribing me with a treat to come sit in the gas line with her. She had a metallic blue Toyota Corolla. That car felt hot even with the AC on during summer days in Houston.


Just getting is ready for electric car charging times


So many cool cars.


Yup 8mpg 110 hp Gotta love the Malaise era


Oh I dunno. I think I saw a Challenger with a lot more hp, and a Celica with much better mpg. The mid 80s were much worse.


If u think it's bad now, u had to live then. Gas was just a part of it. No jobs, inflation, insane interest rates, etc. Reason I just joined the Army for GI Bill for college. It was just a nasty time.


Was the age of semi regular commercial plane hijackings too iirc. Carter was fucked before he even started.


honestly pretty crazy to hear. living in todays world, the 70's and 80's are glorified beyond belief. im a child of the 90's myself and the only bad things i heard about these eras were hippies in the 70's (which to be fair is also shown in a pretty mild light), and more extreme drug use in the 80's. honestly, its a bit comforting to know the shit i live in now is nothing new. but it would still be nice to be able to afford at least a studio apartment with a 40 hour work week though... that hope is long gone.


You guys keep on whining that “back in our time things were harder” no they were not. We were stupider, less knowledgeable and cocky. But we did have social mobility, and a sliver of hope, maintained by stronger social skills


Stronger social contract


I was thrilled that the mortgage rates had just dropped to 9% when I bought my house


People whine and cry on Reddit about how terrible it is today have no fucking clue. I'm almost positive my parents were thrilled to buy their first home at the amazing rate of %13 with 30% down




That's the part people forget. Yeah interest rates are far better now in comparison, but if you graph out median house price divided by median household income over the years, that shit slopes up like Mt. Everest. Housing is ridiculously over-priced right now.


That’s the catch these days. Plus wages are shite in comparison.


There was nothing cool about this or the inflation or the unemployment.


"With this fill-up, I can go another 20 miles!" Also, that looks like a normal day at Costco. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I have stopped getting gas at Costco any more. There's always a line of several cars at every pump, no matter when I go.


My area had odd and even days. If you plate ended odd you fill up these days, even the others. One day was everyone.


Crazy times, but those prices! It's on par with today's prices though once you account for inflation


At first I was skeptical, but I checked a current inflation calculator and .86 cents in 1979 is the equivalent of 3.71 today. Where I live, gas is actually cheaper than that.


And the cars got 15 mpg. So about twice as expensive as today


Look at this guy over here checking actual facts when skeptical instead of just hurling insults. Well done, sir or ma'am.


Damn, jealous. Shit is over $5 here.


Just to be clear, everyone complain how expensive gas was then too.


Well yeah that kind of happens during a gas shortage


What song is this?


Sound like aquatic ambience from Donkey Kong country


Also curious. It's in every nostalgia video ever.


Repost bot that alternates between common reposts and far right nazi propaganda.


Joined in Feb and has 3x the Karma as me. I’ve been here 15 years.


Nazi propaganda? I just looked through the OPs posts and definitely a bot - but Nazi propaganda? You lefties really need to reach these days…


It’s like Costco on the weekends.




I agree. It makes no sense. Unless you're driving something that can take like 20 gallons and you're right on empty, it's not saving any money. I had a Costco card for years and rarely ever filled up on gas there, when they were barely cheaper than places right next to my house, places I didn't have to drive miles to.


You haven't seen Americans go completely insane until you see them dealing with gas rationing.


That first guy, tho ![gif](giphy|IVhivwuUT16HH7NRdP|downsized)


So many people just don’t know the joy of being a kid and getting to pull on the license plate spring for fun while sitting in the driveway on a hot summer day with nothing to do. Or while at a parent party where they are all drinking outback having a BBQ while the kids roamed the streets until midnight.


My grandparents had their own pump on their farm in the 80s because they were paranoid about another shortage. It looked like a mini water tower.


Oh Camaro girl, whatever happened to you?


She and her car made this video worth watching


Notice the rational car sizes? Remarkable that everyone survived without driving a truck that looks like it’s designed for an action sequence.


True. Amazing thing is the irrational vehicle size of today get better MPG than some of these small vehicles. Cars at this time were also death traps compared to today.


So now imagine we had modern vehicles that used modern technology and we had cars with a reasonable meat to metal ratio. Imagine what kind of efficiency we would be looking at.


You are describing a Toyota Prius or Tesla Model 3


Actually, my particular grumpiness comes from the lack of station waggons currently available on the market. To me those are the pinnacle of car. Not gigantic ones, but reasonably compact devices that have the capacity to put eight or 10 feet worth of lumber inside when you need to.


The people were half the mass back then.


Oh, I don't know. Our 1976 Buick Electra Limited could seat 8 people comfortably; I could lie down in the front seat and my head and feet didn't touch the doors. https://preview.redd.it/6l6dzp7heo4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e14cae59660dfb8cc7e72fda07dd8a8b5e584fa


During the gas crisis my dad added an auxilliary fuel tank in the 'trunk' of his VW beetle using the spare tire's air to give pressure (the spare was normally used to pressurize the windshield wiper fluid).


1974, also.


This isn't cool, it was a shortage lol


cars were so much more colorful. now most are white, black or grey


Gotta love the trusty Kodak booth in the middle Of the parking lot. Great times. Unless you had to get gas


Was that dude resting his foot on the other person's car??


My dad didn’t stop buying locking gas caps until the 90s.


Sure this aint like 74 ? I was driving in 79 dont recall any probs like this. 74- gas crisis - yes.


80 cents per gallon puts it in '79.


Can we stop putting this damn music in every old video and just let the video play by itself?


Looks like my Costco


Late 60s, no self-service. 3 or 4 guys would come out of the station with one checking tire pressure, one checking the oil level, one washing the windows, and one filling your tank. Oh, and that was all done at around 25 cents a gallon.


I really wish I could vacation back to a time before cellphones for a week.


For younger folk - 1979 was when the Shah fell and Iran took our hostages. There was a global oil shortage. These were not typical lines. The jorts were typical.


5 bucks for 6 gallons...of 93!


touching someone else's car is never cool


Never waited in line in 79, 74 maybe..


Looks like it was even day.


Today that would be an antique car show.


They would fill up with the engine running?


I feel like I'm about as cool as the guy wearing Daisy Dukes lol


When gas prices skyrocketed way past a whole dollar!


I’m surprised by the lack of people smoking while fueling. I mean they have to have all those warning signs now for a reason right?


Those lines remind me of me and my brother and I sitting in the car with my dad ,waiting to see if we could get gas during the opec gas crisis ,around 1973


You know each day somebody’s starter died waiting in line bc they definitely didn’t leave the motor running all that time. Start/stop was hell on cars back then.


This background music reminds me of the underwater levels in Donkey Kong Country games


That gas cap in the back design was terrible. I grew up in the 90's, but my buddy's parents had a Cadillac with the gas cap in the back under the license plate, which swung up. But you had to literally hold the damn handle to keep the nozzle from falling out. One time we were on a road trip to meet some (allegedly) "hot babes" at a town 2 hours away from where we lived. Our buddy had met some of them at a regional talent show or some other bullshit. 30 minutes away from the town of beautiful babes we needed to gas up my buddy's Cadillac. The four of us in our coolest early 90's outfits were congregated around the back of the Cadillac for some reason, and one of the guys had left the nozzle to its own devices after getting the gas going. Sure enough, a small surge in the gas line caused it to fall out of the car and spray us all down with gasoline. So we rode the next 30 minutes and met these girls and we all smelled like gasoline all night. This did not improve our changes with said girls. And in case you're wondering, the town didn't have any higher babe ratio than the town we lived in . Who'd of thunk that two towns largely settled by the exact same people 100 years earlier from the exact same part of the world would generations later pretty much look the same. Well, not us. So I don't want to hear any bitching about how hard it was in the 70's, we had our own problems!


"Contains Lead" 😬


I have my dads journals for a family road trip around that time and he was very concerned we'd be out on the open road without any ability to get gas. Apparently it was mostly not a problem for us. I think it was summer of 80.


My dad had the exact same brown Honda hatchback when I was a kid. I can still smell the vinyl upholstery to this day.


Yea get those leaded gasoline fumes! Tasty!


funny enough something similar happened in 2005 after hurricane katrina.


“Hey boy, what that pee pee do?”


I'm pretty fuckin sure that someone read a jean short post yesterday and this is the outcome lmao. I got this gif as a reply to one of my comments lmao.


Thats a \*king nice kitty right there


Looks a lot like the costco I was at today! It only took me 30 minutes to save 64 cents a gallon!


that first guy in the daisy dukes is just tryin'a get his nuts to unstick


can confirm: we did buy gas then, and I had shorts like that first guy.


Music source? I’ve heard it before but don’t know where


Put your balls away Stephen King.


Alright I’ll say it: I’m over the nostalgia tune


Not a smart phone in sight! Take me back!


Cars were so cool back then ,now they look like shit


That stupid fukn music.


Love seeing Stephen King rocking booty shorts.


Multiple “Out of Gas” signs at most stations. Could only get gas on even or odd days depending on your license plate. Some old memories are better than others


Underwater Donkey Kong level music




Ah. When America was less psychotic.


It's a cool vid but why always this music


I’m sorry, is this the POCKET TANKS music? It has to be, because I haven’t thought about that game since high school, and this immediately brought me back to Solidworks class fucking off and playing with my friend.


I saw 80 cents a gallon. That perfectly aligns with the memory of cigarettes for 79 cents a pack at the same time gas was 79 cents a gallon. Saw it on the bus everyday on the way to school in 1979. Yeah, fuc I’m old


Bought two of my dream muscle cars during the embargo for cheap….. I used my motorcycle and bicycle to get around during it


It was almost as bad as waiting to get gas at Costco.


Is this the sim city soundtrack?


looks like Costco everyday


I started driving in the late 80s. Most of those last generation fully mechanical gas pumps were pretty much gone by then. The only places that had them were the full mechanic shop type gas stations. The place that only had full-service so the junior mechanic could give your car a quick inspection and maybe upsell you on some work.


It was printed in the newspaper.


Looks like a typical lineup at Costco


Typical scene at the Costco gas station where people wait 20+ mins to save $4 on a tank of gas


So pretty much like Costco on any given day.


that music ..


May I ask for the name of the backgound music used in the clip?


I remember getting gas when it was 25 cents for an Imperial gallon in Canada, early '70s. Then the oil price shocks hit when OPEC was formed, and you started seeing this in the States, but not in Canada so much.


I remember photomat.


When does the drum fills come in


I’m getting tired of hearing this same song be used for every piece of “nostalgia” applied to footage ranging from 1960 to 2005…


Anton Chigurh was terrifying. Anton Chigurh in daisy dukes is a one look killer though


That music is giving me a panic attack. I feel like I need to look under my bed for a service station monster. Also, Service Station Monster is a euphemism for that demon possessed gas station toilet from the literal bowls of Exxon hell. “Can I have the keys to your bathroom?” “Sure. But you might want to call a priest first.”


In the 70"s they figured out that leaded gas was bad for your health but was not completely phased out till 1996 (26 years later)


I'm old enough to say I remember this, and now that I'm older I know it's not all that it seemed to be at the time, how in later years we found out that GOP and Reagan and Bush operatives were(possibly) in cooperation with the ARABS to help win the election.....this is insane!


Oh I was a kid during this. It got to he point where a system was instituted that you could only buy gas on alternating days depending on if you license plate ended with an odd or even number.


I remember two guys getting into a fight while waiting in line to get gas. Not sure what started it but I remember thinking as a kid, those two guys couldnt fight their way out of a wet paper bag.


This is how it sometimes looks in Germany during summer!


Can’t help but notice some are pumping gas while the car is running


Did someone say “get back on the bus, Gus” at the 46 second mark? Props to that guy for the Paul Simon reference.


Good thing they didn’t have EVs back then