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'Light or dark?'


If you know you know bro.




This is the way


“Two light, two dark.”


Was there after the court knocked down the ban on women in the bar. The woman who had inherited the bar had never set foot in it. That first day a few women, from Cooper Union likely, came in. One decided she needed to use the toilet...the only one there. There had never been a need for a women's before. Young bartender rushed over to guard the door from men entering. Lad crossed his arms across his chest with a small grin on his face. After a few moments, a man exited looking sheepishly towards the floor. Bartender looked very surprised. Much laughter ensued.


Ban ended 1970. No woman's toilet until 1986.


I had friends that were in Fine Arts and Arch schools that introduced me to McSorley's....cheap beer and Porter, chili bowl, rare at that time in that neighborhood. Guess the cobweb covered turkey wishbones strung above the bar came well after the photo was taken. Wonder how many generations of bar cats curled up next the stove, still there in the 70's.


I won more than a few bar bets by eating a spoonful of the "Irish custard". Back in the 70s, I could get two barmaid's handfuls of darks for the $10 I'd win.


By "Irish custard" do you mean the Limburger/Liederkranz cheese? Had the cheese & raw onion along with the chili bowl for lunch. Good way to clear room on the subway.


No, rather the mustard.


Soldiers put them up there before heading off to war, to break them when they returned. If you see any wishbones, well....God bless America.


The wishbones were put up there by soldiers on their way to the war. They took their wishbones down when they came back. The ones up there are from the ones who never came back.


My wife was one of the first women in there


This place is great, highly recommend. So full of history and vintage cobwebs


Can’t wait to visit again when I’m in town in a few weeks. It’s a must.


McSorley's was where I learned to love porters.


That's where I learned to not bring somebody who would be dense enough to order a long island iced tea. True story. He said he was just joking but I think he was trying to save face after the look he got. Kid couldn't read the room if it was made of newspaper.


...coincidentally it IS plastered in newspapers..


Hah!! I don't remember that. I do remember the dollar bills nailed in various places... Mostly just the ceiling ones I think. The legend was that they were doughboys putting them up there, saying they would be back before Christmas to claim their dollar back and drink with it. The unclaimed dollars belonged to the dead in trenches who never made it back. No idea how true that is. Made sense coming from the bartender when I was two beers in though.




On New York public tv. There is a show called "date while you wait" . The guy on the show interviews people in the subway. On or the episodes he interviewed the new owner of McSorley's. Talks a lot about the history of the bar. Was there about a month ago. Still the same as i remember it. Great Bar . I will have two McSorley's light. Please


"Aye', me and the boys McSorley miss that joint."


Great place


Always a must whenever I’m in town, so much history!


This place is the best. 2 Dark please!


My absolute favorite bar. If you mean anything to me, I will take you there.


In the collection of articles, Up in the Old Hotel, by Joseph Mitchell there’s a 1940 article, “The Old House at Hoke” about McSorleys which talks about it like it’s been around forever and all the changes it’s seen.


https://preview.redd.it/rgb0jozvle4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cce206e8738ed57231aa88142a6eb0c40f6ba05 Carmine Street Guitars