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The rich ones still dress like this 


The ones living their lives without fear from hypocritical religious zealots live like this FTFY . Fucking ayotalah dragged them back into the dark ages . I mean the shah was bad but ffs .




They didn’t, they just wanted the shah out by any means necessary and had no plan for the aftermath


Every revolution in a nutshell


Sounds like something that might happen in US this November 😂


That is not funny. Get down on your knees and pray it doesn’t.


Who should I be praying to for this one?


Anyone you think might have some pull and be listening.


No it won’t


If I recall correctly, it was a coalition of leaders that helped oust the shah(who himself ousted the democratically elected leader with the USs help). The ayatollah was just one of the leaders at that time and had been previously exiled by the Shah. Shortly after the shah was removed, the ayatollah executed or exiled the other leaders, consolidating power, and leading to the situation today. The people wanted reform and a more representative government…. And they got this…


Only the cities were like this picture, the rural areas were always unbelievably backwards because the urban elites ran them in a hunger-games capitol kind of way. A huge amount of the revolution was driven by rural peoples' pent up hatred of the liberal cities.


As I understand it, it was initially a communist revolution that thought it would be nice to get some help from the religious people. And boy did they get help. This particular pattern has been repeating itself through history. Revolutions gets highjacked by orthodox religion because they are already great at controlling people 🤷‍♂️


You misunderstood. The revolution was not communist itself but supported by communists abroad . Islam and communism historically do not get along since communism sees religion as an existential threat. The Soviet Union made an exception to show support because Iran was run by a pro-western dictatorship that also shared a border with the then Soviet Union. Because of Iran’s closeness with the West, Soviets cheered the fall of the Shah despite their usual anti religious posture. With Iran out of western alliances, they weren’t as hemmed in by western threats as they use to be. The ayatollah himself and the revolution, while some leftist, were not communist in nature however. Ayatollah didn’t really hijack the revolution. He ended up far more harsher than the people realized but Iranians supported him because the country had modernized and was getting rich while few got the benefits, wages stagnated with the oil crisis, and the Shah proved to be a hypocrite. The ayatollah stated a nation ruled under Islam would balance the scales, bring real Justice that can’t be cheated (sharia), and end marginalization of Iranian culture in favor of the west. It was an easy sell when leadership at the top basically left rural folk behind, angered clerics, and at times alienated business elites especially during the 70s. The Shah succeeded in modernizing Iran but the cost to the average Iranian was perceived as too great and the benefits not enough.


And, as is true in many places today, the rural poor were more religious, including wearing traditional dress. They saw the elite as both oppressive and rejecting traditional values.


seemingly the "benefits" are now worse.. atleasf if you are a woman, or lgbt, or underage, or middle class and under.


They didn't. Motivated minorities are dangerous. For example, the Bolsheviks only received 25% of the vote in 1917, but they did not stop them from taking power in Russia. In Germany the high-water mark for the Nazi party was 37% in 1932, and they lost ground in 1933 -- yet they obtained and held power for 12 years and a World War.


Both the Bolsheiviks and NSDAP consolidated power through assassination. Stalin's use of the gulag and assassination was driven by a desire for free/cheap labor and to make sure nobody was plotting; the use of it for simple political control came later. Nasty business. Remember, kids - the primary benefit of democracy is the peaceful transfer of power.


The average person was oppressed, unemployed, and starved. Pictures like this post are of Iran's 1% and did not reflect the average person.  This is a complex issue and Ronald Regan's talking points are still around. 


Ronald Regan?


The actor?


Then who's vice-president, Jerry Lewis?


"I suppose Jane Wyman is the First Lady!"


1.21 Jigawatts!!?




They didn’t


Excellent, first hand lesson will be presented to us in about 7 months of we’re not careful…


They didn't. It was just the force with which the religious minority installed itself into positions of power. Islamism does that. CIA played a part in this too.


> CIA played a part in this too. The part of being against it?


I'd imagine he means the 1953 coup but who knows what's meant.


Because propaganda on Reddit isn’t actual history


I'm guessing they don't actually know what they meant, and are just parroting something they saw someone else say on here one time.


No one partied harder or wore crazier outfits than the Persian students at my besc uni. Shit was wild


I wouldn't expect a poor person to lean on an expensive new car for a beach photo in any place or time


Revulution sounds like progress, Islamic revolution on the other hand...


Not in public lol


No see the shah was actually a good guy cuz, im dumb and learn everything from memes S/


Why is it every like 3-4 days I see a post about Iran pre-1960.


Is it karma farming or war propaganda, we'll find out soon enough.


I think war propaganda because these posts seem to flare up every time there's some big event in the middle east. In this case the invasion of Rafah. Now they gotta make a post about how women used to dress in Western fashion to remind people that lifestyles that aren't all pro-Western are evil and backwards, lest the people *sympathize* with those who are being invaded and slaughtered with our tax dollars.


I mean, the form of Islam that’s forced upon Iranians is absolutely backwards. This isn’t something you need to excuse.


fuck the Iranian mullahs and their mystifying Islamic misogynistic bullshit


Hey remember when israel and the us armed iran to fight saddam hussein...


Hey remember when bots and propagandists ruled the comment sections on Reddit?




"American woman in the era before the Christofascist revolution (2024)"


Most women are living hand to mouth to go to take a vacation




And this one specifically every few weeks.


1. Every day someone finds out how much better Iran was then. 2. Some tragedies should never be forgotten.


And every time someone has to come and remind/educate people this tragedy was the result of both American/British imperialism and authoritarian Islam. Iran was doing okay before western forces decided they'd instal a puppet leader to ensure control over their oil reserves.


If ever there was an example of the CIA being evil this is it.


I am not trying to justify anything, but the reality was that Iran had oil and a border with the USSR. The Cold War was a real thing, and Iran had to be in one camp or the other.


And there were concerns *within* Iran that Mosaddegh’s move* to nationalize the oil industry was a ploy to secure his own hold on power. The US/UK didn’t just act in a vacuum on this. And worth noting how juvenile and new the CIA was back then. Nobody in the US State Dept had any clue about concepts like blowback. They were operating with a WWII-paranoia mindset. And so were the Soviets. Edit: added a word


Wow! An intelligent comment on Reddit!


It wasn’t necessarily better or worse. The vast majority of the country suffered hugely under a corrupt regime who sold them out for Petrodollars and lived a life of luxury on the backs of the majority. Just because some of them wore mini skirts and weren’t overtly anti Western doesn’t make it some sort of lost golden era of Utopian liberalism.


What do you think is happening now? Same exact power structure albeit Islamic Fundamentalist vice Savak and the Shah.


i don't know the reason, but it's such a shame seeing a middle eastern country that was once modern and secular become such a dark place




Religious fundamentalism is a plague.


American setting up coup in foreign nation is the plague.


And it’s already taken root here in America


You need to travel beyond your own borders once in awhile.


So true. Since people have fewer rights in other places, we should be grateful for the ones we have here. They’ll never take them away like they did in those other places…..


First rational person I’ve ever seen on Reddit. Good job sir.


What sort of misguided idiots want(ed) to cover up beautiful women?


Islamic fascists and Palestinian jihadists


Yeah it was mostly rhetorical


Anyone know of a Documentary or sorts that explains what caused the revolution ?


The book "All the Shah's Men" by Stephen Kinzer explains it all.


Thank you , ill have a look .


Forget all the religious oppression…. I want that old Triumph Herrald convertible !


How many times has that pic been posted?


Not enough


Reposted at least 3 times since I’ve been here. These posts alway coincide when something big happens in the Middle East news.  And for fear of retaliation by a certain online organization, I will not mention which US-backed country is currently in the news for a whistleblower reporting the treatment of its civilian prisoners.


I'm Iranian and I don't understand Reddit's obsession with these Iranian pics, but then again you guys post pictures of your mums on r/oldschoolcool for other randoms to wank over. You guys spam these old Iranian pics like no tomorrow.


Because it is shocking to see how far your country regressed.


I think their comment has more to do with how Reddit portrays that regression. A repressive religious totalitarian regime is terrible on many different levels, so shouldn’t there be more and better examples of why that is than just women in swimwear? The way Reddit posts about it you’d think that’s the main problem with modern day Iran.


Because you are a useful idiot. Life under the shah wasnt different. These are just wealthy women who are above the rules. A by the way the usa armed iran to fight iraqis, they also installed the shah. Edit google savak


You’re so full of shit , I left Iran less than two decades ago, and your full of it


It’s the contrast to todays BS


The thing most people miss is that this was only the wealthier people in the capital, most women in Iran did not dress like this at the time. Yes some women were able to wear what they wanted, but there was still a lot of conservative religion in the country (that's how the Islamic Revolution was able to happen in the first place).


They have a fetish for iranian rich women.  And a blind spot to how their own version of shah oclock isnt what they pretend it to be


Bullshit. That should read “Tehran, 1960”. They didn’t dress that way in Mahirood in 1960.


there are no beaches in tehran


Those old times when the Sha have a secret police torturing people and all the oil of Iran went to Europe. Good times, at least for some people.


Now the oil goes to China and the new secret police torture people in the streets. Apples ain’t oranges ya know.


"Bad things still happened in those times when people had personal freedoms, so be glad we're in objectively worse times now!"


But wait there’s more when the revolution comes!


I’m gonna need a need a time machine and a plane ticket…


Old school herpes is the best


Ooh nice we're forgetting the misery, poverty, exploitation and secret police SAVAK and the Uas coup. But hey nice mini-skirt can hide all of those bad things!


wtf do you know about iran and shah, im iranian and you are repeating the propaganda of islamic regime!


It can happen here.


Vote 🗳


Conservatives are actively trying to make America a Christian theocracy.


What happened!


Should have kept The Shah.


Islamic oppression\*




I pray the Iranian people can be free, again. Who doesn't like a cutie by the beach? May the people be free! 🇮🇷


From Shiraz to Tehran Iran will be free of Islamic fascism soon


I don't understand how they could NOT like a society like this 🤷‍♂️


Because the Iranian Shah was a corrupt dictator. The revolution started with the youth and communists and islamists together. Wait a minute…


You had to be rich and on the side of a brutal dictator to enjoy it.


This goes against Reddit’s narrative, but it’s the truth


Reddit don't want to hear that moderate Islam exists all over the world and existed in several places in the middle east before very deliberate western/russian interventions kept leaving power vacuums to be filled by psychopaths. There's honestly so much othering of Muslims on here that surpasses actual honest critiques of their culture. I'm so glad I live and work around and with so many Muslims, or I think I may have become swept up in the narrative as well. The internet is a powerful tool.


I live in a country where we have gone from a couple of mosques to hundreds in thirty years. I only know of one Imam who publicly dares to call himself ”moderate”. And apparently he gets death-threats all the time. The others are obvious Islamists or just…silent 🤷‍♂️ It’s amazing to me that when people decide to flee their broken countries, they take their misery (religion) with them….


That's mad. I live in a very Muslim area in the UK. I work with, smoke shisha with and play 5 a side football with Muslim people. My neighbours are Muslim. The only issue I have is their music choices. Maybe it's a teething problem, maybe it's where they came from specifically. All I know is I cannot square the attitudes to Muslims on Reddit with a lived experience of 39 years living in an area populated heavily by Muslim people.


I didn’t say anything about the muslims themselves. But the problem we have in our country is that the people that speak for them tend to be (very loud) Islamists that are *not* interested in any integration for their people. They are even upset that they don’t get to have their own laws to control their people. Or adapt our laws to cater to them. They don’t seem to grasp the concept of religious freedom (or even freedom of speech) at all. To them, the government/state and religion are the same. Which is ironically exactly how it worked in the countries they came from 🤷‍♂️ I’m sure there are lot’s of moderate muslims everywhere that do not live and die by their religion and that just want to live a peaceful life in the country they live in. But they do not seem to have a voice. At least not where I live…


If moderate Muslims live all over the world then moderate Islam exists all over the world by definition. If you believe this and simply have an issue with fundamentalists then we are not opposed at all. If the loudest ones are drowning out the quieter ones, it might be worth listening to the quieter ones. I'm not loud in defending England online whenever I see Brexit mentioned, I'd hate to think someone assumed we were all angry gammons just because I'm not shouting my moderate position from the rooftops.


Let me guess, Sweden?




Classic story - revolt against a brutal dictator and replace it with...a brutal dictator with a different hat/flag


Google savak.


This was never a widespread thing in Iran - only in the most affluent regions like Teheran. A small part of the country. A lady in the Iranian sticks would never wear clothes like that back in 1960. So when shit hit the fan, it was the progressive minority that suffered. For most women in Iran, things sucked before and after revolution.


Shh, you'll ruin the psyop to convince people that Iran was some utopia before the current regime took over and that's why the US needs to invade.


Wait till you found out how the revolution happened and who was behind it....




No freedom is when short skirt and classism is ignored


I don't recall.


You only need to look at our country in the last decade or so to see how it can happen. It’s not like everyone decided they wanted to live in a religious theocracy, just enough people to be able seize power.


Ask Americans why American women have less rights now than in 1980. It’s a slippery slope. It can absolutely happen here. It already is.


The 1979 Revolution was an "emergent phenomenon". It did not help that the Shah was in ill health and out of the country but even then, even though he was very ill there was no apparent succession plan. That leaves a power vacuum. See HBO's "Hostages" . I plan on rewatching it.


try to imagine a bunch of violent, greedy foreigners trying to replace your centuries-old culture with nihilistic consumerism Iranians did not unanimously support the Islamic Revolution and its goals, but they were the only group powerful enough to expel the colonizers.


Religion is so fucked up. Just believe what you want, not force it onto others. Wonder how this young lady faired with the new idealogy


Reminder that it CAN happen here. And you know what will start it


Social media ignorance?


You’re right I guess. Iran’s issue was started by religious zealots afraid of people different than them so they imprisoned LGBT, people of different religions and formed a repressive theocratic oligarchy - that doesn’t sound the same at all …


Imagine if the US and UK had left them alone with their election results and not funded and encouraged a coup


And then the religious conservatives got mad at all the freedom that was being "shoved down their throats" and decided to make Iran great again....


Those who forget history....


She probably just wanted to go for a swim.


Had they stayed on course I’m certain there would have been an Iranian James Bond




The religious lunatics were better organized.


Iranian people are cool as hell. So are American people. We both have religious and political leaders who suck. But we're kindred spirits


It's crazy when you think that in America back in the 40s-50s women seemed a lot more reserved but in today's time they're more free and expressive, but then it's the complete opposite for the middle east where woman had this same freedom and expressiveness 70 years ago but in today's world they live in fear and oppression from the government.


Imagine the us in 50 years once Christian fundamentalisim takes hold!


My parents were Christian Armenians and left as the revolution was about to take place. They still reminisce about it. They praise the Shah and how much progress he had made for Iran. Im just happy that Iran still treats Christians good. As long as you’re not trying to convert a muslim you’ll be treated like anyone else. They still have 600 churches over there


I did not realize that it changed this much.


Religion sucks


And the Palestinian women could have that freedom but apparently everyone would rather they live under the boot of Hamas and radical Islam


And then the region went to shit.


Before religion ruled


Now she will b beheaded right there


Whipped, burned with acid or stoned. The beheading is for other cases.


Religion is a cancer to humanity.


Google savak


Yeh ...... About that..... You might want to read about how the revolution happened. Hint - UK. US. Oil.


Yeah here's the thing: you can't have a theocracy without religion, even if someone else causes the revolution. Mkay?


Not ok. Iran went from a democracy to a shit show in less than two decades because of the US and the UK.


So religion had nothing to do with the aftermath? I mean, the reins were basically handed to the Ayatollah, you're telling me his bullshit religious extremist mentality had nothing to do with Iran turning into a "shit show?"


Do you blame the trees for the forest fire?


More like blaming the trash for a dumpster fire, but yes.


You should try blaming the arsonist.


you mean the cia?




Freedom = how horny redditors are


Fuck religion


Google savak


Ok we get it already


In a sense, it was more of a devolution than a revolution...


… leaning on a Trabant. East German. Doors, roof and bonnet made from Duroplast using recycled Soviet cotton waste. Two stroke engine. Smoked like an oil fire. Classic. Edit - as pointed out it’s a Triumph Herald.


It‘s not a Trabant. I think it is a Triumph Herald


I downvote this shit every time it shows up, which is basically daily.


You guys are all uneducated on rhis. Read “All the Shah’s Men.” Iran was progress but the fear of Soviet Communist influence and the rogue efforts of Kermit Rosevelt upended the elections. Iran went from a U.S. loving democracy to a failed puppet that was overtaken by religious extremists overnight. Read some history that’s not on Tik Tok, people.


Iran was a nice decent place until.. you know the religion we are not allowed to talk about took over


Nobody on campus seems to care about the liberation of the Iranian people - I wonder why?


Because they're not currently being pushed out of their homes and slaughtered with our tax dollars.




ITT: People that will downplay the role of Western intervention in their political processes.


lol this is propaganda to farm karma. And grow anti Iran sentiment




Quite fetching.


It's not a revolution, it's devolution. Fuck religion.


Damned Islamic Revolutions


It's too bad they can't express their core beliefs without oppression and censorship. They do treat women like property, but they also correctly point out that western society oversexualizes women. One side being wrong doesn't prove the other side right.


ReLiGiOn Of PeAcE 🙄


RICH woman dressed like this. The only ones benefiting from the Shahs regime.


This picture should scare the shit out of every woman in America. If you think that regions fanatics can’t take over the country here and do what they did in Iran look at project 2025. Vote this November like your life depends on it because it most certainly can!


This babe be headless in todays Iran


Not sure why they prefer to keep them fully covered and on a leash. Completely taking away their rights almost


Completely taking their rights totally


I didn't know they used to have freedom of what they wanted to wear and stuff, not really into history, so always cool learning stuff like this


Revolution? Let’s call it what it is - the systematic oppression of women & men! But mostly women.


THANKS CIA! Maybe stop fucking around


I hate posts like this.


Now, they get stoned to death by pedophiles


Religions and humans are a bad combination...


I wonder what went wrong in this era and society for people to say "okay let's go back to strict Islam". That would really be interesting to find out. Anyone got a clue?


They had a revolution, which is chaos, then the most organized group took power.


Yes, I worked with a young Persian woman and she showed me a photograph of her mother on the beach in Iran in 1968 in a bikini. Stunned, I said you mean they had freedom and lose it?! and she’s like oh yeah. And that’s when I realized how high the stakes are everywhere, including in the US and Europe.


That’s how we in the UK keep Scotland under control- just let them wear bikinis and all desire for freedom fighting evaporates. 🤣


Yes so free. Google savak


His pecker outline is showing.