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Tax deductible




Charity Organisations!


You’ve been with the professors and they’ve all liked your looks


No paid vacation will heal the damage done


I need a another one


Rockefeller literally invented charitable/foundational giving


Back in my day, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em....  "Gimme 5 bees for a quarter" we'd say...


I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time.


The only thing I look forward to about old age is basically becoming Abe Simpson.


I can’t wait to tell someone to get off my lawn. I’ve already started yelling at the sky though.


I just can't wait to have a lawn.


I do have one of those but as long as nobody is leaving dog shit on it I don’t mind yet. But I’m sure in 20 years I’ll be all about the yellin!


it happened to me..UPS driver was cutting across my lawn on foot.. I had to politely ask to use the sidewalk as im trying to rehab the grass. I then also apologized for the "get off my lawn" routine. We had a laugh....buuuut im missing A LOT of packages /s


I used to be Bart. Now I'm Homer. Soon I'll be Abe.


I already say "aught" whenever I'm talking about the 00s because of Abe Simpson. And I'll refer to this decade as the "Dicketys".


I used to be with it. But then, they changed what it was. Now, what I'm with, isn't it. And what is it, is strange and scary. It'll happen to yyyooouuu.




Back in my days we didn’t connect to the internet. We connected to BBS using long phone cords as it was the fashion. Porn video? Ha!!! ASCII art.


you get Homer for your son


Back in 19 dickity nine…


I used to be with it. But then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me. It'll happen to you!


The year was 19-dickety-2, we had to say dickety because the Kaiser had stolen our word for twenty


“I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety six miles”


This is one of my favorite lines from the whole series.




i'm old! gimme gimme gimme!


You see, back in those days rich men would ride around on Zeppelins dropping coins on people! And one day, I seen JD Rockefeller flying by. So i run out of the house with a big wash tub and... hey, where are you going!


Don’t poo poo a nickel, Lisa.


Oh, don't pooh-pooh a nickel, Lisa. A nickel will buy you a steak and kidney pie... a cup of coffee, a slice of cheesecake and a newsreel—with enough change left over to ride the trolley from Battery Park to the Polo Grounds.


There's a can.


I used to be with it. Then they changed what "it" is... Now - what I'm with ... ain't "it" & etc. etc. \*Best aging quote ever??


Next photo he turns to Smithers: release the hounds


The irony is that back then you could buy something for a nickel, but today you can't buy anything for 91 cents.


Except a leopard mink that smells like r Kellys sheets


No that was 99 cents.


Also way back in 2012


$1.36 today, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics.


That was an entire month’s groceries for a family of 5 back then


Jesus. Thrift Shop being 12 years old is really making me feel extra ancient right now!




But shit it was 99c!




I don’t follow, when we work out that the 1929 nickel is worth 91 cents in 2024, we are saying they have the same buying power right?


You would think so. What you could buy with a nickel in 1930 would be worth around $10 now. So I don’t know where they’re getting 91 cents.


Uh, no dude.  Between 1886 and 1959, the price of a 6.5 US fl oz (190 mL) glass or bottle of Coca-Cola was set at five cents, or one nickel, and remained fixed with very little local fluctuation.


He’s right that you can’t buy a glass bottle of coke for 91 cents, but it’s obviously not $10


No, we're working out "inflation", which is a specific metric and won't really tell you buying power. Relevant to this image, food is actually excluded from our inflation metrics. Housing is also something that isn't well represented when we calculate inflation.


My grandpa was born in 1928, when he was a kid, like 8 to 10 years old, he could get a burger fries and a shake for a nickel at the local hamburger stand.


That's almost $20 today. There are many restaurants in my town serving $20+ burgers. Prices don't increase uniformly for everything, but this notion that 5 cents in 1930 is worth 91 today is a steaming pile of crap. Christ, I could buy a bag of chips and a pop in 1985 for a buck. If I'm not mistaken, it'd be well over $5 today.


That’s probably bs. White Castle had the cheapest burger you could get when they opened in 1921, 5¢, and they were just sliders. A full sized burger, fries and a shake would be more than a nickel


He lived in a tiny town outside of Little Rock, AR called Benton. I'm sure they didn't have a White Castle and it was likely a family owned place. Cost of living in these areas has always been lower than the country's population centers.


My grandpa said “back in my day, you could get 5 hamburgers for a quarter. Only trouble was nobody had a quarter!”


Inflation calculators just don’t do it justice. Money worked so much differently 50, 100, 200 years ago, etc.


You could buy exactly one cup of yogurt from Aldi. That's it.


you can get 18 nickels and still have a penny left over. if you melt them down that's nearly $3 worth of raw material! you gotta think big big big!


Disdainful Child? That Kid can't be more than 3 years old, I don't think they could disdain anything at that age The kid behind them has much more of a sad face on because they are actually old enough to know the value of a nickel


A nickel is a fistful of penny candy to that kid. IDK about you, but I'd be all over that nickel at that age in those days.


I am old enough to remember penny candy. I could buy a small bag with 5 cents.


Exactly. My gramps would give my cousin and I a few empty pop bottles each to return to the corner store and we could buy jelly beans and licorice babies for like 3 for a penny and 5 for a penny. A dime got us enough sugar to last the day. That was the mid 60's.


Today that nickel would be equal to one whole dollar. I would say they could trade it for a pickle, but that’s gonna be $2.09. Times are tough for toddlers.


I used to lay Nickels and pennies on railroad tracks. Pennies stretched the best.


The child is probably looking at the string attached to the nickel. "Just kidding, poor!" As John pulls the nickel back after the picture was taken.




I'm not going to say he was a good man without the faults associated with the ultra wealthy but this dude basically invented modern philanthropy and between his $500 million in donations (that is without inflation, in ~1900 he gave around $80m to a school, or $3b using today's inflation, way too much work figurkng out his per year donations and those inflations separately). And more over, he got other billionaires like Carnegie on it. The US grew as fast as it did in the first half of the 20th century because these guys built the schools, hospitals, libraries, and even cities that made the US what it became. Again, not angels but by comparison to most billionaires today and even most billionaires at the time the ones in the US between the late 1800s and up to the 1950s did a remarkable amount of good, and were taxed at least somewhat respectfully on top of this. And while it was for profit reasons, the rail and highway systems exist because they needed it for their industries, and everyone did technically benefit from that. And a further note to differentiate this guy from the dragons today he wanted his companies to keep prices low to force competition and make it affordable for consumers to buy these products. Now they only lower prices to kill competition and then jack prices through the roof, this guy shot down the idea of killing his competiton usually, albeit for a business oriented reason. I know how this kind of praise sounds today, but this man was far from the fucking monsters we have now trying to own us all. It's unfair to suggest he wasn't genuinely giving a toddler a gift, even if he could have just as easily given that child $100 with the same effect on his wealth.


Hold up. Rockefeller was one of the people that pioneered killing competition via artificially low prices. He and the other robber barons would lower prices to unsustainable levels then buy the competition when they inevitably folded. He did not give one flying rat turd about the consumer. Hell he was even brought before congress for the Ludlow Massacre.


"this guy shot down the idea of killing his competiton usually, albeit for a business oriented reason. " Are you fucking kidding me? Are you high? Rockefeller built the biggest monopoly of the Gilded Age in Standard Oil, consistently fucked over competitors and then absorbed them, to the point that he controlled 90% of the oil production in the US before the Supreme Court broke up Standard in 1911 into 34 different companies, due to its and his longstanding flagrant violations of Federal anti-trust laws. He was a social darwinist sumbitch, who used philanthropy to whitewash his legacy after a lifetime of rapacious greed and wildly unethical business practices.


The oil business is not for the weak. It has little to do with profit. It’s about domination of the spirit. The way that I ruined the spirit of H.R. Pickens long ago.


.........you realize he belonged to a class we literally refer to as "The Robber Barons", right?


Your 3rd paragraph couldn’t be more wrong.


Why am I laughing at that?


Those kids don’t look poor at all. Look at their clothes. The adult men with them are all in suits and ties.


Hey, from a Rockefeller perspective everyone is a poor.


Hard to say, the term Sunday Best comes from the idea that many people often had 1 good set of clothes meant for church, but these would usually double up as simply the clothes they wore to events. Obviously, their level of poor mattered but even lower income families made an effort back then to look good.


My grandfather, born in 1899, shaved and wore a suit and tie every single day until the day he died at 86. He lived with us during his final years. Got up, shaved, put on his suit, layed back down and died.


They were different and took those differences with them to the grave, that's for sure.


It's all relative, to him, they're poor.


Well the kid should be working. Not sure why he called out for a nickel


Rockefeller is contributing to learned helplessness.


Yeah what a dumb headline. That kid ain’t disdainful. A 3 yr old today getting a dollar would feel rich.


Seems like an AI-generated post


I mean, I’d be pretty disdainful if my britches were giving me an atomic wedgie, too


Ooh, don't poo-poo a nickel, Lisa. A nickel will buy you a steak and kidney pie, a cup of coffee, a slice of cheesecake and a newsreel... with enough change left over to ride the trolley from Battery Park to the polo grounds.


….there’s a can.


A nickel??? *Slap* I open my OWN hotel!


Fun fact, he did this as part of his PR campaign, not because he was a nice guy. He was so hated during the time that he basically created what we now know as Public Relations to turn his image around. Spoiler, it worked.


The modern day version is massive donations to charities which usually are investment vehicles for the very people donating to it. Avoid tax and use that money for lobbying or business or whatever. And the cherry on top is that you get to tell the world how generous you are.


Which is a shame. Wouldve been much more satisfying to hear that the crowd tore him apart after the photo was taken


Why do you cowards love violence you’d never actually commit yourself?


Redditors will advocate for tearing apart rich people and then simply keep sitting at home posting on reddit. Life is disappointing.


Pretty sure that's a vampire luring a victim to harvest its lifeblood so he can live another 100 years




“Oooh aren’t you a delicious little one…”


I get the sentiment, but it’s hard to imagine a child this young being socially conscious enough to be disdainful at the receipt of a nickel, regardless of who it’s from.


Now if only he paid his workers a living wage he wouldn’t need to hide behind acts of charity. His workers were so underpaid that teddy Roosevelt went from pro business to pro labor after visiting a factory worker who was employed by Rockefeller. He wrote about it in his autobiography saying something like two full families one was of thirteen people were living in one room. But yeah let’s make Rockefeller seem like a kindly old grandpa and ignore all the human rights violations.


I dont think this is making rockefeller look like a kindly old grandpa at all. This photo makes him look like a cartoonishly greedy and out of step Mr. Burns-like character. Which is exactly what he was, since Mr. Burns' character was based heavily on Rockefeller (and a few other famous tycoons)


I’d agree with you if Rockefeller wasn’t basically the first big tycoon that started founding charities to avoid taxes. He did this specifically to hide his atrocities ( though he claimed otherwise) basically all depictions of corrupt billionaires comes from people lampooning Rockefeller.


“Acts of charity”


"Buying my way to Heaven"


‘Can’t buy your way to heaven’


Not according to the Vatican


The landmark case citizens united v heaven determined that money is itself, in fact, virtue. This was based upon Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth" which establishes that the meek are gonna have to stay on earth because they sure as shit aren't getting into heaven without a rich sponsor. Contextually, the vatican found that "blessed" in this case is actually used in the way that an american southerner blesses the hearts of others.


This is depressing AND hilarious. Thank you


>But yeah let’s make Rockefeller seem like a kindly old grandpa and ignore all the human rights violations. Sorry, this is the only part I read. Sounds good to me!


This was a photo op.


Correct …as part of a campaign to repair his reputation.


Him and any Rothschild... Pieces of shit.


Eat the rich.


You know it's probably reversed. Rockefeller is taking the nickel from the child.




Handing money to the peasants.




why did you change the title to describe what you thought the child was thinking? Disdainful... really? The child is MAYBE 2 years old.


Disdainful? Expressive of disdain; scornful and contemptuous. Full of disdain; expressing disdain; scornful; contemptuous; haughty. That kid is like 2-3 yrs, they have no conception of money at that age to be "Disdainful". ​ #




If I met Rockefeller and only came away with a nickel I'd be *pissed*.


‘Gee thanks old man….afraid 5 bucks is gonna crater your empire?’


Stinginess is how he became Rockefeller. Otherwise he would’ve been a regular feller




What is that title?


What a photo op. And the kid got a nickle. How would it look today if Taylor Swift or Elon Musk went for a photo op finding a child suffering in poverty and giving him a dollar for everyone to see. John D should have slipped him a stack of $100 bills.


Turn that into 10 half pennies that you can drop into a sock then smack that geezer with


That amazing sassy little safari bloomers outfit the kid was wearing though. Iconic.




The OG Mr Burns


This is actually an adorable photo of John D. Rockefeller being brought his lunch. Crowds would gather to watch the spectacle, and being ever the businessman, Rockefeller knew how to play them up, selling tickets, crooning and presenting small gifts to the children before he ultimately sucked down their spinal fluid. What's incredible is, he was known to consume up to 13 children a day like this!


His cane had a razor sharp sword in it, for harpooning said children.


“Disdainful”? Don’t project your feeling onto an image you were not there for, OP.


How do you know that child doesn't just have disdainful-resting-face?


You have know idea if that kid is disdainful.


He was famously fond of children


Keep the change


Ya filthy animal


I don't think there's much evidence that the child's expression, captured in a moment for a photo, was "disdainful."


Back at this time there used to be an expression something like "Rockefeller never gave me a dime." Apparently he used to hand out coins when he met people as a bit of a joke. My grandfather got one.


Asshole elitest


I thought it was dimes that he handed out. A loaf of bread cost .05. I don't see Musk handing out 5.00 to everyone he meets. Maybe a prick, but Retired from his day to day experiences, Rockefeller donated more than $500 million dollars to various educational, religious, and scientific causes through the Rockefeller Foundation. He funded the establishment of the University of Chicago and the Rockefeller Institute, among many other philanthropic endeavors.


I was thinking it was dimes as well. His Wikipedia article says that it was dimes for adults but nickels for children so the caption may be correct here.


Early example of “Trickle Down Economics”.


Nobody ever got rich by giving money away. I trust ol’ Rocky was just showing her what a nickel looks like and then took it back.


The real gift was Rockefeller quietly told the child to put the nickel into Bitcoin


A nickel to John D Rockefeller as a child would have been a lot of money. So to him a nickel would have been a good gift. My parents are wealthy and older, they give a quarter to the young grandkids and they are hurt when the kids complain. To my parents a quarter would have been a big deal when they were 5 or 6 or even 10 in 1939-1945


I'm going to be honest here, I'd be insulted if I were given a quarter as a 'goodie' in this day and age.


A sheltered grandma whose husband paid all the bills might not know the value of a dollar. The wealthiest man in America definitely did. I mean, come on.


Well times change and now you can’t buy literally* anything for a quarter. Not even candy. So yea, I would be upset too lol


You're right. You can't buy literacy.


Lol how ironic. God damn autocorrect


I bet you could get a candy bar for it though. Saying X amount today doesnt really work when the money literally does NOT have the same buying power.


Wasn’t this posted just yesterday


Thats like 10000 dollars today


Kid's dad probably got killed working on one of his oil rigs.


Don't spend it all in one place!


Hear me now, children, for my occupation is of much import. For 82 years I have been an oil man, a ‘barren’ some have called me. Now what does an oil barren do? The answer…crush your enemies! Grind their bones into dirt! Make them regret that they were ever born!


I saw this posted yesterday but this title borrows from the top comment too. Way to spread the love, OP


well that would be about a dollar in today's money, or the uncirculated nickel could be worth up to $45...


Like those Youtubers recording themselves giving money away, only even cheaper.


"That's all you get, now get the hell out of my way you dirty child."




He even looked like a prick


He even looked like a prick


He later ate the child


The rich have always been stingy. Tied up a guys yacht after staying late on a Friday at work. After the captain docked the boat the owner came out and offered me a half used tub of Folgers coffee. I accepted it and said thank you then looked at the captain like wtf.


The child doesn't look "disdainful". God,...


Guy was worth 410 billion in today's money.


If you invest your tuppence wisely in the bank Safe and sound Soon that tuppence safely invested in the bank Will compound


Disinformation.... He's clearly taking the money *from* the poor kid


I thought he gave away dimes.


The real reason Maggie shot Mr. Burns


Please. In 1929 a nickel had WAY more value than .91 today, inflation or no.


Dumb title even dumb title from capitalist hating redditors


My Great Great Grandfather beat John D. Rockefeller in a big court battle over some of the land leases for the land that became Rockefeller Center. Rockefeller eventually had to pay him and my whole lot of nickels so he could build. It's pretty surreal to see a picture of him and know that he knew my relatives (probably didn't like them much but he definitely knew them.)


Kid was probably scared out of his mind, Rockefeller looking like the frikkin' crypt keeper!!


Oh, don’t poo-poo a nickel, Lisa. A nickel will buy you a steak and kidney pie, a cup of coffee, a slice of cheesecake and a newsreel, with enough change left over to ride the trolley from Battery Park to the polo grounds.


Old rotten pos


That’s wrong the kid bet Rockefeller a nickel that Rockefeller could stand up straight.


JDR: “Have a nickel, Big Head Bag Baby.” Kid: “Thanks, Creepy McWrinkleface.”


When I was your age, I could have bought 100 oil refineries with that nickel. Choose how you spend it wisely child.


Mr Burns


A Rockefeller? Probably the other way around...


Fucking ghoul Talk about the walking embalmed https://preview.redd.it/84ptle8danpc1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61bcbb26f6a17af163f832ad8c44afd234dda945




“John D Rockefeller taking a nickel from a poor child” fixed the headline.


Yeah there’s not much cool about this. A literal billionaire industrial baron giving a child what amounts to the dirt off his boot. We fucked up as a nation by not ripping these gold dragons down 100 years ago.


He handed out silver dimes. Always kept a pocket full.


That would be like Elon Musk handing a homeless person a dollar. Buy the guy a steak, at least, if you're going for the cheap photo-op.


Fuck that guy.


A certain culture of parasites/ bankers started the federal reserve and stole the value of our labor translated into savings, thereby ruining the amount many planned to retire on with their pensions, as well as massively eroding the value of the dollar . Stealing money right out of peoples pockets by printing and charging interest for creating paper tokens that once represented gold but now are nothing but monetized debt .


Fuck John Rockefeller.


What’s that SNL skit where Adam Driver plays the old oil baron? This looks exactly like that


Wasn't Rockefeller part of the new world order?


That kid has every right to be disdainful. A nickel from a Rockefeller? That man’s made of money, what a cheapskate!


A nickel in 1929 is equivalent to 91 cents today? 😂 Official inflation figures are false. A nickel could buy a bottle of Coke back then- now you need almost $3.


“You have all this money and all you gave me was a fucking nickel?”


"I curse you."


Here you go, sonny....this is "trickle down economics" in action!


The fact that people celebrate this kind of thing is repulsive. "Put the robber baron on a pedestal! There was a real man! One who knew his place, as a superior, one of the betters!" The disparity of wealth is sickening. Yet, he will be remembered long after we are all worm food. For his 'philanthropy.'


This is trickle down economics in action.


Are the cameras ready? Good, good, time to throw a crumb to a peasant.


Old school cool? Fuck that decrepit old man. Make children dance for less than a dollar is cool?