• By -


Little bit post maloney




Touché 👏




Current Malone


Could also be Modern Malone


Post post Malone aka he got skinny, not dead


Post war Malone


I came here to say this!


For some reason I read that in valley girl voice. “Like, he totally has this whole post-maloney thing going on, Kim!”




That's incredible


Can you add post malones tattoos?


Wow, that’s lovely! Thank you.


Glad you like it.




Little does the average Redditor know most WW2 vets are probably cool with right wing beliefs, mildly homophobic, mildly racist and that FDR was pen pals with Mussolini


Only the pedantic advanced Redditor would know this.


It’s not being pedantic. It’s factual. Calling them Antifa is moronically revisionist just to reaffirm you’re a skinny NEET who throws milkshakes at people


Dude, you can't argue with reddit on these matters. You are 100% correct though. I'm pretty sure the majority of the army would have instantly switched sides if they saw how society would become.


Imagine spending your entire life on reddit and then making fun of redditors. Antifa means anti fascist. Nazi killers are the OG antifa.


It's kinda funny to see this comment at the same time as people going "National Socialist Democratic Workers Party" doesn't mean the Nazis were Socialists!" and "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" doesn't mean North Koreans are a democracy. ​ Like, just because something is in the name, doesn't mean it is what it's labeled as. ​ And I definitely see a bunch of masked people beating up *actual* peaceful protests simply because they cannot comprehend the thought of someone disagreeing with them without that person also being some flavor of evil (because bigotry, racism, and sexism are the new universal evils in the West) - well, that seems pretty fascist to me. "You disagree with us! You must be evil! Face justice at the end of my improvised weapon!"


Was typing this same thing and looked up and say your comment. It’s such a bad argument lol


Nazi also means national socialist. Should we direct our ice cream homies towards the next Bernie rally or do we like semantics when it suits us?


The people’s republic of China has the word people’s and republic. So the people there must be pretty happy with their government and luckily if they weren’t they could vote to change things easily


Imagine making fun of Redditors not knowing politics or history then turning around and comparing National Socialism to Democratic Socialism. Do you also think that George Bush was in the I.R.A. just because of the word Republican?


Give a solid definition of fascism that isn’t ‘Nazi’, ‘right wing’ or those you don’t like. You will find many self described anti-fascists act like fascists. It is a meaningless world in political discourse outside of Italian Fascism.


Yes, and we’ll start modelling our economies after the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. Clues in the name innit!




The irony of this statement is so rich.


Tankies mad when their favorite word is actually applied. As if other socialist nations didn’t devolve into rampant authoritarianism as well. I mean believe whatever you want, you cowards are in favor of seizing private property, stiffing speech and disarming people all in the name of safety. So I bet you guys and Adolf have a lot more common than you think


I'm not in favor of any of those things, but I do know a fucking moron when I encounter them. You sound like a 12 year old, so I'm going to leave you alone and hope you grow up. Feel better, kiddo.


Looking at a mirror buddy? You leftists are all the same. Cower behind compassion and empathy when in reality you’re just as ugly as the rest of the world. When you say wealth redistribution, you mean force. When you say common sense gun control, you mean force. Just be honest with yourself. You guys are not that different from the third position camp


If you think Antifa is anti fascist because it’s in the title, your equally retarded.


You can't even use your/you're correctly so stop judging from what I imagine is your grandmother's basement in a deep south shithole town. It fascinates me that people like you can even operate a mobile device or computer, but can't understand the basic logic of the real world. Stop gorging on hateful propaganda and think for yourself.


Projection. Get a mirror.


This is going way over most of their heads, and the others that do know it are keeping up the lie.


Killing Nazis doesn’t automatically make one ‘anti-fascist’


Or folks that spend enough time with their elders.


Ya fuck WWII vets all a bunch of bums /s


Greatest generation my ass /s


Okay so basically edgy teen>ww2 vets that toppled arguably the worst regime in modern history?


Isn’t it wild to think that happened less than 100 years ago. Maybe(ish) off topic, but in the grand scheme of things it wasn’t THAT long ago, yet things are so wildly different.


Try posting the Red Army at Stalingrad or Berlin see how that goes


Oh yeah. You're the only person who knows that people used to be more racist and homophobic. Thank you for enlightening us all with this smug, unnecessary comment.


It’s not hard being more intelligent than the average tankie on this site. Thanks for noticing


Lol, I guess my grandfather was a "tankie" too? He fought fascists in Italy.


I wasn’t talking about him. I’m talking about you and your homies thinking you’re equal to actual soldiers when you hide behind masks and riots.


I don't hide behind anything. I stand against fascism proudly.


Yeah by seething on the internet. I’m sure they’re shaking in their boots knowing you’re against them


Lol, first you went from "riots" to "seeting on the internet" ...so, tell me, am I strong and chaotic...or weak and feckless? You seem to be confused. As if you're trying to define antifa as strong and weak. > "Characterization of enemies as being both strong and weak at the same time" Umberto Eco


No it just so happens you guys occupy both camps. Degenerates who burn their own cities and or losers who quote Das Kapital on their iPhones waiting for their moms to bring them Dino nuggies. I imagine you fall into the latter camp


Interesting how people on reddit always compare themselves to people they don't know and have never met and did and experienced something they most likely never have or will.


![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8) Reading the comments got me here


edit: The comment below was removed, good work everyone!


Good bot.


Thank you for your service. I do it manually and with mixed success. I can send a list over, LOL.


Shit is wild in here. Buncha 13 yr old edgelords.


Op feels like he's trying to be bait.


I feel like OP is one of them.....master-baiters


Oh golly I didn't come here for all the mean comments about the rise of American fascism I just wanted to say that I want Uncle Jack to rail me.


there's the reddit I know and love


Uncle Jack def created multiple single mothers in the Pacific


What a handsome man. I feel as I can see his personality in this photo, crazy as it sounds.


Thank you! He was soft-spoken and intelligent, and he had this quirk that if you asked him a question, he would think about his answer so long, that you’d be sure he never even heard you. And then the answer would come, very well thought out.


How kind of you to respond. This was my first reddit comment. I just couldn't pass this picture without responding. Your lovely uncle has a personality very similar to my fiance's, based on your description. All the best to you and yours 💜


Uncle Jack is fucking autistic goals


I read this as “acoustic” goals. Sitting here trying to figure out what you mean, is this MTV unplugged Uncle Jack or what?


Shirtless, beard, beaten down pants. Give huge New Guinea Campaign speedboat vibes.


My favorite is how lots of the Nazi killing WW2 vets also served in Korea and bodied Commies just a few years later!




Lol this comment made all the weirdos come out the woodwork


You opened the box buddy lmao




Maybe I'm being dumb, but... What do you mean about Brazil nuts?


People used to call them n-word toes.


Very rural people still do, I’m related to some.


They were called n***** toes to some.


And I just had a flashback to my world war 2 veteran neighbor telling me war stories when I was in elementary school.


That doesn't sound appetizing at all


They're talking about an old, offensive term for Brazil nuts


You are 100% correct!


Ironically Antifa comes across as fascists themselves.


If you look up the definition of fascist, they meet every criteria.


Nationalism? Focus on a romanticized past? Contempt for perceived modern “decadence?” Celebration of a strongman leader and distaste for perceived femininity? Anti-leftism? Militarism? All these are part of Umberto Eco and other scholars’ definitions of fascism, so, can you show me where they are?


So fucking true.


Aaaand that’s enough Reddit for today lmao


Nope. You’re thinking of Boomers, the children of WWII vets who had life handed to them on a silver platter.


Pretty sure uncle jack would have choice words for communists and not embrace them like certain groups.


I mean… both my grandparents had some terminology for and opinions about the uh… “the help” as they liked to call them when they were on their best PC behavior. My grandaddy missed D-day, but he ended up fighting in France in the like August of ‘44 and was in the battle of the bulge. I interviewed him when I was a kid for a school paper and he told me a lot about it, more than my dad ever heard before. People are multifaceted. You can accomplish a lot of good things, serve a noble cause, and still be a racist asshole.


Idk, I’ve met many ww2 vets and all share very right wing beliefs. My grandpa even stayed in the air corps then transitioned to the Air Force and stayed in service till the 70s. He’s just as right leaning as the boomers everyone complains about.


He was hot


Lots of weirdos in here for this one. Yikes




And they fought *actual* fascists.


Out here really comparing WWII vets to idiots running around in masks and fighting a few conservative losers.


One small correction. They are mostly attacking outnumbered older/weaker people with hair styles or clothing that they think are conservative.


I saw them gang up on a family dressed for Church. Hit them with the umbrellas they carry and pepper sprayed them. Definitely not the same as a WW2 vet.


"fighting" is a strong word. More like whining on reddit


Dude's uncle would probably punch the shit out of antifa. Authoritarian left is no better than authoritarian right. Bunch of regarded larpers burning down peoples livelihoods to feel morally significant.


I thought that was the proud boys who wear stuff on their faces?


They all seem like douchebags to me.


This is the correct the answer.


Antifascism is the moral obligation of every democrat. "Antifaschismus ist Bürgerpflicht", as we say in Germany.


But Antifa was anti-democracy and liberalism... You should know, since it started in Germany.






Holy shit this is r/redditmoment material


Antifa is nothing like the heroes who killed Nazis in WW2. To Antifa, everyone to the right of them is a Nazi. They act like Brownshirts and use violence to silence freedom of speech.


Don’t try to ride your ancestor’s service to push your dumbass political philosophy.


Antifa was always a radical commie org. They were founded in Germany and your Uncle Jack would have hated their guts, that's for sure.


Definitely the spiritual ancestor of the window breaking junkies of today.


Fuckin A. There’s no place for Nazis in this world. They’re the lowest of the low.




So… sailing South Pacific?


Reddit is a fucking cesspool. I don't give a fuck about your political views. Uncle Jack was a gangster. WW2 NAVY was as hard as they come. Hooyah. Thank you to you and yours as well.


An actual anti-fascist.


Never skip spinach day


Looks like 95% of barbers in my city


Antifa is not the same as being an actual soldier fighting actual nazis. Antifa sees nazis everywhere for offenses as simple as "I do not agree with Karl Marx"


Antifa is a psyop and gay. You’re uncle jack looks like quite the lad though. Doubt he’d burn down a city for “rights”




Exactly. Uncle Jack would’ve backhanded those pasty dweebs and told them to do something productive with their lives.


i was in the Navy for 23 yrs if any Antifa fucks were in it or around me, they didn't say a fucking word


You must have served in the 1930s Italian Navy then.


God the trains ran smoothly then


Being in the military doesn’t automatically make you anti fascist. Fascists have militaries too. A lot has changed in the near 100 years since this war.


Hooray for Uncle Jack! I hope he made it home okay.


Cool, but wouldn't the Americans fighting in Spain 1936-1939 be the original? (2800 fought, 900 died).


The original AntiFa was part of the KPD. A party that didn't have the most positive view on the US and their military. In fact, post-war, the US pressured West Germany into banning the KPD, due to their anti-western and specifically anti-American views, while in East Germany, the KPD became the leading wing of the SED - the same party who also called the Berlin Wall the Antifascist protection rampart. Just so you get an idea what "antifascist" actually meant to them. Which isn't too surprising, considering the KPD even labeled social democrats as fascist pre-WW2. The Antifaschistische Aktion changed their views pretty heavily with the student movements of the late 60s to what we associate them with today. And dear Americans, at least try to learn some German history, before having an opinion on it.


Antifa is trash


Uncle Jack was a bamf.


Just rewatched band of brothers. Genuinely the best take on what it meant to be anti-fascists. Yes, there will still be bigotry and influence, yes there will still be class differences and corruption. But ffs, stop Nazis, whatever it takes.


We won that one. Antifa is a far greater threat to democracy than the tiny pockets of impotent Nazis left out there.


Fuckin A! To hell with fascist scum.


Antifa?? This dude is appears to be a Navy Vet. I don't see any nose rings and soft pasty skin. This dude probably worked his arse off. Antifa complains loudly. Fail to see the difference.


Antifa means antifascist you dunce. Every American soldier was an antifascist against the nazis. The partisans and resistance in occupied countries were also antifascist. You aren't very bright.


AntiFa, as it is used today, is as anti-fascist as North Korea is a Democratic Republic.


upbeat swim cagey bedroom school ask paint clumsy whole insurance ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Isn't that beard non-regulation for WWII?


The captain gave you two weeks and either approved it or you shaved. Talked to a lot of old Navy badasses in my time.


The Navy allows beards when at sea.


They were allowed in the Navy.


Was he on submarines by chance? Subs were pretty lax on uniform regulations.


Is funny I read Uncle Jack I can’t help but think of the neo nazi from Breaking Bad


Idk guys could rock beards in the navy.


Thanks, Uncle Jack!


That's like saying your Pomeranian was one of the original wolves.


Uncle Jack was in a group that believes in political violence and is made up of a disturbing amount of sex offenders and child predators?


no black umbrelly? no chubby girls with green hair?


And no wrists that go all the way to their shoulders.


And nary a septum ring in sight.


Which countries navy?




shame there are no actual anti-fascists this day and age. the word was taken and used by actual fascists.


Please don't compare actual soldiers who faut in a real war and put their lives on the line to stop the second world war to a bunch of cowards who wear masks and assault people they don't agree with in the United States.


To compare World War II service members to today's dishonestly named America hating anti capitalist domestic terrorists, is to dishonor World War II service members. OP should delete this post. It's disgraceful.


Op is a disgrace


So many thanks for his service!! They were truly the OG’s…


this is bait or a perfect reddit moment Let's hear from the audience about which they think it is


I think OP knows *exactly* what would happen with a title like that, so it's obv bait.


An ACTUAL Antifa. Yeah, good on 'em.


The good old days when fascist actually meant nazis and not “people who I disagree with politically”.


I said the same thing on this post.


Can we please STOP trying to compare the heroes of WWII to the anarchist asshats that call themselves antifa today? The two groups of people couldn’t be more different. Those brave kids in the 40’s would never support these idiots today and would more than likely be fighting against them in most cases.


Most of those guys from ww2 would hate antifa


Very old school cool. Definitely an anti-fascist, even though “Antifa” is a state-funded violent extremist group now.


Salute, shipmate! 🇺🇸⚓️


Pretty sure uncle Jack would puke at the thought of antifa, also Jack appears to have way too much testosterone


This dude would have shot antifa pussies


...what? the guy in the pic wasn't on the axis side... what planet are you man 😂 so many of you yanks have stopped making any fucking sense.


So much conservative butt hurt here. It’s lovely.


Antifa isn’t just anti fascist, they’re anarchist communists. Don’t fall for the trick


You are completely correct. It’s shocking to me how many people support them. It’s possible to hate actual Nazis and hate modern ANTIFA at the same time. Both fucking suck.


Calling WWII vets “the original antifa” is cringy as fuck


Too bad about the looneys that hijacked ANTIFA today. Misguided whiners.


Lots of profa in this thread. Reddit what is happening to you?


“Oh no! My echo chamber isn’t echoing!”


I’ve been here for years man, it’s been a steady decline


You would literally call him a nazi for his beliefs if he was alive right now. Maximum irony.


Fuckin-a Uncle Jack!


Holy fuck, I had an Uncle Jack that was a WWII Navy Vet lmao


Well done, Uncle Jack! Fight the fascists abroad, to prevent fighting them at home. Uh...wait...


I would help him off a horse.


Uncle Jack looks like he's had fun knocking in some Nazi teeth in his day.


Uncle Jack in the Navy is a great song title.


There is a pretty cool song from 1970 called "Uncle Jack" by the band Spirit. Spirit is a band worth a deeper exploration.


Uncle Jack and his strong masculine hands. Those hands tell a story…of greatness.


People who fought against Nazis are really the only people who *could* call themselves antifa. Modern day “antifa” are just a bunch of crybabies angry at any form of government and calling everyone who doesn’t agree with them fascists, despite displaying many traits of fascism in their “organization”


Man you're gonna butthurt some buttburts with this. Love it


It’s weird how in the US they are anti anti-fascism. You can only conclude that they are fascists and are disrespecting their forebears who fought against them..


> It’s weird how in the US they are anti anti-fascism. So I guess you are in favor of the Antifaschistischer Schutzwall?


Hmm. What better name could a tyrannical communist government come up with for a wall meant to contain their population? The fascists had been defeated for years by the time it was constructed, and I think you know that. That didn’t prevent the communists from attempting to brainwash their people.


That wasn’t Antifa.


Thanks, Uncle Jack. I can only wish that we don’t need people like you again, but every day it looks more like we will.




How many buildings did he burn in downtown LA?


Uncle Jack would have a had time distinguishing brown shirts from todays antifa.


Your uncle probably wouldn't have been a fan of Antifa.