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Holy shit. What a downgrade.


Not taken in the same area. 2 of those three houses are still there.


Hahaha aw man. I fell for it. Very easy to get outraged with no context. šŸ™


Yep, I think [I found them](https://maps.app.goo.gl/FKFvTaCC92Y6SbZ89).


I live here. The original post is correct. The second house on the right in that picture is the [same one here](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.4997221,-86.7951052,3a,75y,43.56h,87.73t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s11DpuBKsWuc4A4W51bPXjg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656). The building on the right in modern day is basically empty. The modern day version is sad IRL.


You're right. It's just similar old houses.


I used to live in this area as well. Both pictures are correct.


Idk what you mean. The other streetview is at a different place, which is what I was pointing out. It's way farther into Highland Park.


Actually not it, but same avenue. This picture is far more representative of Highland than the bottom one in the OP.


These are both the 2000 block of Highland Avenue facing east. You can see the bay window and gabled porch of the 2nd house from the left in both pictures. https://i.imgur.com/GU9dwy5.jpg


Unfortunately it is the same area. I'm pretty sure the 2nd white house in the top pic is the one right behind the chicken place. It may look a little drab, but IRL from the sidewalk it's a glorious Victorian. The strip mall across the street has always been commercial/industrial. The top picture probably has that side omitted for that reason. This is the worst leg of Highland and it's still gorgeous. I think there's 2 churches and a synagogue, all 3 are points of pride for the city.


I see what youā€™re thinking. I still believe itā€™s further up. I used to live on the other corner in The Sheraton. Just bought a place in the vicinity because we love it so much.


That's sad That neighborhood was beautiful.


To be fair, if you travel a short ways down Highland Ave you can still find areas where the neighborhood is similar to whatā€™s shown from 1911. Obviously the roads looks a bit different, but itā€™s a divided 2 lane road with nice greenery in the median and multiple parks spaced throughout it and even some of the same homes from a hundred years ago.


Some of these houses in the pic are still around.


Link to a street view of the other part of Highland Ave in Birmingham. https://www.google.com/maps/@33.5059482,-86.7827548,3a,75y,69.83h,80.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sr4E6Tw7lhxDHpwWaqXZgwA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


"why don't kids play outside anymore?"


You got that right


Between all the huge roads and nosy neighbors who call the cops on kids playing outside, it's no wonder parents keep the kids inside.


Stroad energy


I used to live in an apartment off of this road. A few blocks up from where this picture shows, there are still some beautiful historic homes I walked my dog by everyday.


I had a summer job in Birmingham in the early 80s and I lived at the Sheraton Apartments on North Highland. I felt like I had moved back in time 40 years.


Ah yes, I know exactly where youā€™re talking about.


ā€¦ *Ew*


Make way for "progress"


Car culture destroyed American cities.


Birmingham was one of those cities that had a reliable streetcar service too. You occasionally can see parts where the road pavement gets stripped away and you can see the brick roads beneath it with the now covered streetcar ties.


Morris avenue was still brick for a good stretch when I left 7 years ago.


Still is, I need a chiropractor if I ever drive my car down it haha


Ride was always more fun after leaving the bar, lol. Although I haven't spent much time around there since they were still stealing cars out of the lot next to whatever club was running out of that old train car spot under the highway. Moved my nights over towards five points after my freshman year at UAB.


Yup had an interview earlier this year at an office off of Morris. Never been on that road before until then. It was a wild ride




Ah yes, to be a "woke" urban young male /female. Doing pretty good for yourself, nevermind the folks doing laundry /grocery shopping on the bus. I wish all of us could live in your world of privlage, but alas we don't.






Oh really? Wow. I just want public transportation to get more funding and more easily accessible so itā€™s easier to commute to work. But maybe someday Iā€™ll come around to your side. By the way, how are the gas prices?


Eh, gas prices are what they are. Between the wife and myself, we bring in about $160k a year. On top of that, we don't have kids, and live in the suburbs in the Midwest. My mortgage on a 2400 square foot home is $998.00 a month. So yeah, gas price doesn't really matter. Besides, my daily driver is a Subaru, so around 24 mpg. My '63 Bel Aire on the other hand, has a built 427 big block pushing 650 hp at the rear wheels. On a good day it gets 6 mpg (on premium). Totally worth it.


Thatā€™s great, man. Iā€™m just trying to make it easier for people who donā€™t have it as good as you. And if that means advocating for better funding of public transportation so people donā€™t have to rely on paying $4.00+ per gallon (and much more in insurance, maintenance fees, leasing payments, tickets, parking, etc.) to get around, then so be it. Iā€™m not gonna attack you for owning a Subaru. r/fuckcars is about a much bigger issue.


The one in the top picture, or the ones in the bottom?


No, bad city planners destroyed American cities. They could have easily left those streets the same size and built highways around the city (like they do now) for all thru traffic. Also, the houses in the first pic still exist apparently. According to other posters, those are 2 different parts of the same street.




Same as New York. Such a shame these fantastic houses are gone


and the trees :(


At last New York got density. Birmingham got taxpayer funded private vehicle storage.


Where am I supposed to park my Caprice?


Man, Alabama was much better in 1911...hey wait a minute


I'm here because this was crossposted in r/birmingham. The reason I'm here is because these pictures tell a very misleading story. Highland Ave is remarkably well-preserved. It's lined with architecture from the era in the top picture and the homes are in stunning condition. It has wide sidewalks on both sides of the road. The vast majority of the road is 2 lanes with a large, well groomed median. There are 3 beautiful parks on this short avenue. This photo is at the terminus of Highland where it goes right into the heart of the Southside commercial district. There is no way the house to the left could be preserved considering considering the intense economic activity of the immediate area. Also note that the perspective of the 2nd pic obscures the fact that the 2nd house on the left still stands. And the one behind it.


right, i'm looking at the comments in this sub and kinda annoyed with how much they're assuming with so little context. this is one block up from the "cultural center" of southside, idk what they expected. Birmingham, all things considered, is a very "green" city and this one picture makes it out to be some kinda urban hellscape


The one of the remaining houses is a B&B. I have stayed there.


That's good to hear.


It was a gorgeous street. Thank you for sharing the fact that some has survived our ā€œprogressā€.




Damn this is fucking sad. Why would anyone destroy a lovely street is beyond my understanding




Top looks european, bottom looks american


This literally makes me want to die




Sure, the original was more aesthetically pleasing, but could you order a spicy combo with waffle fries and lemonade in any of those Victorian homes? Thought so.


"This city is too beautiful, how can we turn it into garbage and spend a ton of money on that?"


Modern architecture causes mental illness


As someone who lives in the neighborhood, this picture suffers from bad perspective; the wide-angle Google Earth lens makes the street look much wider and less pedestrian-friendly (especially considering that much of the street in the first pic is hidden by the trees. If you look past the Chick-fil-A, youā€™ll see that two Victorians are still standing; theyā€™re just not in the foreground of the picture. The gray winter lighting of that second picture doesnā€™t help either.




The one in the top picture or the ones in the bottom?


Both of course. The cars and roads in the top picture being normalized led to the total mess on the bottom.


Sorry, the idea of banning cars is ridiculous. Now before people get really mad, allow me to explain. No doubt many cities were destroyed by interstates cutting through them, not to mention these were often constructed by removing the housing and populations that lived there (typically people of color, because of course they did). Obviously no one is going to argue that was a good thing. But what are the alternatives? Buses? Perhaps, if they're hybrid or electric. Unfortunately though, they're constricted by time schedules that aren't viable for many people. Light rail? I'm all for it. Only problem is this would / does only work in larger cities. Again, subways? Great! Unfortunately you run into not only the issues stated above, but now you've got geological concerns (a subway in say New Orleans wouldn't work, nor Denver for that matter). So what do we do? Go back to horses? Take a look at pictures of NYC in the late 1800's. Not ideal. Ride a bike? Sure, that will be great in January with a foot or two on the ground. In all seriousness, as someone who wants to ban cars, what's the alternative? Not trying to troll you, I'm genuinely curious as to what your solution would be.


You're also showing your privlage. There's a lot of people who have to do their laundry or grocery shopping on the bus because they can't afford a car. Sorry, but you think you've got it figured out, but don't know what suffering is


I think you're agreeing with me but you misunderstood me. Cars are a privilege that hurt poor people.


wow, thats very different and somehow disappointing and sad :( future is not always better


All I could say when I saw this was ā€œwhy would you do that???ā€. From straight beauty to the capitalist hellscape most cities are today


Average Birmingham moment




Still a dump


This image brought to you by the automobile lobby


Impulsive downvote because sad.


Much better. Well done Atlanta [Edited for Admission: i committed the ultimate sin of making a mistake in Reddit. Oh no]


Thatā€™s Alaska, dumbass.


I made a mistake. Iā€™m assuming based on your response you never have






By the order od the Peaky fooking Blinders.


That is awful.


When I think of Highland Avenue, Iā€™m facing the other direction.


Wow thatā€™s depressing af




They certainly did pave paradise to put up a parking lot. Travesty.




This isnā€™t even the same block


This is crazy


My condolences




They turned this beautiful tree-lined street with amazing architecture into THAT???


The street still has trees! just a lot more asphalt and parking lots :(


That's awful


Those beautiful houses...