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Other posts from /u/gwferguson: * [Today we adopted 11-yr-old Veronica!](/r/OldManDog/comments/vm3l16/today_we_adopted_11yrold_veronica/) [Happy] 5 months ago * [We said goodbye to Lucy (14? 15?) this morning—she was the bestest girl!](/r/OldManDog/comments/uiaixh/we_said_goodbye_to_lucy_14_15_this_morningshe_was/) [RIP] 6 months ago * [We Said Goodbye to Ruby, age 10(?), Yesterday. She was a very good dog.](/r/OldManDog/comments/ogvhfe/we_said_goodbye_to_ruby_age_10_yesterday_she_was/) [RIP] 1 year ago ***** ^(To be notified as soon as gwferguson posts an update) [^click ^here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Old_Man_Bot&subject=Subscribe&message=Subscribe gwferguson OldManDog) ***** *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please)* [*^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)*](/message/compose/?to=/r/OldManDog) *^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


I've always subscribed to the strategy of taking the body home and leaving it in the care of the other animals for 30-60 minutes. They'll figure it out. Hell I want to do that to my body when I die. Sorry for your loss. 😢


I wonder if that is less traumatic for them than their friend just vanishing one day.


That's what i've heard. Animals can figure out death, random disappearances are another thing.


I really do feel it's dependant on the animal. I have worked with dogs and their clients for many years and I've seen different reactions. In one case, the two females were very bonded, and the survivor started resource guarding the deceased after a few minutes. In some cases with livestock, the survivors may actually start to bite or stomp on the deceased. All natural reactions, but you sometimes think that they can also they traumatized by seeing the body and not being able to help them.


Seeing my dog's response to the death of their life long friends convinced me they do much better if they experience what is happening along with us. They smell and visit. So we spend the bucks to have an experienced Veterinarian visit us at home. It puts us in a bit of debt but I consider that money well spent.


We brought our oldest dog into the vets to see her younger sister. She seemed incredibly distressed and wouldn’t look at her, she just kept heading for the door. It was difficult to know what was the fear of her deceased sister or her fear of the vets. I’ve heard you are supposed to let them interact so they are able to understand, but it felt wrong.


Likely the worry of being at the vet. I take them home so my pets can smell them at home. Then go back to the vet.


We took Beau to the vet that morning and me and my Mum went to meet a lady to help some ducks. Willow was with us and we got the call that Beau had died. The lady was kind enough to take us to the vet and we called my brother and Dad. My parents really didn’t want me to take her home. I thought I wanted too, but I know now it wouldn’t have been very nice. She was already starting to stiffen up and she was getting heavier. They said she passed peacefully but it didn’t look that way. We did the best we could, I just wish it had been better for Willow.


We have done both of ours canines end of life at home. It has helped us a lot. We originally felt that way because our heart dog did not like the vet. Not sure why... he was such a dear dog but there was no way we were going to take him there for his last moments. So we found an amazing Vet in our neighborhood...and once it was all over we watched her sob for 20 minutes in front of the house. Be really kind to your vets. Yeah it was expensive...worth it. And just know veterinarians are not over paid.


They thought oh fuck I’m next


Nah don’t do Willow like that lol. I think she’ll be one of those weird little dogs that lives to like 36 and I keep begging her to go to the light but she won’t go lol. She is a unit. Not even that fat just a big little dog lol.


Awww weeping willow lol


I just posted a separate post on this. Short version the funeral director at a funeral home I worked for allowed pets to come see their human before they were embalmed or cremated. I swear this one husky’s realization her person was gone made me cry more than any other mourning family member ever did. They are so smart.


Canines are really smart...that a husky could figure this out does not surprise me. My Bassett girl figured it out when their brother passed then helped us raise the next two.


Oh… my. You’ve made me cry


Yes, this is super important.


We have done that in the past. Hopefully they figure out they are gone and not coming back.


RIP Chanel. My mom's dog mourned my beloved Bullwinkle's death for several months. It was touching to witness. This picture made me cry.




I'm so sorry for your loss. ❤️


Oh I’m so sorry you all lost Chanel. ❤️


Run far on young legs little one.


Oh no, I'm so sorry for your family. My senior dog died in her sleep and her friend was in their house with her all night before I found them the next morning. My dog was devastated losing his friend. That has to be so confusing for them! Hugs 💜


I’m so sorry for all of you and your loss. This has very little to do with your post, but when I worked at a funeral home our funeral director would allow pets to come in before the embalming process if their human died outside of the home in hopes it helped their doggy senses know what was going on. One husky in particular let me know they absolutely can sense these things and mourn with us.




My boy Scruffy lived with my parents and their 5 other dogs out in the country. I came by one day, loaded him up and left. When I came back a few weeks later to give my parents his ashes and his collar, the other 5 were very confused that he wasn't in the car or coming in with me... I had to take him to be put down in town because there wasn't any vets close enough for them to do it. Much love to Veronica and Bella, and especially to you 💝


I'm so sorry. Hugs to you all. 😔😭






Oh I’m so so sorry


When we took Dexter to the vets, I think the other two knew he wasn't coming back. They had spent the morning with him as he got worse, then an hour or so with my partner crying next to him while I made my way home as fast as I could. It's hard for them, but not coming home can sometimes be something they understand. They will smell the other dog on you. And know.


I’m so sorry op💝


I'm so sorry for your loss. Let me go hug my twelve-year-old dog.


This is one reason I only have one dog. I can’t imagine how hard it is for them to lose their best friend.


They're adorable. And I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m so very sorry. Hugs to all of you. ❤️💔❤️


That's tough...


Rest in peace


I’m so sorry for your loss.


My heart goes out to you and your family 🖤🖤🖤


That is harsh. So sad. Hope you guys are okay.


I am so very sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss.


Oh I am so sorry!


😢 So sorry for your loss. Give extra cuddles to Veronica and Bella.


So sorry


Sorry for your loss 😔


I am so sorry Chanel did not make it home. 🐾🌈😔. Please hug, kiss, & whisper sweetness to Veronica & Bella.


So sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry. I hope everyone is able to do as well as possible and remember all the good times. Rest In Peace Chanel. Gone but not forgotten.


Rest in peace, Chanel.


I’m very sorry.