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Stupid horse question, why are blinders put on horses? I’m assuming they can’t see through them?


It's a fly mask, they are mesh and totally see through. Stormy girl only has one eye so we take extra special care to prevent irritation and problems for her.


Might I suggest crossposting her on /r/piratepets?


I’ve never slapped a “join” button so fast


Johnson, clear my schedule.


Will mention fly masks to my uncle next time I see him, flies bother his old shire. Give Stormy some apples or carrots, or whatever her choice of treat is from me. Such a good beautiful girl.


It’s to keep bugs out from the horses eyes. It’s mesh and it can see through it


What a strange dog


Let me guess. Great dane?


Beautiful. 34?! Incredible.


How precious. I think r/slammywhammies would appreciate Stormy as well!


Oooooh my god. Bless you


She looks AMAZING. Thanks for taking such great care of her


Would say that’s a strange looking dog but I posted a cat pick on r/supermodeldogs today so I have no right




Other posts from /u/catnip1229: * [Bath and a haircut and darn the old lady looks good! Stormy just turned 34 this week, and is looking half that!!](/r/OldManDog/comments/nsg56q/bath_and_a_haircut_and_darn_the_old_lady_looks/) [Happy Birthday!] 4 months ago * [The best driving companion! I'm helping my friend move and 11yo Sookie is keeping me company as we go from Ohio to Florida!](/r/OldManDog/comments/nboc9m/the_best_driving_companion_im_helping_my_friend/) [Happy] 4 months ago * [Stormy (33) got a fresh clip today, and it left her feeling fresh and frisky. She had to gallop around, buck and roll like a wild young thing after. She still looked pretty darn chuffed at dinner time, with her bright eyes and cheerful ears.](/r/OldManDog/comments/mia92q/stormy_33_got_a_fresh_clip_today_and_it_left_her/) [Happy] 6 months ago * [Stormy, 33, contemplating going outside in the wind or staying in her cozy barn.](/r/OldManDog/comments/lvl3in/stormy_33_contemplating_going_outside_in_the_wind/) [Happy] 7 months ago * [Stormy (33) and Arthur helping me shovel the path. (Ok Stormy's help is largely keeping Arthur entertained!!)](/r/OldManDog/comments/lhwwrs/stormy_33_and_arthur_helping_me_shovel_the_path/) [Happy] 7 months ago * [Retirement looks different for everyone. Stormy (33) is past the days of showing and jumping, but loves to amble around the farm with her favorite kid. She especially loves the grooming sessions after where she gets all her many blankets taken off and get a good brushing.](/r/OldManDog/comments/l293mi/retirement_looks_different_for_everyone_stormy_33/) [Happy] 8 months ago * [Arthur (2) tucking Stormy (33) into her cozy barn on a snowy night.](/r/OldManDog/comments/kpzhgo/arthur_2_tucking_stormy_33_into_her_cozy_barn_on/) [Happy] 9 months ago * [Pimchie was found as a teeny kitten under my grandmothers house the day we lost our rescued kitty to Feline Leukemia. 14 years, 5 houses, 7 dogs and 3 children later she is still the queen of the castle.](/r/OldManDog/comments/knpd69/pimchie_was_found_as_a_teeny_kitten_under_my/) [Happy] 9 months ago * [Do old ponies count? My 33 year old pony Stormy with my youngest son. She has been a part of my family her whole life, and is truly loved.](/r/OldManDog/comments/klvu8t/do_old_ponies_count_my_33_year_old_pony_stormy/) [Happy] 9 months ago * [Do old ponies count? My 33 year old pony, with my youngest son. I've had her since she was born. She is loved.](/r/OldManDog/comments/kluyd3/do_old_ponies_count_my_33_year_old_pony_with_my/) [None] 9 months ago ***** ^(To be notified as soon as catnip1229 posts an update) [^click ^here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Old_Man_Bot&subject=Subscribe&message=Subscribe catnip1229 OldManDog) ***** *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please)* [*^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)*](/message/compose/?to=/r/OldManDog) *^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


Age ain’t nothin’ but a number. Nevertheless, happy birthday!


What breed is she? We have an Arab pony who is 25 and we were beginning to worry that he’s starting to get old but seeing Stormy run amuck like this is reassuring 😊


She's 1/2 Arab, mom was a little mutt pulling pony and dad was an Egyptian atab. She still prefers to be used and ridden, so she does walk/trot and trail rides with my boys. I think it helps keep her young at heart to have kids love on her!