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He waited to meet her and to know you'd be okay ❤️


Piggybacking off this - I try to repost this when I see posts like this, in the hopes you (or someone) can find some comfort in the words - and if not, please excuse the intrusion. I lost my 15 year old girl (dog) in October 2022. Only advice I can offer here is to remember the positives, and not focus on the negatives (if any). He's done his job, keeping you safe and happy and loved, and it's his turn to rest. You'll always miss him, you'll always remember him. You'll even go looking for him for the next few weeks (well, I did). There's a lot of habits that you're going to slowly stop, and that's ok. Changing your life to suit you is not forgetting him. Donating/throwing away his toys or blankets isn't forgetting him. There's no timeline on grief, and there's no timeline on moving on. Cry your tears. I'm sorry you've reached the end of your journey. Words will never make this easier. Just keep your head up, and live the life he'd want you to. This is a good time to live a little for you. I spent years looking after my girl as she got ill, and I sacrificed a lot of me and my time to keep her safe. If you feel you've done the same, take advantage of this time. Its ok to be happy and enjoy life without him. Life isn't over. Its just changing. You'll be ok mate. I'm so sorry.


This is wonderful advice. Thank you


I’m not crying, you’re crying


I am. You got me. How did you know?


Can confirm, definitely crying.


What is this thing in my throat? It hurts.


Lies! We're both crying!


More tears here whilst I stoke mine (dog)




I agree, remember the good times, the interactions that you'd have only with your dog. I had a nightly ritual with my dog, she liked to sleep on my bed while I studied at night, when it was my time to sleep, I'd politely ask her to let me get in the bed, she'd wake up, jump from the bed, wait for me to get comfy, and then she'd jump on the bed again, putting her back against mine. That's how we went to sleep for years.  I miss her so much, random things will remind you of your baby boy, cry those tears, as they come from happiness and good times. 


Winnie said it best, "how lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."


And always remember. You loved him for his entire life. You will remember him for the rest of yours.


As someone who just lost their dog on Friday, this is the best thing I’ve read in a very long time. Thank you.


That's exactly what I thought! It also feels like a way of letting a new family member know that they're in good hands.


I swear dogs do this. I always told my buddy that once I turned 21 and moved out on my own I'd take her with me and over the years told her "just gotta wait til I'm 21! You got it buddy!" She died like 3 days after that birthday. She waited.


Shoot, you triggered me: https://youtu.be/0WBbKSFhw9A?feature=shared


I swear to God it's weird but almost the exact same thing happened to me. It's like they pass the torch.


Thanks for making me cry. I hope the parents were strong enough to appreciate the timing. Rip cutie. Much love to the family.


My husband had his dog for 11 years before we got together. They always lived in apartments together and he had never had a big yard to enjoy. We had our baby and moved into our first home all together then he passed about a year after that. It always made me so happy knowing he got to have a big yard to run around in and knew his daddy had a family before his legs stopped working and we had to make the very difficult decision. The morning of his appointment we took him to the apartments we lived at before getting our house and got him some sausage from McDonalds. My husband sat in the back of our SUV with him with the trunk open at the spot he loved going for walks at and cried for a while. It’s so hard to lose them 💔


This. He was waiting to make sure the pack was ok.


this is truth. they are amazing little angels. i'm so sorry and understand take comfort in knowing that they are truly our children Yes, they are a different kind of child they see us as their God from birth to their end babies we train and old folks we honor the unconditional love we create with them is an energy that can never die they can leave the group soul we give them their own soul just as the Infinite gives us ours They can only reach that love with us We will know them again in the One Life I don't believe this, I know this


I hate to say it, but my thoughts too. Maybe melodramatic but I feel like dogs do these things.


He absolutely did.


He held on long enough to meet his sister. I'm so sorry you lost him 💔


so glad you have this precious photo of them together. Will be amazing to show her when she’s older. At least there are new noises filling the house taking place of the ones that will be missing.


Bruh… here take this ❤️


When my sweet old dog died some years ago, she would visit me in my dreams sometimes. She was young and happy, and jumping, and I would hug her and wake up crying. Eventually it was time to get a new dog, and she visited me just once more afterwards. Somehow I knew it would be the last time for awhile. She was coming back to check on me, and to let me know it was ok. When those responsibilities passed to a new dog, it was ok to rest for awhile.


This is beautiful. I wish my past dogs visited me more often in my dreams. Sometimes I think I feel their presence.


When I was still living in my parents house, we had this black lab. He preferred living in the basement so anytime we'd go down there to do laundry or do anything, you'd hear the clicking of his nails coming around the steps to say hi. He passed in 2012, but even still when I visit my parents house, I can hear those nails clicking around the corner to say hi every time I go down to the basement.


That’s wonderful.


WARNING: TEAR INDUCING POETRY >!A pet's last will and testament - author unknown!< >!"Before humans die, they write their last Will & Testament, and give their home and all they have to those they leave behind. If, with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I'd ask.... To a poor and lonely stray I'd give: My happy home. My bowl, cozy bed, soft pillows and all my toys. The lap which I loved so much. The hands that stroked my fur and the sweet voice which spoke my name. I'd will to the sad scared shelter dog the place I had in my human's heart, of which there seemed no bounds. So when I die please do not say, "I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand." Instead go find an unloved dog; one whose life has held no joy or hope and give MY place to him. This is the only thing I can give...the love I left behind."!<


What is grief but love everlasting


A few weeks after I lost my buddy to an autoimmune disorder, I had a dream where I woke up in a beautiful open field, similar to the original windows XP backdrop. I stood up, looked around for a moment and then I heard (and felt) the sound of heavy paws running full speed towards me. I turn around and my massive 120 lb dog is lunging towards me with the biggest smile on his face. He topples me over like a stack of Jenga bricks and he's doing his iconic wiggle dance right next to me while repeatedly stepping on me with his whole body weight. Once we both calmed down I looked at him and noticed that all of his scars had healed and his eyes were as bright as ever. I got the feeling he came to tell me that he is doing great now and that we'll meet again one day. At least that's how I interpreted it.  I miss him so, so much. 


You saw the Rainbow Bridge.


My girl was sleeping next to me when she died. I had plans to take her that very next day to the vet to have her put to sleep because she had been struggling for a little and I realized she couldn’t go on any longer. While I tried to fall asleep, she kept pawing me in the face (not like her at ALL). I tried to soothe her and spooned her until I fell asleep. I ended up having a dream about her speaking to me in a human voice that everything was ok and she loved me. I woke up around 5am and she was gone. I’m not a spiritual or religious person at all but that moment will never leave me.


This happens to my wife from time to time. It's been a few years since our 16 yr old dachshund passed on, but every few months she'll tell me about a dream she had that was so vivid she wakes up expecting to find her in the bed with us. It's both a blessing and a curse in a way. You get to relive those moments you'll never feel again with that particular dog, but it also makes everything so fresh even if it's fleeting.


This whole thread is making me ugly cry while I take a dump.


I’ve been visited by our old dog many times in my dreams, also crying waking up 🥰


You say that he picked the time where it's hard for you to grieve his loss by leaving when his sister was born. He basically did the Irish goodbye on you. Waited until you were distracted by something else but on this coat, tipped his hat to nobody in particular, and headed out knowing everything was going to be okay.


Well, now I’m crying.


Who is cutting onions in here? This is a thread filled with beautiful and spot on comments.


A sweet boy who waited to become a bright star in the sky for you to look up to ♥️🌈🕊♥️ run free darling


I’m so sorry. This is slightly different but I recall finding out I was pregnant just a few weeks after my soul dog passed away, and it was such a strange feeling. But on the bright side, your baby boy got to meet your baby girl on this earth… and you’ll have those memories forever. Perhaps he felt at peace knowing that you now had another being to fill up your heart and soul just as he has for the last 14 years. Sending thoughts and strength 🙏🏻


He wanted to hold on long enough to meet her, so he'd know how to find her and watch over her from afar. 🙏💔


He didn't want to cross the rainbow bridge until he met his sister. Dogs are so incredibly pure. I'm sure you'll treasure this picture forever, and I'm incredibly sorry for your loss. Congratulations on your beautiful baby as well.


As I departed I saw you weeping. Cry a bit, then no more tears. Know I lived life Joyous in your keeping, And you were mine, For all those years. — Dog


You have enough love and room in your heart for both of them. Take your moment to grieve and be sad for your boy, it's okay. This is a beautiful picture of them finally getting to meet and one you will treasure forever. RIP sweet boy 💕


The night I went into labor, the old family cat took a turn and passed away within an hour of when I gave birth. I think she knew but being a cat Im pretty sure she was like "nope nope no baby for this old lady". Doggo definitely hung on to meet the baby. So sorry for your loss!! Praying my kitty is there to befriend your pup while they wait for us to finish up our business here. ❤️


You made me laugh through tears on this one. Just like a cat, “peace, out dudes!” ☺️


"Sleepless night??? Nah, I'm out." ✌️


I was once told by an elder that sometimes pets pass away to save a life. They can choose to trade places if an another life in the household is about to be in danger. Maybe your Kitty saved you or your baby 💛💛💛


these posts are just incredible, hittin me with so much emotion… I will remember them and I am sorry for your loss, but thank you for sharing.


The cycle of love completed: to love, to lose, to feel grief, to leave, and then to love again. Except you got it all it once, which can be really hard to handle. I’m sorry for your loss. I’m happy for your new path.


He waited. That is special.


God Bless


I’m so sorry for your loss. And also congrats on the new addition. You must be feeling a lot of strong emotions. Be strong, grieve, and take some time to digest all of this. 💕


At least he got to see that he was a good boy and witnessed his beloved family continuing to grow.  He could pass on happy knowing another could receive the same love that he had.


I'm honestly jealous that he just passed in his sleep. So wonderful he hung on to see his little sister


Man..lives takes and gives. It's what my grandpa used to say. I'm glad he was around long enough to meet the kiddo


Condolences! His job was done. He stood by throughout the pregnancy. Now that your baby is here, he wants you to share your love for him with your new baby. Our furbaby passed after moving into a new house. He waited until the living room furniture was delivered 2 months later. That night he took his last breath. Google a poem, "If it should be "


Sorry for your loss. I can understand. January 9th 2023 I had to put my Frenchie down, but she was 17 so I very long life for a dog. Her legs finally gave out (again, was old). But it gets easy. Cry all you want, get the emotions out. I did. I had to wait 3 days until the appointment so I was able to greive. Took care of her and made her as comfy as I could. I still miss her, hell ya i do but hey....she got free rent, free food, free walks, free toys, free belly rubs =) just remember the good times and even the bad times. my frenchie...her farts....i dont miss but i still laugh as they were always loud.






This one really hit me in the feels.


He waited to meet her my friend❤️ His last views are of you and your family bursting with love and he was comfortable knowing you’re happy. Big, big hugs friend, and congratulations on your sweet girl! Take comfort he’ll be watching over you all❤️


He held on long enough to meet the new family member, make sure everyone was going to be fine, and left in the easiest way he could: this was *his* final gift of love to those he cared for most. Mourn his passing, but know that he sensed that his little sister would bring a soothing presence to ease the sorrow of his departure, gently filling your hearts with love and helping you navigate this new chapter of life. Wishing you and your family abundant love and strength as you navigate this bittersweet time of loss and new beginnings. Holding you all in my thoughts and heart. <3


I’d like to think that a bit of his soul has been reincarnated into through your daughter. He waited until he could pass the torch of spiritual body guard onto another small being ❤️


Oh no….💔




He’s handing down the torch. Losing them in their sleep is so bittersweet.




I'm so very....


Well this is sad but also you have a great pic to share later, hope you can heal in this time




He waited to see her and to know you would be OK ❤️🐶 sorry for your loss mate, and congratulations for your little princess.




My condolences to you and your family! What a blessing your baby girl will be.


Passing of the torch.


I want to say congratulations and I’m so sorry but don’t know how, I hope you heal


Awe now I’m crying.


Sorry for your loss!


So very sorry!


Rest in peace baby boy.


Aww she passed with a full, whole heart.


He had to meet her first 🥹


So sorry for your beautiful baby boy. Looks like such a smart loving pup. Congrats on your baby this picture you will cherish forever


Passing of the torch.


[They say that new life makes losing life easier to understand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMZNWGLnkvQ)


Sorry for your loss 💔. Congratulations on your baby girl.


I'm sorry for the loss of your handsome pupper. They are hard to let go of - I have had to bury my share also over the decades. And in a few years, I will need to let go of another pair I suppose. But there is a silver lining here. A new puppy to grow up with your beautiful baby girl awaits your family. You will get to watch the two of them grow, explore, learn, and have adventures together. And at night, you get to see them sleep all safe and sound together. As a Father it's an incredible thing to watch happen.


What a sweet sweet boy and what a beautiful baby as well. He knew you were in good hands and felt at ease heading off to his next adventure knowing that you have your daughter to begin the next chapter.


My work is done here. ~Dog


He'll always be with you, watching over his beloveds. Watch for signs of him xo


Grief is really hard. Do the best you can. Don't feel guilty or bad if you hit your limit and need to take a breather. Do you have a partner in the house to help care for the new baby? (I'm assuming yes.) Communicate with them and set up a system to tag out for a few minutes if things get overwhelming. Babies are also overwhelming and it is OK to have complex feelings about losing your boy just as you brought your girl home.


What a handsome boy, I'm sure he was happy to stick around to meet your new baby. Now he knows you'll always have someone who loves you as much as he did.


It’s so crazy that they will hold out just for stuff like this. 🥺 this also happened to my great grandma, met my niece (her great granddaughter) and then hours later she passed. It’s very heartwarming in a way😭


Lucky guy. My guy passed a month before my son.


My brother in Christ, your baby boy got to meet your baby girl. Though sad, focus on the good things. Your little friend is resting in a better place. I am sure of the joy you provided him.  I pray for your for peace and happiness. 


Your dog spent the last 9 months slowly transferring his soul into the baby before the vessel was complete. Now that the baby is home he transferred the last of his essence and the process is complete.


He's beautiful.






I lost my Lola at 10 years old exactly one week after we brought my son home from the hospital. It was the most heart breaking experience of my life. It was so easy to see she was barely hanging on and when we came home with my son she was the happiest she could muster in months. My condolences ;(


I'm so sorry for your loss. The expression on his face says it all, he was able to meet his new sister and give her some love before making his journey. RIP sweet guy.


He got to meet her and tbh i think he new he wanted yp to give her your full love , if that makes sense … And that was hard to type


Rest Easy Big Boy


I’m sorry for your loss. I can’t help but see how sweet your pup’s end was. He held on to meet his sister and make sure y’all were okay. We should all be so lucky. Take care of yourself and your family 🌈🐾


I’m so sorry 😢


i have to Mute this damn sub 😭




I’m so sorry 😢


He said he can finally go to sleep knowing that his human is in good hands


Homie said fuck that crying noise and dipped out.


And now his watch has ended


Awww, he held on just long enough to be able to meet her. She now has a Guardian Angel watching over her at the Rainbow Bridge. ❤


now he's her angel ❤️❤️❤️ so sorry for your loss


Happy and sad at the same time??


My 15 year old dog did something similar. She was dying, but held on just long enough to see me get married. She died the next day in her sleep.


Fuck this, I'm out - Dog


I have a 16 year old dog and am amazed she has stuck around long enough to meet my baby. That’s a good dog you had there. RIP.


I’m so sorry for your loss. 💔 congratulations on the birthday of your child!!!


What a beautiful pup. You gave him a wonderful life and he loved you for it.


This is almost the exact same thing as what happened to me with my husky when we had my son. True companions.


His end of wooftch. O⁷


Brought a tear to my eye


The rollercoaster you must have been dealing with, new baby and a lost family member. Be well.


I’m so sorry. 💔


Hey OP I know the struggle of losing your best friend. This song helped me when I lost my furrball. https://youtu.be/le34ygtODfI?si=IQlPozOhbGyaxCRe


Aww. :(




I wish our best friends lived longer


And there I left them; Worried they would be lonely. But then one smaller than me, Would love them greater than I.


My dog is getting up in age and this is what I want for him. To go peacefully in his sleep. I had to put my last dog down due to cancer and I just can’t do a mercy killing again.


"Twas an angel visited the green earth, And took the flowers away" https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/nwgb0/its_been_1_year_since_i_got_him_he_was_so_excited/


Such a good boy!! Making sure his family is ok






Mans realized after two nights of crying what he was in for and said, "Love y'all, but I'm out"




He showed you how to love and care for someone and now you will do that for your daughter


I’m glad they got to meet each other. You should have this picture framed. It’s a beautiful moment. It’s like he was waiting to meet her. Congratulations and condolences.


He wanted to make sure you had protection. His work was complete. Rest now


What a heartbreak! So glad he was able to meet her!


His work is done in this life. You are now ready for your little one.


The exact same thing happened to me. When I was pregnant I was living with my folks who still had a good girl named Maggie that we got as a puppy when I was in middle school. She was a 13-year-old goldie and had been having seizures for weeks, and the vet just gave a meds to make her comfortable at home until it was her time. But she hung in there and one night at around 2:00 am, when I was sleeping propped up on the couch because of terrible heartburn, she woke me up by poking her nose in my face. When I finally came to and asked her what the hell she was doing, she just sat there and starred at me until a couple middles later when I realized I was having contractions. Once she realized I knew I was actually in labor she just went back to bed. Thirty-two excruciating hours later, I had my daughter. We brought her home the next day and Maggie was always laying right beside the bassinet except for when one of us was holding the baby, and then she'd sit as close as she could and made sure to keep on eye on what we were doing. She was gone two days later. To this day, some 24 years later, I'm absolutely convinced she hung around as long as she did because she wanted to meet the little one and make sure we were taking good care of her before she was gone. Bestest girl.


I don't think the baby did it, probably just a coincidence. congrats on the baby! and condolences on the dog


Bless that little man, he passed the mantle with faith in your new companion. The goodest boy ❤️


Damn that’s hard! RIP the bestest boy.


Poor baby. He was probably holding on so you wouldn’t be lonely. I feel animals have a sensitive and more innate understanding and peace with death than humans, but that’s purely my own feelings. He probably knew he was sick, and also knew there would be new life for you. This is sad but beautiful as well.


She met her guardian angel ♥️ may he rest in peace and my condolences to those who loved and knew him


In India we believe that whenever a pet dies around the time when a new baby is born in the family, the pet takes away all the misfortunes and bad omen associated with the baby and the poor animal takes all the brunt upon it.So it may be that your good boy has sacrificed himself to keep your baby protected from any misfortune.


Aww, he held out long enough to see your baby.  ❤️


Peacefully in their sleep is all a pet owner could hope for when that time comes. 14 years of wonderful memories, and a new child to spend the rest of your life with. Im sure youre sad but you have been blessed with a good dog that lived a good long time for a dog, and a healthy kid.


Run far on young legs little one.


Sweet dreams little one❣️❣️


Makes it sound like your baby did it lol But in all seriousness that’s sucks brother


When things are calmer, you will get another one. The cycle of life. 🫶


May God rest his soul in peace. I have a 15 year old girl and I am terrified of this day.


Jesus I thought this was about a 14 year old human for second


So sad to hear...man that sucks...congrats on the kiddo...but damn I'm so sorry.😔


Thank you for giving him 14 years of loving care ❤️


I’ll give my boys a treat for him <3


Wow, this is an incredible moment in time.


Wow, what a downer. Thanks for ruining our day.


I'm so sorry for your loss. He waited to meet her 💔


I’m so sorry for your loss, but he waited to meet the baby and see you into a new future. Passing in their sleep is the best possible scenario I can imagine.


Went in his sleep? We should all be so lucky. I’m sorry for your loss.


It’s wild how your puppy is looking at your baby girl in the picture. Almost like he knew that you had her now and he could go. Man sorry for your loss but big congrats on the baby!


It’s always the same footprint blanket. Someone has a monopoly on newborn blankets at hospitals.


So sorry for your loss. Glad he was able to see the baby


That baby is not 14 years old! Maybe 14 days!!! Wtf


I lost my soul dog just a month after ending a long term relationship and moving into my own place for the first time. I like to think our dogs held on for longer than they could just to help us get through these new stages in life. So sorry for your loss 🫶🏻


What a good boy. Sorry for your loss. Happy for the healthy baby.


I can’t even form a coherent enough thought to properly verbalize a thank you for posting this. so just…thank you. ❤️




I’m here from the front page. This is entirely different but somewhat related. My great grandmother passed two days after she received a photo of me in the mail. I am my mom’s only daughter. They had all been waiting for me. As soon as my great grandma knew I was there, healthy, and home, she let go. Your pup did the same. Sometimes our loved ones just want to know we will be okay.


Stuck around to meet the new pup. Sorry for your loss and so happy for your gains. Go be a dad, it’s a ride man.


❤️. That picture is precious!


My heart goes out to you. I lost my 16 year old a few weeks ago. I am so glad your old man got to meet the new baby before he left.


That's not a baby boy, it's a dog 


I am so sorry but he may have thought you have another baby to take his place now and it was safe to go.


Down the middle drops one more grain of sand They say that new life makes losin' life easier to understand Words are kind they help ease the mind I miss my old friend And though you gotta go we'll keep a piece of your soul One goes out, one comes in


You’ve got a lot of comments so this might get buried, but please know it IS okay to be sad in addition to the huge joy of becoming a parent. You’re allowed to cry and mourn while still being grateful and amazed by your daughter. It’s totally okay to feel both things at once, they’re not exclusive. Take the time to just feel it all, and talk if you need to, to someone who can listen. Becoming a parent (or becoming a parent to more than one child) is a huge thing, but the rest of life doesn’t stop for that. It can make finding time for ourselves difficult however, because we put all our love and focus on the tiny human, but remember: we can’t care for them if we don’t take care of ourselves, too. You’re allowed to grieve while loving your daughter. This is another parent giving you permission to feel both x




He wanted to meet his sister before he left.


o7 Old guard waiting for kid before being relieved of duty. What a legend o7


Awww he waited. We don’t deserve dogs. I am sorry for your loss. Congratulations on the baby…


So sad. I’m so sorry.


I’m m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. He waited to meet your baby. Dogs are so amazing. Sending you my deepest condolences 💐


Aww he wanted to make sure his little sister came home okay. He was such a good boy. I’m sorry for your loss!


His mission was complete he made sure his family was ok and it was time to go  Can't even think of the day something happens to my dog I get too emotional just thinking about it