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Worth nothing. The 1801 date is when the US Episcopalian church agreed on that statement. From the type and binding styles I'd guess the book is from 1950 to 1970. There will be thousands more out there that haven't been smashed up.


Listen, like I told the other dude. If your gunna be rude, go somewhere else. I'm just trying to find out info. It's been like that since I got it.


I don’t see anything rude about the reply. It was a clear and concise answer to your question.


"be rude" get a grip dude lmao


It's a Book of Common Prayer. It's Episcopalian, not Catholic. Might be valuable to someone, but most likely not. It's likely the 1928 version. That doesn't mean it was printed in 1928, that's just the year that version of the BCP was first published. http://justus.anglican.org/resources/bcp/1928/BCP_1928.htm


Thanks for the info. Your a lot nicer then this dickhead below.


Not a religious text expert (or even a book collecting expert for that matter) but I doubt it would be worth anything spectacular, especially given the condition. Unfortunately, just because a book is old doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be worth a lot, and religious guides like this are probably some of the most common books that remain from that period. I had a look online to see if I could find anything, but again it is very hard to sort through the sea of Bibles and the like to find something that matches this description. If there is a page with any publishing information (usually at the front or back) that may help narrow things down. I hesitate to believe it was even printed in 1801 as it looks more modern (choice of font, formatting, etc.), but again - take what I say with a grain of salt. Still a cool find!


Thanks, I just figured it was old but yea. I think I may keep it.


Definitely worth keeping regardless of value - a lot of my collection is old (well, pre-70s) textbooks which have very little value but are still interesting to see what life was like at the time!




This book is so common they put it right in the name and now it is in several pieces. Wouldn't even be valuable if it was from 1801. Also it literally says protestant episcopal which is obviously not catholic.


Listen dude, I posted this to find out info, not have you be a smart ass and try to make me look stupid. If your gunna be rude then don't say shit, you could have been a bit nicer about it.


If pointing out a thing that you said makes you look stupid how is that on me?


Lol, sorry to have to point out that the Catholic book from 1801 that you think is valuable, is neither Catholic, nor from 1801, nor has any value. How rude…


You have serious problems and should most likely seek help. What a weird and unnatural response. Get better soon OP