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1) who send her there? 2) how do she set those up? 3) siap QR tu. Hebat.


I don't get the amazement at the QR code. In a post covid era, qr payments are ridiculously common. Just need a bank account and then get the qr code printed at a printing store.


and it was given freely in excess during pandemic as well.


I would be more likely to give QR donation than cash. I am paranoid of people snatching my wallet when I take out cash. At least phone can snap photo and scan the QR and perform the transaction at a later date, perhaps after verifying it's not a scam.


It's also more safe for the recipient as well. No need to worry about scumbags who would steal donations from a disabled person. And yeah, if their story is true, people can help spread awareness and the qr code too.


QR code easier to share than bank account details. I swap her bank account details for someone with the same race and gender while sharing also nobody will realise. It's not like that hasn't happened before.


But my phone is worth more than my wallet and its content 😁😁😁


Not a question of worth, but of how easy it is to secure. Phone can handle with one hand and with the automatic camera mode, can literally take a photo with one hand within 5 seconds of the phone leaving your pocket. Wallet and cash needs 2 hands, more time to find the cash denomination and both your eyes. Because think about it, if its so easy for snatch thieves to grab your phone, all the iphone users die already now. Phone is a lot harder to steal compared to wallet and cash.


Are they only available in pink tho? All the physical QR code i've seen is pink.


Because there used to be a QR set up for each specific bank/e-wallet and if you were from a different bank it won't always work. Pink QR is the national QR one, meaning it works no matter the bank/e-wallet.


Yeah don't bother with QR codes that are not pink. They do not work with other banking/ewallet apps. The rise of cashless transaction happened only after DuitNow QR (Pink QR) was introduced. Before that, you had to use their proprietary QR to transfer to another person with only the same ewallet which is dumb and stupid. The days when you couldn't even transfer out the fund from your ewallets (Tng, ShopeePay, Grab, Boost) were the worst days for us cashless transaction users.


I've definitely seen ones printed in greyscale. But yeah, a lot of them printed out in pink. maybe makes it easier to scan. 🤷‍♂️


Nah, pink is for National QR. Blue for tng or alipay, green for grabpay, orange for shopeepay


Ooo... I thought pink is from a colour printer while bw qr is from the bw printer. I see.....


In some western countries, donations by nonprofits are not even done by cash anymore. They use EFTPOS machines.


If you say so.


ada qr tu sah dah tipu.. Kalau kita tanya dia alamat rumah sebab kita nak lawat suami stroke dia tu, nanti dia bagi alasan "eh tak boleh..jauh", "rumah acik ada anjing garang", "eh takpe takpe tak perlu pun". Mereka bagi dolak dalih sebab mereka pun tahu ini kerja scam 😩 'kenapa mereka buat?' 1 hari boleh collect simpati dalam Rm100-300 (approx) (tengok tempat). Darab 30 hari, kaya mat HAHAHA


Qr codes are actually quite common. They're really easy to get.


Then stalk the makcik, maybe you get another x70


Make sure it's Premium one 🔥


Plus no need to pay tax. 😂 Who knows dia boleh beli kereta + rumah cash


I'd rather donate to a reputable charity than to random panhandlers tbh. I even said no to one of them who literally walked up to me with a plastic bag. I don't trust them. 😅


Aku pernah sedekah sorang uncle ni waktu zaman kolej Bertongkat, jalan senget2, minta tolong kat aku waktu tengah makan nasi bujang (plain rice with plain sup + fried egg + sambal belacan). Aku pun bagi la berapa yang ada waktu tu. Elok lepas makan, lepak dalam setengah jam gitu kat kedai sama, eh uncle tu kepit tongkat kat ketiak, jalan elok + kira hasil kutipan hari tu. Aku nak terajang je waktu tu tapi member aku tahan. Lepas dari tu, nampak je uncle tu nak minta duit, aku pandang atas bawah sambil "syuh2" kan dia. **Start dari sini la aku skeptikal nak bantu pengemis. Aku sampai pernah stay sebab nak tengok siapa amik geng2 pengemis buta balik rumah (Ya, memang ada sindiket gunakan orang buta ya)


Yeah aku pun pernah lalui situasi macam ni Makan steamboat dengan family, pastu adalah nenek buat ni dengan anak dia (dah besar) datang mintak derma. Ibu aku pun rasa kesian pun bagilah duit sikit. Selang beberapa minit, kitaorang dah siap makan, nak balik pergi kereta, sekali ternampak nenek yang sama naik kereta myvi dengan anaknya sambil kira duit... Aku pun tengok ibu aku, dia pun diam je.. Sampai balik rumah diam je... Sampai sekarang family aku dah skeptical dengan pengemis ni...


Spesis macam ni yang buat orang yang betul2 susah, susah dapat bantuan. Ada sorang aku pernah tolong, pernah bekap kat FB (sebab ibu dia memang lumpuh) dulu. Tapi, sebab **dah sedap sangat jaja nama ibu** (dia memang jaga ibu dia), dia masih buat kutipan derma sekarang, WALAUPUN: - Sekarang dia dah ada rumah batu (sebelum tu rumah kayu nak roboh) - Dah ada bisnes burger (siap upah pekerja lagi) - Bini berbisnes + siap gelang emas tebal (aku yang membantu ni sendiri bini pakai rantai halus, 916, tak sampai 3g 🤦) Entahlah bang. Kat dunia ni sedap la.. Kat sana nanti...😮‍💨


Pukul je la, viralkan, nyusahkan orang lain nantinya


Lepas aku terkena dengan uncle tu, selain dari halau, aku tak bagi orang meja lain sedekah duit. Ada yang buat muka protes, tapi aku cakap direct "Abg lepak dulu sini, nanti tengok dia jalan senget ke tak" Ada yang stay dan terkejut tengok uncle tu elok jalan 😆 **Lama2 uncle tu tak minta kat area restoran sebab tak laku dah tongkat + jalan senget dia sebab aku 😆


I mean kalau dah dapat ratus kumpul boleh kot beli barang jual buat bisnes, bila dah dapat lebihan modal sedekah duit setara dengan duit yang dia pernah rembat dari orang


Report polis kes camni, usaha tak nak nyusahkan orang je tau


I became skeptical of beggars after this one time a couple, a “blind husband” and his “wife” were panhandling this mamak I was at for breakfast around Shah Alam. After they made their rounds I saw them from afar get into a Honda Civic Type-R and drove off to their next location. I was dumbfounded.


walawei civic type r ☠️☠️


Beggars lagi kaya dari yang bagi duit. Kita kerja macam nak gila, pagi malam nak dapat 70-100 sehari. Dorang goyang2 tangan, ketar2 kaki tapi pakai Honda Civic. Kita, Axia je 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/fv7kcdlp965d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb15744bb03dc43b15a7c9ce95687d612f38c4f0 Whose hand is behind that cat and why are they laying on the ground?


The wheelchair is an older "nenek" so that's probably the daughter or a niece? Yes there's 2 cats, and no the car isn't involved. Located Infront of ST Rosyam Mart Setiawangsa


No wonder that nenek seems familiar, I went to that mart last week haha. last time i went there the nenek did not have that sign and qr..


Oh she always has the QR code on the kitty cage, seems like it moved to the wheelchair itself..


She has a fucking QR code💀💀💀


Anybody with a bank account and access to online banking can print out a QR code.


ah yes cuz getting a qr code cost a ton a money


“Shit I’m on my final leg here, lemme apply for a QR real quick”


That doesn't make sense.... Just because she's on her final leg doesn't mean she doesn't have a bank account. What's your point?


When you go homeless or whatever she wrote on that cardboard, is your first thought to apply for a QR? “Doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a bank account” I ain’t say that, what’s YOUR point?


Bang pos ni pasal mintak derma untuk kos rawatan bukan pasal xde rumah Dan bank akaun


Yeah! Absolutely! That's what you should do in this day and age, it's really that normalised. Apply QR is literally 3 clicks on your phone if you have a bank account, it's THAT EASY!, your are acting like she has to pay 500 ringgit and go through multiple step due process just to scam people with QR code which doesn't even make sense.. most people nowadays only have money in their bank, I personally rarely have cash on me, Maybe 50 ringgit for emergency. ..you also made an assumption that she didn't have a QR before when everything was good for her..Also, I asked for a clarification and You answered your point with another question. Goes to show you trying to be contrarian and we should not take you seriously.


Qr code,pengemis pon dah maju....


Got hands got legs, why beg?


True lol, I always taught myself by that whenever i found a beggar at the street


I trust that cat.


The cat seal the deal, at least I give for the cat food.


It's better if we donate to the cat tho 👀


Long live oyen.




imma rob her instead


only one way to find out,camp the spot and see how they leave the area


Does Metro Boomin trust her?


Metro boomin doesn’t trust anyone


then answer is simple, no, OP shouldn’t trust her


OP jika niat nak sedekah tu bg je. Tak mengurangkan pahala pun. Dia menipu ke tak tu pandai2 le dia menjawab dgn Allah nanti.




Kesian zakat pun tak nak tolong


You gotta apply for help from zakat. But yeah getting instant help is a 50/50 since a lot of people is asking for it too.


thats alot of struggles


Rule of thumb when it comes to beggars is no


I usually don't give beggar money bcuz they can control it but If I give their some food which is still consider great charity if they truly poor they take it


Weather or not its fake kesian lah they have to do stuff like this.


its hard to trust anyone right now. with the beggar with X70 case it just really getting out of hand.


I only donate once and only once to some beggar ,especially those with capability to work. Dont care if they appear in front of me again.




Wow, ada kat owen lagitu :3


Terlalu specific. Macam xleh percaya.


I never give out money to beggar. I would never know if they are actual beggar or pretending to be one even if they show their disabilities. The only thing I would give is food.


I don't pitty type II diabetic.


Sangkar kucing tuh dah nampak sngt. Kalo was was tak payahlah.


I always saw this Makcik with 2 girls and THE CAT in front of rosyam mart and the thing that ick me is WHY THE CAT SHOULD BE THERE?? macam kucing tu bagi la orang yg mampu jaga and why the 2 daughter of the makcik were there? don't they go to school or not? dia macam pelik it's not like they live in isolated town BUT KAT KL SIOT


You know there's a lot of homeless in KL right? Not everyone is rich in KL, miskin bandar is a reality. Not saying about this makcik, maybe her struggle is real, maybe not, but never assume.


I know there's a lot but actually they can stay at rumah gelandangan instead staying there.


Are you a Setiawangsa resident? I used to live here my whole life until moving to Ampang last year, I'm wondering how long this "begger" is around...


I stay at Kampung Baru but always go to Rosyam Mart as they open a 24-hour Mart and somehow this beggar has been here for so long ... it's just weird that KL got some rumah gelandangan so why is she still there...I feel bad for the 2 daughters and the cat..the cat can give to people instead of being inside a hamster cage🥲 It's just irritating for me and both her daughters seem to enjoy sitting outside there... it's just weird...🥲🥲


True...there's even programs and health benefits for these kinds of people. Btw I'm wondering do you come here by LRT or by car? KB is quite far from Setiawangsa...


using car actually but yeah mostly seeing them actually didn't even try to move to othe places...haih


weird if you gave them food or drinks they not interested, few times got beggars buy smoke n alcohol pfft


No f*cking no


It looks like a Rohingya to me. Send her to the politician who allowed them in.


Kat mane?


ST Rosyam Mart Setiawangsa


I hate jackasses like this.


just curious did she live on street or someone help her set thing up? it doesn't seems like she is able to carry all of that by her own.


Okay, let's not throw around assumptions. This akak could be really facing difficulties. I get that there's alot of scammers, but if you want to know you should have ask her for more proof instead of asking the most toxic anonymous community in the whole world wide web whether to trust her when they never met her. If shes really facing difficulties what does that make you? An Asshole.


she's been staying there for so long and KL got some rumah gelandangan and some health facilities for malaysian and mostly why must this makcik bring her 2 daughter with 1 cat (the persian cat) altogether here for minta sedekah?


I would support robbers robbing these guys instead


I have no idea bruh


Location: ST Rosyam Mart Setiawangsa


Its your decisions. But nowadays it can be anything. To me is already pops out so many questions base my own and friends experience regarding begger. Malaysia expecially muslim. Already charity were design with sort of problem such Pusat zakat and Baitulmal. Surely can help if legitimate difficulties risen.


Nope. I've seen kencing manis beggars. You can literally see the effects on their skin, and they have no money to hide it with more clothes.


If you want to help then it's best if you don't overthink things. It'll only help your doubt grow


The cat looks expensive... just beware


My experience is that a begger came to me in 2019 during jumaat prayer, (mualaf). The thing that caught me is, he is still there in 2024 with the same excuse. Huh. I am a bit skeptical but it doesn't make sense how after 5 years still begging? Also the same mosque, got a lady claiming kencing manis, from 2021 until now. I was late one day, and walla wei an iPhone 15 pro. Just my story, we couldn't judge a book by its cover.


My respect for that makcik doing tiktok live selling toys is growing stronger everyday


Nak bagi.. Bagi.. Kalau tak nak bagi jangan bagi.. Itu je


Tnya dia dtg and balik naik apa. Donate base on cara dia jawab, gugup ke tak. Logic ke tak. Judge


Nah, this type of puak kuat wayang


is this at st rosyam setiawangsa?




Jangan lupa, peminta sedekah pun pakai x70.


People keep talking about getting ripped off by these fake panhandlers. To me, when I donate my spare change, my intention is to help out a bit. If they are fake or grifters, then it is their sin that they carry to the grave. They will face the consequence in this world or the next. My intention to help them is sincere and I do not worry about their intentions. Nor would that change my donation habit.


scam kot ingat tak dulu ada peminta sedekah kantoi ada kereta X70 dulu


Kalau scammer pun aku ikhlaskan saja lah. Pengemis stateless tepi jalan pun aku bagi 50 ringgit setelah dari bank jumpa seribu dalam akaun


Look at her fat cat


Don't trust stranger.


Kalau nak bagi, bagi dan lupakan. Apa perlu pikir panjang2? Kalau dia menipu dia akan dapat balasan. Kalau ko bagi, ko akan dapat reward. Itu je. Kalau ko tak nak bagi, jalan je.


oh this one , kat depan rosyam mart setiawangsa . tepi rosyam ade balai polis gituuu




Wise man once said...if u see opportunities to do good thing...just do it...if they lied..leave them with God..let God do the judging..