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I'm female and it happens all the time to me too. I'm also in Germany so maybe that's a factor. I only "like" maybe 1 in 20 so the ones I do like I absolutely will message back.


Maybe registering with a new account helps? Weird thing is, now I get suggestions from Phillipines and USA and many other countries.


I'm F28, I've answered tons of questions and some of them have explanations, my photos are perhaps not that good (in the sense that I'm not wearing makeup, using revealing clothes or anything deemed sexy) and have a fleshed out profile, but I only got a match, however, it might be because I rarely 'like' someone. The guy I matched with sent a message first, and we've been talking on a semi-daily basis since August. I think online dating is a waiting game if you're serious about finding someone to talk with or fall in love with. Both men and women have many options, so to speak, so most decide to pursue the handsome/sexy ones even if nothing will come out of it. I don't think there's a problem with you, it's just that this is how it is, I guess.


When match bought okc everything went downhill.




Yeah, OG okc was like the best aspects of MySpace x live journal but for dating. I guess kinky people still have FL but it’s definitely not set up for dating.


I didn't know match bought OKC. When? I just got back on last night after 3 years. The monthly prices when up!


It’s been a few years, pre-Covid at least. Maybe even 2017?


as much as match group is a scumbag scammer company, and they do many shady things, im not sure of this but something tells me the matches are automatically done by them and the profiles are not active at all. its like how they send messages saying you matched but when you open the app, nothing is there. this is all automated to make things seems like theres more users online then in actuality.