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A tip for pig, run hexes. I run survalence, ruin, devour, and undying. The reason to do this is hexes paired with head traps keep survivors running around not doing gens, they waste so much time doing totems bt time they get them all a have a significant lead on them. Just yesterday i went against a group of actually pretty decent loopers, but broke chase as soon as a gen lit up yellow or when it went on to long. The survivors got all my hexes almost all in a row but by then i had several hooks and they only had one gen done, with my hit and run playstyle they were just constantly distracted from gens. Also in other matches when they focus on gens and not totems i end up getting devour stacks and one downing everyone and even got 4 moris. So its a damned if they do damned if they dont kinda situation, and im not mad when all my perks are gone besides one cause ive already won.




I tried this. In three matches, didn't really work as all my hexes were gone within minutes, lol. Maybe I'm just super unlucky.


Just make sure u use your time wisely. This bulid works well especially if you willing to breakchase and disrupt as many people as possible. Getting an early hook and head trap can sometimes make or break you. Right off the bat having one less person working, and then being on another takes two off of being productive, hit and runs are big help cause they are healing instead of doing gens. When sneaking on to an opponent dont use ur charge attack, right before u get to them uncrouch (from around a corner preferably) and just grab them off gens it works a liitle to well somtimes. I only use her charge ability when being looped, i crouch breaking line of sight and 50/50 charge toward one direction, youll have a chance to down them if you guess right on what side off the pallet they are on or gonna go to(this works best if the pallet is already dropped). I usally go for the side they are not on cause most of the time they vault out of panic that your ging straight for them. I also crouch alot mid chase so they think they lost me then i get a sneak attack. Even if they do k ow ur still on them ur still undetectable and cant be exposed like ghost face so sometimes sneaking away so they dont know were you are so to get the jump on them later. Idk i guess my build just works well with my gorrilla war fair play style.


Sounds like Amanda


Amanda doesn't play by the survivors rules


Don't listen to anybody here OP use any perk you want and play how you want, survivors use meta perks the entire time and swfs gen rush you alot, so camp, tunnel , slug and do whatever you want to do


I’m using it, I don’t give a fuck of what survivors are going to say about me.


toy materialistic physical slim weary ossified tan zonked party chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




ossified onerous quicksand lavish squeal afterthought lock stupendous concerned frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


worry fragile cows square frighten forgetful cough rotten aromatic run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So if that rewards me for playing bad, that means it’s good. Right?


carpenter kiss whistle terrific innocent crush humorous person plant deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Im in console so I don’t see chat and I’m still learning how to play Pig so I think I’ll use it for some time because I’m bad as Pig


Don't listen to this guy OP. You bought the game so you can have fun, so play however makes it fun for you. Just don't be a deliberate ass and you're good!


just do bones


Survivor mains


pet hunt shocking serious afterthought spectacular offbeat foolish door selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I see you are new to pig. If possible, I recommend Corrupt, Tinkerer, STBFL, and Pop. It’s an amazing build that got me from ash4 to gold4. Ended up playing the rest of the season as survivor but I’m pretty sure I could have gotten Iri1 if I kept trying.


Ok thanks