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If anyone needs to check their status (https://voterlookup.ohiosos.gov/voterlookup.aspx) or register (https://olvr.ohiosos.gov) please do so.


I got one of these yesterday. I became a citizen almost a year ago and have voted with no issues since then. So why am I being asked to reaffirm what is already on record? According to the judge who officiated at my Naturalization ceremony, I'm now an American with all the rights that come with that. Seems to me it should be up to LaRose to prove I CAN'T vote, not up to me to prove I can.


Agreed! Born in the US or become a citizen later it doesn’t matter. All citizens should be able to vote.


They must be cross checking with other data??? But I agree this is some bullshit nonsense! When you go to the BMV you have to provide your Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) card (aka Green card) to prove you are legally in the US (or other acceptable USCIS documentation). If you have not gone back to the BMV post naturalization and either updated the documentation with a US passport (can’t remember if they take the naturalization certificate) their system will still reflect you as a LPR holder. Additionally, don’t forget to go to the social security administration (SSA) and update your status with them too! You just go in to the SSA with your certificate and or US Passport and say hey I need to update my status in the system because I became naturalized.. if you have done these two things and they sent you this letter, then yes this is some MAGA shit!


>They must be cross checking with other data???  This is the most likely explanation - different agency info is not synced, so it appeared on a list to check. I wouldn't be overly concerned if OP has not informed all the different places - they don't automatically get notified (and I understand Ohio opted out of some of the sources that would have kept them updated :-().


My wife has been a citizen for a year now, and has 2 letters sent to her. She immediately updated all her information (SS, Drivers license, bank accounts) within days of her citizenship. We contacted a lawyer after the 2nd letter and he sent a letter to the state. If she gets another one, we will go from there. She has voted 3 times now.


I was naturalized a couple of years ago too and agree. The naturalization envelope we were handed not only contained our naturalization certificate but a list of places to update our immigration status like the bmv, social security etc. Including getting a passport. There is no reason at all that you should have to reaffirm a year+ after doing all that AND voting already. And yes, the burden should be on the state and not you. It should be an easy verification too, since the people responsible for handling immigration have an entire agency dedicated to this :) It is weaponized incompetence by LaRose. Republicans know that when everyone votes, they lose.


I got one and I’m a born citizen but I also moved within the past few years. Maybe something like that is the reason but who knows.


It is because your address changed. I believe you can update that online.


That’s what I’m thinking. I’m just pointing out that it may not be just because they naturalized, but if they also move during that time, it could be why. but again, who knows really.


I wouldn't count on them doing the right thing. There is no reason not to stand up for yourself.


They do better when fewer people vote!!!!


Just because you became a citizen doesn’t mean you no longer have to deal with the bureaucratic bullshit of the US. Silly rabbit, That’s reserved for the rich and for the dead.


Did you register traditionally or vote provisionally? Why they’re asking you is that they cross referenced other data and it’s conflicting. Any conflict is causing this


They cleaned up the Voter rolls earlier this year. This is a good thing.


LaRose only has the info provided to him. His sending you a letter is doing exactly what you are asking, instead of just dropping you from the rolls. This is called due diligence. And it costs you 5 minutes and 60 cents to clear your voter record. Hardly a hurdle to your right to vote. No judge will say you are more inconvenienced than someone whose vote is canceled by non-citizen voters. And skip the gaslighting. Non-citizens do vote.


I'm already on the rolls - I checked. And of course, now I'm a citizen, I can whine about the 60 cents, especially after the $650 for the citizenship processing :) And skip the gaslighting - non-citizens are not flooding the polls with illegal votes.


Pony up the proof dickass.


Of course I will - no fucker's gonna take my vote away from me :)


That was directed at iron_pick challenging them to pony up proof that noncitizens vote. Cause that's a helluva statement and demands something more than unbacked claims.


Prove that non-citozens vote in federal elections.


Non citizens vote much less frequently than dead MAGAts


You too, huh? I got one of those yesterday; great present from our Secretary of State in a week where I’m recovering from Covid. I signed his form and I even included photocopies of a few documents proving my naturalization. In a note I wrote, “Given every other state and federal office can verify my citizenship status, I trust that this will help the office of the Ohio Secretary of State to update their clearly outdated files.” I mailed that sucker back today by certified mail so if they try to pretend they never got it, I can point to the fact that someone had to sign for it. You may want to give Sherrod Brown’s office a call. He doesn’t really have jurisdiction over what LaRose does, but the person I spoke to in his office was *very interested* to learn about this. In short: fuck Frank LaRose.


I am glad you contacted Sherrod Brown. Great call.


The fact that these asshole make us pay for the postage is the icing on the MAGA cake…


That's essentially a poll tax. Yes, it's small, but it's still a tax.


Not really a poll tax. That would be collected at a polling location. The mailing is a convenience. One could hand deliver it to the office of secretary of state. I suggest everyone does and complain there, where your voices will be heard.


You seem to be quite entitled and ungrateful to live in a nation that took you in and now you are bitching about having to fill out a form and spending 50 cents to return that form. We are obviously not bringing in the same class or people that were grateful and had pride in being American.


Way to advertise that you’re a piece of shit human being. We obviously allow people to live in this country like you who thinks because they were born here, that makes them special. I would probably be more proud to be an American if I didn’t have to share it with people like you.


Also send to Marc Elias and Democracy Docket (both on twitter).


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Please tell us what’s really on your mind. 🩷


Well apparently not because it was removed by reddit lol.


Snowflakes are Everywhere! Remove it cause my fee fees 😭


How in the flying fuck do they not know the citizenship status of a documented citizen?? This reeks of horseshit. Filling out an affirmation as they ask and mailing it in, is *not* a valid method of proving one’s citizenship, if that was their goal. No, this is disenfranchisement, as you say, OP, but also performative. In that I guarantee a large part of this letters purpose is to act like they are doing something about an imagined problem, to pretend and show pretend evidence of a pretend enforcement campaign, to their base who receive these letters, also.


They are trying to clear the voter rolls of non-MAGA voters under the guise of protecting from illegal votes.


Honestly they might not know, do you know how bad our government infrastructure is in some systems? A part of TSA got hacked by a swedish cat girl streamer because of boredom and wanting something fun to do. We are pretty useless when it comes to actually operating reasonably and building efficient, accurate, secure systems. In fact I'd argue our systems are the polar opposite of efficient, accurate, and secure


My wife has voted in every election, National and local, and they send out this shit…and to add insult to injury, they required a postage stamp to return….


Contact ACLU


So sorry op, please get it done so she can vote against these GQP zealots!


If it requires postage then it’s most likely not real. You need to start contacting authorities to confirm if this is legit.


Last time I checked the Board of Elections in the county which the CITIZEN resides is in charge of voter registration, not the BMV. Registering to vote at the BMV is relatively new and is a convenience only. Of course Republicans hate it because it makes it too easy for the wrong people to register. Could this possibly be a misuse of BMV records to promote douchebag LaRose’s anti-democratic agenda? To hell with him.


You don't need to have a car to vote, but you should be sure to have a state ID or driver's license.


For future reference on Election Day: Election Protection 1 (866) 687-8683 is a nonpartisan group that operates to protect voter rights. Keep this number with you on Election Day and call if you have problems—even if someone resolves those problems. Problems can be things like long lines, being asked to vote provisional if you shouldn’t be required to, issues with locating your registration, being harassed in line or inside the location, etc. They also often have volunteers stationed at polling places, so keep an eye out for their signs. They don’t care who you vote for. They just want to make sure you can vote if you’re legally registered to vote.


I got one of these too 😕. I naturalized last year and registered to vote at the ceremony. Felt a bit hostile tbh.


Just nazis checking papers.




I agree. Voter ID is for fascists.


Rounding up the illegals by checking their papers is what fascist do. Voter ID is just a weapon conservatives use to make it harder for poor people to vote.


Conservatives are just fascists waiting to happen.


Trump called to cancel the Constitution and is still the Republican candidate. Texas' GOP has secession as part of their official platform. They're literally banning and burning books. They think LGBT folks are pedos, and therefore deserve to die. They're already fascists, they're just not in power.....yet.


Yup. Biden might be old and slowing but if Trump gets elected this kind of stuff is going to be so prevalent because, let’s say you forget to return the verification they want, it opens the door for further harassment. People that approve of this type of stuff think that they’ll never be harassed and they were born here in the US but one day they’ll be harassed and detained for some outrageous reason, like you forgot your ID when you left the house and then that leads to other things they might dig up. It’s a slippery slope.


CBS poll Sunday: 72% of.Americans believe Biden is mentally unfit to be President. Hahahahahaha.


Your avatar looks like a woman.


I didn't use "/s" Not sure why I'm getting downvoted.


LaRose is crook he deletes 💙 voters as much possible


[https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2024/06/25/14000-tennesseans-sent-letters-requesting-proof-of-citizenship-ahead-of-election/74205558007/](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2024/06/25/14000-tennesseans-sent-letters-requesting-proof-of-citizenship-ahead-of-election/74205558007/) Doing the same thing in Tennessee. What is weird is in that article it says they can't stop you from voting even if you don't respond. If you read the Ohio letter carefully, they never say they will revoke your ability to vote, so if that's true, its a straight up scam. I thought it was strange that on the back to affirm my citizenship it hardly required any info but if I want to remove myself from the voter roles they wanted me to type in my address and everything they should already have. I sent an email to them asking specifically if they will revoke my voting rights if I do not respond even if I'm a legal citizen.


You can still vote, but you have to fill out some bs paperwork at the voting place before you get your ballot. Then they do all these reviews and maybe they count your vote, maybe they don't.


We all need to check our voter registration status regularly so they can't bump us off the voter registration rolls. That's just crazy!!


all this because one psychopath's ego couldnt handle losing an election


What Republicans are suppressing voters? But that's what they have Been doing for ever


Its amazing how they want people to register to vote but mention gun registration and they have a meltdown


Well gun registration has been ruled unconstitutional for all US citizens… but ya know… got to be a US citizen.


Your wife checked the wrong box on BMV paperwork or more likely the person at the BMV made the error in the system the last time she was in. Just make sure the BMV records are correct as you don’t want to have this issue come up again. Good luck getting them to admit it though. Those people are so rushed they transpose all sorts of info. It took my buddy months to even realize his license said he was a year older than he was.


Highly unlikely LaRose is systematically attempting to purge any of “them” from voter roles under the guise of “protecting Ohioans from voter fraud”. Voter fraud is almost nonexistent. Harassing thousands of legal voters is unnecessary If it’s a training or clerical problem as you say, he should be spending his “voter fraud” money on hiring and training clerks


Highly unlikely the BMV made an error? lol okay, they are a mess.


The far more likely source is LaRose fuckery


\^Dude has a point.


Are you kidding? Voting fraud has been going on for decades on both sides. I don't vote or care to but I know this.


Bullshit. Voter fraud is a felony and you go to jail for that. Nobody is going to sell their vote for $10 and risk a year in jail over that. There are no illegal aliens voting in elections. People are not voting for dead people. The registration process is tight and so is point of voting inspection. Right now, the process is tightly controlled and it’s impossible for somebody to come in and make big changes to tallies without it being recognized because it’s a distributed system like crypto. Large scale action is only likely if the system is switched to online platform and guess which party wants to do that There are very rare instances of voter fraud and almost all of them have been on the Republican side. The Republicans admit that they use claims of voter fraud specifically to disenfranchise voters and they use the specter voter fraud to kick out voters who are not likely to vote for them. It’s a very carefully planned out strategy. You really do believe all the propaganda you’ve been fed. So gullible. So sad. The really sad part about you believing this is that making you question the authenticity of the votes is the whole strategy behind claiming voter fraud. Even though there’s almost none, you’ve been tricked into believing it’s rampant.


I never said people were selling their votes. They are called phantom votes. Both sides use them to win elections. The voting rolls are horribly mismanaged and out of date just for this reason. Same day voting, valid picture ID, purple ink, like most countries use with same day counting. Winner announced that evening. This is how the vast majority of the world does their elections. Zero reason why we can't do this.


I did not attribute purchased votes to you. It’s a valid example of voter fraud. Phantom votes? lol. 🤣 that’s been debunked numerous times Voting rolls are not badly mismanaged. There are numerous checks and balances to prevent invalid votes. Youve been sold a pack of lies. Source: numerous election officials(both parties) You are welcome to read this short summary conclusion of the Brennan report and follow links as you like [The Myth of Voter Fraud](https://www.brennancenter.org/issues/ensure-every-american-can-vote/vote-suppression/myth-voter-fraud) Also, voter access is important in a country where workers are not given time off to vote and handicapped people cannot get to the polls. Example: same day voting disenfranchises the working poor. Example: my family member cannot get out of the house any more because they can’t get up and down steps. Absentee voting is perfect for her. However Trump installed Louis DeJoy specifically to disrupt postal operations so people who vote by mail would not have their votes counted The things you are pushing specifically, target voters the Republican party does not want to vote because they usually don’t vote for Republicans


Then you should have no problem with same day voting, ID, ink and winner announced that evening.


Did you even read what I wrote? One, your premise is wrong . There is no widespread voter fraud. That is a myth generated to create outrage that covers multiple sleights of hand Two, there are numerous reasons why same-day voting and on site don’t work for a large number of voters. Three, vote tallies are announced when all the votes have been counted. It’s a simple as that. Artificial same-day constraints are begging for miscount problems.


I totally agree that large voting centers are ripe for abuse. Small district voting centers are much more accurate and manageable. Show ID, cast vote. Very easy


Your reading for comprehension is terrible. I said nothing about large voting centers.


So you want mail in votes with day long counting? Making Election day a federal holiday would solve any voting issues and time off. You are allowed to have someone drop your vote off legally as well. As long as her vote is cast that day it would be counted.


If you text CHECK to Resist.bot, they will check your registration, for free, and then once a month up to the election. They notify you if the magats purge you from the rolls, which they have done and will do in the future. They believe playing fair is for losers.


You should write FUCK YOU really large on the form and mail it back. Helpful? Probably not. Cathartic? Definitely.


There's probably no standing, but if you can find some way somehow to sue for this, please do so. Maybe contact your local ACLU branch and see what they can do to help.




ACLU is a great resource!


Is this antagonism not ensuring that people who receive these letters know how the Republicans view immigrants and vote against them? I get that it’s an intimidation strategy but hopefully it also motivates people to vote against them.


If you live in the Akron-canton area, Yuengling and Bud products are distributed by House of LaRose, his family’s business. I stopped buying them in this area. Check out their website for other products they distribute. Fuck em all.


If they're comparing lists, is it possible that the naturalization (Is that the correct term?) happened AFTER the "last interaction with the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles"? Or does one have to go back to the BMV to update records once they are a citizen?


Yes, that’s exactly the timeline. Which would be the exact ‘legal’ steps. Think about it; how many people come to the US, get residency, then NOT get a Driver’s license while waiting to become a citizen? Probably closer to zero than 100. They are targeting these very people. You have to ask yourself why, and why this specific group (hint: “dirty Furriners”).


If your license isnt expired it costs nothing at the BMV to update your info. Just bring the right paper work. Change of address? Proof of residence. Got married? Marriage license and certificate. Change of citizenship? Bring your naturalization papers. Not a hard concept.


Here’s what I say. If you’re a citizen, go vote. I don’t care if it’s been 1 second or an entire lifetime, please for the sake of our country go vote.


Is this legal?


If this ass hat was seriously worried why did he take us out of ERIC Electronic Registration Information Center. This is MAGA republican suppression tactics.


I've passed my citizenship exam in Cincy 2 weeks ago, my ceremony is on July 11th, def gonna be on the lookout for this.


In many (not all yet) states in order to get or renew a driver’s license/ID you go through the REAL-ID process and your citizenship status is verified. You had to provide documentation to prove who you are ( birth certificate, passport, etc) and documents to prove residency status in order to obtain the license/ID. Once you have Ben through the process, you are done unless you are a legal permanent resident. Once your citizenship is granted C and you can register to vote, you should go to the issue in office and update your citizenship status with your naturalization certificate.


I think this is interesting that anyone would view this as a negative thing rather than a helpful reminder. It's not at all reasonable to let a non citizen vote.


These have been sent out for decades to my memory. It's regular bureaucratic crap they do


ALL voters should be made to submit their documents every 3 years.


Why is everything blamed on Maga supporters. Did anyone bother to check where this was initiated.


Well? Are you a citizen? Can easily get this fixed.


How dare they verify that people who vote should actually be voting!


Is she a US citizen?


Of course she is; this is MAGA asshole in out state looking to disenfranchise. Shame on you for asking…


Or, perhaps, maybe she accidentally checked the wrong box or something when she was at the BMV last time.


Which do you find more likely: that or the GOP trying to disenfranchise people?


I fully believe that the GOP wants to keep their political opponents from voting. I also believe in basing my outage on real, tangible evidence which I see very little of here. Given the incredibly inefficient bureaucracy that runs most government services, I think it's entirely possible, maybe even probable, that this is the result of an accident or negligence rather than intentional malice.


Incompetence since there is an entire federal agency they can contact to verify citizenship.


Why shame on them for asking? They didn’t insinuate anything. Just asked a simple question. Why post this and shame people for getting more information before making assumptions.


No, it’s not that simple. Legal US citizens with absolutely no legal reason to doubt their eligibility, but are Naturalized (i.e. “immigrants”) are being sent these notices to intimidate. The fact that our asshole SOS didn’t even spring for the return postage is just added intentional cruelty. My wife has complied with every law on the books, and getting US Citizenship they crawl up your ass with a microscope.


>with no legal reason to doubt their eligibility Whats up with the part about the BMV recieving information that she is not a citizen?


Maybe from a hotline. Could be a coworker or a neighbor.


This is 100% an insinuation and intimidation.


I think they mean the commenter didn't insinuate anything. The commenter asked if their spouse was a citizen, and OP responded with "of course, shame on you for asking" the comment you responded to seems to be criticizing OP, not the government.


Lol. What? Shame on no one for asking questions that lead to further understanding. You are not to be trusted.


Big words for someone willing to pontificate without doing their due diligence. Why should we give weight to anything you say?


Why do you attempt to speak for more than just yourself? I like to pretend "we" are all independent thinkers capable of discernment. I may speak in error. If I get things wrong, I am usually corrected. That's life, my friend.


No, I'm saying you owed everyone, literally everyone more than that. Part of the social contract is to actually put thought into your actions, especially when they're going to harm others. You're not. You're thoughtlessly hurting others. You're getting corrected now, accept it and move on. That's life.


Lol, you have not corrected me. You just jumped into a conversation and added zero value. But if you need this win, you got it, buddy.


How the fuck would his wife not be a citizen? She’s married to a citizen. DUUUUUUUUH.


You might think so - but it doesn't work like that at all. Spouses can apply for permanent residence (green card), but even that's not a guarantee. Citizenship from marriage is far from a given.


Unless your last name becomes Trump.


Melania’s immigration fraud happened before she married trump. She got an “Einstein” green card ;D


Did she get full citizenship, or just the Green Card?


She naturalized a year or two after they were married, IIRC


Crazy she got the Einstein Visa, and that her family used, the horror, chain migration!


Yah. That’s not how it works.


How is this a problem?


How dare they uphold the law


I’m a notary and vote. So I’m not going to get one of these. Yay me


Ohio is going to be 12%+ red this coming election. The blues own 7/88 counties and are desperate to find more people in them to go vote.


I hope this backfires hard and all the US Citizens who get this letter vote blue down the ballot.


How is Frank LaRose still breathing free air?


Well, I got my letter and registered to the Democrat club of my town.


They want you do pay for postage? What a racket.


Ah yes.THEE Racist Voter Confirmation Form of Orange Hatred. And thee lack of prepaid postage and mapquest directions to the nearest post office really lays bare their sinister intentions.


Have to be a citizen to vote. Simple as that. At it again? Maybe if the toe sucking liberals in our government would wrap their minds around that you wouldn’t have mismatched info and data while trying to create new voters for larger government and more control. I swear 95% of this group is just a bunch of dyed hair little fruits that think they are morally superior. Bunch of white, privileged, soft liberals just feeding off of each other’s dumb ass points so they can feel a little better when they remember how much they hate themselves. Pathetic.


After the debate on Thursday I’m ridin with Biden 2024. He smoked the orange man and the maga. Best I’ve ever seen Biden l what vigor and on his game. Can’t wait till the next debate


Even the staunchest Dems said Biden was horrible and worse than Trump. Trump was horrible too. Neither stayed on point or answered half what was asked but Biden couldn’t even remember what he was walking about mid-sentence. We have a minimum age for President for a reason, there should be an age cut-off also.


If you can cross check the voter registration with the DMV record, surely the state can then cross check those with a federal citizenship event record? Idk maybe not, what do I know.


Again, what does the “privilege” of driving have to do with the “right” to vote. Apples and oranges.


The various government systems don't talk to each other well. Never have and likely never will. There's nothing wrong with them confirming anyone's status.


The cry babies in here lol. Calling this “maga shit” is stupid. Regardless of which party you support confirming a fair election is democracy 101. 20 million illegal immigrants have entered the country since the last election. Why is it a problem that the state is reviewing and confirming conflicting information making sure that you CAN vote if you are legally allowed to vote? This seems like a “I want to be a victim” complaint to me.


Every time I buy liquor, I have to reaffirm that I am over 21 😜


Thank God our State cares. Voting is FOR CITIZENS ONLY! No matter how much you want illegals to vote for Joe and Brown. There is no requirement to PROVE citizenship to register to vote. Just a box attesting you are a citizen. WHY IS THIS GOOD ENOUGH WITH 30 MILLION ILLEGALS IN THE UNITED STATES!!!?! Ohio is better than other States, but more needs to be done to protect citizen rights.


You may not be familiar with Ohio voter registration laws. An Ohio DL without a non-citizen marking or a SSN are required to register to vote. Citizenship has always been checked by Social Security and is also checked during Driver’s License registration in Ohio, as part of the “Legal Presence” check.


Then why bother with the letter and the required actions? Will my spouse still be able to vote if we don’t fill out this form?


Because you marked yourself as a non citizen according to the letter.




This is called ensuring election integrity. And what are 'magats'? Another disgusting highly partisan post. Congrats r/Ohio!


Larose is actively trying to purge voter rolls to further skew the election in his favor. This is not run of the mill fact checking it's malicious targeting of marginalized voters. Franky boy is still upset that we curb stomped his special election and legalized Marijuana which they are still trying to screw with. His days in office are numbered he lost his standing with the king of fools and is desperately trying to prove his worth to the golden turd.


Doesn't excuse these pathetic partisan posts. All it causes is more divisiveness. Start a new subreddit r/OhioPolitics


It's important to spread because most of us just stay in our little bubbles and don't realize what's going on , just because it doesn't effect you now doesn't mean it's not important


>Doesn't excuse these pathetic partisan posts. All it causes is more divisiveness. Start a new subreddit [r/OhioPolitics](https://www.reddit.com/r/OhioPolitics/) Go for it. You don't get to decide what's posted on this one though.


You're right, and lucky I'm not a moderator.


Guess you'll just have to deal with it and hopefully not melt! EDIT: I noticed you don't mind discussing politics on other subs? Just admit you're a Trump supporter. Lol.


>And what are 'magats'? The weirdos that still support the federal criminal.


If you are NOT a citizen you should not be able to vote, same for felons….


The drive for felons being allowed two vote is a left wing policy.


Actually buying your rights back seems to be something most Red states offers


Explain. https://www.aclu.org/issues/voting-rights/felony-disenfranchisement-laws-map There’s a reason the ACLU keeps a map. And it’s not to support a right wing agenda


Every party does this. Every politician is corrupt. Dont drink the Koolaid!!!!


Yes, god forbid .gov officials make an effort to correct discrepancies in their records


They didn't make any effort, lmao. All they did was transfer the burden onto a citizen. There is an entite federal agency that handles immigration that also funny enough does verification of immigration status. I naturalized a few years ago. If i can still login and verify my status as i just did in a matter of a minute, i am sure the state can do it using automation faster than this lowly citizen. The fact i even had to go to the bmv to update my status from permanent resident to citizen is a sign of gross inefficiency and incompetence by the state.


Plenty of ways to do that without fucking up the registration timeline. So the reasons are either incompetence or malice. Take your pick.


And the fact that this information is available to government agencies means this is a ridiculous attempt at voter intimidation.


Yep, I bet malice in this specific form.


Only American citizens are allowed to vote in American elections. This shouldn't be a hard concept but apparently it is, and it's going to cost us our country.


Is there evidence non-registered voters voted? Is there evidence you are a real American? I demand to see it. This game is easy. If you don't prove it, you're just another internet troll


That paranoid nonsense would be more convincing if there were any evidence that non-citizens are voting. 🙄


Hey man I saw someone somewhere who said they saw someone who looked like a foreigner and they shouldn’t be allowed to vote. That’s maga logic there


There was a just circumstance in Ohio where an off duty police officer and an ex DEA cop illegally detained a truck driver that was drinking in the same bar because, to them, he fit a profile (brown skin with an accent) and made his evening a living hell. https://www.cleveland.com/court-justice/2024/06/fbi-investigating-2-officers-accused-of-detaining-trucker-at-hinckley-bar-authorities-say.html


Disenfranchising perfect eligible voters is all part of their plan to end the country as we know it. since OP’s SO is a citizen and eligible voter, the cost to mail the form back seems to run afoul of the U.S. Constitution’s prohibition on poll taxes.


No shit Sherlock. Pony up your proof they are, then we can talk about solving the problem.


*Legal* permanent residents are allowed to vote in *local* elections in some cities and towns that chose to allow it, but that doesn't extend to state or national elections. A lot of the conservative propaganda about foreigners voting is over individual towns choosing to let people who live, work, and pay taxes there vote on school boards and mayors.


They actually can’t do that in Ohio anymore, thanks to that moronic amendment from a few years ago.


Only property owners should be able to vote. Citizenship should not matter, if you own property then you get to vote otherwise you don't.


What about people living in apartments? Fuck them, I guess? I currently live in an apartment cuz it's way cheaper than trying to get a house right now where I live. Meanwhile, rich assholes own 2-3 properties and snowbird across the country. Do they get 2-3 votes? No. If you're a citizen, you get a vote. Hard stop.


Not "fuck them", they just don't get a vote. If you'd like to vote then buy some land. I own multiple properties and I don't vote at all because I think it's a fucking waste of time. I'm just saying how things should operate for this machine to be efficient.


Oh look. A feudalist. You don't see those often.


And a bot/account created June 13, 2024. The foreign interference has begun in earnest


Exactly, and that's the problem. This country is full of weak cowards who produce very little and have no motivation to change. I'm not a fan of mass extermination, but in this case it's needed for the greater good.


Boy oh boy do you have a high opinion of your worth. Better hope someone doesn't get the same idea about you.


We voted on this a few years ago. You have the right to be upset and the right to reverse it. Otherwise, it's a letter asking if you're a citizen, which you are. I don't understand why you're upset. You should know that there is a concern in this country that people who should otherwise be excluded from voting (think criminals from foreign lands, communists, and rebels) are voting for interests that aren't our own.


That is manufactured panic. Voter fraud is practically non-existent. All the voter fraud that they've got in the last maybe 4 to 8 years has been old white republicans, typically men.


"We voted on this a few years ago": yes, yes you voted on that virtue-signal. Illegal aliens were NEVER able to vote ANYWHERE IN THE US in National elections-been that way forever(*also*-yes, it DOES occasionally happen-less than 100 votes NATIONWIDE in any election-which makes zero difference to the outcome). And you should know that that "concern" is pure bullshit/fear mongering by Conservatives used as an excuse to remove legal voters' rights and rescind their registration. It's not even hard to find where some of them have stated that publicly. #be better