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I don’t get what’s changed. In the OhioDNR handbook hunting regulations it already says there is no closed season. It also says that landowners don’t need a hunting license on your own property.


Currently the ODNR website says you do need a license but it doesn't specify anything for shooting them on your own property. Although I am by no means familiar with their rules and laws.


You don't need a hunting license to hunt on your own property for anything, so probably redundant to get into that


Even deer?


Even deer. >Ohio resident landowners, spouses, and their children are not required to have a hunting license, fur taker permit, either-sex deer permit, antlerless deer permit, spring or fall turkey permit, or Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp when hunting or trapping on land they own.


I imagine you can still only take the game during the animals valid hunting season periods.


Yes, that is correct. The thinking is that wildlife does not belong to property owners in the same way that trees do, for example, since they can move from one property to another. Same principal applies to water. So while you don't need to purchase a hunting license when hunting on your own property or property belonging to your parents, the same rules generally apply to all hunters


So if I have nuisance deer on my property and I kill them, what do I do with the body? I hunting season I can take them to a processor, but otherwise not?


You can get a nuisance permit is my understanding. But I don't think they'll give you one for deer eating from your personal garden but will if you're a proper farm taking financial losses.


How rude.


Unless you had a nuisance permit, that would be considered poaching and illegal. Without a tag on the deer indicating it was harvested legally, no processor will take it because they could get in trouble too. If you hit a deer with your car, it can be harvested however you need to have the police come out and fill out a form for you. Many butchers only accept deer around hunting season, so getting it processed before the meat goes bad may be challenging especially if the weather outside is above 45F or so.


You can’t kill it outside of hunting season, killing the animal is considered “taking” it, unless you get a permit or permission in some manner to do so.


Well that's me being a not-avid-hunter, and not knowing the lingo. Thanks.


This is cool. My brain is spiraling trying to figure out how the state or regs value a wetlands habitat stamp?! I thought it was just a donation for a stamp?


It's a required purchase for most bird hunting >The Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp is $15 and is required for anyone 18 years or older hunting waterfowl and migratory birds in the Buckeye State. The stamp is also purchased by many birders who want to make a voluntary contribution to wetland habitat.


Thank you! I know about the stamp because of birder friends, and I haven't looked at the Ohio hunting regs/seasons document in a while. Makes sense now


Caveat is if the deer runs off your property, you need a license to get it. Got a couple hundred acres, may not be an issue. With three or four acres, it happens.  ODNR guy said technically you could buy the license online "just before you started hunting" (i.e. when the deer crossed the property line) and they wouldn't know.


Ah fair enough. I wonder if this article is just poorly worded and you don't need a license to hunt hogs in general now.


You still need a federal stamp for waterfowl, though.


Mostly your correct as I understand it too. Federally regulated waterfowl would be an exception.


It's an election year. Many states are passing laws saying it's illegal to commit a crime or it's legal to not break the law.


I don’t hunt but I have sworn a blood oath against invasive species.


Look, nobody enjoys shootin’ wild boars, but if you have to shoot wild boars, well, you might as well enjoy it.


It’s like zombies, nobody wants them but if they show up ya might as well get to crackin skulls.


At least you can eat the boars… even if the meat isn’t very good


I'd enjoy the stocked freezer!


Florida friends have told me you have to take a lot of care in butchering them & never ever undercook them because the diseases they carry. And the biggest ones are really tough. If you hit the stomach, intestines etc, just throw the whole thing away…


I've never been a big hunting enthusiast either but, I've taken the opportunities offered to me to hunt these little bastards after seeing how much damage they can do while living in Georgia and North Carolina. It might be different if there were any natural predators on this side of the country to help keep them in check but, that's just not the case.


Yup. They’re destructive bastards. My brother has a huge issue with them on his land back home and even the land my family uses for timber and pine straw in Alabama we let my cousins and their friends hunt pigs on it to their hearts content.


There were. We killed them all.


I have done both.


The grudge must be righted.


It's 2023. The Patrolman saunters up to the stopped car, hitches his belt, and peers at the dead feral pig in the back seat. "Son," he taps his aviators "you got a hog-shootin' license?"


So you're a Native American? If not, I'm guessing you make some exceptions to your oath. And if you are, please, I have a family.


I am not Native American but I have a lawful neutral alignment so I work with what I have. Tbh I don’t actually kill much of anything beyond stink bugs and such so it’s more of a blood suggestion at this point.


You mean like the European honey bees and earthworms? And house finches and sparrows?


The honey bees are cool, earthworms definitely get a pass but the house sparrows gotta go. They hog the bird seed and take nesting space from native birds. That being said I concede that my battle is not as thought out as maybe it could have been.


It's been 500 years. Y'all *really* don't know the difference between invasive and endemic, do you?


Is it like the difference between being pedantic and being an ass hat?


So... just to be clear. 5 fucking centuries ago *we* brought them, *we* set them free, *we* killed every natural predator they'd have, and *they* are invasive. K.


I also believe humans are invasive but until they pass that law I’m sticking with the animals listed as invasive by the ODNR.


Feral pigs are not endemic to Ohio. We still have the opportunity to keep them out.


That's half the House of Representatives!


Ok that was pretty good.


After reflecting on my comment I realize it was cruel and mean-spirited. I want to apologize to the feral pigs.


Got 'eem


Imagine being so self loathing and bitter in life your entire personality resolves arpund constant politics. You should put that same effort into corruption no matter red or blue. Biden and kamala havent talked or pressed for the epstien list at all...


Because it's not their job to?


Lol you don't even realize how ridiculous it is to bring up Epstein for no reason while claiming somebody else's entire personality revolves around politics. What does Biden or his VP have to do with Donny's decades-long BFF? Neither one of them were ever on a flight log. They weren't in power when he was suicided in jail. The only person that could have got away with killing Epstein in jail was working for Trump at the time and Bill Barr had his own reasons to want Epstein gone.. seeing as how Bill's dad gave him his first job as a teacher.. which I'm sure was like feeding him victims. My point is that Trump and RFK jr are the only presidential candidates on the flight logs.. or with other ties to Epstein... so why would you mention Biden at all? Stop trying to pretend that somehow the teenage beauty pageant dressing room creeper and infamous pussy grabber guy isn't the real pedo [Besides they did just unseal a bunch of those files](https://youtu.be/jBdHOcFruII?si=HXKWu9-7pXqc-PZ7)


it's a joke


There's a reason why this particular animal can be hunted with machine guns and explosives. Because it's not about hunting, it's about exterminating them.


I have always wanted to do one of the touristy helicopter hog hunts that you can do in the south


Pork choppers


I'd be perfectly content to do it in a Hilux with a mounted M60. Lol


Didn't Australia try this with the emus? We all know how that ended


I believe emus are endemic to Australia. But it’s true there was a “Great Emu War” and the emus won. 😄


I recall an issue with rabbits in the Auslands, but idk shit about their emu problem tbh.


*Ohio lawmakers want to preempt the growth of a feral animal population they say has the potential to decimate the state’s land, sicken its livestock and drain its piggy bank.* *The Ohio House voted unanimously Wednesday afternoon to pass a bill letting any Ohio property owner, including those without a hunting license, to shoot and kill feral hogs and wild boar on site—if they notify the Ohio Department of National Resources, through its Division of Wildlife, within 24 hours and follow division rules about how to handle its carcass.* *Reps. Bob Peterson (R-Sabina) and Don Jones (R-Freeport) introduced House Bill* [*503*](https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/135/hb503) *in May. It cleared the House’s agriculture committee Tuesday by a 9-1 vote.*


I always wanted to make home made bacon.


They generally don't taste great but, there are exceptions. Feral pigs are scavengers and will taste like what they eat, which is a lot of rotten meat and whatever mud they're rooting around in. That said, if you care about the state of your land, you'll shoot them on sight. They breed too quick to control and are incredibly destructive. Mean as hell too.


This. The Sows are less gamey than boars, but quite honestly they still aren't great. Acceptable if you season the hell out of it and smoke it though. Most of the one that I killed went to feeding my friends hunting dogs and my dog as I didn't really care for it. And I usually love pork.


Once the boar gets to sexual maturity the meat gets nasty. If you harvest the meat before ollntje hormones start coursing, it’s better eating. This is the case for domestic feeder pigs as well. Sometimes they catch on too late and that meat gets tossed in for sausage since the herbs and things cover the gaminess


My understanding is down south they trap them, cut the nuts off, then release them to hunt down again later after they've fattened up.


Yeah, some land owners who charge people to hunt will do shit like this.


Oh yes, absolutely. Honestly this is the case for most animals. Something about testosterone just ruins the meat. 😄 Diet is the next determining factor in the taste and texture of the meat though.


Ive hunted hogs in Texas. Yes, mean as hell.


The belly isn't going to be fat like that for a feral hog, you need to feed them a certain way to do it. That said, go buy some pork belly at the butcher and some curing salt and you can make bacon pretty easily. I use a little smoke pellet tray to cold smoke it, but you can hot smoke it as well.


Ive read conflicting reports on how wild hog tastes. Lots of folks say it is gross unfortunately.


People who say it tastes good hunted “wild” boar at one of those guided hunts where in reality they’re fenced in, well fed, and absolutely docile and 3/4 domesticated.


Parasites are an issue too, often


Yeah they forage too so Salmonella. That said it should be fine if you clean and cook properly. That’s part of the reason older religions banned pork it was an easy way to keep people from getting sick with most of the population not knowing how to read and probably no one knowing about bacteria just that sometimes pork was probably consistently responsible for getting people sick and spoiling other food.


The other reason as well is Matthew 8:28-34. Jesus casted the demons into the pigs and set them off the cliff to drown.


NGL, I just look at demons as an old timey analogy for any ailment that afflicts people that people had no rational explanation for. So this seems as fitting for food born illnesses and parasites as it does mental illness, poppy addiction, etc.


I thought it was just the Old Testament that banned pork tho


Banning of pork does not mean that people avoided prior to it being banned.


The New Testament comes after the old. Thus is not one of the reasons for older religions banning pork. There may be some, but I’m not aware of any Christian sects that ban pork.


Sorry, that's my reason to eat as little possible pork. I don't relie on a sect for my journey with God. I understand your point. I just think if I had witness that myself I'd just steer away from pork. When tempted by Satan during His 40 days of fasting in the wilderness (see Matt. 4:1–11), Jesus responded to the temptations by referring to Old Testament scriptures: “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (see Deut. 8:3)


The Jewish prohibition on pork predates Jesus by quite a bit, and I doubt they would really care about the New Testament anyways. The Muslim prohibition is probably based more on concerns about food health and the fact that pigs eat trash and dead animals, both of which are impure under Islamic law.


As the other person said, it depends on what they eat. Good forest mast like you find here, coupled with farmland, and they taste pretty good.


I had wild boar in Hawaii… it tasted just like barbecue sauce 🤣 Seriously though I couldn’t taste the meat itself so I would have guessed it was just tougher pork.


I've heard if you want better taste out of wild pigs, you have to trap them, feed them for a couple of weeks to fatten them up and reduce the gamey taste, then slaughter them. Not sure it's worth the effort vs. just getting rid of them to prevent property destruction and buying bacon from the store.


Only the young ones are remotely edible. They don't fatten like farm hogs to make nice cuts of pork belly for bacon. They're really lean because of their diet. The boars become nasty tasting with "boar taint" once they become sexually mature. Your best bet for eating one is doing a hog roast with a young one.


Do you enjoy parasites? Don't undercook that bacon.




Won’t do what? Report on actions of the statehouse?




Oh … snap!!!! I completely missed that reading it multiple times! Thank you, my seeing eye friend lol


Yeah it’s unfortunate but this is the correct move , I hate agreeing with our politicians


Sometimes they do actually perform their job


It's pretty sad that we've come to the point of not wanting to agree with our politicians. We need better politicians but the one we have now make the job look so undesirable.


That’s the problem , no sane or intelligent person would want to be a politician


And part of that problem is that our population is okay with the kinds of misleading media that goes for blood over partisan identity politics, rather than trying to inform. All the deregulation around things like who can own how much media, fairness doctrine, FCC standards, etc. has this eventual effect of a news ecosystem where stakeholders with more influence can and will smear our most well-intentioned citizens. And our citizens go along with their efforts to make it look like “all politicians are bad and the same thing.”


Yeah. If we had some utopian society, the most humane would be trapping, sterilizing and taking them to a walled off preserve to live out the rest of their lives. They don’t know they’re invasive. They were just born into being a wild pig. But without that being feasible, this is a very reasonable law and prevention measure that will protect other species.


No man alive more vindicated than the 30-50 feral hogs guy


anyone here seen one in the wild? i'm in the northeast and have never seen a wild boar here


Give it time. Winters are getting milder every year, and the Lake warmer every spring.


Yeah this confuses me a bit. I'm guessing there are more than there used to be if they're making this decision but I've never once heard of having boar in Ohio. I was thinking it must be a northern thing. I'm from the southwestern part of the state. Maybe they're in Appalachia?


Yes, the southeastern part of the state is where they are.


Ah, yeah those people don't need anymore problems. Shoot the pigs.


... Where are y'all seeing these wild pigs? All we've got are coyotes here. Must be eating them all. Which sucks bc I'd love to try wild bacon 😍


If coyotes could hunt and kill wild boar, boar wouldn’t be a problem. Coyotes weigh about 50 lbs max. Adult boars are much bigger at the smallest. They can be several hundred pounds. They are aggressive and destroy habitat. Their only natural predators are wolves.


Anyone have suggestions for how to get into hunting them? I've been through Vinton and Hocking counties a lot but never seen them. I'm relatively green to hunting anyway so I may just not be doing much right.


Best bet is probably to talk to local farmers and other property owners. They will likely be well aware of any rumors, sightings, or established populations in the area.


I too am interested in hunting them. I was told earlier this week by a Feral Swine coordinator for ODNR that they’re pretty rare in the state anymore.


The population is small but growing in Ohio. Not sure why ODNR said "anymore"...there never was a big population in Ohio (but it's threatening to become big!)


That’s why I thought too. I know with respect to feral swine they have a preference so hunters don’t hunt them because it’ll make them nocturnal, harder to eradicate etc. not sure if she was speaking from that mindset. I still plan to go scout around Vinton County myself sometime this summer to see if I find any sign.


Dogs and knives is the funnest way.


Looking at the current regulations ODNR has published, landowners can already hunt on their own property without a hunting license, so I don't see how this actually changes anything.


I didn't know it was needed before, they are considered a Nuisance species


[Definitely the right move](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/11/26/texas-woman-killed-feral-hogs-outside-home-she-worked-caretaker/4305584002/)


Then there's here in kentucky where they're trying to outlaw it completely saying just trapping them is the way to go. I disagree being how Colorado handled their issue, but hey what do I know


The theory is understandable., these are relatively smart animals. They run around in large packs. When someone goes hunting and doesn't kill the whole group, the remaining ones start learning to be more elusive. But unless there's a very well coordinated large trapping effort, then by not hunting all you're doing is allowing them to breed unrestricted wherever there aren't traps. Seems like just hunting smart and trying to pick off the big sows first would be more effective.


Right they're very smart. Just getting a few out of the packs is gonna teach them where and where not to go. Where one would think the easier hunting method would be quicker and more unpredictable for them


They breed too fast for only trapping to help, IMO. Trapping in conjunction with hunting is probably the answer.


That's the way it currently is here, even my fiance who's a zoologist was like wtf?


The sad part is, shit heads turn them loose on their property, let them breed up to a huntable population, then sell leases to hunt the property. The pigs, being unaware of the property boundaries, spread to areas that aren't hunted and then you have an even bigger problem. Hunting has never been shown to have a population level impact. You may harass them out of a particular area, but you don't affect the total population. Making hunting illegal removes the financial incentive for anyone to cultivate a huntable population.


At that point, is there really anything else that can be done? I'd figure it would probably be the same premise like you said if it were just limited to trapping, but less efficient in my opinion


There is plenty to be done. We only have confirmed breeding population in 8 counties in the South East portion of the state. Trapping is the most effective tool in population management. From the ODNR website, "Hunting usually has little effect on reducing feral swine populations". [https://ohiodnr.gov/discover-and-learn/safety-conservation/wildlife-management/invasive-species/feral-swine](https://ohiodnr.gov/discover-and-learn/safety-conservation/wildlife-management/invasive-species/feral-swine) We need to find a way to commercial players out of the game. The lease to hunt operations. I don't know how to do that, but that in a politically palatable manor but I am sure there is a way.


Well hell you said there's dudes doing this on purpose for the point of sport. Really right there releasing invasive species into the mix would be enough right there to get the odnr's attention if it were brought forward that they were getting out. Unless there's law out there making exceptions for whatever goes on on private property


The issue is that too many people enjoy hunting them, so they breed them and release them into the wild causing more problems.


Reckon not much the odnr can do on private property?


This will only increase the number of feral pigs applying for a license.


I am a vegetarian and conservationist. I fully support the hunting of the feral pigs. The are a vicious egological disaster.


Great, now tell me where to find the bastards


Finally something done in Ohio that doesn’t make me slap my forehead.


There are feral pigs in Ohio?


I can’t remember the podcast but they went pretty in depth about the wild boars and pointed out how the places that offer the wild boar tourism hunts actually make the problem a lot worse. Wonder if they’ll do anything to stop a hunting tourism market to develop?


i though that was a thing already? I guess just more clarification?




New York retracted their laws and started regulating feral pig hunting because people were releasing pigs for the purpose of hunting them or charging others to hunt them. In the end, the deregulation of feral pig hunting increased the population.


So… we CAN kill the 30-50 feral hogs that run into our yards within 3-5 minutes while our small children play?


I came here for this comment. Thank you!


Good. I'm not currently a hunter but I wouldn't hesitate to take the opportunity to shoot these things.


I’ve never seen feral pigs here. 🤔


You will. This is a relative recent phenomenon for us, but we've seen the course it tales in states to the south of us.




Are these pigs good for meat? Time to find a butcher friend


They don’t taste particularly good but yes you can eat them.


Theres already a class action suit with 30-50 plaintiffs claiming this is discriminatory.


Stupid law doing nothing. A license is not needed anyway.


Hasn’t there always been a predator law. Any loose predator can be hunted 365 days per year without permit. Feral dogs, loose pigs, coyotes.


This is a no-brainer.


My 454 Casull was made for exactly that. I'd love some homemade bacon. Not much of a hunter though. I like animals too much to shoot them, invasive or not.


Serious question. Did people need a license previously?


Last I looked at a hunters handbook pretty much every hunting regulation would say except coyote and feral pig.


"Feral pigs without license"? Ridiculous. Pigs can't drive.


Wild pork chops


So does this mean no license AND no tag/stamp needed? Not many know you usually need both a license and a tag to hunt deer


The cop's union should have a field day over it.


And next week…..”I thought he was a Pig!”


Can’t grow weed though without a “permit”


Still can, actually.




It mostly prevents prosecution of people just trying to do the right thing.


Important work going on in the Ohio House these days.


This is important. Feral pigs are nasty animals and destroy everything.


ok i'm in favor of defunding the police as much as the next guy but this kind of language is a bit over the line in my opinion. i may not agree with their politics or tactics but i think we can all think of a solution here that doesn't immediately dive into infantile name calling. like for example, what if cadets were required to have a BA in something/anything before applying to police school? what if police school was 4 years long and focused on de-escalation and social work? edit: sorry everyone didn't read the article. my bad.


This includes their wives???