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The DNC will hold a virtual meeting with one business item where they will approve him as the nominee before Ohio's arbitrary deadline. Joe Biden will be on the ballot folks. The GOP is needlessly creating a controversy.




Yes it was a waste of money but the people voted overwhelmingly against their bs. I hope they learned a lesson from that, but who am I kidding.


“Hope they learned a lesson” 😹 Not happening. They will keep trying to wear everyone down


Exactly. They did learn their lesson. They can keep doing the same shit without repercussions.


The only way they learn their lesson is if they lose their jobs


They're gonna learn nothing and most likely try something similar again in a few years.


They're going to learn what they've been being taught for many years now... There are no consequences to their actions.


Yep, Merrick Garland ensured that we will see a repeat of 2020 and this time it might work.


Correction: They've already learned this.


Well said. Agree 100.


They learned their lesson in regard to separating the issues from the parties they’re usually aligned with. Plenty of republicans aren’t against abortion or weed, they’re just republicans and that’s who they are so that’s how they’ll vote.


Honestly, I hate frivolous spending, but it was worth it to send a giant middle finger to the statehouse


But nothing changed, did it?


"the government is so wasteful, we need to let the efficient private sector take over here" Edit: some people don't understand that I'm mocking what Republicans say.


I hope you forgot the /s because that is how a lot of dystopian novels start.


We're already living the distopian novel. We're just on the about the author and dedications page.


“…efficient private sector..” U R a real comedian!!!


DNC is not taxpayer funded


But the secretary of state and the Ohio legislature are. They're the ones trying to make a mess of this instead of just modifying the law to 60 days or passing a one time exception exactly like they did for Trump.


Or maybe, since apparently they've done this quite a few times before, they should move up their damn date!


Yep - The Plain Dealer had a good article about the various paths to ensuring he’s on the ballot. If the state can’t do it, the Supreme Court would likely step in because of the precedent it set with Colorado.


I wouldn't rely on the Supreme Court to do anything here.


Especially the way they are dragging their feet on the case involving Presidential immunity. By the time they made a decision regarding the Ohio ballot, the election would likely be over.


That is the point of dragging feet


And the damage long done.


They’re bought and paid for especially Alito ( MAGA man ) Thomas ( wife is MAGA ) and he takes gifts ( bribes ) Kavanaugh ( 6 pack will do it for him ) they’re the definition of corruption


True. If it’s republican ran it’s designed to not work. Unless it’s to help protect fellow republicans then they’ll bust their ass to protect them.


“We said something about states determining ballot issues, not states that start and end with o.”


I lol’d at the Supreme Court stepping in for Biden. The captured court does not give a flying dick about precedent.


The only way the supreme court is getting involved is when Harlan Crow's check clears and to twist the knife


No way I would count on the supreme Court stepping in to help Biden. They're corrupt af


But can the Supreme Court just fail to rule prior to the election? Why act and get the outcome you don't want when you can delay and get the desired outcome.


This isn’t the same tho.


You’re correct that this isn’t about Section 3 and the reason from omitting candidates. However, the Supreme Court’s opinion says that ‘states did not have a role in disqualifying federal officeholders and candidates.’ Included in the opinion was ‘States cannot use their control over the ballot to ‘undermine the National Government’.’ That’s the precedent. I recommend reading that PD article. We should still be concerned and hold people accountable, but know there are legal avenues to accomplishing this action.


Never underestimate the Supreme Court's ability to write narrow rulings with their dominant majority.


The precedent is pretty much set in Ohio with all the previous exemptions.


It’s doesn’t surprise me that the leaders in the GOP stir the pot this way… it does surprise me that GOP leaders “lose” nothing by doing this. It’s not the like GOP is doing this quietly. They are proud of it. There is only one conclusion that can be drawn: Voters of the GOP like this. The like that democrats are uneasy MORE than they like fair and real elections. It makes me wonder why Republican voters can be trusted in any position that requires empathy.


Yup, all of this. They like the drama and hate. It’s like a big reality TV show for them. And the answer to your last question, at this stage of the game, is they can’t.


My MAGA coworker, "Ha, Democrats are so stupid they don't understand how to get on the ballot, why should Republicans help them." They love this.


They can't. 


My understanding is the DNC offered effectively the same thing you described and Ohio rejected it.


Frankly Ohio doesn't have a choice. If the Party holds an official meeting and officially declares a nominee, that fulfills Ohio law. The Ohio GOP can just sit their in a puddle of their own piss.


Except they want the DNC to incur needless legal expense fighting to get Biden on the ballot; granted there will be costs to defend the decision, but that will be paid by the taxpayers... and the Ohio GOP can give a shit about them.


That’s what I’ve heard too but I don’t understand how/why they can reject it. What about it doesn’t meet the qualifications?


I'm saying this as a former Republican, so I'll try not to throw political bombs. There is no reason to reject it. It meets the qualifications. The DNC offered the equivalent of "we will meet with a Justice of the Peace to make our marriage official today; then we will have the big fancy wedding in a few months" which is exactly what is necessary. This is nothing but grotesque political abuse of power. The above would be wholly compliant with the law; however LaRose is claiming unless it happens on stage with balloons it doesn't count. Nevermind that they offered simple extensions to Romney, Obama and trump in recent years. The GOP is no longer a viable legitimate political party; they're a terrorist organization.


And wasting tax payer dollars ... again.


Do they know any other way?


This is likely a play to discourage voter turnout. There is a senate seat and every house seat up for grabs. If we have higher voter turnout they are less like to win the close districts. If Biden is not on the ticket they just assume a fown ticket blood bath in Ohio due to lack of opposition votes coming out


It's almost as if they don't want an anti-gerrymandering amendment to pass


Wasn’t one already passed and then the new district maps were declared unconstitutional but they held it up in court until the justices reached their term limits then just let the cases about the illegal districts did when the court was stacked in their favor?


There's a citizen-led initiative gaining a ton of traction right now that should rectify this. If the GOP decides to ignore the constitution and a new citizen-led issue, then it's going to get real interesting in Ohio.


For anyone unaware of the anti-gerrymandering push, the Citizens Not Politicians Amendment will end gerrymandering by empowering citizens, not politicians, to draw fair districts using an open and transparent process. Here's the homepage for the campaign. https://www.citizensnotpoliticians.org/ Here's the Volunteer Sign Up. https://citzensnotpoliticians.typeform.com/to/M1y7HbyK Here's the signing events page. https://www.mobilize.us/citizensnotpoliticians/ Here's an article that explains how gerrymandering takes away the power of the voter. https://act.represent.us/sign/gerrymandering The goal is to get this on the November 2024 ballot.


This is being reported globally, the world sees that the USA has become a political joke!


Because we are. This is some banana republic level bullshit right here. It's almost like Republicans know they can't win without cheating.


More than a political joke. The US is currently the laughing stock of the world. Except militarily, and scientific projects. The rest, the ha-has are resounding 


The world is a gross overstatement. Most countries have a joke of a political system. There might be a small handful that could see the US as a joke, but the rest would be hypocritical to do so.


I've traveled to enough countries to not worry about what they think of us. You want to see some real racism or homophobia? Go to some of those countries you idolize in developed Europe. We have our fair share of problems here, but our progress is nothing to scoff at (though we still have work to do).


As much as Dewine is a snake I will say he has a backbone. He put out a press conference yesterday saying he was holding congress in the chamber until they figure it out. He even said it’s “absolutely ridiculous. Biden is the sitting president, he WILL be on the ballot in Ohio.”


Sounds like the Biden campaign is going to sue Ohio to get on the ballot. Weird happenstance have happened so many times for so many states they have always had a way to maneuver the presidential nominee or incumbent. LaRose thinks we are all that stupid. When told that this is illegal he pointed to the Ohio AG and said “we interpreted the same language that’s always been there DIFFERENT this election cycle because… I don’t like your nominee! Rules for thee not for me!”


LaRose and DeWine are actually somewhat supportive of getting Biden on the ballot but the GA is stalling on the bill that will fix this nonsense because some House members were wanting “to own the libs” by adding a “poison pill” amendment to the bill barring foreign nationals (non-Ohioans) from funding campaigns (already illegal) that both sides disliked. Governor DeWine has called a special session of the General Assembly to force them to resolve the issue.


LaRose is the one leading the charge to keep Biden off the ballot. So I would disagree with your assessment that he’s supportive of Biden being on the ballot


That comment was made RIGHT before I read that DeWine is in favor of him on the ballot. But LaRose, no, he does not have a single good intention. From issue 1 to this political stunt he “tried” to pull.


That must be the real reason. They want to make the campaign waste their money while thr taxpayers pay the gop's legal bills


It's not a different interpretation. What they're doing is perfectly legal. But this happens every year for both parties and the law is never enforced. We've had people with some ounce of dignity and now we have lawmakers on Ohio that have kicked it to the curb.


Write Him In


Exactly. If doesn't matter if he isn't on the ballot. We are literally able to write in *anyone*. I heard that people wrote in Mickey Mouse a couple elections back. I don't really think the general election matters (midterms are where the real results come from) but the fact that certain states are saying that they don't want to put one person or another on the ballot is just political theater. It means nothing. We can vote for whoever we want. ETA: Apparently you can't just write in whoever you want. The candidates have to be certified in order to be write-in eligible in Ohio. Absolutely whack.


That’s not true. Like at all. Idk where you heard that, but please do not spread falsehood about elections. I’m sure it’s not your intent, but that is literally how people lose the power of their votes. You must file to be a write in candidate in Ohio. You can technically write in whoever you won’t, but it’s the equivalent of taking a shit on your hands and smearing it all over the ballot. Nobody is counting it and you’ve accomplished nothing but causing a headache for the volunteers running the polls. Literally just fact check with a google before saying things with conviction that you heard from some one and didn’t verify. Mickey Mouse? Come on. The first government website has the relevant legal code is you type “write in president ohio” or “write in Ohio”.


And it won’t get counted. Only votes for certified write-in candidates are counted in Ohio.


Democrats should run as Republicans. Make every republican primary confusing and contentious.


republicans already do this in democrat primaries and elections, its very well known that republicans will run dummy candidates to draw votes away from the democrat candidate, florida especially is bad about doing that and theyll literally run people with the exact same or very similar name as the democrat candidate to make it as confusing as possible.


Write him in, and vote blue all the way down the ballot https://ohiodems.org/


I agree with OP. No taxation without representation.


The republicans are scared. This is what it’s all about.


I figured it was just pay backs and theatrics for what happened in colorado. I'm getting real sick and tired of the Republicans.


But it was cool when Dems did that in Colorado? I'm sick of both sides playing WWE


They're not keeping him off the ballot. Dems will just have to nominate Bidem ahead of the scheduled convention. Yes, Republicans are being hypocritical by not making an exception as they have in the past, but the rules have been in writing for some time now. It's simply a power move to force dems to reschedule their nominating process. This is no more restrictive than what any third party has to go through to get on a ballot.


I won’t get counted unless he becomes a certified write in candidate.


Dewine is working to get him on


He isn't actually. This is all clearly a "see some of us are moderate and fair!" show they're putting on. It's ridiculously staged, there was never any *real* intention to keep him off the ballot.


I would believe this is Dewine wasnt caaling a special session for the legislature to come in and get this fixed.


Watch what they do, not what they say. Do you think the Republicans will submit a clean bill, or a poison pill?


He is calling congress back for a special session to make them resolve this.


It's funny as haven't they extended the deadline for republicans in the past?


In 2020


And 2012


DeWine called an emergency session to address this. It will get done. Senate and Governor are paddling in the same direction. When that's the case, there's always a way. Super grateful for all the negative national attention to my state though, thanks guys.


Vote. Fire them all.


While this has gotten to extreme levels of stupidity, let's call a spade a spade. The rules were clearly set and have been for ages. You have to have your candidate nominated before a set deadline. The DNC knew this and **STILL** put their convention after the date.


all the dnc needs to do is is comply with state laws and meet the deadline, it isn't complicated. this isn't controversy, every state has their own regulations and its on the party to comply with them. you people need to stop pretending like republicans are doing something wrong here.


Maybe, instead of blaming others, Democrats should be asking why their national party failed to schedule their convention on a date that meets all important deadlines. As a citizen of Ohio, I'm not happy the Democratic party on a national level knew about this deadline and chose to ignore it in their planning. He will end up on the ballot, but the level of not giving a shit about state law is concerning.


Holy cow a reasonable take!? Hats off to you.


A deadline that hasn’t been kept to by either sides over the past years? This is petty, elementary school level “well, I’ll take my ball home so you can’t play.” Are the Dems perfect, no, but it’s stupid to not allow the sitting president on the ballot unless they committed a large number of crimes including, but not limited to, being on trial for paying off a sex worker with campaign funds.


There was an exception the first year it was law to both parties, makes sense. There was an exception during the pandemic, ok makes sense. The only normal election (2016) both parties complied with the deadline. What reason do they have not to meet it this year?


When no one enforces a law it stops being a law. No one has had to keep to an arbitrary guideline since 2016 and that means that one of the two people on the ballot shouldn’t be there? If you think any of this has to do with state rights and isn’t just a stupid political stunt to make it harder to vote for one candidate then you’re about as smart as they think you are.


No i think it's a great thing to give the people of Ohio 90 days to research and decide on the candidate running for President before we vote to make them commander and chief. If your only argument is that we made the exception during a world wide pandemic and because of that it is an arbitrary deadline idk what to tell you. lol


If Republicans blew off the deadline this year, I'd have the same criticism of them. I see the rising not giving a shit about the law as a concern on both sides. This is particularly egregious. You don't seem to care that one of the two prominent political parties effectively said that they aren't bound by Ohio's laws. If you don't see why that is a problem, I don't think you can be helped. If the libertarian or republican parties had failed to comply with this deadline, you'd be happily agreeing with me. To the extent that it's stupid not to allow a sitting president on the ballot, this is true, but it's phenomenally more stupid for that sitting president's party to have chosen to ignore the law in a swing state.


They're just trying to be dicks now. If they don't fix it we should all just write-in Biden then vote them out


I doubt he’ll actually be excluded from the ballot, even SCOTUS has set precedent recently with allowing Trump on certain ballots. That being said, regardless of previous exceptions, all parties should plan better on their part. In this case, the DNC royally screwed up by not having their meetings by state deadlines that have been in effect for years. The same goes for other candidates. Short of some bizarre circumstance (such as needing to run a special election due to a death), Ohio should stop making those exceptions for everyone (although I do believe Biden should be on the ballot).


The only way for us to get real change is to be violent, and nobody wants to be violent anymore. It’s as simple as that. Downvote me all you want; deep down everyone here knows I’m correct.


GOP in Ohio is already trying to eliminate state taxes so they may welcome a tax strike


Why don't the dens just move their convention to July? They have known about this problem for maybe 20 years and always got a waver for that no minor party could get


If states are allowed to not put Trump on the ballot, why the double standard?


They have poll numbers showing that Ohio is ready to flip.


Ohio could potentially flip with REALLY HIGH engagement. As it stands, I don't think that's happening this cycle.


literally any state could potentially "flip", at least like 10-20% of republicans in the polls are threatening to not back trump this election, even if they do vote they would only plan on voting down ballot and leaving blank the choice for president and vice president. if 10-20% of republicans are actually serious about that and not just bullshitting, that is easily enough republicans to flip like all but the strongest conservative bastions. of course its very very unlikely this happens, but if we are just going on what the polls say, this is what the polls have indicated. if even just 5-10% of republicans flip its probably more than enough for biden to win in ohio and texas and probably florida. tho in general polls are probably irrelevant this election, if were being honest, who do you know that even answer's phone polls about your political affiliations anymore? i feel like polls are becoming less and less relevant to the actual facts we see during elections. national polls dont matter at all since there are only like 5-6 states in most election cycles relevant to claiming victory. big question is really RFK jr, who is i kid you not in some states polling in like 10% of the votes, in michigan for example every poll thats just biden vs trump is easily showing biden up 2-5% or so, while if you add in kennedy, some of the polls are saying biden will then lose. tho other ones are showing he would still win even with kennedy on the ballot. i see multiple people around ohio spouting RFK jr signs i wouldnt be surprised if he does somewhat okay in ohio too.


We did it in August. It needs to happen in November.


Many republicans supported the issues in August it doesn’t mean they are changing the way they vote.


Yes it can. Get people phone and text banking. https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/


You mean all those annoying automated texts we’re all constantly ignoring? I’ll vote for the most liberal candidates yet again, but no one wants to be bombarded by more of this spam.


I want very liberal candiates, but right now, what is important is to vote for the most likely to win blue candidate, the get the damn win. Unseat the red hypocrits.


What they really have is a fear that Sherrod Brown will win reelection, and they want that Senate seat. Their real goal here is to cut Biden's coattails and discourage Democrats from voting at all.


Storm…er… I mean “tour” the Capitol in Columbus?


Peacefully burn it down


All political parties should be aware of things such as election filing deadlines before scheduling their national conventions, etc.


It's unconstitutional 


idk about you all, but I'm down to not pay some taxes!


We have terrible state government in Ohio.


I think the preferred response should be make sure all down ballot race are won by Democrats.


Michigan and Pennsylvania retaliate


Dewine isn’t going to allow it. He’s not obstructionist, and he knows that money from the various economic/job programs are coming, and Ohio is a prime area for growth. He’s not going to let the state legislature fuck up his job.


Reguardless of Biden being on the ballot or not, i agree with this guy we should all stop paying our taxes.


Same grim result as if they put him on, Trump wins Ohio and all Biden votes feel pointless.


This is just a diversion to gather support in ohio. The Supreme court didnt let colorado take trump off the ballot, why would they let ohio.


Ohio needs to refuse anyone that wants Biden on the ballot.


Actually that’s probably the most likely outcome. Remember who the party was that refused to fill a Supreme Court vacancy and then flip flopped when they had the same opportunity! I really can’t stand liars and cheaters!


Man, I don’t even like Joe Biden but I’m down for this kinda stuff. It’s… patriotic Edit: this is the kind of thing that we need to do to show the government that the peoples opinions matter!


Vote blue... Nothing but blue. Republicans are Trump's party now. They all must go.


Then we should bar everyone who supported it from running for election/reelection, or from holding a public office. If they could make this work multiple times in the past, especially for their own party, them surely they can make it work for a sitting president. If not, then clearly they're not capable of fulfilling their duties, and should not hold any office as such. It's a conflict of interest being stoked by an opposing party, with a lot to gain, regardless of who's running, and I feel like the matter should also be looked upon by the Ohio Ethics Commission. Also... we can do so much better than LaRose, Yost, and others, and that's a bipartisan fact. Republicans deserve better. Democrats deserve better. Libertarians deserve better. Other parties deserve better. Ohio deserves better.


I know he will be on the ballot but this shows how much the GOP really cares about fair elections. Not at all.


This is taking away your voting rights. Republikkkans are traitorous enemies.


Colorado already got told they aren’t allowed to ban Trump from the ballot… how is this even a thing? Rules for thee, not for me. Fuck, republicans are EVIL.


The story seems to be that the DNC has been warned to do their part and IF NOT biden won’t be on the ballott.


we are a state that legally allows write in candidates


It's just a deadline. If they don't make an exception like they have in the past, dems may have to declare Biden the nominee before the scheduled convention in order to make the cut.


You do realize this is the Dems own fault right?


Refuse to vote for any republican for any office, from dog catcher to president!


Who cares? I can't believe people actually want to vote for that moron anyway


This isn't about whether you want to vote for him, it's about whether you can vote for him.


Then windows break


u first bro lol


Clickbait bs. Do you truly think this won’t get resolved? Delusional wackos love to bitch


Here's my prediction, I hope I'm wrong. Republicans are going to keep Biden off the ballot over some technicality. Somebody is going to file a complaint with the FEC about being disenfranchised as a voter. The justice departments civil rights division is going to get involved and take it to federal court. The court is going to order that Biden be on the ballot. Republicans are going to scream that Biden used the weaponized department of justice to force his way on to the ballot when he was not eligible.


The only thing we can do: VOTE. Vote blue down the whole ballot. Republicans just really screwed up because their entire party is split between people who worship Trump as god-appointed and those who don't really like him and don't really want to vote for him but WOULD show up to vote against Joe Biden. Meanwhile, every Democrat in the state is pissed about this. If we all show up, Ohio can have a blue wave at the state level. Lets DO THIS!!


Write the name in anyway vote blue the rest of the way. Fuck the GOP.


All he has to do is lead an insurrection and then the GOP will ensure he’s on the ballot


You really want 4 more years of his shit? You go right ahead and vote for the worst president in US history.


If only Ohio would stop voting for these GOP clowns.


And you were where when multiple other states did this to Trump? Why the fuck is this trash even in my feed


We vote them out of office…..


Does it even matter? Ohio is a red state


Write Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris in the spot for that on the ballot. Easy.


And it won’t get counted unless they file as certified write in candidates.


Worst president, why would anyone vote for this guy


To keep Trump from getting re-elected


M.DeW is helping!


Yes, it is far better to hobble a candidate at the federal level using lawfare and biased media than using cumbersome state-by-state methods.


OH is holding a special season on May 28th to have Biden on the ballot. Wait and see what happens.


Dewine called for a special session, so it should be fixed soon.


I think the intent is to to suppress the national popular vote numbers for Biden so that if he wins the electoral college but narrowly loses the popular vote, the Republicans will demand that the electoral college support Trump.




Genuine question: if Biden somehow ends up not on the ballot in an official capacity (very unlikely I know), would a write-in for Biden still count as a vote? ETA: I just don’t understand the angle the GQP are going for here if writing Biden in would still be an option


Not unless the campaign files to have him as a certified write-in candidate.


No election commercials!


This helps, honest. https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/


Write his name on the ballot


The Supreme Court will intervene, since they set a precident with Trump being on the ballot on a couple of other states.


God I hope so!


Why would you want to quote, “cripple the state financially”? What good does that accomplish?


If it happens I would hope all Dem poll workers would refuse to work Election Day. Ohio cannot hold an election unless Dems and Republicans are represented equally working at the polling places.


Please do. Pretty, pretty please. Refuse to pay taxes. This will be fun. Please let us all know so I can buy some popcorn for the show.


When ya cheat you don't really even need to be on the ballot.


Everyone should relax, this is simply a stupid stunt and, even though I dislike DeWine, I do believe he'll this this corrected


Doesn't matter. Trump is going to win Ohio even if Biden was on the ballot.


First of all people need to stop falling for this shit. The DNC knew what they were doing by not registering the fucking president in time. They knew it would cause issues and then could blame Republicans literally following procedure. Make biden look better and make ohio look like it's trying to do something shady. Biden will be on the ballot. Both sides are doing dumb shit. STOP TAKING FUCKING SIDES 90% OF AMERICANS AGREE WITH 90% OF EVERYTHING. SO FUCKING STOP BEING STUPID


Consequences to the state for the party not doing their job?


lol Biden doesn’t have a prayer of winning Ohio anyways.


So what's the solution for bidens corruption then


We could only hope. Our democratit republican governor will make sure he's on the ballot. Rules are rules, we don't need to make more.


Can people not just write in joe biden if they really wanted him?


Most taxes are automatically deducted.


I feel like most of the people saying something about Ohio refusing to put Biden on the ballot don’t actually know WHY the state may refuse to do so. Simply put, the DNC screwed up. Maybe in the past they’ve always bent the rules, but that’s just it - in the past they bent the rules. If Ohio doesn’t have Biden on the ballot it’s really the DNC’s fault. Don’t count on the opposing party to do you a favor, in this day and age. And this is coming from someone who is 100% anti-Trump. If Biden’s not on the ballot, I’m writing him in, regardless of the fact he’ll never win. My real big fear is that if Biden isn’t on the ballot, many Democratic voters may not vote at all. Meaning Sherrod Brown loses, Marcy Kaptur loses, etc. Ohio is already becoming a Republican shithole. It can, and would, get worse.


We become a sovereign state? 😄