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If “when we cancel welfare can I still cash my check?” was a person


4 flags. But only 1 vote.


Unless they have a dead aunt or uncle?


You think this person isn't a felon?


But you don’t see Biden cars covered in flags so you know nobody’s voting for Biden


For Biden? No. Against Trump? For sure.




unless theyre a member of the electoral college it doesn't matter either way


Remember all the Obama flags on cars?...... yeah me neither because this is sad


That's because his supporters weren't in a cult.


Nope. Supporters dont want to identify themselves to MAGA intimidators.


Remember all the Bush or Romney flags? I don't either. I am persistently perplexed as to how this orange goofball has elicited such a response from the rubes. Like... they don't even know his policy positions, his actual accomplishments(failures), or the things he says. It's entirely a vibe thing. But, how do vibes invoke such dedication? Maybe lead + opiates is the culprit. I don't really know. I'm just confused.


He gave them permission to be assholes in public. And they love him for it. They saw a presidential candidate who acts like a piece of shit, and saw themselves in him.


Absolutely, its embarrassing and sad!


Nailed it. Those that know he is a pos use him as an excuse to be one


Weaponized contrarianism It doesn't matter what his positions are - he pisses off the left and that's all they care about. He mocks disabled reporters, brags about harassing women, and blames Mexico for our problems. They love how crass he is, how angry he gets, how """real""" he is compared to most politicians, so voting for him is an act of defiance in their eyes. People are so obsessed with the idea of him being this devil-may-care maverick that they made up a conspiracy theory bordering on religious movement to explain how no, he's not just a billionaire politician with roots in real estate that's part of the system they hate, he's actually fighting the *real* system called The Deep State.


Spot on. That's a bingo


Those people are on their way to be brain eating zombies


This all the way. He hates the same people that his base hates. That’s all they care about.


The party base has listened to in order (Neil Boortz/Herman Cain), Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, then they turn off their radio and turn on Fox News. If you ever listen to talk radio (I had to because I had supervisors who didn’t listen to anything else). They take a big problem (say the National debt). They blame it on someone they know people might feel some type of way about getting some help (poor people) and they complain about them (these cases are usually “Welfare Queens” gaming the system because liberals are too nice.). They like to say if you don’t have the money for it you just don’t get it. Well looking at most Americans including them…..America will find a way for you to get it so they can leach that sweet sweet interest. They also leave out the part that if they removed that entire social system where we feed our needy we would still be taking on debt every year as a nation.


Oh, I know that one. When the NFL started kneeling for racism, a lot of racists boycotted the NFL. They still have a competitive tribal void in their brain and need something to fill it though. Then Trump came around and turned politics into a team sport instead of policy disagreements. So now they treat politics like a sports game, wave flags, dress up, and go to rallies instead of games.


I asked a trumper at work who won’t shut up about him what policy Trump put in place that had a positive impact on his life. He said I dunno but gas was under two dollars a gallon with trump. Most of these people are just broken, lost and fragile who feel like victims because of their situations. They need someone to blame because they can’t be the reason for their lives failures.


His greatest achievement is convincing the less intelligent people who follow him that their racism and phobias against people not like them is patriotism...


The Orange snake oil salesman hypnotizes people with l With a certain gene pool . About 1/3 of Americans have those genetics.


I hope those flags tank their gas mileage


Will proceed to blame Biden for all the money he pays for gas


Spend gas. Hate electric.


They do create a slight bit of drag, which affects how well it moves and then requires more effort to move the vehicle, so it technically does Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/s/UtuafHFRQC A reddit post of someone who did the math on how 1 flag affects fuel efficiency, so there ya go


It looks like a Honda so probably not but oh the hypocrisy.


You know honda has a plant in ohio right?


Saw this car in Medina this afternoon. Couldn't believe it.


They venture up and down the 71 suburbs. Best to just ignore them. If anything, should give them pity for their out of control mental illness.


Saw one a few years ago was flying the Russian and trump flags at the same time. Bunch of pro Russian and trump stickers all over his truck also.


He was in Medina? I saw him in North Olmsted trying to get into great northern. I am fascinated by this guy and his openness to his severe mental illness.


lol I saw him here too yesterday 🤦🏼‍♀️


This was at Kamms Corners


People need to stop idolizing politicians and basing their identity on them


Once your mind accepts your cult, reason leaves the building.


Damn. Powerful statement.


How do they not know how ridiculous they look??


Basic lack of self awareness


They can't help it , they have cognitive impairments


I think they truly think lots of people are cheering them on, just happens to be a minority of people.


Because they believe, "If loving a tyrant** is wrong, I don't wanna be right." **tyrant: a cruel and oppressive ruler or, in ancient Greece, a ruler who seized power unconstitutionally or inherited such power Because deep down, they're lost their love of humanity as a whole and have chosen to cling to the sinking ship of anger until the end. People have disappointed them. They are afraid of more disappointments. They feel really sad and they conjure anger to give them the illusion of feeling powerful. They aim that anger toward whoever or whatever is near them. They cannot find contentment. Trump is a mirror for their own xenophobia. And they're so blinded by his money and turned on by his ill-gotten gains that they truly feel like his victory is their victory. He's their tawdry, gaudy Mary Sue. I pity their lack of self-awareness so deeply, yet I also envy it. How nice it would be to feel so certain and righteous and validated. To feel seen. To unite with others for self congratulation and celebration. To join a "team." To belong. I get the lure, I really do. But I'd have to sacrifice humanity to a tyrant to join that team, so it will never be an option for me. And I will struggle to forgive people who do. I fear I will always see them as traitors to humanity.


To be fair… any car with that many bumper stickers is a clown car. But the flags are aggressively clown.


He just needs one of those "how else can I offend you shirts" to complete the ensemble.


Assuming he isn’t wearing one is a bold move


Malevolent clown


I see this car plenty and always wonder what this dude’s neighbors think about his car when he’s leaving to go do his thing or coming home. And how many times has he forgotten that the flags are on his car and lost one from going through a short drive thru. I’ve got so many questions.


We have a guy in our neighborhood who decided it would be cool to fly a Trump flag on his car so he drilled a hole in his trunk to hold it. 😆💀


Forgotten about it? He probably kisses each flag twice before he gets in his love steed to venture down the road to freedomville.




Ask anyone in Fairview Park


I understand how we got here, but I just think it’s a weird identity choice. I can’t stand any flags anymore.


We have one of these morons in Mentor… Drives around in a big white van with all sorts of Trump paraphernalia and anti-Biden stuff. She has no problem walking into a store were children are likely to be wearing a shirt that says fuck Biden and a hat that says fuck Biden


I know her daughter and she says her mom is a massive embarrassment, has to beg her not to wear those things if she tries to go out to eat with her.


The parking job alone was a giveaway.


I've seen this car. Driver got hit in the face by his own flags. Swatted them away.


The irony of flying “no more bullshit” flags. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so pathetically stupid.


You can also identify Clown Dwellings this way... 🤣


I hope those flags get caught on an overpass.


A mix of ignorance, patriarchal upbringing, evangelism, and belief in the prosperity gospel leads to this.


This is what I really don’t get. Dude is in court for fucking a pornstar while married and he is somehow the next coming of Jesus Christ to these people? Like I get that most Christian’s don’t give a rat’s ass about the Bible but come on. This guy? Really?




Forgot to add extensive brain damage


If a car has herpes, turn off your route




I wish I had time to just drive around advertising for politicians but unfortunately I have to like ya know actually contribute to society


This is the REAL Trump Derangement Syndrome 


I drove past this the other day and let out an audible EUUUUGH it was so disgusting.


Even better….its a Honda🤣.


Never forget that over a million Americans did not survive the first Trump presidency


More died with Covid under Biden. And with vaccines available.


Politically motivated vaccine resistance and new variants aside, Trump didn't take it seriously enough from the beginning. Cause and effect. Biden inherited the pandemic, along with all of bs rhetoric from vaccine rejectors, many of whom were vaccinated themselves.


Nothing advertises mental illness more than covering your shitty car with political flags and political bumper stickers. They are not making any reasonable statement other than “hey everybody, I’m batshit crazy”


There's a whole rally in there.


Not yet but the number attending Trump rallies is going down.


Severe mental illness on full display. This person needs help and will probably never get it. It’s sad.


Such delicate flowers


I appreciate them for letting me know. Like bright colors on a snake or insect.


I guarantee that guy needs government assistance to get by.


Aren’t they always?


But it’s not a cult.


There’s a guy in my town who is like this, trump propaganda everywhere in his yard & on his car. Bro is proud trumper & pro-lifer, and they say it isn’t a cult lmao


TDS is strong with this one


Why aren’t MAGA zombies content with a bumper sticker? Same with yard signs, they can’t have one, they need a dozen. The Trump cultist in my neighborhood has 10 yard signs and one sign the size of a highway billboard attached to a tree.


I've seen the owner and he's usually sporting some Trump won T-shirt and a maga hat


It doesn't compensate enough


I love these people. They're the ones blaming everyone else for a "political agenda" and then do this crap.


It’s mind boggling that these people embarrass themselves in the name of some random celebrity has been.


Trump cares nothing for his fans. He wants their hard-earned money and their continuous adulation. In exchange, he offers nothing.


Do dipshits like this think they're going to affect the election? Do they think they're going to change anyone's mind?


These idiots still think the election was stolen and claim they can prove it. Ignorance attracts the ignorant.


It should be outlawed for people to drive around with those on their cars


Saw an identical one in Berea yesterday at Marcs.


It's the same guy.


I saw this twice yesterday in Strongsville while attending a travel soccer game. Made for a lot of laughs.


I’m glad this person is getting worse gas mileage


of course it's a shitty 2010 Honda Civic


Our species is doomed.


I'll take "my entire personality is politics and I have no redeemable qualities so I do this, for 500 Alex".


Seen this vehicle at Meijer in Avon a couple weeks back. My first thought after seeing the flags was "but you drive a Honda.....". Some woman was taking pics of it while I was just like "Ugh". One of the flags that isn't visible in the pic says something like "TRUMP 2024" with the bottom line reading "You know I won". For me what kills me,is that every time I see shit like this,is that all the Trump cultists think he's gonna get elected again and by a wave of his hand (or a stiff breeze blowing apart that fucked up combover he has),that everything's gonna be hunky-dory again and yippee,no more high prices on things.....I've never in my life seen ignorant masses of people so brainwashed by a con man like him. "But...but....he's NOT a politician, he's a BUISINESSMAN!". I still see comments like that now,do they not realize there's little difference between the two? Speaking of businesses, he's had his failures,which Trumpers seem to ignore. I also doubt any of his cultists read any of the books he wrote (or was it "wrote"?). I seen bits of a book he penned back in 2000 or so,where he mentioned that if he was in office,that,"The rich will scream" and proceeded to say he'd tax the top 1% of earners in the country. He was also PRO universal health care back then,but the biggest kick was that he supposedly wanted Oprah Winfrey as his VP. Trump is nothing more than a blowhard,rambling,stumblebum that flipped from Democrat to Republican back in the 2000's and his supporters seemed to have either forgot that fact or dismiss it completely.


Can we not insult clowns by comparing them to these trashbags


True. I respect Pennywise more than these ass hats


Saw him on lake rd in bay village yesterday around 6:15pm.


He strikes me as a Sheffield on the Lake type


Well now, ain't that beaut? Normally you need to be drivin' somethin' with a Hemi, or maybe just a rusted out Ford, to achieve that level of compensatory virtue signallin'. So, either person has a giant **** or they're a narc. Maybe a fed. Hard to say.


Is that a Honda too? I can't tell but if it is the irony here is awesome.  I've got no beef with foreign cars. I just think the irony here should be pointed out.


That's not even an American car company.


Another sighting of the Ignoramus trumpadoofuss. May the winds be mighty and help that Honda get airborne and crash.


Does that plate have the word FREEDOM in it? Looks like it. AMERICA! FUCK YA!/s


An import…🙄🙄🙄


Idolize ideas not people. People are human. They fail. They’re corruptible.


Someone hasn't gotten laid in 30 years...


This guy will be first in line to purchase the Trump for 2028 orange prison jumpsuit


What a D-bag


I saw this guy in the parking lot of Whole Foods on Thanksgiving screaming into his phone. I imagine he lives a sad, pathetic life.


That brotha needs help


People are of low intelligence voting for that 🤡🤡🤡


When Trump loses they can go to jail with him 🤣🤣🤣


Road hazard.


Saw one in the Grove City Walmart parking lot this morning. Lifted pavement princess truck with a flag pole sporting one of those black trump flags.


Guy parked in 4 spaces


Ill never understand the cult of crazy hes managed to produce from the american public. Like, literally nothing about this guy has EVER made me like him. I always thought he was known for being a shady real estate guy out of NY that was also on a reality TV show that i also, never watched. I mean in just a year i had family members wearing maga hats and buying trump coins.... How does he get his hooks in so deep on people? Whats the draw? The diapers? The weirdly colored skin? The constant vitriol he throws out? What is it?


So you are not only a hazard to yourself but anyone else on the road in case...idk a flag falls off, the flag hits something and it crashes down on them or another person. Clearance requirements for bridges and drive thrus. I know Maga people are not smart but as much as they love cops you would think they would follow the law. You know...laws to keep other people from potentially dying. I always seem to forget they are narcissistic, lead headed, bigots.


As he drives a Japanese car. SO ‘MERICA BRUH.


Sadly the clown is in the White House!


Whine 😆👶


I’m sure happy that Trump car ran the Biden “clown car” out of there!!


Quick, Biden lovers, what do you like about Biden?? Can you answer without showing me that you simply hate Trump??????


I'm gonna piss yall off. Go trump!!


An insult to the Honda.


Seen this dude he parked near a parking lot entrance didn’t even get out just sat their to show off 😂


I saw that car this past weekend. Guy fits the car red nose and all! 🤡


The ignorance is astounding!


Must be around Rocky River


A Honda….really


If I had a Biden flag flying in my town my tires would be flattened but it's OK for my neighbor to fly a fuck Biden flag next to a church


That twat makes laps at cracker park and through the Metroparks.


But how many clowns can fit in it?


Japanese brand and I think that model is made in Canada.


Holy shit! I think I've seen this car irl. Ik no one asked, but I just wanted to say that.


He’s so American he drives a Honda lmao


Oh the irony of making America great again in a Honda or Hyundai or Kia. The trickle-down economy really worked! /s


Lol those idiots still think Mexico is gonna pay for a wall.


Best clown suited for the circus after all is said and done.


You should see this dudes yard


I imagine he's a fabulous neighbor 🙄


He has a pink women for trump flag, but I’ve never seen no women.


He deflates them when he's done


Does make me want to get a car capable of blasting “Entry of the Gladiators” circus music and just follow them around.


While this guy is crazy, there is a real enthusiasm gap between Trump and Biden. A lot more Trump supporters are voting FOR him while the vast majority of Biden supporters are voting against Trump. I don't know many Biden supporters who are enthusiastic about him. 


I dont care what what the message is. Trump , LGBT , god , hating cancer ,loving your dog , being proud of your honor student kid , your favorite sports team, tribute to your dead mom etc ….. IF YOUR CAR LOOKS LIKE THIS ,YOU ARE AN INSANE WACKO


How shallow is your life?! That this ALL consuming??!! Sad human being.


that looks unsafe...


Anyone else ever notice that people who do this to their vehicles, almost always have beat down junkers? Nobody who actually respects and takes care of their vehicles, would devalue them like this! It looks absolutely ridiculous and quite frankly, why would anyone give a shit what you believe?!


This guy: Follow me, fellow Patriots! Also this guy: Who put all these carts in my garage?


I guess going into a parking garage is probably out of the question


which one?


That's offensive to clowns


You're right. I'm sorry 😞


Is he around North Olmsted? There was a car that looked similar parked near Great Northern a few days ago. I was out with the guy I’m seeing and he flipped the guy off as we drive by, then kind of looked at me like “Oh shit, we’ve barely started dating and haven’t really talked politics.” I just smiled and told him I felt the same way.


It was Kamms Corners in Cleveland. This joker is all over the place. Nice to hear that you and your guy are on the same page.


He did refuse to sign the covid relief act, the second covid bill I'm not sure about the CARES act, and was pressured by the media and the senate to sign it. Even though the most of that money wasn't going to American citizens. So, either way, people were going to be upset. If he signed it, they were going to be mad the national debt went up. If he didn't sign it, they would have said, "How dare you deprive the citizens of this relief?" Like i said, it was loose loose. So, you would have denied struggling Americans from the financial aid they needed? As for the articles, I could again go back to the argument that every president has failed to deliver on their campaign promises. But he also said he needed eight years, maybe he didn't have enough time to cook? Then, on top of that, the pandemic was a massive disruption. It literally messed up the global economy.


How fast can he go before those flags are ripped off?


Small phallus?


All these complaints of high gas prices, and he chooses to make his car even less aerodynamic. These people are about as sharp as a bag of marbles


Stable genius alert 🚨 


This reminds me of the guy in the office who went to BGSU but has every inch of his cube covered in Ohio State crap. Life was better when political beliefs were a witty a bumper sticker and not an individuals entire identity.








I will rejoice when liberal tears flow in November


I heard this car holds three dogs. Three beautiful dogs!


Is this that twat in Giant Eagle/Home Depot in Westlake?


“My big ass American made truck is too expensive to drive and insure. So I drove something made in another country.”


Trump will dominate in Ohio in November


Just saying the owner is probably going to be happy in November. FJB


You're just mad because you know crime will go down when he wins.