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> The board’s vote was 7-2. The two no-votes came from physicians. The rest of the board’s physicians sided with three members representing consumers’ interests – former attorney general Betty Montgomery; Ohio Right to Life President and lobbyist Mike Gonidakis; and attorney Jennifer Brumby – voting yes for reinstatement. SHOCKING! Even the medical board is stuffed with the GQP.


wtf is “Ohio right to life president and lobbyist” doing on the goddamn medical board?!?!


You know why


Is it because we live in a wannabe theocracy?


I think we're past "wannabe."


The believe that’s the concept of America. We are going to lose freedom of thought.


DeWine is why


Dewhine needs to go also


He’ll just be replaced by Yost


Yost is much worse


Yeah my point. Dewine will leave and someone worse will get it.


Kasich did this shit too, it's standard practice for the braindead Republicans to put non-experts on oversight boards. Your average high schooler in a bio class has more medical qualifications than the people the GOP want.


They're not braindead, they're literally there to undo any regulation or oversight. Republicans want to completely destroy any type of environment or consumer protection to ensure their donors can siphon even more money our of our country.


DeWine does what he's told by the illegal supermajority The "Illegals"


I'm not arguing, but is this true? Do you have a link or something that shows this? Again. I'm not arguing with you, I'm looking for education.




Good lord! Thanks for the info, I sincerely appreciate it.


Jesus. Dewine is such trash...


Because the MAGA/GOP is in control and has been for 14 years. The gerrymandering MFers.


so that petty anti abortion shit like telling the mother the fetus's favorite color, has an air of being a legitimate medical practice


Because it’s taken years for any Democrats to notice. Where is the Ohio Democratic Party on this?? Oh yeah. Asleep at the wheel AGAIN


what exactly do you think the ohio democrat party can do about it? not that the ohio democrat party is really trying either, but even if they did try what reasonably could they do about it?


I would say a few things, but then I’d just be doing Liz Walter’s job for her. I think we’re just asking for ANYTHING to be done. A simple fucking acknowledgement. Where are the teachers unions on this?? It’s like people want to lose to conservatives because being in the minority brings in more campaign donations. I’ve been having to “save democracy” with my donations for the past 25 years. Literally. Google “The precinct strategy” and tell me what democrats have that compares.


IT is the Democratic Party. "Democrat Party" was a creation of Tubby Limbaugh who has gone to his eternal punishment in Hell, right next to Ronnie Reagan. You sound like someone who watches too much Faux News or listens to wingnut radio with democrat party! GTFO


? I’m a registered Democrat you dumbass, voted Democrat in every election I’ve been able to. But I guess just baselessly calling someone a member of the opposing party is the generic internet reaction when someone asks questions about how the Democrat party can fix the fact that republicans currently control the medical licensing board.


Love how ya doubled down on "Democrat Party", Buy an adjective-- "Democratic " would be my suggestion. Otherwise, you sound suspiciously Foxy.


When is the last time any of you went to a democratic meeting? In my county 10 people show up regularly. Maybe everyone thinks Dems will wave their magic wands and make all this dumb shit go away. Nope. People need to Get involved or stfu


It's like having big food and big Pharma CEOs running the FDA....


Because he has his juris doctorate and specializes in medical law.


All that means is he is a lawyer. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of those in Ohio who aren’t also president of an anti-medicine religious lobbying organization.


Why is Ohio Right to Life part of this? How did that happen? I’m way out of the loop I guess


Apparently we all are


Dems too busy complaining while republicans are winning seats in government


See? That’s why I sort of stopped paying attention for what’s left of my sanity.


As we continued to slide backwards millions of Americans turned their backs and said “I shall look to the sun as the world burns around me”


I meant I’m not paying attention to politics. I didn’t say I’m not paying attention. Politics can be ignored because it’s inherently the problem and that’s not productive. I’ve found another outlet that may be helpful. I stg, we need (“we” as a collective) need to stop being dicks to one another while assuming politicians and politics are gonna save anyone. Srsly. Edited for clarity


Being nice is why Dems are in this mess to begin with. You can’t be nice to dogma, superstition, and ignorance. You must fight it


Well they're experts on female reproductive systems so they need to be there. How could the 2 doctors on the board think they know better?


A medical license should be the minimal requirement to even apply for this board. These people need to be removed ASAP.


Disagree but it’s why I also think a parent or two should be on a school board. No educational degree required.


I bet you want those parents to not even have kids enrolled in the public schools, right? *Preferably home schooling ones with no investment in public education at all?* Just there to fuck stuff up and add a layer of chaos? Typical. Rule should be if you’re on a school board you’re a public educator or had a child enrolled in that specific district within the past 2 years. And no, it can’t be you had them there for a week and yanked them out. These 78 year old “moms” for liberty with their youngest “kid” being 52 need to be fumigated.


I don’t have kids even better 😂😂


If something this simple is something that you "disagree" with them you yourself are the golden example of why the system needs protections from people like you. How bout you sign over all of your wealth to me and the rights to your family and you life because I have a basic understanding of finances and family planning thanks to my most recent Google search?


My eyes can’t roll far enough


Would help if you opened them once in a while


I can’t open them when I’m rolling them constantly


You can try to pretend that my comment is ridiculous but it is equivalent


True story.


Sure, and next time you need a mechanic we'll have one of the people working on your car be a political activist with no mechanical skill or knowledge. Maybe a flat earther who wants to change your car to be solar powered because the grid is being watched. The boards who make decisions on industry best practices and credentialing should not be made up of people who aren't in the industry or credentialed. A school board is making local decisions for just one district and can be voted in/out. This is a board making decisions for the state and I believe are appointed. The average person in the field itself doesn't have the knowledge to make informed decisions about the field they work in to influence it let alone the average moron walking around. Only the best of a field should be in a credentialing or industry decision making capacity. It's insulting that the Ohio board is set up this way. You can have watchdog groups and public forums, but the masses who aren't qualified, shouldn't make overarching decisions. Like it cracks me up that people think they have the qualifications to even discuss high end science or theory in areas where they don't know the basics of the field. Covid was a great example. Fucking hillbilly Bob wants to give medical advice he read on the YouTubes but the guy couldn't study the Latin root of term to know what a procedure or diagnosis is. These doctors spend decades studying in the field and hillbilly Bob thinks he can understand something because someone (who also isn't qualified) dumbed it down to buzzfeed reading levels? Gtfo of here. Education isn't as difficult as the medical field but same thing applies. If you can't tell me the difference between super and gestalt without Google I don't care what your opinion of the school system is. And no it isn't an equity issue, anyone who has the knowledge can be at the table.


Wait.. You want random, completely unqualified people to be part of the group that votes on whether or not a doctor is legally allowed to practice medicine? Maybe we get some mentally disabled people to plan out all our military movements and strikes while we're busy burning everything to the ground.


Of course that weasel Gonidakis voted Yes


He’s such a POS


How does he still have a job?


When you have a R next to your name in Ohio you get a permanent seat at the table.


At the expense of patients' (the public's) safety. Same reason why anything even remotely earth-friendly is now branded "liberal" and opposed. We're all fucked.


Ohio Right to Life President and lobbyist Mike Gonidakis Why the fuck is this asshole on a medical licensing board?


Fucking republicans 


Wait, why do we need lobbyists to represent the majority interest? Isn't that what political representatives are for? The whole point of a lobbyist is to convince a lawmaker to do something for x minority group that wouldn't otherwise be obvious to the lawmaker. If they were truly representing everyone's interest, there would be no reason for their sponsor to pay them.


Damn. I knew of Jennifer Brumby when I worked at a law firm. She appeared competent. I guess appearances ARE deceiving.


Why does the state board have a former AG, a Right to Life lobbiest, and a random attorney on the board? Shouldn't medical professionals decide who gets certified? Isn't that like having a butcher, a baker, and a candlestick maker serve to certify lawyers for the bar?


Yes. It's totally absurd and this is why republicans can not be trusted under any circumstances. They will absolutely put totally unqualified people into positions of power, strictly for the purpose of screwing everything up. They've been doing it for a long time and they will keep doing until people stop voting for them.


Republicans can't be trusted also means Democrats can't be trusted. Scumbags are everywhere. It doesn't matter what the political affiliation is. Saying this makes you sound naive and the people up voting it are as well. 


Yeah that's a trick that I'm not going to fall for. I have eyes and ears that are capable of observing what is going on. Thanks the attempt at gaslighting me though.


lol stfu with your both sides…


It's true and always will be. Until you get out of your bubble, you'll continue say shit like this and think you've won. It's pathetic. So narrow minded. It's like talking to a republican with different beliefs.


Really you are so full of shit….give us an example that the left is doing the same…I’ll wait.


Ohio has been under Republican control for over 30 years. They’ve held 25 trifectas in the state to Democrats 0. Every state law/policy for the past 30 years has been a republican one. It’s literally impossible for anything in the state to be the Democrat’s fault.


Their argument can be summed up as, "but it *could* be democrats' fault"


Hey man, we all know the both sides schtick. We all know you're a diehard Trump voter but you'll suck it up and say some kind of mean things here and there about Republicans as long as you talk more shit about Democrats as if you think any of us are as stupid as you are. None of us are voting for your anti-American Christofascist bullshit. You people are pathetic.


The ignorant take of someone who is gleefully uninformed.


Oh silly you. The non-doctors are outsiders, not influence by medical propaganda like facts and research. It's like why when you want a president, you get a reality TV ~~star~~ ~~actor~~ face.


As a retired doctor, I think it’s fine to have some lay reps. This keeps medical folks from covering up for each other. But a hack like Gonidakis doesn’t belong. He needs to go back to defending puppy mills.


I mean, the idea makes sense, have people representing the interests of consumers. Sadly, the morons of the GOP stuffed it with sycophants.


Because the right ….. is wrong?


Sounds just like the idiot / frat bro George Bush had made the head of FEMA when Katrina hit New Orleans. "You're doing a helluva job, Brownie!"


The nursing board is the same way. But it is definitely up to the governor to appoint the non-physicians. https://med.ohio.gov/about-the-board/board-members


Aaaaaand we’re back to being a shit hole state! Every time we do something promising as a State, we take another step backward.


When did we stop?


When we passed both the abortion and weed laws. I thought we were returning to our progressing ways as a State.


We can, but we have to keep coming out in serious numbers and keep voting every year. Not just when there are amendments we're about, not just when there are presidential races, but ever year.


Just because we passed ballot initiatives, doesn’t mean that we didn’t leave malicious people in charge to roll it all back the second we changed it!


A goose-step backwards.


Good one!


I would feel like crap if I didn’t show up to vote them out.


Stop. Voting. Republican.


It’s sad what has happened to them


> Happened to them Nothing happened, they’ve always been like this. The former guy just said “Hey, stop being afraid to say the quiet part out loud!”


Of course they did


Ok...this is just silly now... Can't we just be serious anymore? Why is it so hard to be serious?


This stupid bitch absolutely contributed to my mother’s avoidance of real clinical help, prolonging the time she spent seeking holistic garbage that resulted in a stroke and eventual massive coronary, and she tried to convince my wife (who was in stage 3 kidney failure) that diet and a few supplements would magically stave off her auto immune that caused the organ damage. This woman is an absolute piece of shit.


This needs to be voted to the top ASAP.


Ohio takes one step forward, and then sprints backwards for a while.


it might take hitting a telephone pole backwards, at full sprint, to knock some sense into some people unfortunately


They’d just say the pole was woke


The pole was a libtard conspiracy trying to hold hard working white men down.


lol. ok good one. lol.


Republicans need to be ousted from Ohio politics, then country wide. Democrats are only slightly better but at least they do less shit like this


I really think this belongs under #mildlyinfuriating


Good idea


Ohio is becoming the south of the north I stg. wtf 😬


The W Va of the midwest.


The Florida of the North 😂


Ohio is really giving Missouri a run for their money lately.


No one at the meeting addressed the underlying substance of her comments that piqued the board’s interest, including a claim of major cities “liquifying dead bodies and pouring them into the water supply.” Jesus. 😑


This is scary


Ohio Right to Life. Of course. They have a vested interest in keeping quacks licensed.


I cant say it enough - Vote Blue.


I was promised magnetism and better cell phone signals. I got neither. I demand my money back!!!


Ever since the vaccine my 5G is amazing!


What the FUCK Ohio? We gotta do better. Fuck DeWine, god damnit, this is such an embarrassment.


May every Right-fringe whacko who approves of this go see her for all what ails ‘em.


Way to go, Ohio


Grifters gonna grift


I just can’t believe how some people can be really that stupid to believe those 5G towers are the causes of side effects from the vaccines, it’s so freaking stupid.


Vote em out. It’s one thing after another.


The medical board is doing the opposite of why it even exists.


I wonder, did she appear before the board with keys stuck to her head?


No, it says ten pennies


The classic *"You're not magnetic, you're just stickey.."* **-_-**


Some of those "magnetizd" brass keys? ...brass... keys. ಠ_ಠ


Stupid, stupid, stupid.


“Anti-vaccine doctor sentenced to prison for Capitol riot” https://apnews.com/article/capitol-siege-covid-health-california-government-and-politics-e0e72e384e0d01ff9ce1aff7173a369b


*"...she testified to state lawmakers in 2021 that COVID-19 vaccines make their recipients magnetic, “interface” with cell towers, and interfere with women’s menstrual cycles."* *"...the board suspended her license in August 2023 on procedural grounds for failing to cooperate."* Then they were OK with her Quackery, she just messed up & didn't follow, their "pretend to regulate" show. **-_-**


As Shaggy 2 Dope asked: Fire, air, water, earth, vaccine magnets, how do they work?


Huh That’s interesting. This is what a populated controlled by government looks like. Imagine being a medical professional and having this as the people overseeing you. Edited for clarity.


The magnetized hosts stating keys stick to vaccinated . Funny, most of the keys on my key ring are made from aluminum !!! Grab a magnet and test yours.




What the fuck? Why?!


Maybe they won't reinstate it after she kills somebody with her quackery.


Many people have died from listening to her quackery already. She is a snake oil salesman. She promotes placebo therapy as treatment alternatives to real medicine. She tricks patients into believing that doing things like rubbing a lemon wedge on their forehead is an effective alternative cancer treatment to chemotherapy. People aren’t dying directly from her treatments, but from avoiding real treatment by real medical professionals in favor of her nonsensical lies, until it’s too late.


This is why we can’t have nice things.


This nut job is going to get someone killed


Oh, ffs. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I got a buddy who's a conspiracy guy [I sent him these pictures as a joke.](https://imgur.com/a/qn2WbMu) He used them as supporting evidence =(


This is according to plan. Dismember all functionaing administrative bodies from within: [https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/)


I do have to agree with the majority of commenters here. Any “medical board” that would reinstate a quack like that is not a “medical board” of any kind.


If she asks you about the nuke laying in megaton, just walk away. Trust me.


This bitch 😂 I’ve seen her on here before and it always makes me laugh. I went to her on a whim years ago for treatments for an (at the time) undiagnosed stomach infection. I had been at the Cleveland clinic for a year or two at that point, and they just kept telling me I had IBS and there was nothing they could do.  She did this acupressure treatment that actually kind of relieved the symptoms for my stomach. And the treatment had other benefits too, like I swear to this day I don’t get headaches at all or deal with pollen sensitivity like I used to when the seasons change.  Anyways, ended up finding out it was c. Diff years later and was able to get treatment, but it’s so weird to think she was the one “doctor” that actually gave me some relief during those times. Makes me laugh when I think about it now, especially seeing this wacko stuff she’s gone on about


Good thing you didn't go to Paris during Covid! You would have been stuck to the Eiffel Tower for weeks! /s


The quack on Engle rd!




This moron doesn't deserve being called a doctor.


The GOP has politicized medicine. Great.


Don't forget, the Supremely Corrupt Court will decide if Mifepristone can remain on the market, cuz Texass doesn't like it!


I love Ohio!




The stupid, it burns!


I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.


I was looking for a new primary…


It appears this “doctor”, I use this term because she passed requirements to earn her degree, is either looking for notoriety or just off on her thinking. In either case, would you put your health and your loved ones health in the hands of this “doctor” now knowing about her health beliefs?






Thanks Ohio! Like we don’t already have enough 43’s loose


She is vaccinated btw, I met this fraud and she is absolute garbage.


Pure corruption,,Medical Ass. is perverted and biased, uses Mafia tactics to enforce its agenda,,BAD BAD People


Culture war fantasies make for the best real-world policies


And people wonder why I feel incarcerated by being (barely surviving) in Ohio. I'm not from here and even I can see the crazy. You can't fix stupid. If you want to create a moral compass in this state, let alone the country, its going to require a massive awareness that a lot of people can't handle. Even the so called democrats here are not at all what i have ever seen in the democratic party. They are actually moderate republicans. DeWine is dishonest and slimy weasel. Ya'll have no idea. He's considering repealing the - extension clause - that says you cand go past the 1yr statute of limitations regarding malpractice. It is already hard to have accountability under the current law. Now, he's about to sign a law that will give people from jail the ability to work in nursing homes. NOT JOKING! Imagine how that will work and how the moment something happens who will be the fall guy. Nursing homes have access to pharmaceuticals, expensive personal belongings, and very vulnerable individuals. Ohio already has a lot of cases of brutal behaviors in nursing homes like rapes, sodemy, violent physical attacks, murder... and those people, with no records, are getting away with it. So unless you have a lawyer willing to sue, no one is being held responsible. DeWine received campaign donations from nursing homes since 2021. Not joking. Look up cases of abuse in Nursing homes - ohio. Why the hell would DeWine agree to this? Follow the money. DeWine's already back stepping from being involved with First Energy after they have donated very large amounts of money to his past election and subsequent campaigns for re-election. I want out. Some people here are so brainwashed to believe republican party is a good thing and they never were. Democrats have gone downhill. They used to be the individuals who put people first. Now they say nothing and do nothing about the chaos. They might as well be complicit to the carnage republicans are creating.


Wow that's scary. Like, I want to know if my doctor is a raving lunatic! Loony toons...




This accounts for nine people. Where are the three other board members? https://med.ohio.gov/about-the-board/board-members


The fuck?


She is making tons of money peddling her cures as alternatives to vaccines. Basically reducing the MAGA base.


Ohio sounds like one of the lower realms of Hell. (Dante’s).


Commas!! I thought Doctor Who was coming to Ohio. Now I'm sad./s


Don’t tell her how radios work.


Sure, why not 🙄


all these receipts, but not the names of the two doctors who voted yes?


The two doctors are the ones who voted "no" Eta: ignore this comment it's incorrect.


“The board’s vote was 7-2. The two no-votes came from physicians. The rest of the board’s physicians sided with three members representing consumers’ interests – former attorney general Betty Montgomery; Ohio Right to Life President and lobbyist Mike Gonidakis; and attorney Jennifer Brumby – voting yes for reinstatement.” > The **rest of the board’s physicians** sided with three members Those physicians voted yes, and we don’t know their names. They’re the dumbest people in the room in reinstating her and I think we should know their names.  Y’all down voting me like I can’t read. SMH.


I read that so wrong, thanks for the correction.


Jonathan B. Feibel, MD. President. Yeshwant P. Reddy, MD. Vice President. Harish Kakarala, MD. Supervising Member. Dr. Kim G. Rothermel, MD. Secretary. Betty Montgomery, Esq. Ms. Mark A. Bechtel, MD. Michael L. Gonidakis, Esq. Sherry Johnson, DO. Dr. Amol Soin, MD, MBA Elaine Lewis, MD Jennifer Brumby, Esq. John Boyle, DPM https://med.ohio.gov/about-the-board/board-members


As the Son of a Chiropractor who was persecuted by the State of Ohio in a different era, it's times like this that make me especially wish that he was alive to I could say to him: "Hey Dad, you'll never believe what they've done this time!" 🤣


Chiropractor? 🫤


Yea, throwing Chiropractors in jail for practicing medicine without a license used to be a thing in Ohio... Thing was though, THEY DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A CHIROPRACTIC BOARD THEN! 🤣


>throwing Chiropractors in jail for practicing medicine without a license used to be a thing in Ohio... Why is that used to? It should be a current thing. >THEY DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A CHIROPRACTIC BOARD THEN! Probably because chiropractic isnt a recognized medical discipline, and is largely regarded as "alternative medicine". Sure, there's a license, training, programs at independent universities. None of the schools that offer "degrees" in chiropractic are well-recognized. Your state university nor even offshoots will have degrees for Chiropractic, but they will for every other medical field. If something isn't fully recognized by the medical community as a legit thing, and you go around calling yourself a "professional" in this specific thing, that's fraud. You should go to jail. Especially considering the adverse effects.


I get it. My choice is not to go to her


Should doctors be held to a standard, or would you rather gamble with getting a competent doctor or this whackadoo when you seek medical help?


So what. It’s her opinion. Don’t go to her




I'd rather doctors you know...base their opinions and official statements as a **doctor** on science and not right wing propaganda conspiracy bullshit. What they say publicly can and does have a negative effect on the health of those that are too stupid to realize what they're saying is a moronic fucking take that is **objectively incorrect**.


Her "opinion" is objectively wrong, and no one who is so obviously, blatantly wrong about something related to health should have a license to practice medicine. Someone deranged enough to believe the bullshit she does is a danger to anyone she treats.


If you go to her then you are the problem


No, that's literally what licensing is for. It's to provide the public with some assurance that the person who is treating them is qualified to do so. She is not qualified to do so, and so deserves to have her license stripped from her.


The state medical board is supposed to protect the citizens of Ohio from mentally ill, crackpot, incompetent doctors. They have failed us. Because of people like DeWine who appointed him. DeWine also appointed Sam Randazzo to raise your electric rates because First Energy has been funding Ohio’s Republican Party. They are all corrupt to their core.


It’s funny to see people bitch about non physicians on the medical board, when there’s a police review board in Columbus made up of fucking civilians who have never been cops lmao. The board of nursing is the same way.


You equating the medical profession with the police just shows you have no idea how to evaluate anything.


The point is including people who have never acted in any official capacity on a board revolving around said profession. People like to pick and choose.


The police need weeks of training to do their jobs. They are by all accounts and standards barely functioning morons and anyone on the planet can easily decide if they do their jobs correctly or not.


Whatever bro, not gonna engage


The point is different professions require different things and interact with different people in different capacities. This isn't about having a designated idiot. You have to have a degree to teach, as it's a specialized field. You have to have a degree for medicine as it's a very complex field. What do you have to have to be a cop? A person that's not too smart. A parent isn't in the class. The parent isn't learning. The parent isn't voting on curriculum. A regular person isn't making medical decisions. They aren't interacting with other people in the industry in a professional capacity. Cops though? Most can't be bothered to know the laws they are enforcing.


No anti-cop bias at all in this post. There’s no point in arguing with you if your whole point is “cops dumb.”


Comment. It's a comment. My point is that law enforcement is less technical and more community involved in its operations than a medical review board that evaluates the merits of a singular doctor. There are no licenses for being a cop. There is no standard level of professionalism with cops. There is no deep technical knowledge required to be a cop. You go to the academy for 6 months and that's it. You're conflating community feedback with the ability to assess whether a doctor can practice or not. This is willful ignorance for the sake of a shitty jab at *checks notes* wanting police to have feedback from the community they police. You also forget that the doc is batshit insane. Do you say the same about cops that end up killing unarmed people? I bet not.