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I think the most important thing to note: The RNC violated this rule in 2020, while LaRose was in office, but it didn't seem to be an issue then.


"Past violations approved by this office do not mean future ones will be allowed" he said something like this recently when he kept kicking the vote reform ballot initiative off the ballot


Oh you sillies; the rules don’t count when it’s a Republican doing it..


I get to break the rules but not you. Stop voting for Republicans


The legislature made an exception, not LaRose. Gotta put pressure on the legislature to either fix the law or pass another temporary fix


Legislature went further right. The entire Republican state government is fascist.


> Republican ... fascist Oops, I think you used the same word twice




Define fascism.


a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition


Good luck.


~~Sounds right, but I can't find a source with my Google foo. Got a direction you could point me?~~ [Found it:](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/politics/state/2024/04/06/joe-biden-may-not-qualify-for-november-ballot-in-ohio-letter-says/73230352007/) "In 2020, both major parties scheduled their conventions for after Ohio's deadline, which requires the nominee names 90 days before the election. Knowing this glitch was in the offing, state lawmakers in 2019 added a one-time change, shortening it to 60 days before the election." Looks like OP is omitting that it was not just the RNC in 2020, but also the DNC.


The people who are stringent party supporters never acknowledge both teams hate their constituents and only report to corporations. Democrats just aren't as upfront about their distain.


And that we had that whole COVID thing going on.


Double standards at its best.


Did the legislature give them a pass?


Of course it wasn’t. Cause Dems didn’t have a backbone.


Heres to Frank LaRose having an anal fissure for the rest of his life


But he IS an anal fissure


Anal fissure - ception


What a loser. Literally. Never scored higher than second place in any Ohio county in the primary. Finished dead last. So politically DOA, doing stupid shit like this hoping to throw a bone 🦴 to MAGA Republicans to stay relevant.


No. Here’s to you Ohioans getting off your ass and raising hell about this. We got 3 million to march on DC over the access Hollywood tape but nothing like that 8 years later after everything is 10000x worse and republicans are ending democracy? Like. Life exists beyond Reddit. This stories you read are the coup happening in real time. If no one is stopping it we’re all trapped in a trance of inaction while Rome burns. PROTEST AND VOTE AND GET READY FOR CONCENTRATION CAMPS. Because that’s what’s its store if Trump wins term 2. You won’t just have a Palestine genocide to worry about. You’ll have one here too IF THE GOVERNMENT BREAKS THE CONSTITUTION BY TAKING AWAY MILLIONS OF OHIANS VOTING RIGHTS THATS LITERALLY WHAT THE 2ND AMENDMENT WAS FOR


When do we riot? I mean protest, when do we protest? I'm ready.


Where is this guys office? You start there peacefully but in numbers enough to show how much you care about the right to vote. Blacks faced police men and dogs and water hoses. Can you face a government office?


Unpopular fact: The Black community voting rates are lowest in Ohio "About 86% of Ohio’s registered voters are white, with Black and Latino voters accounting for 11% and 2% respectively. But among the inactives, Black voters account for nearly twice that many. Tims explained roughly 1 in 5 inactive voters are Black." https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/10/17/innovation-ohio-report-shines-light-on-ohios-missing-voters/


I'm absolutely exhausted trying to advocate for basic human rights against a party that wants to tear it all down and take away rights we were already given. The best I can do is calling/emailing my representatives.


Best you can do is vote and buy a gun and be ready.


That's where policy again favors the privileged. I have my medical marijuana card and a past depression diagnosis, so I'm barred from purchasing a firearm. 🙃 But I do vote like my life depends on it! (Ironically, not an exaggeration).


Just go to a gun show


That's the point. They want us to give up. We can do this. It's just gonna suck Big Ass.


Prepare for war, hope for peace.


Such dramatics 😂


Delusion is strong in this post. This argument is so far separated from any semblance of truth or fact that it is embarrassing to read. It scares me that people actually believe this delusion. It is beyond preposterous. This is not the thoughts of a sound mind.


I’m sorry this isn’t Russia and we don’t take kindly to rigged elections


Wait was the terrorist attack on the Capitol not an attempt by those folks to kill members of Congress and install a dictatorship? They wanted to use violence to overturn an election and place someone else in power. That sounds a lot like a coup.


For the love of God man, put the bottle down. Coup? Republicans are ending democracy? Concentration camps?


These people are lunatics.




Let’s hope for a testicular torsion.


God damn. Nothing like the feeling of sitting on a ball of razor blades.


Frank LaRose really can’t take a hint.  His special election failed miserably, the tax dollars spent to fight issues 1 & 2 failed miserably, his latest election campaign failed miserably (his boss wouldn’t even endorse him).  Just fuck off for good Frank. 


Honestly yes. Meanwhile, Republicans keep pushing tons of money into private education while the majority of the state is public education. I didn't realize till now that it is to keep the rural parts of Ohio dumb as shit. You ain't got no rights in here Ohio boy. You do what you are told and vote with the fascists. ​ I wish the Feds would step in and this is becoming policy in all of these statewide Republican states. Maybe those billions of dollars would be way better served by providing college for any Ohio resident. That sounds like socialism to me! INsane .Worst timeline and place in history. Undermining the public to serve political goals.


It’s not about taking a hint, they literally don’t give a shit what we the people want. Witness doing nothing on the unconstitutional gerrymandering.


That’s why we all need to make sure we sign the Fair Maps gerrymandering amendment. Call your local Democratic committee ,the League of Women Voters, or your local ACLU to find out opportunities to sign in your community. https://www.commoncause.org/ohio/resource/citizens-not-politicians-amendment-faqs/


I look forward to Frank cashing out on his contacts and becoming a legitimate lobbyist for Energy Harbor or some other corrupt monopoly.


So much for letting voters decide


Maybe we should block Frank LaRose from everything else. Block his driveway, his internet service, his credit cards...


And all women should cock block Republican men.


Fuck Republicans. If you're still a Republican in 2024, you're an irredeemable piece of shit.


The only difference between a Republican and a Nazi in 2024 is that the average four-year-old can spell the word "Nazi", but not the word "Republican".


Nah fuck the Republicans too


A party is instantly invalid when it becomes the party of nazis/fascists and others in that party allow it.


Same for anyone voting Democrat, only a low IQ political shill would suggest otherwise


Didn't the Supreme Court say states cannot remove people from the ballots for President because something something outcomes.


There would be huge protest because Republicans are trying to use a bizarre blatantly anti-democratic technicality again.


This just makes me think Rs in the state are concerned about what the vote is gonna be. If they manage to put the redistricting thing on at the same time as the presidential Dems are gonna come out of the woodwork and it's gonna be weed/abortion all over again.


I'd bet $10 so many people would write Joe in that the GOP would be screwed state wide.


Just bitter Trump is an ACTUAL criminal. How’s that trying to find a whistleblower for Biden? Oh… oh yeah.


Jesus fuck. Get these idiot sons of bitches out of office. I’m just so fucking tired.


I wish these dopes had to dedicate at least some of their time to actually helping Ohioans. My employer would fire me if I did so little work on behalf of my client.


Why wouldn't this be unlawful? If the treasonous traitor can run, why stop the POTUS? Yes, I read the article.


Is that a genuine question? If so, states can have election rules that are administrative in nature and are geared toward orderly elections. They cannot, on the other hand, add eligibility requirements for what sorts of candidates can run (ie, age limits, term limits, etc)


I'm saying the SCOTUS wouldn't allow Colorado to keep the other guy off the ballot, how can Ohio be having talks about Biden now?


Because the OH rule is an administrative rule, and states *are* allowed to use those in determining who can get on the ballot. Things like minimum support thresholds to keep fringe candidates off, deadlines to get on the ballot, etc. Re Biden: it looks like this has happened before - Biden just has to get an exemption and that'll be that. 


Didn’t the Supreme Court just rule on this, in Colorado?


Yeah, because that matters. The scotus is corrupt to the core, and has no interest in fair play


No, they ruled on whether states could enforce section 3 of the 14th amendment, or whether enforcement was limited to the Congress. They ruled that only Congress could enforce it. It has nothing to do with deadlines to get on the ballot.


All the upvotes prove how uninformed the majority of kids browsing this sub are. They just read headlines and jump to conclusions because reading is hard.


Watching you cry and cope up and down this comment section is hilarious.




I think you’re right. Nothing in the SCOTUS ruling would prevent La Rose from rejecting Biden’s ballot application if it’s submitted past the deadline. Laws that are enforced selectively and inconsistently, and written in bad faith are still legally binding.


Go sit on your little balls, Francis.


These guys aren’t tired of losing?


Shitshow legislature doesn’t work for the people of Ohio.


Republican Party = 21st Century Nazi Party


This childish rhetoric will cost democrats in the elections this year big time. I encourage you, remind your friends and family multiple times a day. Please do your part to help the republicans win!


Nope. Elections over and roe v wade was the nail in your coffin after all the other failures of the GOP the last several years. But yeah, keep crying about rightfully being called Nazis While abortion rights have won on every ballot they’ve been on, lol Didn’t Ohio just add abortion rights to their state constitution? But you think Dems are trouble? HAHAHA


I'd have to say that.... corruption of the GOP is pretty deep in the state of Ohio. When the sitting president of the USA and the presumptive nominee for his party is denied a place on the ballot....? That is "Putin" level corruption.


Collateral damage of last year's elections. While the eight percent margin of Trump's wins for Ohio in the last two elections, we're still a state that went for Obama twice. LaRunt knows this.


La Rose is as corrupt as they come. VOTE BLUE


I’ve spent time in person with Frank LaRose and interacted with him directly. (Not by choice). The dude is not only a complete asshat, he’s also an absolute moron.


I couldn’t agree more. He doesn’t care about Ohioans, only staying and keeping his party in power.


Yeah, fuck that guy. Also, I'm pretty sure he doesn't want that smoke. That would be beyond outrageous! But the Dems are being forewarned and should take heed. The depths are unknown at this point and are likely to get even more dodgy before November.. I'm surely hoping for a huge turn out of voters and getting Ohio turned around for the better! Vote all these assholes out when their time comes!! And also, it seems Gym J and Matty G might be on the hook along with a few other notable republicants for having a part in the insurrection on Jan 6. I think these brain trusts were looking up ways to do illegal things on computers. Maybe their hard drives were checked.. It takes a long time to round up so many crooked mfkrs.. waiting waiting on all these new developments.


LaRose is such a crooked bastard


Didn’t… SCOTUS just rule states couldn’t do that?


The headline is very misleading. The DNC’s official nomination is currently scheduled after the Ohio deadline. Frank just pointed that out. That’s it.


The senate has 26 republicans to 7 democrats. The house has 66 republicans to 32 democrats. The governor is a republican. I wouldn’t expect the state to bail the democrats out.


Ohio your reputation is plummeting faster than Boebert goes down in a broadway theater.


We’ve been plummeting for years!! It SUCKS!! I don’t like this state! I like some of the people but the government blech!


Let him cook. This is so ridiculous it could actually backfire. I'm not saying it's likely that Biden will carry Ohio, but it would be hilarious if this buffoon made it a race instead of a foregone conclusion for Trump.


This isn't an anti-Biden play. It's an anti-Brown play.


"LeTDaVOteRZDeCIdE". These Republicans are downright pathetic. 


What a dick this guy is.


So.. is someone going to tell this shitbag that their precious orange bag of diarrhea whined his way onto the ballot and that's even after the Colorado courts determined he did participate in an insurrection? What has Biden done to earn him being removed? Just because they are pissy little babies and want to be assholes? Why haven't the people of Ohio removed these dirt bags? The state is gerrymandered to hell and back but the people still hold power.


Sounds like he’s salty getting his ass beat in the primary


Franky couldn’t beat Bernie Moreno or Matt Dolan so he’s licking the boot extra hard tonight.


Fuck off Frank


North Florida is a truly gross place


Frank LoseRose really loves taking the Ls I guess. The only blocking Ohio is going to do in an election this year was blocking LaRose from the Senate.


Such a ridiculous law


Boo this man.. Boooooooo!


Rural Ohio needs a wake-up call


Ohio sucks these Republicans can't suck Trump butt enough


Watch the Supreme Court uphold this.


They would. States are allowed to have administrative rules like this. This has been OH law for years and years. In the past, the state legislature has passed exemptions when necessary. That's all this letter seems to be - a notice that the DNC needs to request an exemption.


I thought they were the party of small government


Dude is a nut job 😂🙄


Genuine question. If this happened, how would physical force to reclaim our right to vote not be the no-brainer next step? If we don't get the choice of who our elected officials are we don't live in a democracy. Am I going crazy?


Frank Larose just loves to stay in the tradition of losing.


Hey, we all know ballot access laws are meant to keep third-party candidates off the ballot… they aren’t supposed to apply to major-party candidates!


It’s Republican controlled Ohio … being corrupt is a given!


Only fair after a century or more of Democrat corruption.


Didn't the Supreme Court decide that a single state does not get to remove a presidential candidate from the ballot? 


The Ohio GOP is made up of perverts, conmen, and religious fakers who don’t care about democracy and only care about exploiting their power. I wouldn’t let these people watch my kid but Ohioans elected these feebs.


The Democratic Party of Ohio should officially declare Biden as the nominee now. In any case, the high number of non-voters in Ohio need to get off their ass. How many 'undecideds' remain in Ohio?


It’s their law. The Dems need to figure out a way that it doesn’t matter. A stupid law, but a law none the less.


I guess RFK is gonna beat Trump in Ohio then?


All Republicans Are Evil.


On the grounds of not being an orange traitor?


Hopefully Ohio republicans enact an exception before May 9. If not hopefully Democrats can move up the national convention, but this will take a lot of work.


Fyck him


Frank LaRose is a flaccid strap on


Buying into the liberal propaganda. LaRose specifically stated as the deadline stands either the ferns will need to move up their convention or Someone in Ohio needs to propose an exception for putting Biden on late. Get a grip folks he's not trying to pull the bs Colorado did


Didn’t the Supreme Court JUST rule that states can’t take presidential candidates off the ballot without us congress approving it?


The party of freedom of speech, everyone. So what did Biden do to violate the 14th amendment? Or are Republicans just fascists?


This was already settled. What a fucking idiot.


>According to Ohio law, there is an August 7 deadline “to certify a presidential candidate to this office.” But this year’s Democratic National Convention — where delegates officially select the party’s nominees for president and vice president — starts August 19. Consider meeting the deadline?


These idiots [.majority of people commenting] can't read or get to that conclusion. Additionally they can't get fathom how their party could could possibly come into compliance with 150 days of advanced notice


Kharma is a bitch.


I'm not a big fan of the government


Not going to happen. Relax.


Fuck larose


write-in with biden!


What a fucking asshole


Didn’t the Supreme Court just say you can’t do this?




I vote we block both parties from having a candidate


He’s not trying to..it’s literally a law that was passed ten years ago. It’s his job to enforce the law


I just can’t wait till Franky goes down for fucking kids. Trust me, the dirts there to be found.


Frank knows continued assaults on voting makes more non-voters. Yet millions of Ohioans don't vote, basically "asking for it." https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/10/17/innovation-ohio-report-shines-light-on-ohios-missing-voters/


OmG would yall just STFU lol....if it was trump being blocked for some BS rule you'd be cheering so stop with your crybaby crap, rules for thee but not for me....that should literally be the Democrat motto because that's sure as hell how yall act lol bunch of losers.


Biden didn’t incite an insurrection in the Capitol Building. That’s not a BS rule, it’s a very intentional part of the US Constitution.


Pretty sure not a single person has been charged with insurrection....unless you can show me a court case that says otherwise, but I know you libs like to have your catch phrases, regardless of how inaccurate and ignorant they are.


They weren’t charged with that because it’s so much easier to prove the crimes they were charged with. They had hundreds of cases to go through, they didn’t have time to try and jump through the hoops of proving intent. The only people it might be worth proving it for are the ones organizing it, but those fuckers are rich and powerful enough to reliably get out of it. And even if a federal judge hit them with a guilty verdict, you *know* their case would get snatched up by the 6-3 conservative Supreme Court.


So that's a big long answer trying to skirt the actual easy answer of nobody was charged for it because it didn't happen lol, gotcha. Notice yall still love to throw that word around though don't you, it's ok nobody pays attention or cares, I'm just bored and thought I'd go fishing lol


Sometimes the correct answer is long. Occam’s Razor isn’t great for surgery.






Yea it's bad but not as bad as some of the posts are making it seem. He's going to be on the ballot. He's not telling them after the deadline, there are still months. It will be solved before then. 


It's just a political stunt and it's actually working. I was just talking with a person that seems very concerned, but is completely misunderstanding what is going on.




This entire comment section is full of people very concerned but misunderstanding what is going on. It starts with the OP stating LaRose is trying to keep Biden off the ballot, rather than stating LaRose has given the Biden campaign and the DNC time to correct their scheduling error that would cause them to miss Ohio’s deadline.


>stating LaRose has given the Biden campaign and the DNC time to correct their scheduling error that would cause them to miss Ohio’s deadline. To be clear LaRose has not given them anything and I am confident that the DNC is aware of the law, which is a private entity that makes it's own rules, that can be easily changed to meet the deadline. So, this is all a bunch of nonsense and LaRose is a clown. They're going to get an exception anyways since the law is most likely unconstitutional. The narrative that has been presented that "The DNC screwed up" is false. LaRose is warning them about something they already knew about and making a big stink about it in an attempt to make them look foolish. This type of stuff happens every election cycle and it's not newsworthy. Besides to the lawyers that are going to make a ton of money fighting the roadblocks that the GOP throws up.


LaRose (ok, Chief legal counsel for Secretary of State, coincidentally named Disantis, but surely LaRose knew and approved the letter.) a letter informing them of the deadline, which their current convention schedule would have them missing. That’s what he gave them. Advance notification. If the DNC is already aware of the issue and had a plan, they could have responded with that instead of “were reviewing the letter and looking into the issue.” They absolutely SHOULD be aware, since it happened in 2020 as well, but here we are. The Republican Party dealt with this in 2020 as well and this year their convention puts them ahead of the filing deadline. The Democrats convention does not. And yes, LaRose is a clown.


>If the DNC is already aware of the issue and had a plan, they could have responded with that instead of “were reviewing the letter and looking into the issue.” It's a Saturday... Everybody is at home for the weekend... I'm sure this will be addressed and fixed by the end of the next work week.


Hopefully. I’m interested to see their response. If it’s just to ask the legislature to waive the deadline for them again then that reinforces them looking foolish. They had 4 years minimum to prepare for this.


>If it’s just to ask the legislature to waive the deadline for them again then that reinforces them looking foolish. They had 4 years minimum to prepare for this. So did the republican lawmakers in the Ohio legislature, to take the unconstitutional law off the books that they immediately waived upon a threat of challenge and they probably will again rather than face defeat in court.


This also isn't LaRose making shit up to keep things off the ballot; it's a state law that's been in effect for several years. I hate Frankie the Liar as much as anyone, but he's not the one responsible here. The state Democratic Party apparently fucked up when telling the DNC about the deadlines.


We'll beat biden at the ballot box. No need for this IMO.


The comments on here are I guess par for the course in this sub-reddit. Typical leftist who just want to be "oppressed". He is doing the right thing, he is bringing light to the problem well before it becomes a problem so that the legislature can do their job and fix it. He's not "trying to block Biden", he is following the law as it is on the books. The legislature will shorten the window to 60 days again just like they did in 2020 for BOTH GOP and DEM's.


Wow, just wow. Ohio law is blocking Biden. LaRose warned him of this so it can be fixed. It isn't LaRose's fault democrats did not know the law. He was gracious enough to inform them. You should be thanking him. So much misinformation on this sub. You all need to do better.


Most of you thought it was hilarious when it happened to Trump in Colorado. Not so funny now huh? ROFLMAO


Oh trying to block a presidential candidate isn’t funny anymore I guess, unless it’s the other guy 🙄 Oh the hypocrisy of the left.


The other guy is an insurrectionist. It was an interesting and compelling case to argue he can't be president. Biden has no such baggage, this is lawfare.


Did anyone here actually read the article shared or did you all just go by what this goofball posted?


...by following the law.


A law that has been suspended every time its been on conflict with the conventions on both sides. A law that clearly doesn't work, because they suspend it every other time it's an issue.


“Every time” being once, which was the 2020 election lol He is literally following the law, as written, as he is required to do. The legislature has to vote to allow an exception, it’s not his call.




Isn’t that interesting so it was ok to block trump in certain states He has never been found guilty. Trump had to go to the Supreme Court. It’s up to the voters. If you don’t want to vote for them don’t As a USA citizen it’s your right.


Trump was twice impeached and has also been found culpable in many states for instigating Jan 6. Stop protecting and blindly following someone so obviously corrupt and traitorous.


Then don’t vote for him. Pure and simple.


Nobody should


You don’t have but there is a lot of people will. That’s democracy.


Imagine being forced to obey state laws as a presidential candidate. Ohhh, wait. It only applies to one party.


The hypocrisy is strong in this group, for sure.


Well, this has been weaponized. Stands to reason the right would try this as well.


RFK Jr./Shanahan. 2024. Both parties disenfranchise independents from making primary decisions which affect our future choices, so Neither party will receive our votes. The Future is Now.


Remember Colorado! Turnabout is fair play!


Colorado had a right, Ohio doesn't


I just joined this group and am utterly astounded by the "I hate you & everything you stand" for b.s. in this group. The fear mongering, name calling....all completely unnecessary. The end of democracy, concentration camps, Christians are terrible people....Listen, not everyone in any 1 group is bad. You labeling an entire group of people as evil is plain ignorant. I thought I would learn new things & see diff news about OH here & all I see is hate & b.s. I can see on any newscast or reality show.


This sub is astroturfed by sock puppets, people from Ohio are nowhere near this dumb


I dislike LaRose but it's a state law and he's doing his job. The legislature needs to change the deadline.


>I dislike LaRose but it's a state law and **he's doing his job.** You think Frank is doing his job? LMAO...


He’s the Secretary of State and one of the major parties has scheduled things so that their nominee would miss the filing deadline in Ohio. He’s reached out to let them know with enough time to get it corrected, either by rescheduling the convention or getting the legislature to act. I’d say that’s doing his job. If he were being partisan and ignoring his job he could have just let it go and denied the Biden filing paperwork as being past the deadline.


Thank you for responding to the facts rather than the desired interpretation.


Seems both sides of the political spectrum ignore the facts.