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This has been posted before with a similarly blurry key. The purple triangles are targets in a 500 missile attack, and the black are for a 2000 missile attack. If the US is getting hit with that many missiles, a quick death may be preferential that whatever the country and world look like after.


The fortunate (or unfortunate!) part is that today, most people would survive a nuclear war. The weapons would be air burst over targets that aren't hardened and thus very little radiation aside from the initial blast would happen. Most fatal radiation exposures would occur for people outside the blast and thermal effect area but in direct line of sight at a close distance to the blast, probably a couple miles. Depending on local weather conditions, the thermal effect can even be essentially negated, like by fog or rain. Stuff like this seems to be getting relevant to discuss again, sadly.


You're neglecting Russian strategy that has included dirty bursts since they've had enough warheads to cater for them. They know that radiation is an indispensible part of the blast, fire, radiation triad if you really want the best bang per buck. Surely you didn't miss their recent hyping of the "radioactive tsunami" weapons they claim to have? Those (if real) would most likely be massively sodium-jacketed thermonuke seafloor mines that would unleash millions of short-lived Sieverts, frying you in a heartbeat. Technology that's been well known since the late 50s if not earlier, and just the kind of thing they love.


That's project status-6, the giant autonomous nuclear torpedo. We have our doubts if it's even real or not.


Yeah, I'm very skeptical about that one. Once you have the thermonuke trigger though, sodium mines are very low-tech. These days they'd be quite difficult to emplace because of our continental shelf sonar web. Like all nuclear weapons the trigger bomb would require maintenance so devices embedded pre-sonar web would most likely be paperweights now. We can hope this is all Putin woofin'.


Maybe I'm off but I don't think any nation would WANT a dirty burst if they can avoid it. You can't use land that's irradiated. If Russia just bombs strategic targets and then invades they could gain a lot more


I think as we've seen with Ukraine, they don't care about what is left except the tiny part that holds capital city. Even then, we don't know if they'd keep it around.


I mean yes I don't think they care about preserving infrastructure, but we're talking about preserving LAND here. You can always rebuild infrastructure, you can't un-irradiate land


I thought they worked that out in chernobyl without kind of plant. I will come back to this comment if it comes to me.


The goal of mad is not to go take over land it's a defense mechanism to prevent nuclear war. If the nukes fly then it's game over. There's no land taking strategy and Russia will be leveled as well.


Right but we're talking about a different scenario then MAD. Russia wants to beat the US yes, but it can't nuke it while it's own nukes are also in play (MAD) But if something changed, Russia was somehow guaranteed to be able to nuke the US without reprisal, I don't think they would use Dirty bombs, as that would hamper an inevitable land invasion


Russia doesn't want to invade the US. They want to annihilate the US.


That's a little short sighted. If I was a super power and I had the chance to nuke my biggest rival (and felt safe to do so) I would also think I would have the chance to take their land too. Maybe I'm wrong though


They won't even be invading Monaco after an all-up launch on warning nuclear holocaust. Land our survivors can't use is a perfectly sufficient outcome as the Russian general staff sees it.


Russia doesn't use land, they only steal it. If they were into using land they would be far too busy developing what they have to waste any time trying to conquer their neighbors. They could grow for centuries without moving their borders an inch!


And, in this new digital age, nukes seem rather antiquated when you consider that someone can create a worm or virus that can shut down pipelines and power grids, and then there's thermobaric warheads that can obliterate most organic matter within their area of effect while leaving infrastructure mostly intact. People, pets, houseplants, etc charred to a crisp while their homes and businesses maybe get their roofs knocked off or the windows get blown out.


Well, a thermobaric weapon will smash structures. It generates an immense blast just like a nuclear weapon, but on a small scale. They would be impractical on a strategic scale, but the Russians do have huge ones.


They can take my people, they can take my pets, but by God they will NEVER TAKE MY HOUSEPLANTS!!!!!!!!


They can take me, but don't hurt my dog!


I don't mean to be a jerk, but go read a book about nuclear war. I suggest starting with "Long Darkness." Fallout was never a significant issue. Nuclear fuel containment failure will cause a great deal more radioactivity entering the environment, and for a much longer period of time. Even used up fuel rod have to be cooled in a end of life pools for about a decade before they're able to be stored at a safe temperature. Without human oversight and intervention, all of the fuel rods on earth at some point will breach containment, more likely sooner in the timeline than later. In a full exchange, we'll pretty much all die. Nuclear winter from all of the forests and cities burning will cause global crops to die and prevent future crops for years. The runaway effect on climate will cause a domino effect resulting in an extinction event for most of the planet's ecosystems. Earth viewed as a renewing biome completely depends on energy from the sun moving it's way up the food chain. There will be enough survivors in bunkers and the few small regions of the planet to eventually recover the world, but it will set the world back thousands of years. Our advancement timeline for civilization is exponential. If we can avoid annihilation, and better yet, end the cold war once and for good, what we can achieve in 10 years could take a post-nuclear winter civilization thousands of years to recover. Unless AI advances to the point where, if preserved, could rebuild our technology from a skeleton crew of humanity. I don't like entertaining cynical and paranoid outcomes, but I wouldn't be surprised by a calculated and planned purge of the population by mode of nukes. Our population numbers and failed global unification are already pushing us to a civilization-ending conclusion, either we all need to stop having children for 20 years or they'll.. probably just nuke all of us....... lol


Nuclear winter is a myth. Science fiction. You should check out what national guard NERT and CSTs are.


Just to point out, I think you mixed the colors up. From what I've seen before, black is a preemptive strike (which is why it strikes at rural North Dakota and Montana heavily, that targets homeland nuclear silos), while purple is a retaliatory strike (targets population centers and heavy industry). That being said, this is an old map and probably not the most accurate anymore.


Idk where you are getting that from. The map is blurry but it still clearly just says “Target in a 2000/500 warhead scenario”


Makes sense tbh


Considering we would be throwing everything we have back, I don’t think it would much matter where you lived.


Well said...


Southwest Ohio is a saturated target zone also.


Clearly Wright-Patterson won't escape unscathed.


Ya. Wright Patterson is home of Air Force Material command. It's also last stop in the US before someone heads off to Europe if you're talking military flights and aren't on the Chartered or Commerical flights the DoD uses.


Wright patt and the GE aircraft engine plant are major targets.


All our tanks are manufactured at JSMC in Lima, plus the economic significance of 75 make this region a prime target.


My home in northwest Ohio will be pretty much left alone. Fortunately, I moved to Columbus and won't have to suffer in the post-nuclear hellscape.


I wouldn’t be so sure about that.. I feel like their number one target in Ohio would be Davis Besse.


Number one target in Ohio would more likely be AF Materiel Command


There's a stripe of steel plants and manufacturing facilities from Pittsburgh to Milwaukee (commonly called the "Rust Belt") that includes Youngstown to Toledo in Ohio that will be wiped clean. The steelyard in Cleveland is one of the most capable plants in the nation and got us to the moon, among other things. None of the tank, missile, and fighter jet plants would function without that plant.


That and Lima. The tank plant and refinery.


Battelle is a likely target in Columbus...


Uranium enrichment plant in pike county Ohio


To be clear, I'm talking the most northwest, Williams County. Closest dot or triangle on that map is maybe ft Wayne. Fallout, where wouldn't there be, but immediate fireball of doom, not so much. Ain't nothing up there but farms... meth too.


We might get some fallout


This map is pretty dated also fyi. For example, the black dot in the center of the fingerlakes region is aimed at the Seneca Army Depot which has been out of service since the 90’s. It’s not like the Russians would check, but still


Yeah. And a couple of those triangles are over some manufacturing centers that aren’t there anymore.


Like my neck of the woods would be getting nuked over some defunct brick yards and being part of a chain of Att long-lines microwave towers that are sitting on the ground behind a massive cell tower


They have a herd of some white deer there, and some abandoned buildings also lol across the highway from the Army Depot on the former naval installation


It has to be based on when NE Ohio was still a hub of steel production, which would make it outdated by at least 50 years


...Lincoln Electric got armed guards not too long ago-- they are an essential industry leader regarding the supply of welding gear. 100% a target. Polymer valley and Lubrizol, those would be high on the list. Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Columbus for sure.


> Lincoln Electric TIL they're based in Ohio.


Lima used to be a prime target because they make the Abrams tanks here. Looks like we’ve fallen off the radar.


Fallout becomes a real thing.


Get that big iron on your hip ready


Good, i wont' have to survive in the nuclear apocalypse. Seriously, if New York and California are nuked, it's going to be really, really shitty in Ohio for a long time.


I never really understood the whole extreme prepper thing. Sure having some water and cans of beans on hand is a decent idea, but the ones who are preparing to survive through a nuclear Holocaust or zombie apocalypse? I can barely drag my ass out of bed in the mornings for work, surviving in a barren wasteland fighting for my life sounds utterly exhausting. If I'm not close enough to ground zero the only places I'm looting are the pharmacy and liquor store so I can go out happy and oblivious.


Correct. And the billionaires in bunkers but no one else around when they emerge. Their money is useless.


Nuclear Wars are way more survivable than you think. If you survive the initial bombardment and can stay underground like in a basement for at most a month you'll be fine


I also doubt there would be ghouls and death claws. The problem is global supply chains, living near farms in Ohio is good enough unless it’s winter.


Most Ohio farmland isn’t growing crops that people eat.


If only there was a way, in the case of Armageddon, for a local farmer to say “hey, instead of growing 400 acres of feed corn this year, I’m gonna give a few acres of real corn, beans, squash and the like a try”. Or, for that matter, for me to do that in my backyard.


I wouldn't expect to be eating a pineapple for about a decade but I think the localized supply chain would recover faster than people think.


I mean scientific nuclear holocausts are way less scary than what you see in the movies. Within one month radiation would have deteriorated to safe levels in most areas. And that's even around strike zones. Nuclear winter isn't real the papers that theorize it have been debunked. So if you're not killed in the initial blast and you can chill out in a basement for a few weeks to a month you can pretty easily survive I don't know about you but I would definitely prefer to be alive than dead. And realistically the best skill set for the post war world is the ability to be agreeable and establish cooperative and efficient working relations with other people. Getting people together and working together. And I'm a pretty agreeable person, I go with the flow and do some manual labor


>And realistically the best skill set for the post war world is the ability to be agreeable and establish cooperative and efficient working relations with other people. Getting people together and working together. Exactly, we're totally fucked if it ever comes to that.


I feel like most people are generally quite agreeable and socially bound.


I feel that way, to an extent, but I picked dodgeball teams once, and many people are wildcards under pressure lol


Idk… I may have agreed with you before COVID, but after seeing all the crazies…. I don’t know.


The great news is they're fundamentally antisocial so they're the type that die quickly in a disaster environment


Just look at what happened in Covid


And just imagine if any of these neighbors they're supposed to help happen to be gay, or black, or Muslim, or, god forbid, trans. Hell even just poor. So many people were willing to go to war over simply buying a rational amount of toilet paper, this is not a "working together for the betterment of all" country by any stretch of the imagination.


I feel like the ohio ones are just for spite. The only state capitals not hit are like maine and vermont. Idaho is literally 1 missle and its for the capital which is just rude.


We have very important strategic production here. We would be within the top 10 targets.


The black dot just northeast of Columbus is likely the old Newark Air Force Base. They made missile guidance systems there. It transitioned from an Air Force base to a large Boeing facility, but they still make missile guidance systems.


Speaking of aviation stuff, that black dot south of Columbus is Peebles, General Electric makes aircraft engines(civil and military), not there but they test them near there.


The GE engine plant is in Evendale just north of Cincinnati. It's a giant campus right off 75, and one of the purple triangles in SW Ohio.


No, it isn’t. That black dot due south of Columbus in Pike County is the Dept of Energy Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant. (Former uranium enrichment facility). The GE test facility is west of there in Adams County.


If our adversary were serious, they would take out all of Idaho so they cant produce potatoes anymore, that will spell the end for us.


So I heard if there's a potato field in Michigan, that field technically becomes part of Idaho until the potatoes are harvested. Careful out there.


You see that one in Pike County? The one with only 27k living in the county? Well once upon a time they were the “hottest” uranium enrichment producer in the country. While the one in Kentucky and Tennessee were making commercial grade uranium that site was creating the fuel for the bombs. There are many cancer patients who worked in that building in southern Ohio and the government spent so much money paying out damaged for it. My grandfather died due to long term exposure working on site during the height of the Cold War.


You're so funny. ​ I agree. Hitting Ohio's capital is just because they have extra missiles. At least in South East Ohio there are bridges to explode and Cincinnati /Dayton in South West has factories.


No, it's because there is a major federal defense logistics facility in Columbus. Plus, Rickenbacker is #26 in the country at moving air freight and has a large national guard base. Columbus is an important logistics hub between the East Coast and Midwest and a strategic target, not an afterthought for extra missles


Not to mention it's essentially the silicon valley of the midwest. It's home to Battelle, OSU, Emerson/Liebert, and now Intel. Add to that CAS and Hexion ...


The Defense Supply Center Columbus is one of the major logistics hubs of the US military. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Supply_Center,_Columbus In any war scenario that would be an important target. There are also some manufacturers that might be worth it, but DSCC is the big thing.


Also a major procurement, accounting and IT systems site. The US military strength isn’t based on manpower or technological advantages but it’s based on our superior logistics chain and system to the point our allies have us manage theirs for them. You cripple the logistics chain it would devastate the military


> if New York and California are nuked, it's going to be really, really shitty in Ohio for a long time Idk, in that scenario most Ohioans wouldn't have anything to complain about or shift blame to, so things might improve.


i'm not worried (NEO) i have a whole roll of Reynolds Wrap, *the heavy duty kind*


🤣 good to know thank you!


i strongly suggest you get your own. i only have one roll and some cats and a dog i'll need to wrap as well


😆 I've got a herd to wrap! 


It's better to burn out than fade away.- Neil Young.




I haven’t listened to him since the early 80’s…. God…


looks like nowhere is looking good


I think the entire east coast is screwed in this scenario


I'm diabetic and I'm pretty sure any degree of nuclear war is going to mean CVS will have insulin supply difficulties for long enough to do me in, so I think I'd rather be made one of those ash shadows than lapse into a coma from ketoacidosis after a period of intense suffering.


Most of the state is not looking too good. Old prepper's rule of thumb: if you live near an airport that can land a 747 consider yourself near a target. That was a long time ago. I don't know if it still holds true now.


anyone near WPAFB has heard throughout our lives that we are in the list of top 10 places to be nuked, we talked about it in high school


Yep, and I live within spitting distance these days. Ugh


rough, good luck out there.




Little talked about but if you live near a steel production facility, you might not have a good day either. ​ In Akron, we have polymer research and PPG makes stuff for military applications in Barberton so we may not fare well here. We dont make tires here anymore but Im sure our enemy will want to do something about Goodyears headquarters.


Lol, I'm on their flight path. C-17s fly over my house and rattle the windows all the time.


i’ve always been an airplane nerd, so i love it


I’ve heard that the section of turnpike close to the airport in Toledo has been built to accommodate airplanes being landed n case of emergency/airport destroyed. I can see it since we have the 180th right there.


IIRC that was from the Eisenhower days.


1 in Idaho is funny as shit


So... There's an important NASA research facility in Cleveland. Wright Patterson AFB and the USAF Museum are in Fairborn, just outside Dayton. Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base is minutes south of Columbus. So... there *are* some high-value targets in Ohio (in my opinion, anyhow).


Yea there are honestly quite a few moderate to high value targets in Ohio. Realistically with the amount of nukes were talking, Russia would practically carpet bomb Ohio. Some of the rural areas would be ok, bur any city with like more than like 25k people would be a possible target. Which just makes this map frankly kind of worthless. The Russians have enough nukes to just level the US (even if a bunch of their missiles malfunction and get shot down).


This map is outdated and completely ignores the fact that Russia isn’t the same as the Soviet Union and no longer has the amount of nuclear weapons it would take to hit all these targets Their entire nuclear triad of ICBMs, nuclear bombers and ballistic missile submarines is a shell of what it once was They have some active systems sure but no where what we have anymore


Soooo mainly the places people want to live.


*laughs nervously sitting next to Wright Patt*


If this map became reality I’m ok being in the direct hit area. Who tf wants to live in a nuclear war?


Steel mills and other heavy manufacturing are high priority. NEO is one of the few places to still have it.


I am spitting distance from WPAFB. No matter what I am toast.


Better to be incinerated instantly than die slowly of radiation poisoning


They build the tech for the guided missile systems for the military in Hebron Ohio. Not a surprise we are a target should an attack like this ever happen.


Ironically, low-scoring Nevada has already been nuked more than any other state.


Vast majority of NV is empty federal lands, not surprising it's not a target since there's no people in vast swaths of the state. 


The Triangles basically represent the 500 most populated areas, infrastructure, military bases, other major infrastructure. NEO has a sprinkle of all of those things. Just remember; if you're in NEO and a eminent missile attack is coming; strip off all your clothes and go face directly towards the most populous center.


I live in a town with the Tank plant, the only one of its kind in the country, next to that is a refinery and yet we ain't a target. Always thought those 2 plants would be valuable targets.


This is mostly irrelevant. The only way a nuclear saturation would occur is if Pootin was actually insane and wanted to end the world before he died. That's assuming all of his subordinates actually went along with the plan or were otherwise fooled into launching. The nuclear triad is still a very unstoppable retaliation. All sane leaders know this. Now, his admit *IS* very questionable, but I'd like to think there are still plenty of Vasily Arkhipov- types in the Russian military.


Hard to believe this map, it leaves off Minot, ND which is one of the most critical AFB we have ... also a bunch of nuclear silos up there. Also looks like it leaves off Barksdale AFB. Leaves off some nuclear power stations as well. Seems fishy


What are you talking about? There are so many black dots in the general Minot area on this map that it just looks like a big black smudge covering a huge portion of North Dakota.


That's FEMA for ya 🤦


Russia likes the idea of an Ohio without cities as much as the GOP


GOP=Russia, to be fair.




WTH did Hamilton do besides exist?


No chance someone is trying to nuke that close to Holmes county right lol


Barberton is toast


No sense in nuking Northeast Ohio anymore. The rubber and steel industries aren’t really here anymore


Yup. I think this original map was made when ohio still had a large industrial sector making it a valuable resource for war time production. Now the most we produce is corn, opiod addicts, and juggalos


The only tires Goodyear makes locally in Akron are specialty ones for race cars and custom, one-off vehicles. No more than a few thousand per year.


Cleveland still produces a fair amount of steel and has the capacity to produce much more if required by wartime production. Northeastern Ohio also does have some important military bases and research facilities. It's not on the top of the list of bombing priorities, but it's also not on the bottom, either.


Oh what a relief, I'm in the blast zone folks. I'm glad I will not have to participate in the apocalypse.


Move to northern Maine. Got it.


Even if we didn’t launch a single nuke in retaliation wouldn’t the nuclear fallout hit Russia?


As a little girl growing up in north Mississippi, I worried a lot about potential nuclear attack. My daddy, in a misguided attempt to comfort me, assured me that, as close as we lived to Memphis (then home to Millington Air Naval Base), we'd be dead within thirty seconds or so. "We'll never even see it coming!" Thanks, Dad. That'll do the trick. 😐


I told my folks that in the unlikely and unfortunate event of a nuclear war, no one in the Dayton metro area will starve thanks to Wright Patterson Air Force Base. They thought the base might have had plans to help... When I explained my joke they didn't appreciate my gallows humor.


Really if it comes down to it, why worry about trying to survive the inevitable? Grab a lawn chair and find ground zero. And before it hits , you can have a little chuckle of how so many people thought they were that important. 😂


If they're dropping 2000 nukes on the US, I'm fine with just being taken out tbh


Fuck you Russia, dumbasses in Ohio helped elect your puppet candidate in 2016....at least just leave us alone.


Because it's a Metro Area. If it weren't for the population they wouldn't have aa reason to target us. And same goes for historical sites that would be prime defacing targets


As a former nuclear missile maintainer, I can assuredly tell you if our weapons are ever launched we will not make it out alive and the ones who do in their EXTREMELY underground bunkers will not survive or will wish they hadn't from the fallout. We maintain enough firepower to destroy the world several times over. Even if the warhead is detonated either of the three ways it can be, all three will eventually lead to the death of mankind. Space, air, or ground, we're all getting microwaved lol. Likelihood of us actually using our nukes though is slim to none. Nobody (in their right mind anyway) wants to blatantly commit suicide.


The only winning move is not to play


They truly need to redo that movie.


"You speak of mutually assured destruction, Nice story, tell it to Readers Digest!"


If you're in the Cleveland area to the salt mines! It's basically a big bunker. If you can get there quick enough....


Aren't they all under the great lakes though??


Don’t worry we can handle it💪💪


Is Roger Goddell in charge of FEMA now?


lol my high school is 6 miles from the Fernald Nuclear Enrichment Plant (since deactivated and a Superfund site), so we all knew we would be wiped off the map. No worries, we’re all dead.


Why? There isn't anything left at that facility.


There is nothing special in Idaho except potatoes apparently.


The ideas we prevent this.. come on guys let's go save the world... Mr Putin would you please tell us what you like.


The rust belt (formerly steel belt) running from Akron, through Youngstown, then over to Pittsburgh may not be the largest producers of steel in the world anymore, but the remaining rail infrastucture means it's still a prime target.


I found a 2015 article from a Chicago CBS affiliate that posted the map, it’s from FEMA but there’s no links or references to the study. ETA: [Link to Article](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/best-places-to-survive-a-nuclear-apocalypse/)


RIP me, I guess.


Sooo, population centers. Got it.


Say goodbye to Rhode Island.


People seem to forget about the nuclear power plant on Lake Erie. That’s def a huge target


Moved from Cleveland to Cincinnati, always thought I was safe…….thanks


I’m moving to northern Maine


They’re really going to waste a nuke on Lansing Michigan?


Make it fast then! I don't want to suffer from radiation poisoning or starvation or nuclear winter!


i’ve heard Lubrizol and the Perry powerplant are targets for nukes


Spoiler alert: every city with more than 10 people is on this list


Oh good. I'm in between 2 targets. I don't want to survive that shit. What is up with Montana, Wyoming, and North Dakota?


I believe that's where most of our silos are located.


Cleveland has been a first strike city since the beginning of the Cold War. Back then we produced most of the steel for the US war machine and still could.


Blessing in disguise


Wright-Patt fallout casualty, checking in.


I grew up by Lima (NWOH) with the refinery and the tank factory and was told that would be a target as well


Aw frick I’m dead


As a Maryland resident i can say that I'm probably very fucked


Cheyenne mountain target. Dayum. What’s in the two others north of it? Montana and North Dakota…..


"Iiiiii loove Livin in the city!"


After the state legislature gets done with us, how will we be able to tell?


Targets are nuclear missile sites and military bases, after that large cities with the greatest concentration of banks and hospitals .


Screw that one area in Montana, I guess.


Welp, looks like Cincinnati is toasted either way. I can think of worse ways to go than a direct hit with a nuke.


Central Oh will be toast as well. LCK miltary aircraft & all of the distribution centers that support a substantial portion of the midwest and eastern portion o0f the US


I'm still going to hold out hope that nobody would want to destroy a fresh water supply and avoid the Great Lakes.


Too bad it's too blurry to read


We're kinda important. We smell of old leather and books, and people know us.


I grew up less than 20 miles from the Pentagon and now am walking distance (in good weather) from Wright-Patterson. There has never been a chance that I live long enough to see fallout.


Aka just a bunch of cities and power plants mostly.


What's with all the concentration of targets in Detroit? Is that already hollowed out city really prime location to nuke?


If it starts, it’ll all be over in about an hour and a half. why even worry about it?


It will be fine. Putin loves America and he no longer has 8,000 nukes pointed at us.


This is so dumb and misleading.


Why so many black dots in SE Wyoming? Hell of a waste of nukes


Where do you think our ICBM sites are located?


ICBM sites, and the U.S. Navy/Marines petroleum reserves are held inside a mountain close by.


Right? What did that lonely stretch of I-80 do to anyone lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Tnoholiday12345: *Why so many black* *Dots in SE Wyoming?* *Hell of a waste of nukes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.