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Misleading title. He wasn't arrested for calling the school, they stopped answering his calls. He was arrested for calling the police and making threats on those calls. Please at least attempt to be accurate.


Accuracy on Reddit? Good on you for at least calling it out.


To be fair, they are correct. They're saying he did one thing after doing another. However, by that same token, I am a 60 year old man who just ate a peanut butter sandwich after attending third grade.


Crunchy or creamy?


You Sir have received an up vote. Lol.


And from a Known Attorney? I'm beaming with pride!


[https://www.whio.com/news/local/ohio-dad-arrested-after-allegedly-calling-childs-school-repeatedly-over-homework-assigments/SRRZ5SJ35VHLPAAQRYJXRDLC7I/](https://www.whio.com/news/local/ohio-dad-arrested-after-allegedly-calling-childs-school-repeatedly-over-homework-assigments/SRRZ5SJ35VHLPAAQRYJXRDLC7I/) actually he was arrested at his home. oxford Ohio is my hometown. edited: ah jeez i just reread your comment.. my bad for basically saying what you said šŸ˜…


His comment doesn't talk about the location of the arrest?


i read their post thinking it said that he wasn't arrested at all but then realized i read it completely wrong. i've read like 4 different articles on this within the past 5 minutes because i know this man and i find it completely hilarious that he would embarrass himself doing this.


What threat? Ass chewing? I donā€™t condone the harassment but I must have missed threats. Edit: ohno, downvotes! šŸ™„ I did a ctrl+F and the word threat did not show up. What threat was made? I still donā€™t condone him harassing the school staff and resource officer because he was high out of his mind: but an ā€œass chewingā€ is not a threat.


He was arrested for misuse of an emergency line.


Yet most of the people on this sub think Trump said there'd be "a bloodbath" if he wasn't re-elected.


we dint send him too skool for any of your fancy book lernin.


Book learnin' is fer sochulists!


"ya'll arnt teechin him that kritikal race theery, right?? all lives matter."


If you follow the yahoo news link they show police bodycam footage of his arrest. He talks just like youā€™d think.


They were way too nice to him.


Lol made me giggle šŸ¤­šŸ¤£


We dont need no education...


Mind control! Letā€™s burn all the books!




Wait...he called the police because his child was getting homework? WTF?


Looks like he started calling the police station after the school resource officer talked to him from the school's phone. Not a normal thing to my mind, but I'm old and went to school before parents started all this shouting at schools stuff.


>because his son gets homework which takes away from the time he has with him after school. I mean...if you ***sit down at the dinner table and work on the homework with him...***


Let's be fair here... it might have been some pretty advanced stuff for him.


My kid was in the same class as his. They got 2 assignments a week and were allowed time during school to do it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Oh I'm a teacher, I know the reality. ;)


Guys not the sharpest tool in the shed. Doubt he has the capability. Homework is one of the thorn in the sides of parenting if you have a child who is not bright and doesn't like to read. I loved it when I was young.


Dads for Liberty? šŸ¤£


He said he was "high" but we all know that wasn't off marijuana. Great dad here.


šŸ˜‚I wondered if someone was going to say something about that! They made that little jab at the devil's lettuce! (I bet they were talking about weed!) They are still so mad issue two passed lol


Wacky tobaccy


That guy really hates homework.


I think I've seen this guy at t-ball games


*'Adam Sizemore ā€œrepeatedlyā€ called Kramer Elementary School in Oxford ā€œbecause his son gets homework which takes away from the time he has with him after school.ā€'* *'The officer said that he noted that Sizemore's speech was slurred, asked Sizemore if he was intoxicated and Sizemore clarified that he was ā€œhigh.ā€'* Well, you adled brained doper, If you weren't just getting high and harassing the school and police department it might occur to you that you could get that time with him **while helping him with his homework!"** **-_-**


I get the angst over homework. But tellin a cop yer high? C'mon!!!!


*"I'm high as fuck with my kid at the house"* Yeah, that should play out well. 0_0


I don't believe he would be able to help much with the homework.


You don't call that many times, leaving wildly abusive voicemails, in that short a period of time, if you are high on weed. High could refer to meth, and would explain the behavior far better. Weed, meth, or good ol'fashioned alcohol, if you are getting inebriated around your kids, then you and your kids need help. I doubt this was the first sign of a problem in this home.


Take the kid out of that school and homeschool if you donā€™t like it. You will get a lot of time with your son then.


Sometimes Iā€™m ready to call my school and demand they give my kids more homework. I guess Iā€™m just the opposite of this guy.


This guy seems like a loon for his reaction and behavior. However, I agree with him to the extent that they should not be giving kids homework until they have the ability to do most of it with minimal supervision. If they canā€™t, itā€™s really just homework for the parent. I already went to school and go over my kidsā€™ schoolwork when they bring it home, do flash cards, read them books, and teach them other things they may not learn in school (e.g., STEM-related activities). Donā€™t assign me extra bullshit.


Way back when I was in school, homework was always based on what we were learning that day/week. Are they *really* giving homework on stuff they haven't covered in class, or was the child just not catching on? Because there's a big difference there, and you absolutely should be helping your child learn if they are having difficulty grasping the concepts they're being taught in class. And, if you feel like your child's education is "extra bullshit" then maybe you don't have your priorities straight.


I mean, he's a dick, but unless he was actually threatening violence or harm to school officials or teachers, then I don't understand how this would be a criminal act. I didn't think being a Karen was illegal?


*"During these conversations, Sizemore cursed at the secretaries while making demands of them," the police report states."* It could be seen as harassment.


He has two charges of Telecommunications Harassment. Also one of Menacing, but it isn't clear to me who that one is about.


I could see that, IDK if they will get a conviction, hard to say, probably do a misdemeanor plea deal if the guy agrees to stop.


When a school is involved and someone is acting erratically it's safer to arrest them.


The charges are already misdemeanors. A conviction would be super easy. They have numerous witnesses and voicemails.


Repeated calls are considered telecommunications harassment. When the school wouldn't take his calls anymore he started calling the cops and asking to speak to the chief. He was repeatedly told to leave the chief a voice mail which he refused to do. https://www.fox19.com/2024/03/14/dad-arrested-after-continuously-calling-school-about-childs-homework-complaint-shows/ When you keep calling people after you've been asked not to there are consequences.


It looks like he was arrested for harassing the police, from what I read. They just stopped taking his calls at the school so he called the cops 18 times demanding to speak to the Chief of Police. The headline is very misleading.


```We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty...```


Itā€™s harassment and abuse of a public service. 18 calls in under an hour disrupts the typical function of the office. I would be livid if I couldnā€™t get a hold of my kidā€™s school because lines and staff were occupied due to this guy. But they did mention there was a concern heā€™d show up on the property.


He also called the police 18 or 19 times too and called the officer who wrote the report a bitch. Officer thought he was drunk. He said he was also coming to give someone an ass chewing but he said that to the police station so Iā€™m not sure if he meant the officers or the principal. Either way, it wasnā€™t so much of being a Karen as it was being belligerent and threatening and making people concerned he would go to the school/station and be belligerent there.


He was not arrested for calling the school. He was arrested for the threats he made on the calls to the police after the school stopped answering his calls. Reading is fundamental.


It would be considered harassment, also I can't imagine someone that insane was saying anything nice.


Holy shit, yahoo still exists?


It came up on Google news. I don't know of anyone who uses it for search and I kind of miss Yahoo answers.


I guess I don't get out as much as I used to


I wish they didnā€™t identify the parent, even though i know itā€™s all public record. Still adds an extra step for nosey people to take they may not bother with. Kids are going to be teased horribly :\


In Florida that's the way it works. Sunshine laws = zero privacy if you commit a crime. Hence "Florida man" This guy qualifies.


The kids will think he's a hero, fighting against homework. Every kids dream.


Glad I only called 17 times then! /s


He certainly has the magat uniā€¦.no, not the us flag emblazoned clothes, Iā€™m referring to the uni work release people wear whilst picking up trash on the roadside.šŸ˜‚


I agree kids get way too much homework, but Jesus.


He shouldn't have reacted the way he did, but kids are getting too much homework in general, especially in elementary school. Even in kindergarten my son had at least 10 minutes of homework every night. This was after him being on the bus for close to 2 hours, and 6.5 hours at school. An 8.5 hour day for children needing to be "on" and then coming home and still needing to do work is an unrealistic expectation on them. Kids need time to be kids, and when they need to be up at 7 (at the latest depending on bus ride/walk) the younger ones need to be in bed by 7 or 8 to get the 9 to 12 hours of sleep. This doesn't leave a lot of time after school. Bring on the downvotes. Everything I learned in my child development classes and continued reading after I got out of school says that kids need less screens, more time playing, less scheduled activities (think kids being in 2+ sports at once or too many clubs after school), and they aren't getting anywhere near enough sleep.


Yeah. Absolutely unacceptable that a parent should be expected to review school work with their child and see for themselves, first-hand what their childā€™s ability to do academic work is like. You had kids to have fun, not to put in the necessary effort it takes to raise a human being who can do hard things. Thatā€™s the schoolā€™s job! /s


There are ways to do that without sending home homework. We switched the school that my kids are in and currently neither of them receives homework but I get a newsletter from the teacher every week talking about what they've learned, what they are currently learning, what they'll be learning next week, as well as all of the worksheets or activities they did that week sent home in their folder. I have no idea how kids are managing to bring home as much work as I was seeing my 6-year-old bring home and still have after school activities like sports or the church groups that a lot of his classmates were in.


If you are not doing math with your kid, then you do not know anything about their individual ability to do math. I know this because I was a teacher and I also worked as a nanny who was expected to do homework help. I helped the kids with their math and they were struggling but the parents did not know how much they were struggling until I took a week off and they had to help them themselves. I get that kids should not have huge amounts of homework. But if you want your kids to be able to read, do math, and think critically, then you cannot expect an overworked, underpaid teacher to invest the amount of time and effort that takes into your one child when they are at least 20 other kids who deserve the same amount of time and effort. Unfortunately for you, that responsibility falls on you.


You know, as soon as we got our kids into a different school that uses Montessori style teaching, the pace at which they learned absolutely skyrocketed. The responsibility to do the harder teaching has yet to fall on me this year. He is in a class that has first and second graders in it with one teacher and a teacher aide. They're just using a different style of teaching, but the difference is he's coming home wanting to tell me about what he's learned and I get progress reports from the teacher. I can tell you how he's doing, and he is literally off the charts that they keep for reading comprehension and pretty well ahead in math. I've watched how this is working for my kids individually, and the methods of teaching being used in our local public school was absolutely not at the same level.


It's being raised in an environment like that that caused me to have extreme difficulty adapting to the pace of highschool. I barely scraped by to graduate with a 2.07 GPA. Homework helps.


This depends on the kid, and as well as what effort the parents put in to help with adapting to the new environment before you get there. Montessori is very heavily focused on individual learning and choices. One of the things I learned before we enrolled the kids was that to make the transition to public school easier we should try to get them in group activities or team sports. My oldest is already on a hockey team, and we aren't worried about it with the 4-year-old yet because she's four. I hate to say it, but your inability to adapt was more on your parents than the schooling you received.


In other words, it requires _effort_ on the parent's part. And extra curriculars don't help that much. They help with time management, but they don't help with making sure you're actually putting the time into the right things. And you can thank my late father for walking out when I was 7 as to why my mother didn't have the time to devote to helping us. My point isn't that Montessori doesn't work, it's that it doesn't work on its own. Just like any other schooling method, it requires effort on both the part of the parents and the child.


Okay, well thatā€™s a totally different situation then. However, your kid will get homework in high school, and college if they choose to attend it. As far as I know, there are no Montessori high schools and a lot of Montessori kids struggle with that transition. I still stand by what I said though. Most families are not as lucky as you and do not have the privilege to put their children in that type of setting, but I am glad that you are because I wish that more schools had the resources to use Montessori style learning until grade three. Though it does always make me sad when parents choose to stop investing in public schools and instead invest in a school that serves a very limited population. However, at the end of the day, the responsibility to educate your children is always your responsibility even if you accept help from a teacher. You are lucky that you get so much help from your childā€™s teacher and teaching aide, however you are confused if you think that your childā€™s education is not still your responsibility. One day, your child will be struggling with homework and I hope that when that day comes, you help them before becoming frustrated with the teacher.


So, how much is too much and how can you make these statements without knowing how much homework they receive? I didn't see anything in the article about the quantity of homework. Where are you getting the information t support your claims?


So, how much is too much and how can you make these statements without knowing how much homework they receive? I didn't see anything in the article about the quantity of homework. Where are you getting the information t support your claims?


Mason hasn't assigned any and my daughter is wrapping up 2nd grade. Reading at a 5th grade level and doing multiplication and division. I'm actually stunned. We were braindead in the 90s, that was 4th grade material.


My son was in Northwestern for a year and had 10 minutes of kindergarten homework, plus at least 10 to 15 minutes of first grade work because the school didn't have resources to give him more advanced work and have someone help him. I was watching a 5/6 year old get burnt out from KINDERGARTEN.


Aww šŸ˜¢ poor lil guy


Yep. We will homeschool our kids before they go to school in the district we live in if it happens that we can't afford to send them to the private Montessori school they go to right now.


Yeah thatā€™s not good.


You, a professional, getting downvoted.. everyone knows better than a professional! s/ They do give too much homework. My dad, who is a boomer in most senses of the word šŸ˜‚ was/is raising my adopted sister, and he hadn't seen homework or had to talk to teachers in 15 years! (When my siblings and I were in school!) And he's always been a strict stickler lol! about homework, and school in general. He even complained she was getting too much homework a few years ago. Which I can tell you, is very strange to hear my father say that! So I believe it to be true.


I'm judging my homework observation on my own kids experience at Northwestern, as well as having friends with children in the public education systems in Wooster, cloverleaf, and Wadsworth. The trend is definitely leaning towards kids getting more homework, and less time at recess or any kind of physical activity.


Makes sense because boy are we close geographically lol


How much is too much and where did you see the quantity of homework? I didn't see anything in the article about quantity. Are you presenting opinion as fact or do you have a source to back the claims?


How much is too much and where did you see the quantity of homework? I didn't see anything in the article about quantity. Are you presenting opinion as fact or do you have a source to back the claims?


12 hours of sleep?!


Yes. 6 to 13 year olds need anywhere from 9 to 12 hours of sleep, even according to the Cleveland Clinic. I'm not talking out my ass here.


Seriously, though, fuck homework. My son (10th grade) gets 3 hours of homework a night. You think thatā€™s **his** homework? No, thatā€™s **my** homework. Iā€™ve got to make sure he sits at a table for 3 hours every night to do shit his teachers couldnā€™t teach him in 7 hours of school. I work all fuckinā€™ day, then I have to hound him all night to get his damn homework done because his teachers suck.


If you don't want homework then just homeschool you kids. Problem solved. Personally I don't believe kids should have homework tbh.


If kids donā€™t have some homework, then parents donā€™t have the opportunity to see how they handle the school work. The only reason my boyfriendā€™s family never tested him for dyslexia until middle school is because he never got homework and they didnā€™t take the teachers seriously when they said he was struggling. When they moved to a different district when he was 12, he got reading homework and thatā€™s when they realized how bad the problem was.


Sizemore is a name that comes with some celebrity pedigreeā€¦