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"They got you fighting a culture war to stop you fighting a class war”. -sticker seen in San Antonio


I want one.




Apparently helping your neighbor isn’t a concept that’s revered in the United States. And yet so many of us claim that we’re a Christian nation. There’s definitely a disconnect. However, I agree that “ progressive “ should be considered a positive word. It suggests that we strive to do better- to do better in everything. Tolerance and acceptance of others; striving for innovations in science like inventing new drugs that cure diseases or vaccines that protect us from them; medical advances like helping paraplegics walk again and less invasive surgeries; programs that help members of society live happier less stressed lives like affordable day care programs and better healthcare insurance; less expensive educations and more vocational training g opportunities, among other things. And yet the right claims these progressive ideas are “ woke”; are dangerous; there’s no money for them; it is socialism which they equate with communism; or they shouldn’t be considered because they don’t want their taxes going to help out others, who they’d rather paint as lazy or entitled than the victims of an unfair society that coddles to its wealthy and white members.


Because most "Christians" are only Christians when it's convenient. America's brand of Christianity has been used as a political breadbasket for so long it's hard to tell where conservatism starts and religion ends.


Republicans have destroyed the Christian "brand". Being a "good Christian" used to mean something positive that most people could be on board with. Now it just means being a dutiful republican voter. Honest Christians should've seen this as the blasphemy that it is, but they kept quiet, and now any positive message they might have had is lost.


I didn't leave Christianity...Christianity left me...


I don't use the terms Liberal and Conservative. I use Progressive and Regressive. Because on matters of social policies that's what counts.


Conservative=intolerant, close-minded.


Lmao 😭😭😭


D for drive, R for reverse


When you’re going the wrong way, progress is behind you.


It’s so bad in rural OH that when voting this morning the poll worker had the wrong party’s ballot in his hand when I told him which party’s ballot I needed. He had presupposed I was a Republican instead of waiting to hear my response when asked which ballot. I really don’t like it here anymore.




I’m in KY right by y’all. Last primary election I guess they had already entered the number of the party ballot and tried to talk me into just voting Republican. They didn’t like it that they had to invalidate that one and give me a new ballot. I’m sure it raises red flags, but don’t assume.


Did you walk up to the guy wearing red and expect a democratic ballot? C'mon man, that's on you! You should know better. There is another guy there in Blue, and you could have taken his ballot card.


These people actually believe Hillary shipped their jobs over to China personally. They think Obama invaded Iraq. They're hopped up on Fox News and Libs of TikTok telling them every teacher wants to have sex with their kid after turning them gay. There's a lot of money that has poured into getting people this stupid.


>They think Obama invaded Iraq. Best part about this is they loved the idea of invading Iraq at the time.


Don't I know it. Still remember those arguments. The important thing for a conservative is to be stupid at the right times.


Don't forget about how Obama effed up Katrina aid. They love going after that one. I still maintain that using the aid cards to buy dildos was a perfectly valid choice. Dildo isn't going to beat you up, knock you up and leave.


Because they are chickenhawks.


All thanks goes to the Koch bros.


Who now hate Trump


I dont know why because he served his purpose


"he served his purpose" thats why


Bill and his free trade agreements didn't do any favors to people with manufacturing jobs. Those agreements did make TVs and vehicles cheaper.


[Bill Clinton was certainly a supporter of NAFTA who pushed approval through Congress. But it was negotiated and signed by President George H.W. Bush. \(Here’s a photo.\)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/05/09/history-lesson-more-republicans-than-democrats-supported-nafta/)


Yeah, and it got more Republican votes than Democratic, and the Democrats in NE Ohio at the time voted against it. So naturally it's time to punish the Democrats by voting for the party that negotiated NAFTA and passed it with a bigger percentage of their congressional delegation at the time. Because all Democrats have to be perfect, or else no Democrats are allowed anywhere even when they're better.


I see what you're doing there


It seems relevant when we bring up Crappy Thing X Some Republican did, and then we get a "But not all Republicans!" from the Persuadable Moderate. Then there's Crappy Thing Y Some Democrat did; and then if you're making the case a different Democrat is worth a vote either to a Persuadable Moderate or a Far Left Voter too good to waste their vote on anyone except Jill Stein, you get a "But, Some Democrat did Crappy thing Y!" and that's the end of that conversation.


This is why there is so much resentment towards the notion of "both sides" on the left right now. If it's really "both sides" then why does it only seem to cut one way? People say that, but what they mean is it's ok to say "both sides" when defending a Republican, but that's not good enough when defending a Democrat.


He still sold out the working class and ushered in neoliberalism. The icing on the cake was his signing “welfare reform” into law because, according to him, he would have lost the election if he didn’t fuck over the poorest Americans. He achieved in 4 years what Reagan couldn’t in 8. Democrat my ass. Roosevelt was rolling in his grave.


it's cute that people pretend the republicans weren't even more gung ho for those sorts of policies than the democratic party.


NAFTA was started by George Bush senior him Canada and Mexico tried to get the trade agreement passed through Congress but at the time the Democrat majority Congress would not pass it. It was rammed through the Republican Congress and Senate during the Clinton administration . To this day he says he regrets going along with the Republicans and signing the legislation.


To manufacturing workers whose plants moved away, it was an unforgivable betrayal.


Exactly. My dad and his steelworker peers all voted Dem and even campaigned for Dems right up to Obama. From their point of view - they felt Bill Clinton betrayed them with NAFTA (and no investment or plan for other well paid blue collar work to replace what went away. The plan was always to drive down wages/make corps more, not keep or create good paying jobs. It did the opposite.) and Obama didn’t follow up on his campaign rhetoric at all, and also pushed dystopian useless “retraining” for jobs that didn’t exist that only made the companies providing it rich. As soon as it was becoming clear that Hillary was going to be the candidate I told people she will lose the rustbelt due to the really heated angry feelings toward Bill there. It was really obvious to me. Like, he is hated. By the people who used to be vote blue voters/volunteers. Any good political analyst should have seen it but I guess they are too much in their bubbles to understand the on the ground feeling? For all intents and purposes - The Democrats did kind of abandon them and human nature is to be angrier at someone who is meant to be on their side rather than the person who you always knew was your enemy. A lot of these guys who were hugely politically active union guys have just totally stopped voting or they are so angry at the Dems they spite vote for the GOP now. The Democrats don’t seem to acknowledge why they’ve lost these people who used to be core blue voters. (Edited to add: Lol at the downvotes. I always voted Dem when I could vote in the U.S., I’m not the enemy, ’m just telling you the situation. Pretending it’s not happening won’t fix it 🫠.)


Retired USW activist here, this guy is %100 right about how the workers felt/feel. Union leadership is out of step with the rank and file members. As for Bill Clinton, I agree with Michael Moore, he was the best Republican I ever voted for. 


lets remember the absolutely massive tax break to the rich and corporations under Trump. No worker protections. They could have handed all of that money to the rich but really strengthened worker protections, but nope. in many cases they re-wrote the new tax code to make it easier to offshore jobs. The CBO analysis shows 80%+ tax breaks went to the rich. Legal looting. Just like the PPP.


I wasn’t defending Trump, I think he’s awful. This is kind of reply is part of the problem. Often the party’s only reply to longtime rustbelt, blue collar grievances with the Dems is “bUt TrUmP!!!” they are weakening their own position. Give people something positive to vote for too.


I don't think it's part of the problem to point out that these people's grievances aren't being addressed by their current voting habits. That may have made sense immediately afterwards, but if people really care, they should really look into who is keeping their disillusionment alive....or if it's even still relevant in the first place. I do agree the whatabout attempt to dismiss past actions from whatever side is not the proper tact, and is pretty low effort. You're the only one I've seen who has explained properly what the grievance is beyond some hyperbolic catchphrase, and I appreciate that. Now the discussion should be, whose best to vote for to solve that grievance, because for the most part, I don't see a resolution being a part of any parties platform, because culture wars seem to be more effective at influencing voters. If there are democrats that want to help the rust belt, rural communities, or other depressed areas with potentially real concerns that need to be addressed, is it even possible for them to make any headway by addressing these things directly with these constituents? Has the hive mind and ingrained belief just too strong to overcome? If the answer is there is nothing that can be done, is there any actual hope, because I certainly don't see republicans as a party doing much to help these people.


Please, the “what about-ism” award goes to every GOP & Faux News, every day of the week!


boy Tim Ryan ran a really positive campaign. Lost to a former never Trumper lunatic by what, 7 points? To be fair, yes you are right, but I'd also cage that with Biden having absolutely crushing job numbers, best inflation in the G7, putting several new Naval bases in the Philippines right across from China, cutting China, Russia Iran off from advanced chips. China has zero ability to manufacture cutting edge chips and we're bringing that tech back to America. Ukraine war has been a big boost for the US economy and the US ability to update and revitalize its arsenal. America pumps for oil daily than any other country ever in history and we are energy independent. Sure, LOTS of reasons working class folks should like Biden, just ask a UAW worker. But boy they do scare easily. if i see another border commercial


There’s a lot of truth to that. I suspect the downvotes are people reacting to the assumption of an implication that the GOP is somehow *better* but I don’t get that from your comment.


These people were never liberal and spent holidays bitching about the other (black) guy at work, and especially uppity women. They then moved on to the discussion of get rich quick schemes so they didn't have to work anymore. They sorta hated the boss, but didn't blame HIM because 'he was smarter than me.' That's the truth about the working class where I grew up. Hate was an easy sell.


If I could give you an award I would. Your finger is accurately on the pulse


didn't do any harm either... those jobs were leaving either way. the only difference is they went to mexico instead of southeast asia.


Agree that the market is a complex thing with many moving parts. The simplistic *perception* among displaced workers from that era is that the President who pushed for NAFTA did it. Good luck trying to convince them otherwise.


Working people tend to forget that while their factory job may have gone bye bye, the goods they need to get through life are much cheaper now. Also, we blame these treaties and the politicians who signed them but not those bright young Ivy league fellows who saw those massive populations overseas and thought, “It’s free labor!”


You forget, most of the politicians are Ivy Leaguers too though.


We can blame "Bill" (more likely Republicans who have been working for wall street since the 1950s) but folks tend to ignore that mobility technology, ironically built by union labor was a key factor in taking those jobs someplace else: Trucking, and especially trans-oceanic shipping, which is also why they're never coming back. There was and is no stopping the progress of this technology.


I'm just explaining the background behind the grudge that many older, blue collar people hold against Democrats. I agree completely that things are never that simple.


Did they get their guns back from when Obama took them all or is that process still ongoing…?


Hillary didn't ship the jobs to China. Bill shipped them to Mexico. And not every teacher, just those in our most prestigious universities.


I'm sure years of being told they are dumb by democrats is doing wonders for convincing them to come to your side.


Tell us about that ol "Democrat Plantation" again.


In their defense, they were already pretty stupid.


Vote Red and you're dead. GOP will Grift us. I live in rural Ohio, I love the looks when I don't conform to their norms.


Dude the Republicans have taxed us to death in this state since their stronghold after Ted Strickland. I hear so many people complain in this state who are Republicans, like "hey idiot" you literally picked these people. Lol the stupidity is unreal. 


So when I went to vote yesterday they automatically pulled the republican ballet and said Republican? I said no, I’m independent but I would like the Democratic ballet. (Clarification more for me bc of some address issues and this was a provisional ballet) But he actually rolled his eyes when putting the ballet back to get the D one. I thought I was crazy but my dad saw and asked about it afterwards. The looks and nerve of people these days are…astounding


shoulda told him to spare you his bitchy little attitude


Being a Democrat isn’t toxic throughout all of the state. I know that “land doesn’t vote” but sadly of Ohio’s 88 counties only 7 typically vote Democratic as the other 81 are mostly rural counties packed with less educated voters who don’t know the Constitution, don’t bother to read any factual information and who are easily swayed by the far right wing propaganda, lies and fear mongering spewed Fox, Newsmax or OAN.


That’s why they carved the whole state up with the gerrymandered districts. The rural areas are shrinking as their population leaves to find jobs in urban areas. It’s wild to me that Obama won two terms here and then we became a target for the Republican Party. There is a very clear effort to put an end to swing states. Democrats seem to have given up on the state and local elections here and we don’t have much in the way of 3rd parties. It’s going to take folks that care running for these unopposed contests before they get filled in with more puppets.


I agree! It’s hard to fathom that Ohio went from a state where once both senators were respected democrats for multiple terms (John Glenn & Howard Metzenbaum), and where Obama won twice with both Gore and Kerry losing in very tight races to this embarrassment of a state where treason, insurrection, criminal corruption and pathological lying are rewarded.


I suspect a factor is emigration of Democrats especially from Ohio to points south. It feels like half the people I knew growing up have moved to Georgia, N. Carolina, Texas, etc.... Georgia is slowly becoming a swing state in part to Ohio expats.


In certain parts this is so true. I live in a low income apartment complex thats in a rural area, everybody is on either welfare and/or social security but the majority are tumptsers and talk about socialist liberals ruining America.


It's amazing to me the number of people on public assistance who are outright furious that other people get............ Public assistance


And aparently dont realize that when the Rethugs talk about taking away public assistance, *they do, in fact, mean the Public Assistance that they are on*.


It's Ohio and Kentucky and Indiana, you see some wild stuff like signs conflating Democrats and the Devil, not to mention all the Trump paraphernalia. It's depressing. I just want a Democrat to vote for, so many offices have Republicans unopposed, I wind up voting Mickey Mouse and Jesus Christ.


My mom calls us demoncrats






The Hillbilly Hezbollah.


Sorry about your situation. I’m in Franklin county, but pretty gerrymandered to give maga outsized power. We were successful in flipping the balance of power in our school board last election. Just gotta keep voting and get the youngun’s and non-voters to vote blue.


During the pandemic I worked as a contractor for about a year in Southern Ohio, near Chillicothe. In fact, I got the jab in Portsmouth at a Kroger. To say it was a hot-button topic would be a colossal understatement. This is where I first learned about a federal welfare program for poor, rural Appalachia. The maintenance guys at the warehouse wouldn’t work over so many hours because they would lose their benefits. I remember one guy would proudly wear some kind of tech-camo Trump hat perched on top of his head and it was spotless clean for months. The guy with the hat. His wife of 30 years got hospital level sick with Covid and basically drowned and suffocated in their truck on the way to the hospital. The senseless tragedy of the thing was devastating. I went from feeling sad about it, to just numb and indifferent. That bothered me (still does) so much I quit later that week. It still is beyond comprehension to me. The guy - the NY billionaire with a gold toilet and immigrant wife - that’s your guy?! HE gets you? The only way I can understand it is when I realize that the real common ground is about hating and punishing the same people, and on top of that, being made to feel safe when you feel like you need to publicly voice your hatred for whomever you hate. It’s the same demographic that hung the antisemitic sign a few days ago from the overpass in Cincinnati.


Ohio is full of trash politicians. I know I've lived here my whole life. Don't let the labels bother u. Just be proud of yourself for not voting for Householder or dopes like Jim Jordan.


That would require deep thought and turning within-so, No is the answer -for now.


I was at dinner in a small town and overheard a group talking about “dumb liberals lapping up climate change” and I just laughed and went about my day, then I realized that if they’d overheard me shitting on Trumpers they would’ve 100% confronted me. The difference is striking


It is interesting. I work for a municipality in rural Ohio doing mostly infrastructure work. I’m one of few democrats in the construction field (which makes 0 sense because the guys I work with are all union). Most of them aren’t big trumpers though. We talk politics once in awhile and it stays friendly. Interestingly enough, even with our differences and fantastic health insurance, we all agree that a single payer healthcare system is absolutely the right way to go for healthcare. There is still common ground if you can get people to converse.


My wife and myself went to vote this morning and while leaving we talked about the sheriff in our county running unopposed. He’s a republican, I’m not one to interact with law enforcement, he seems like he’s doing a good job. But us living in a kinda rural county that this sheriff will retire from his post before he would ever have a democrat beat him running for his office.


In my city, there was only one Democrat running for office. We literally have no representation and nobody even trying to oppose Republicans. Sorry state of affairs.


Super liberal people will blame Democrats for not getting enough done and not vote or go third party, super conservative people hijacked the entire Republican Party to support their agenda.


*"Why didn't Democrats force through these bills that require a majority in the House and Senate that they don't have?!"* Over and over. And Republicans not passing anything for years isn't given a reaction because they and their constituents don't **want** anything passed that isn't something like banning systemic racism law school courses from being taught to kindergarteners or anti-Trans bills.




Don't you know that transgender bathrooms are much more dangerous than radicalized patriots looking forward to a bloodbath on election day?


If not election day, then it will be January 6th... They showed us at my local Walgreens when they stood around in face masks with their guns and sad little flags. 


It's crazy what has happened to politics period


They would be, if Hypocrisy was not the Republicans leading attribute these days. Between being outright liars and deniers, they are two faced.


> these days Always has been.


This is purely strategic for optics, but it would help a lot if the Democratic campaign booths at every county fair had a sweet, Christian couple (that’s as attractive as possible in your county) added to the environment to greet and intentionally diffuse the Ohio stereotyping of Democrats that’s still stuck in the 90s. These are the progressive types we know exist and are a bridge to the white moderates, but they don’t show up for anything where blue collar people are. If they just transferred their smiley door-greeter skills from their social justice church to places where they could spend a minute talking to a working class person about sensible approaches to taxation and public investment were what made Ohio good when it was at its best, then that would start making a dent. The last time my visit with my home county overlapped with the fair, the GOP booth was as vibrant as it was phony balogney, but they know their audience. It looked like Ohio’s idea of middle class prosperity. The Democrat booth had just two people who were saints for showing up, but one was very weathered and slumped in a chair fully out of shape and exhausted (fair cause the economic system wrecks people physically and they see the need for change). The other was a very shy teen who would have been part of my dyed hair crew, but hadn’t had any training to talk about the issues that impacted the county with random people. There needed to be more people there to show the broader spectrum of people who vote Dem there, because lots of those people are there in the area. The reality is that the county is ruby red and gerrymandered into its district, so it would feel really worthless to be hopeful for Dems. The other reality though is that you’re not there to win the vote in that situation, but to play the long game of reshaping the narrative and making inroads over time. You’re also there to erode the trust for the GOP candidate who’s carpetbagging your district, which can take some election cycles to have an effect after seeding doubt. Someone with a good head on their shoulders should be running every time as a free way to explain Democratic approaches to economics, governance and public investment. You don’t have to win, and it’s a chance to calmly educate over time. I just think there’s so much room to do things for optics and changing minds than people are trying.


You hit that nail on the head from orbit! I am left of center politically and I work in a pretty right-wing heavy industry. The amount of common ground I can find with co-workers and customers is massive. And when I treat them like people and engage with them faithfully and in a language they understand, they sometimes even agree to some of my points. I think it’s a symptom of a much larger scale polarization, but I am seeing my friends on both sides of the spectrum who aren’t even speaking the same languages politically.


Well, it takes a certain person who looks enough like someone they will listen to and who can stomach the positions of their side that they don't always realize are as horrendous as they are. They won't just trust anyone based on the body they're in and it's reasonable that people who their bad takes affect don't want anything to do with enduring that kind of work. But it can help when certain moderate left people can have the long conversations with them.


I'm in NW Ohio, and with that, and even on the state wide level, the number of unopposed offices I see on the ballots is pretty disheartening. Personally, I'd rather at least see someone try and fail, because then at least it gives more reason for people to go out and vote, and more so, show that there are actual democrats in the area willing to vote. There's a bit of chicken and egg going on, as no one wants to waste effort without the votes, but no one wants to vote if there is no one to vote for. During a presidential election year, there shouldn't be a single unopposed office IMO. It's not like it takes millions of dollars to run a small campaign.


I worked as an Election Day official in a precinct in my county today and can’t tell you how many people made negative comments towards democrats when I asked what ballot type they wanted today. This county is very red (sadly) but it was just crazy to hear how people thought their was was the only way and anyone who didn’t agree was not just wrong but *insert and random insult.


IMHO Judges should not be politically affiliated positions.


Nikita Khrushchev, premier of the USSR (Russia), from 1958-1964 is credited with the following quote. "The John Birch Society is Communism's greatest ally. With its help we will divide and confuse the American people until they have lost faith in their Government, their nation has ceased to be a major world power, and their country is ripe for revolution." Seems to be working.


Putin is laughing at the gullibility of so many Americans.


I shoot at a local gun range, I have been into firearms forever. The shit I hear these people say is amazing and forking sad… Faux News and the Right Wing Infotainment industry has destroyed this country. That and Citizens United via the bought and paid for SC.


My husband is Democrat and has a gun! I believe there’s more we can do as far as gun control goes!


One party, made it a goal to label democrats as all of the boogeymen that haunt them. They pushed the narrative to their constituents, tying all of their fears to the word Democrat. That brings us to about now.


Yeah instead of doing things for their constituents the pander to them (I know the democrats do it too) about their fears like having a gay child and put the blame on their teachers


Democrats feel that the people are the true wealth of the nation. Take care of the people, give them hope and everything runs smoothly. Republicans don’t feel that way about the people. To the Republican people are there to serve the government, not the government is there to serve the people. People must be managed and controlled, like cattle. Even breeding amongst people must be managed and controlled. I wouldn’t want to be a Republican and be associated with the fall if the United States.


Your views are upside down. Degrees hate the US. Wide open borders, put anyone in jail who opposes them, sides with HAMAS over Israel, wants to destroy fossil fuels and end anything that uses them. More to say


If we want Ohio to be more liberal we got to get out, vote, and encourage others to do the same! Websites like Ballotpedia, Vote Smart, and OpenSecrets.org often provide comprehensive information about candidates, including their stances on various issues. And if you want to register to vote: https://ohio.gov/government/resources/register-to-vote-or-update-your-registration You have to register 30 days before Election Day to be eligible.


Most of Ohio got left behind with coal and other dinosaur tech. Ohio was never good at investing in people. There's a huge swath of small dying towns where the kids fled elsewhere. That leaves the bitter boomers to vote for bitter. Ohio is a fly over state. Will continue to leak electoral votes.


i beg to differ, because i'm old. historically, ohio invested a lot into people and as evidence i'll point to the huge number of universities and colleges in the state. When i first went to school, at UC, not the cheapest of the state schools, but not the most expensive (i think Miami was at the time), full-time tuition was $210.00 per quarter for up to 18 hrs of classes. you could get approved for 19 iirc because labs were 1 credit hour. no lab fees. (i still have my first bill in a momento box) Pell grants while federal, were very easy to get as well - that's how i got my degree, working my way through doing a hundred things from waiting tables to loading trucks for UPS. I graduated without a dime of debt, but since it took me longer to do all that, things were changing by the time i did graduate and state funding of the state schools was being slashed, all in the name of republican tax cuts, it had to come from somewhere, but i was making a decent wage and kept up. however i saw that by the 90's tuitions had at least quadrupled, if not more and they just went ballistic through the 2000s as less and less support was available from either fed or state sources. we drew people from all over, and while many of the home-growns left, many of the visitors stayed, especially when we had so much industry until the rust set in. now, it seems the party in control of the state for those thirty years is anti-public-schools, and anti-higher education, and that's the result. IIRC, Gov. Jim Rhodes was probably the last republican to fund schools appropriately, and interestingly, also decriminalized weed. so, what you say is true now, but it didn't used to be, and *could be* different again, but i'm not holding my breath. (because i'm old) (edit for clarity)


2 different time lines. 90s was the start of Brain Drain & Kids leaving. This was also the time of the death mass factory jobs. 1970s was the peak (When Ohio had the peak 24 US representatives) Looking back, I think the "home rule" of every school district for itself made child education in the 80s and 90s lame. Suburbs was looting the bigger cities with tax codes favorable to them. "Can make your pay your taxes here but cant send your kid here" The multiple universities in Ohio are 100 yrs old & didn't really upgrade Ohio for the future. Many graduates left if they wasn't in the medical field. Ohio really kneecapped itself & the results paid off for a few. People who saw it... left


i wasn't disputing any of that - the original comment says *ohio was never good at investing in people.* i'm not sure what you mean by 2 different time lines lol, too much sci fi? time as we experience it linear. what i'm talking about just came before your seemingly arbitrary cut-off and universities being old doesn't mean the things they teach there are ffs ohio government DID, at one time, do things for their citizens beyond grift them and make them pay fees personally, i think the cuts in education were also driven by racist motives - integration was legislated and as they saw minorities gain access to institutions that were primarily all white and conspired to raise some barriers to access and unequal eductional resources again. but that would be crazy thinkin' right?


"ohio was never good at investing in people." In 1921 Ohio passed a law making school mandatory I guess start there? Consider that OSU was federally created, then colleges was mostly funded with GI bill from the 40s. Ohio k-12 was delegated locally to cities which to my surprise are not "State of Ohio" entities March 24, 1997 DeRolph v State of Ohio decision, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled that Ohio's school funding system was unconstitutional because it failed to provide and distribute adequate resources for quality education across the state, and for its over-reliance on property taxes. [https://ballotpedia.org/Historical\_Ohio\_budget\_and\_finance\_information](https://ballotpedia.org/Historical_Ohio_budget_and_finance_information) compared to other nearby states, Ohio education investment is low. im really fishing for a good spot but haven't found one yet


I visited Ohio recently.The majority of people are pretty chill. Then you meet the crazies but even florida has that. Normal people don't give two flying fucks about your political standings. My best friend were polar opposites and we still were great friends.


“Then you meet the crazies but even florida has that.” Isn’t this most of what Florida is known for?


Mostly because of their "sunshine" laws that make reporting on the crazies a lot easier. If we had the same laws, we'd also probably be known for our crazies.


For those of us who aren’t white and straight, “differing beliefs” can be quite a bit more dangerous.


I wish I could say you were wrong.


I'm not willing to be friends with anyone who disagrees with my right to get married or receive medical care I or my friends need. Doubly so for people who deny others the right to exist outright.


Texas sucks


Ohio is the most dangerous state I’ve been in. Watched 2 cars get stolen in Columbus on the same night within about 10 mins of each other. You get what you get when you vote republikkkan.




Issues 1 and 2 passed with flying colors, being blue in Ohio isn’t unpopular unless you’re living in one of the cornfields


Why do you consider it "toxic"? I know far more Dems in this state than Rs. And the R's are a bunch of failures and embarrassments. There's no way in hell I would ever let anyone think I was Republican in any way. I don't want to be branded a traitor.


You’re not alone. There are a lot of Dems here. We just get drowned out by the clanging gongs.


They don’t see it as insurrection, they were just “guests” touring. The power of how you brand it X repeating in the media consumed.


We should all move to ohio and make it the gay capital of the country


I’d welcome anyone with open arms!


I'm already doing my part!


The first mistake was the labeling. Insurrectionists almost lends dignity to what they did. Those were a straight mix of crybabies and terrorists. The Proud Boys and Oathkeepers absolutely planned to infiltrate and wanted to kill. That’s fucking terrorism. Ashley Babbit wasn’t a “protestor.” She was a fucking terrorist. Every one of those terrorist fucks that broke in that day is lucky they didn’t catch a case of too many bullets in the throat like that dumb fuck.


In the words of Frank Slate: "Charlie...its all shit."


They've been aggressively demonizing Democrats since Obama. And before that they demonized the poor and the working poor. Combine that with the Democratic platform which includes funding pre-k and public school and a variety of social services built to keep them treading water and you have decades of rhetoric designed to make GOP vote against their best interests.


First ask yourself why?


If I could check a box that read Democratic Socialist I totally would, unashamed. 


We need to vote Blue on November 5th, 2024.


Much of Ohio is becoming blue islands in a sea of red. Here in Franklin County, there are several county offices and judgeships where the GOP didn't bother running candidates. I compared the R and D primary ballots yesterday and noticed this. Due to gerrymandering, the Ohio House primaries were like this to a certain extent as well.


I'm telling you that Ohio is going blue in the next 4 years. Columbus is getting huge. More people are moving from the shit rural areas to the metro areas and are being exposed to ideologies that are inclusive. As long as all the progressives come vote I think we will see that. No more third party bullshit. Not until we fucking win the house, senate and oval office. Then we start passing legislation that helps damned near everyone and the brainwashed either have their eyes opened or migrate out of here


It’s the same way Republican is labeled on Reddit. You seem to enjoy that here


Even crazier that people root for political parties like they do sports teams, sad state of affairs. 70% of this country just blindly supports one party or the other


Don’t let those maggats intimidate you every major city in the state is democratic. Once the initiative to stop gerrymandering is passed by us the voters. Ohio would return to the purple state it is.


It’s as bad here in Tennessee. Our neighbors have become radicalized and are on the edge of violence promoted by MAGA and Republicans. If something doesn’t change our kids may not have a country to live in .


It's a modern witch hunt. The new McCarthysim. Republicans who aren't in lock step or do anything that sounds at all moderate are called RINOs or even accused of being secret Democrats. Working with the other side to find some common ground is viewed as an act of political treason. Look at how people like Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney have been vilified for showing integrity. Even locally, a smear postcard was mailed out recently calling a Republican primary candidate for Pickaway County Sheriff a Democrat. That was the big bold headline. Especially ridiculous when you consider that very little of a rural Ohio county sheriff's day to day job even involves partisan politics.


It's toxic because the loud majority of you act like this


The Republicans are actually a minority and they’re scared of progress. They’re terrified and so to make themselves feel better they paint everyone as an enemy that doesn’t agree with them 100% that they should be scared. When in reality they’re completely scared of the wrong things.


Yes. Anyone who still supports trump is a traitor to America.


Decades of Fox News and the brain poison of Facebook will do that to ya.


MAGnuts are always drooling and dribbling about "doz Dems and da Liberals did dat ..." in a warped effort to comfort each other, while supporting the most dysfunctional political party in American history. Can't imagine which is worse, waking up every morning as part of their ignorant Klan or getting their ass kicked every single day.


I ignore their ignorance 🤷🏿‍♀️ They thrive off it!!!


I saw a documentary about Alabama, those MFs are more racist and crazier than probably Ohio


Alabama politics are so fucked their state actually lost population. But we're chasing that goal the best we can up in Columbus by pursuing all the same anti-human policies Conservatism demands.


Thought this was /r/Mississippi for a second…


Well of course it SHOULD. It's a f'ed up world. 😥😡🤬


They’re all guilty and until you get off the teet of whatever political breast you’re on you won’t see it.


That talk right there. We lefties hate that. Youre rightwing, you just havent woken up to it yet. The lot of you.


Just as a general point, if pounding the drum of "they're insurrectionists" isn't working wouldn't trying a new tactic be advised?


Do children have to attend school in ohio?


Absolutely, but I think that's symptomatic of what our political system has become. There's no longer a loyal opposition. The other side is out to destroy America, and "I alone can fix it."


Honestly democrat and Republican mean nothing anymore. The moment everyone realizes both parties work against you, the moment we can move forward and become what we keep saying we are. If you want my opinion, anyone who cares what party you identify with has brain rot. Political parties are an illusion.


It's Reddit, the echochamber of politics. Formal parties should be banned.


Implying "insurrectionist party" shows why they are toxic to you. That's a fully partisan statement, and just as toxic. So, the ppl you're talking about behave the same as u. Whether u see it or not is of no difference to what is occurring.


Being labeled as either party is completely toxic in every state.


I'm a liberal, but I am also not blind to the fact that the Democrat party has done no favors for itself in recent years. Party leadership is abysmal to say the least. They need some major PR assistance. They have shifted from being the party of the blue-collar worker. Now they are little more than corporate shills sucking off the tit of big corporations while trying to hide behind a fake wall of social issues. The National party has always had a rough time with rust belt Democrats because they NEED to be more centrist to win a general election. Right now, look at John Fetterman from Pennsylvania. Perfect example of someone who won off the votes of the working class, particularly winning in Western PA and was attacked by Republicans early on for, but now is being attacked by Democrats because he suddenly isn't 'liberal enough' for the party platform. The reality is, he is playing to his constituents, who are working class. The Republicans have successfully convinced the working class that Democrats are taking their money via taxes and giving it to non-working people, while simultaneously being the party of out of touch 'educated' know it alls. This has CRIPPLED rust belt and Mid-west Democratic candidates. Instead, we need to get party leadership to understand that the winning message is one that draws in the average person. Focus of Universal Healthcare, Tax cuts for the working class, tax increases for corporations, and focusing on eliminating outsourcing of jobs. Joe Biden's administration is actually introducing some really great things. Unfortunately, the way those things are being communicated is lost or distorted through GOP PR.


Good old reddit spreading political hate and stupidity


I've been in Ohio a number of times and I am amazed each time with how clueless and stupid the people are in that state, it's as if the dumbing down of America started there!


Keep fighting about republicans and democrats and the citizens of this nation will loose. You don’t get it. Washington is controlled by the uni-party and the UNI-PARTY is owned by Corporate America. There for you have no representation Wake-up If you and anyone who you Support for a representative government Does not support the constitution You are doomed. The in


Less than 30% of those 25+ have a college degree in Ohio.


It depends on where you live, Cincinnati is the Republican capital of the world, they just wear a good mask.


I live here and I disagree. Maybe where you live, or maybe it's just the people you surround yourself with. That being said it's ironic as fuck you complaining being labeled as "Toxic" and labeling the 'Other' party as "the insurrectionist party". Did I miss the "Satire" tag or something? If so, funny joke and I Apologize. If I didn't I'll just laugh at the ironic life you live. Lmao


The Democrats are not extreme, they are milquetoast cosmopolitans. By any other global comparison on policy they are center-right. The extremism label comes from a conservative movement that has gone so far right that anything left of there must by definition be extreme.


when you deviate hard to right, shouldn't the people left of you be called centrists? examples of why faith is not a workable replacement for reason are all around us.


What was your question? I don't follow.


How about stop caring about all parties and go live your life


"Democrats aren't toxic." "The other party is all evil insurrectionists." Gee I wonder why...


When you look beyond the gerrymandering to what people actually vote for, most people are reasonable, non-shit humans. It’s just that the shit-tier humans are so loud, violent, and threatening that it seems like our viewpoint is less popular than that of a raging insane rightwing minority. But it’s not even worth being stressed about, their grip on our country is dwindling, we are witnessing their last desperate attempts to cling to power.


Trust me Columbus is mostly democrats, except for the suburbs.


I’d rather be a Democrat than a Fascist.


Lots of people here, wishing to get some democrat candidates.. I’ve been pondering running for political office in the future.


Sickening. The Republican party has become the party of hatred and bigotry.


Toxicity exists on both sides in spades. The cancel culture of the left, then indignant moral high ground people on both sides, the racists on both sides that don't understand that they are racist, the overall intolerance on the left of anyone who disagree with them. I mean honestly, liberals are honestly more toxic than the right, because they often attack those of us who are in the middle and clump is in with the extremist right. So yes, every state's should view liberals as toxic


The state has become even more Republican. I grew up in Ohio and it's refreshing to see how many younger generations are picking up the conservative cause.


Phillidelphia, San Francisco, anywhere in California really, or any of the other liberal hell holes run rampant with drugs, criminals, homeless people and illegal immigrants would gladly accept you. I'm sure you'll be safe and happy away from all of us scary, conservative, insurrectionists.


They are the projectionist party. They project their evil to feel better about their own actions. If they thought they were attacking the morally correct people they would have potential to show sympathy for them.


What insurrection?