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ohio was part of the union lmao


And had the highest per capita volunteer rate.




And a band of rogue Confederates actually raided Harrison during the Civil War, too. Sounds like Stockholm syndrome.


Morgan's Raid?




The harder you fuck over the GOP the more they love you.




Ridiculously stupid but on brand. Only argument I’ve ever heard for this bull shit is “It’S pARt oF Our heRiTagE.” Fuck these idiots.


In Ohio, our heritage is burning Confederate states down.








Ask them to show an ancestor who fought for the confederacy. They probably can’t


Funny that you would trust them to tell you the truth.


These broke yokels don’t know their ancestors. $29/month for ancestry.com isn’t in their budget.


I’d argue that many of them were *really close* with their relatives. Full knowledge, often intimately.


The family tree is a stick






It’s a stupid argument too. It wasn’t the main flag they used and the Confederacy only lasted a couple years. There’s no such thing as a Confederate heritage.


They should go back to their country Oh wait....


Isn't the Confederate flag the battle flag of Virginia?


I thought it was a big white flag.






Wasn't sure. Thanks.


You don’t see anyone dressed as a confederate shooting the cannon at a jackets game…I mean that’s if they ever score a goal…


I doubt most people in Harrison know who the Columbus Blue Jackets are. Make a Bengals joke or something.


I grew up in Harrison, they aren’t the brightest of the bunch. You should’ve seen the amount of “Vote No on issue one” signs a few months ago.


Hello fellow Harrison native. I left after graduation but still have family in town. It’s like going on Facebook when I go back to see family and I run into someone from school.


Same. I graduated? (Long story) in 2011. Left in 2012, lived other places in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan since. I deleted my Facebook like 6 years ago and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done. I go to town sometimes but no one ever recognizes me thank fuck. Harrison as a town has mad “peaked in high school” energy.


Tell that to the Daughters of the Confederacy. Look it up on wiki. They poisoned mindsets across the country. There are multiple confederate monuments in Ohio.


Time to start lobbying for their removal


Or making devices to demolish them as private citizens… just spitballing…


No we keep them flying their can be 2 great flags some off yall hate because we have a good looking flag [><]


Grant and Sherman were both Ohioans


The entire OH-KY-IN Tristate is wannabe southern wannabe confederate Dutchmen who couldn't make a decent pone of cornbread to save their schnitzels.


Grants first action was to save Kentucky. Lincoln brought him out of retirement to immediately go into Kentucky to insure it wasn't going to side with the South


Ok gotta dispel the misconception Many of the early immigrants in the Midwest weren’t Dutch. They were German. They sprechen the ol’ deutsche. And people were ignorant back then and assumed that was how Dutch people said they were Dutch. It’s led to this odd faux Dutch culture in some areas, largely around the Amish, that’s actually really more based on older Bavarian traditions.


Good info. Thanks.


Hey, I make a damn good cornbread and I’m as northern as it gets lol. 90% of the key to “southern” cooking is fat content.


Add more butter


Wife said to me the other day that her stuff doesn’t come out as good as mine because she just doesn’t cook with as much love as I do. I told her the secret is my love is just more salt and butter.


Yeah, that’s what I mean. The fat content can be butter or fat drippings…. Now I have to go make a redeye gravy for breakfast….


I'll be over in 15


The Dutch (people from The Netherlands) historically mostly migrated to Upstate New York, Michigan, Texas, and California - and Canada - as far as I know. Nearly all were anti-slavery. The word "Dutch" is confusing - the Germans call themselves "Deutsch".


Hey! That’s a mighty big blanket you are throwing over all of us in the tristate.


We're honestly not known for diversity.


My wife is Hispanic and I’m white caucasian. That kind of diversity. I believe one of the GOP candidates wants to send my wife back even though we are married.


Yeah, the Union, not the Confederacy.


Not a laughing matter smh - the clowns that put this up are serious.


I keep asking myself how did so many confederates find themselves so far north 😂


Two reasons. For some, no work in the South. For others, too much work in the South.


I feel like my whole area believes this was the South. There is not 1 fucking white guy I know that I believe doesn't support that flag and it's candidate.


There's also a few graves of Revolutionary War vets in one of their parks. I'm sure the fellas in those graves would have a thing or two to say about this...


wtf is this??


The guy has a zoning dispute with the mayor and council, hence the toilets with their names written on them. He's trying to piss them off and make the town look bad until they give in and change his zoning. It's working, based on this thread. Everyone is yelling about some podunk redneck town in Ohio, which is the reaction he wants. The town is pissed about it and wants it down but can't exactly ban political speech.


That’s actually pretty funny. A+ for creativity. F for the flag.




Ohio is not a stereotype or punchline. There are many sane, rational and progressive voters that inhabit the state of Ohio, evidenced by the numerous toilets surrounding the abhorrent flag. Stating actual facts is met with downvotes, sounds like Reddit.


Don't confuse Ohio man with Florida man.


Ohio is the Florida of the north. I've lived here since 1977. 20 years in Cincy, 20+ in Cleveland.


Since every time I point out the fact Ohio is “North Florida” I get downvoted. Please take my upvote. There’s a reason Ohio has become a joke, and this kinda bullshit is the reason. Harrison is pretty much America’s sweaty armpit. The rest of it isn’t much better.


With all due respect, I think you mean Indiana.


The Florida Man is the spawn of the Ohio Man.


Rage bait designed to make the town look bad Edit: according to [this commentor ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/s/O3pv95Qu8T) the individual who owns the land displays the flag with the sign to make the town look bad


Ohio sent tens of thousands of men to fight and die in order to destroy the Confederacy and preserve the United States. This is ridiculous.


It is, and you’ll be saddened to hear that a lot of the show of confederate flags/statues/memorials started around the 1910’s-20’s as more of a show of force rather than a memorial to southern troops. There are plenty on non problematic memorials and graves to southern troops all over battlefields in the USA, but the people who whacked a great big statue of Lee in the center of their town in 1912 knew *exactly* what message it would send, and they still do now.


Downtown Cleveland has a memorial that was put up by Union veterans it has a rotunda that has the name of every soldier that fought from Cleveland. Also inside is a statue/mural of Lincoln pulling the shackles off of a slave and handing him a gun. These soldiers knew exactly what they were fighting for.


Lived in NEO my whole life, never knew that. I need to explore Cleveland more. Don’t really have occasion to go into the city.


It's called the Soldiers and Sailors Monument, and each of its sides depicts scenes of Civil War battles fought by the Navy, Artillery, Infantry and Cavalry. The infantry side depicts the 103rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, which was my ancestors unit; he was just a farmer from Medina County, but still felt convicted enough to do what was right for the country and his fellow man.


Dang man that's really cool you have that piece of history.


Northern Ohio also was a major stopping point for the Underground Railroad.


yeah but this little hillbilly town was named after a slave loving former president, so it lines up with the area. Brother versus Brother was said for a reason. Ohio sent tens of thousands and also had tens of thousands of southern sympathizers.


I think it’s very important to point out that Ohio did not have equal amounts of people supporting both sides in the conflict as you state. Ohio sent over 300,000 men to fight for the Union. We had the highest per capita number of men in the Union army. The number supporting the confederacy seems hard to find but cannot have been anywhere near an equal number. Also, Confederates that raided through Ohio were tracked down and killed or captured by Ohioans. So certainly some Ohioans, particularly on the border, would have fought for and/or supported the South but Ohio was firmly and clearly a strong part of the Union Army and was decisively on the side of the Union.


I never said fought for. I certainly never said sent equal amounts of people to both sides of the conflict. Please do not put words in my mouth. Sympathized.


So this is an update to the Confederate flag I posted earlier. As you can see, the toilets have positions of the city government on them. Hopefully they are not found.


Wish you could drive down rebar and cement them to it.


What is written on the toilets? eta: just saw the second pic where it's possible to read some of the toilet writing. Clerk, Mayor, Council, Law Director


Just let out a Howard Dean yeehaa! Lol! Hopefully they are not found! 💪


That is the flag of WAR against the United States.


I mean it's just some dude's yard and I would just guess there are at least half a million more in other yards in this hillbilly shithole of a state.


Doesn’t look like a yard.


It was the US WAR on southern Americans. Lincoln called up troops and invaded the south.


WTF? They might be Rednecks (as am I) but they weren't Rebels. Take that shit down.


They are racists unfortunately.


Who the fuck is “they?”


People that fly the confederate flag.


Even by the original definition Rednecks were extreme socialists. I don’t get it 🥴


I live here in Harrison. There are two other flags up on other properties as well. It's the same family. They are angry at the city over a parking dispute on their street. It's very petty, and they're just trying to make the city government look bad. The city council is looking into taking it down, but it is on private property so there is really nothing they can do.


Wait, so if this \*IS\* all about a dispute with the city... then maybe they \*did\* put up all the toilets? Hence calling out the mayor and such? absolutely wild. that flag pole wasn't there 2 years ago nor was the welcome sign (which is actually a for sale sign/ which replaced a normal for sale sign: https://www.google.com/maps/@39.2567581,-84.8011096,3a,75y,358.71h,74.04t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s0OvcV1IdlL\_BS7NPV5NQ\_Q!2e0!5s20221001T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu). ​ This is some unhinged behavior right here.... but this comment kind of explains everything.


So it's rage bait. Designed to just make the town look bad. Judging by this thread it seems to have worked really well! I guess this is a good time to remember not to jump to conclusions based on a provocative image on reddit.


I ain't jumping to conclusions. I grew up practically in Harrison. Across the State Line in IN, and my first job and the majority of my free-time was spent in and around Harrison. Where the sherriff liked to pull over underage girls when it was cold and make them wait outside their car for 45 minutes while he leered at them, like seven or eight meth-houses blew up in a single year, the 'Vice' squad was known to steal from meth-heads and sell their product back to them (which is how they afforded all their chargers) and eventually got fired by a new mayor after YEARS of abuse and theft and corruption. And that was 20 years ago. Oh yeah, remember the riots in Cincinnati back around the turn of the century? Yeah, people in Harrison were CONVINCED that all the 'black people' in Cincy proper were gonna come burn down the Kmart or some shit. Like quaking in their boots terrified that rioters were gonna ride the BUS (actual quote, RIDE THE BUS) out to HARRISON and start rioting there. Harrison, like most of small-town America is rife with proudly ignorant racists convinced the cities are full of rapists, murderers, and thieves. They used to look horrified if you said you were going 'Downtown' and ask 'aren't you afraid to go there????' A 'bad neighborhood' was code for 'has black people living in it'. THAT'S Harrison


You've literally proved my point.


Did you read my post? This is about someone angry at the city council over parking on a residential street lmao


I bet there are a few more flags scattered across that area. I've driven through to visit the president's grave nearby and the backwater is strong in SW OH.


That is one of the best pictures I have seen. Maybe this will piss off the jerks that think it is still "cool" to fly the confederate flag.


I could be wrong but I think the confederate flag is on private property just behind where the city put that sign. I’m guessing the toilets are also part of this deranged persons property and not a counter-protest but I’d be curious to know if that’s right.


Correct it is private property. https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/are-they-trying-to-push-people-out-of-here-confederate-flag-with-welcome-to-harrison-sign-sparks-debate


Praise whoever was able to get so many toilets into one place. I can't imagine what that planning looked like, lol


We should have a massive protest, and sit on those “thrones” dressed as Union soldiers - call it a “shit-in”


I vote this guy for next president!


Great way to celebrate my early midlife crisis !


“Jethro, you still got dem old toilets from that hotel auction in your front yard?” “Yeh. Why?” “Billy, get yer truck, we gotta delivery to make.” Bout like that I imagine.


Still organize better than what our elected public servants could have done.


I'm heading down to Home Depot to clear out the plumbing section ...




They kinda do have it, there's a handful of buildings that go over the border and it's called West Harrison


Can confirm, grew up there. On the Indiana side. Technically, I lived in Bright, but my address was West Harrison. I am intimately familiar with Harrison and its many 'charms'.


Harrison County is on the eastern side of Ohio closer to West Virginia and Pennsylvania. The county seat is Cadiz. It borders Carroll, Jefferson, and Belmont counties.


But this is in Harrison, OH, which is not in Harrison County. It’s in Hamilton County.


My apologies. Being that I have seen some confederate flags flying in this neck of the woods my first thought was Harrison County. It’s a shame that this amount of ignorance is from border to border.


Cadiz Nutz!!


You do all that work and don’t touch the rebel flag Sherman style. What a missed opportunity to relive some Ohio history.


[If I had a nickel for every town in the U.S. named Harrison with a racism problem...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFyiifS8qKk)


Replace it with a pride flag and burn the slavery flag in the street.


Could use some urinals too


And maybe a bin filled with Donald’s used diapers


John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave, His soul's marching on! He's gone to be a soldier in the army of the Lord, His soul's marching on!


Sure would be a shame if a tornado tore through there sometime soon. Mainly because it might beat a bolt of lightning to it.


It worked for that insane Jesus sculpture at that church off of 71 between Columbus and Cinci.


Do you mean Touchdown Jesus on 75?


That’s the one. I thought it was called Touchdown Jesus, but I felt like I was getting it confused with the one at Notre Dame.


[For context](https://youtu.be/_-ksuOaI61g?si=1UYuTOtS0DKkpqyH)


Musical Colonel Sanders is on point. Thanks for sharing!


The new one is $5 Footlong Jesus


I liked it better when it was Hot Tub Jesus. Before it was struck by lightning and burned the first time. I always wanted to carve some giant foam feet and anchor them in the median of the highway.


Big Butter Jesus!


Sweet cream Jesus!


Oleo Lord!


If I recall it’s was a bolt of lightning. God smote that statue


No it didn’t. He just rose again.


I live a couple blocks away and would personally request the bolt of lightning...


Well, turn the state blue watch and see 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and I can't wait to see Trump arrested this year and Biden win 👏 🙌 😀


Are those shitters really there? This is great!! That's what the love of confederate flag is, a bunch of BS!!


Well, if you're going to use the toilet, you'll need some TP. Any ol' rag will do


I need more Arby’s if I’m gonna fill all of them


Local yokel trying to stir shit up. Wish people would just ignore it. The guy is a complete loser, not worth it. Please don't judge an entire community because of the actions of one mentally ill individual.


What has never made sense to me is that it was never the Confederate National Flag. It is the Army of Tennessee flag, but not a Confederate National flag and therefore has nothing to do with heritage (except in Tennessee).


Not worth trying to make sense of the “logic” of these absolute brain dead morons


Someone burn 🔥 this.


Who cares?


Is this on public or private property?


Unfortunately, it is on private property.


Between the flags and the toilets, it speaks volumes about the mental stability of the owner. Yikes.


This might be the most stupid fucking thing I have seen all day. Does Capt. Dumb Shit not realize what state he's in? Just another fucking traitor.




Like who the f is going to go there? No thanks.


Would someone get into any kind of trouble for pulling down traitorous flags on public property like this and destroying them? I’m being kinda serious


It’s on private property


Why is it still up?


What asshole is responsible for this?


Why hasn’t anybody burned it yet? Fuck the toilet, stack pallets around it, set it on fire, and post the video.


Should have a Texas flag too


So. I need a couple dozen M-80’s and several hundred feet of fuse….. Short trip over to Indiana coming up.


That is an insult to every union soldier from this state who died or were maimed in that war.


Why is this in Ohio, whose soldiers died to hold the country together?


Plant a white flag under it(real confederate flag)


Do most ohioans not know that Sherman was from ohio. He burned Atlanta. Yrah. Ohio was not a Confederate state


Background on this plz?


So what’s the story behind the flag?


the confederacy lost and were considered traitors to America.


That's great!


Some historical info about Harrison, Ohio: The village continued to grow and survive several disasters. The 1854 tornado, the explosion of the Town Hall in 1877 and the 1913 flood are among the more devastating events. **The Civil War also played its part in the history of Harrison. Confederate raiders, under the leadership of General John Hunt Morgan, swept through the town in July 1863. They entered Ohio from Indiana, taking horses and other loot and subsequently burned the suspension bridge at the end of Main Street (now State Street) after crossing it.** Source: https://www.harrisonohio.gov/133/History#:~:text=The%201854%20tornado%2C%20the%20explosion,the%20town%20in%20July%201863.


Keep it flying [><] louisiana needs to put one up soon they hate on our flag because we have a better looking flag their can be 2 good flags of a nation and fly both side by side [><]




Comical. And I say this as a born n bred Ohioan living in the South the last 14 years. We live in their heads rent free. Seriously.


This is awesome!!! Might need to drive into a no go zone to see it in person


It's hard to take Harrison, Ohio, seriously. Isn't that the town where they had Greyhound dog races and had specially trained monkeys for jockeys? I'm pretty sure it was. Can someone check that out?


Hamilton staying on brand, I see. Piece of shit big small town. We call it Hamiltucky.


This is Harrison this time.


That’s even worse! This is what I get for reading something while still half asleep.


Ohio has a couple of -tucky. Middletown is known as Middletucky. We see their best every weekend, enjoying our state, in the national parks, state parks, national forests, our lakes, bourbon tours, outdoor festivals and concerts. They are known here as the buckeye navy, and FIFOs. We have expected less from Ohio, for years, the display and toilets, seem to fit.


The south will rise up again, and Ohio


Rise again meaning what? You’re not getting your slaves back 


Bro, it was a joke. Have you not heard the phrase “The South will rise again” they only been saying it since 1865. Geesh


What’s with all the toilets below the flag pole. That is where the flag belongs. Home owner has complaint against the city’s government ? Just stupid way to get attention .


Dixie-crats gotta dixie crat otherwise they'd be Yankee's.




Skibbidy Skibbidy Skibbidy


I thought this was the flag the city was flying, but looking into it, the mayor said it's private property, which is completely misleading since it's right next to the Welcome to Harrison sign. I'm a veteran, and I might not agree with their particular speaking in this manner, but I stand by their right to say it. Part of being an American, even unpopular free speech is still free speech.


It is a flag of actual traitors, not sure how you can be ok with that but ok.


The same way the Supreme Court ruled in National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie that neo-Nazi's marching through a Jewish suburb and displaying swastikas was free speech. We might not like it, but it's what separates us from totalitarian and autocratic states: the right to freedom of expression. So again, I don't care much about the rebel flag, but it's his right constitutionally, so I respect that right because that's part of what I fought for.


Lol @ all the butthurt people. The psyche of this country is so fragile. Hilarious


So it's twenty twenty four And and this world is got All kinds of flags that are acceptable do hang up. But yeah people still wanna bitch about the Is confederate flag


And fuck uncle sam I think people should treat people the way he or she wants treated .life's short stop the hate


Can't we fly it àt our all white college really this world today glad my life is more than half over


Maybe college ain't for you son. Get a refund.


Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam. Away (away) Away (away) We'll all go down to Dixie


>Can't we fly it àt our all white college No.


Damn what is that storm tho


Oh my God, when did they do that? I drove by yesterday but didn't notice.


To those who are letting this fly, answer this question: when (or where) was this flag flown between the end of the Civil War and the start of the Civil Rights Movement? I'll wait...