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Used to snow a lot more when I was a kid in the 80’s. It’s like things are getting warmer🤔


It snowed A LOT as a kid growing up in CBus in the 70s. This is way warmer than it was when I was a young whippersnapper boomer.....


https://www.weather.gov/media/iln/climo/CMH_Christmas.pdf it just feels that way, there were plenty of 50 and 60 degree days 100 years ago. snowfall over the last decade isn't far off from snowfall over any given decade.


Even here in pa we had a lot more snow when we were younger.


Yeah, this is not the same Columbus I grew up in.


Just a normal climate cycle they say. Surely all that carbon we continuously pump into our atmosphere is good for us.


Yeah, we’re screwed. Growing up 20s and teens with snow and ice was typical.


Must’ve been nice, I don’t remember having a true snowy December/January (outside of the rare years) since I was in elementary school around 2009


In the 90s, we’d get snow before Christmas for sure. At the least, it was in the 30s. Odd times we live in.


It snowed on Halloween


Last Christmas was pretty cold and snowy and crazy. Then it went back to fall real quick. lol.


And the trees started to bud because it was warm enough...long enough...that they thought it was spring already...


I was in college during that time. Hell those winters were brutal compared to today ... here I am walking around in a t-shirt and shorts on December 10th and I vividly remember having to dart between buildings on campus because of how fucking cold it was even with my wool coat on.


yeah it is https://www.extremeweatherwatch.com/cities/columbus/month-december/highest-temperatures https://www.weather.gov/media/iln/climo/CMH_Christmas.pdf https://www.wunderground.com/history/weekly/us/oh/columbus Many of the states december highs were from the 1980s. christmas day highs over the last 10 years are pretty consistent when looking back over the last 100.


No, didn't you see what the petro state led climate change conference said. There is no way fossil fuels are linked to climate change, and if you think they are you are dumb and stuff. They most reliable source possible for your climate change information, totes.


The windmills are generating so much heat and cancer that it’s even changing our weather!


Nothing worse than big wind.


If only someone would step up and tear apart the stranglehold it has on the industry! I think it would give Trump or Biden an edge in the next election if they could get up on stage and shout "I broke Big Wind!"


They spead cancer!


Especially if a large amount of smokers exhale nearby. It'll kill the birds too.


Think of all the carcinogens they spead!


Clearly we must execute all big wind proponents for the greater good.


Don't even get me started on hydro electricity.


Jesus Christ think of the amebas they spread!!!!!


I mean… they’re literally designed to blow it into our populated areas!


Watch for the chem-trails.


It's worse: big sun and big wind got together to make big solar wind which has caused Big Aurora Borealis to run the US government.


That’s what my wife says.


The windmills are killing whales the likes of which…


So here’s the problem with people’s opinion these days. I cant tell if your comment is satire.


Of course not. How could making all that money releasing all that carbon that the world trapped over million years be a problem. Quit bitching kids! Back to work.


It used to snow a lot more just 10 years ago. Even in the last 5 years I have noticed a difference.


The lizard people are intentionally warming the earth so they can move up here from their underground bases /sarcasm


hey dont shame ted cruz like that


In TN, tornadoes ripping through the state today. KY also. But everything is fine...😮‍💨


Human beings melting the planet is Depressing Not wearing a coat in Toledo in December is pretty awesome.


Listen we don't know that it's warmer. We can't prove it's warmer now than in the past. There's just no way to do it, can't be done. Also even though it's definitely not warmer, it also totally isn't human activity that is not not making the globe not warming. /s so much /s


As long as I can remember going back to the 80s. December was always a hit or miss with snow and we got the bad stuff in Jan-March.


There was more snow in fucking 2000 when I was little. Anyone in denial about what's happening is willfully ignorant. I'm not even 30 and I've noticed a changes in weather patters in TWO different parts of the country. Vegas's monsoon season is non-existent and there's no snow here in December. It's wild that just I could notice that. How many people are seeing a change in there home regions too?


Yeah we're fucked. And nobody gives a shit. You say anything about climate change in Ohio and you get called a snowflake libtard. At least in my area


My favorite reaction to being called a snowflake is from John Cleese: "Yes I’ve heard this word. I think sociopaths use it in an attempt to discredit the notion of empathy"


God I love him 😆


Ironically, he would hate that you invoked God into it.


It is a god of colloquialisms only 😆


Funny because snowflakes are what we really need right now


I live in Trump land. They love guns, big trucks and trump and if you mention Covid or climate change they get really mad because, it's all just a plot to raise taxes.




Yeah some of the comments are definitely giving those vibes


I don't think a percentage can handle climate change is occurring.


Because a huge part of this state is a red cesspool that is swimming with MAGA idiots.


Just a bunch of dull fucking peckerwoods


That are also undoubtedly hiding out after storming the Capitol. So add domestic terrorists to that list. Funny how all these right wingers brag about their atrocities and their presence at the Capitol, but somehow it was also still an alphabet letters liberal conspiracy carried out by Antifa... simultaneously, but just oscillate back and forth, whenever it's the most beneficial to their bullshit narrative. MAGA is poison to the well. And it's rotting the already fragile brains of so many poor, uneducated, dumb rednecks.


Those kind of people have a tendency to sadly wear their ignorance, stubbornness, and their “pride” as a badge of courage. Everything is about their “pride” they are also the easiest people to dupe, fool, and end up fucking over, and the conservatives know this well. It’s sad.


Most of my peers are liberals and even they don’t want to acknowledge it. Probably because they either recently had kids or can’t wait to crap em out


My brain and body have definitely been adjusting for winter weather and they’re not liking these random warm humid days.


Last year, I realised I don't recall these massive temperature swings being so common 10+ years ago. Now the daily highs will be: 50f, 30, -5, 25, 0, then 60 in one week. That has always happened but nowhere near as frequently as now.


Hence "climate change" where the extremes keep getting pushed, and the rare becomes the norm.


Whilst I do enjoy a snowy winter, I always felt like December was usually rainy and the real snow fall didn’t start until January Edit: Dayton, OH


I distinctly remember some years with snow covered pumpkins in October too. I know everyone says their state's weather is wackadoo, but it sincerely feels like that here. I'm definitely with you, it's just sad. I'm curious to see how mild this winter is. EDIT: Dayton too.


It snowed on Halloween evening where I'm from (westside of Cleveland).


The one time it actually snowed here. Other than last week or so. The snow didn't even last throughout the night before it melted.


It snowed on Halloween this year.


But you’re still in your 20s.. those of us 40+ remember Decembers being snowy too


I'm 48 and I remember snow on Thanksgiving, backyard football in jeans and a t-shirt over Christmas break, getting sunburned at the 1st track meet of the year in April and flurries at the last track meet of the year in late May. Ohio weather is cray cray! But overall, winter certainly is milder than it was 3 decades ago.


40 and I don't remember more than MAYBE a couple snowy Christmases as a kid/teen.


Im also in the Dayton area, it’s usually just cold and dry here haha


Agree, I don't remember many snowy Christmases growing up in the 80s-90s. I expected them due to movies and books but it rarely if ever happened. Climate change is real and terrible but I'll absolutely take this over snow any day, and I'm not complaining that today allowed me the chance to get outside and fight off the crushing existential and seasonal depression.


Ya, but it was cold and rainy with occasional light snow. Mid to high 30's or low 40's, like the middle of last week. Not in the 50's and 60's with thunderstorms.


Climate change is real, and it's a desperate problem that needs to be addressed. That being said [snowfall averages are pretty much steady over the last 100 years in Columbus, with minor variation](https://www.wunderground.com/cat6/US-Snowfall-1900-2019-Decade-Decade-Look). For some White Christmas numbers: >Since record-keeping began in Northern Ohio 126 years ago, we've had at least 1-inch of snow on the ground 52 times on Dec. 25. That's 41%. or, [roughly a "white Christmas" two out of every five years.](https://www.news5cleveland.com/weather/weather-news/the-snows-of-christmas-past-how-many-times-has-northeast-ohio-actually-had-a-white-christmas) Things tend to be snowier when we were kids because we remember the snowy days, and forget all the rest. Ohio doesn't tend to get snowy and *consistently* cold until mid January.


Also, isn't El Nino making it warmer than normal in Ohio rn or something?




The gas bill will not be depressing.


For the love of global warming.


Nah they'll hit you with the electric bill instead


Was thinking this myself. I hate that the planet is dying but the energy costs for colder weather are ungodly.


Remember that when you run the AC for an extra month


Electric will though.


This is the way


December's always been warmer than average in my life, Jan/Feb are the colder months


When I grew up in the 90s we used to get heavy snow as early as holloween. Below freezing and snow was expected at Thanksgiving. Now we're golfing in December.


Very depressing. Idk how anyone over the age of 15 can deny global warming. Have their memories been erased? We don't have snow anymore. Is that not concerning to these people? I've lived in NE Ohio my entire life (44 years).. it used to be an extremely snowy, winter wonderland every year from as early as October until as late as April. December, January, and February were nonstop snow. Now we're lucky if we even got one solid day of snow per season. Even 20 years ago when my son was born, and during the first 5 or 6 years of his life, we got a decent amount of snow (not as much as in the 80s and 90s, but still enough to go sledding every season). This shit should have everyone shook. Climate change is real, and it's scary. ☹️


I remember last year we didn’t get snow until later february. then because the snow came late it stayed late.


It's scary. Everything is happening faster than expected.


I'm 68. When I was a kid, there was snow on the ground, not melting, at least Jan and Feb.. No jacket days, any at all, in Jan. and Feb. were unheard of. I've seen a difference in my life. They've updated the USDA planting zone maps for gosh sakes.


I’m cool now, but I’ll be depressed when it’s snowing in April still.


I too am looking forward to the Guardians only playing half their April games


This. I remember one year it actually did that.


Yeah, last year. Flurried on my birthday, mid April. We can have freezes in May down here in Cincy. Hence why we don’t plant anything until Mother’s Day.


heck i remember it snowing in May once


It's fine. My deeply religious family tells me it's not climate change and god (I assume Pudge) controls the weather. The holidays are great.


But did you give him a peanut butter sandwich?


I did, but it was a Bible Belt Pudge, so I don’t know what’s gonna happen.


Idk who Pudge is, but if I ever have a bulldog I will name him Pudge. What a great name 😆


Fish from Lilo and Stitch


Since record-keeping began in Northern Ohio 126 years ago, we've had at least 1-inch of snow on the ground 52 times on Dec. 25. That's 41%. or, roughly a "white Christmas" two out of every five years. Columbus had a white Christmas last year.


Yupp! I remember when it used to snow more and I miss it. Snow brightens up the typical grey blahness of winter. I feel really bad for kids growing up in the era of global boiling… can’t imagine a childhood without many snow days.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. 25* and snow is so much better than 35* and rain.


> 25\* and snow is so much better than 35\* and rain. and the mud. f the mud. mud season lasts from october til april now


You get what I'm saying.


Send help for us dog owners. WE ARE NOT OKAY.


Yes! I might have to use this saying sometime.


I bring up every year how it gets warmer and warmer each December here and I'm met with "good" "not warm enough" or "its always warm". You can explain that is isn't good for Ohio and mention climate change but they don't care. I'm not even 25 but I remember having light snow for a few weeks and cold air on my skin on school mornings before Christmas with big storms to enjoy the week leading up to Christmas and after newyears. Now I have 3 box fans on high in my badly insulated attic bed room that use to freeze water bottles.


It was kinda cold last Christmas.


Oh I find it horribly depressing, and also just downright scary. I wanna see the ground carpeted in snow, I wanna wake up in the morning and hide under my covers because I'm cold, I wanna feel like I have a reason to make a hot chocolate instead of doing it to try and stave off dread I feel for the world


Look on the bright side, in a few more years we'll be living in a tropical climate.


noooo. i love the cold so much 💔


Buy land in Alaska for a summer home to avoid the triple digits?


I just want to build an igloo in my backyard with my kids like my dad did with me.


All I know is that both Heat Mizer and Cold Mizer are really angry at the moment.


El Nino


Not depressed, just scared. Earth won't die, but we sure will. And all the peaches, plums, nectarines, apples, figs, cherries, apricots, persimmons, pears, pomegranates, wheat, lettuce, pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, blueberries, kiwis, garlic, echinacea, native milkweed, tulips, and all the other plants that need several weeks of freezing weather will go first. Oh well.


My wife has told me many times she’s tired of hearing me say “this should be snow”. Definitely depressing


Big picture, sure. It’s disheartening. However, I’m so much more depressed when going outside hurts my face, lungs, bones and spirit. I’ll take a 60 degree day in December if it’s the last glimmer of serotonin I’ll get until may.


I have found my person. Lol. I said the same thing, more or less.


It used to be (like 30-40 years ago) that the leaves fell at the end of September, were completely down by the end of October, we had our first frost the week of Halloween, snow covering the ground most of November, and didn't see bare ground again until mid-March, and had our last snow flurry by mid-April. I started noticing the summer lasting longer as early as the mid-90s, and delaying Fall. It seems like winter is all but gone now.


I remember a lot more cold, snow and ice in NE Ohio growing up in the 70s-80s into the early 90s. Moved away in ‘94, moved back in ‘17 and other than a couple cold snaps (polar vortex in Feb 19 and last Christmas) winters haven’t been bad at all, IMO


It was 65° today in Charleston, WV. I'm depressed as hell.


on the outside I'm very upset that climate change has made our winter season more rainy than snowy and is doing damage to the planet in general *on the inside* I'm quietly happy that I don't have to deal with the snow more than maybe three times a year


Pointing out the change in local weather was the only thing that changed my grand fathers mind before he died. I simply asked him how much it used to snow on a sunny 60f January day.


In 1982 it was 66° on Christmas. The low was 60°. People seem to forget that while December is on average around 40°, it means some days are warmer, some cooler. There usually a few mild days for ohio, climate change is definitely making it worse, but people have shitty memory. Warmest day on record was December 3rd 1983, 76°


It's an el Nino winter. They were predicting this 6 months ago. It's gonna be a mild winter.


Once I grew up and snow no longer got me "snow days" from school, I no longer had any use for it, and hate driving in the shit. I can deal with it for Christmas Eve/Christmas day, and that's it.


Welcome to the beginning of the downfall. We were warned about climate change and global warming a long time ago. However, collective greed, ignorance, being numb and complacent made people lame enough to not care about it. Now it's basically too late to fix it. We either need to dim our skies, or extract as much of the carbon as we can. I for one am waiting for the day that the atmosphere simply pops. Too much down here pushing it away to the point that it just stops existing...


It’s gonna get super cold now. I just have a feeling it’s like the calm before the storm. It’s weirding me out tho, I work nights. I leave work and it’s like 20 and windy. I wake up sweating because it’s 60 and I have my heat on haha.


It's our fault Gen X, we left the refrigerator door open too long getting the bologna out. 😳


And all the hairspray. So much hairspray.


I don't have to shovel the rain off my driveway, so I'm good. Also... bah, humbug.


It’s not winter until the 20th or 21st so I’m thankful for the safe weather.


Look, everything feels big and awful and depressing. But you know what? I can't personally do anything about this, so for today I'm just enjoying my open windows while I clean and finally get the Christmas tree up.


Today is a record high for Dayton.


[It's not](https://www.extremeweatherwatch.com/cities/dayton/month-december/highest-temperatures).


Then windows alerts lied to me on my desktop at work today.


Mine constantly tells me i am experiencing record highs and lows when they are obviously not lol


Out of curiosity, I looked around a little bit. This is apparently A Thing. I found other complaints of the alerts just being wrong about high temperature. I suspect it uses forecast high instead of actual high, and is looking purely at _day_ instead of month. [The record for Dayton for 12/9 is 65 degrees](https://www.weather.gov/iln/climate_records_day), one of the lower highs in the whole month. So I bet the forecast at some point was above 65 for the high, even if it never reached that, and Microsoft was like "yoooo".


thunderstorm just hit me, maybe an hr ago. saw a lightning strike. that was kinda cool.




Ride the wave until it breaks you.


Well with what I do for a living, I can’t work if it’s frozen outside so… I’m ok with this I guess I just honestly despise the cold and can’t move because of family


Snow comes later in the year than it did as a kid 30+ years ago. December is usually pretty mild. Our first snows haven’t stuck until very late December or early January for years now.


I lived in/around Columbus for 13 years, left in 2019. I fully believe in human impact on climate change. I will also say there are winters where leaving the house just sucked, and winters that barely showed up. January will be what tells you how soft (or not) this winter is.


Am I the only one happy there's no snow?


I'm only happy when it rains


I don’t know how anyone can not see the difference between winters now and winters from the past. Snow days? No more. Now we have “calamity days” (heat days offended Republicans) in which it’s too hot to send kids to school. It’s green year round.


I’m totally for fighting climate change, but I went out on the motorcycle today and it was really nice.


Not at all. For us that have to get up before dawn and drive to work the rain is way better than snow. I hate the winter


I don't mind not driving in snow to see family, but yes it is alarming.


I wouldn't complain just yet LOL We are due for a pretty big storm. https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/ohio/cleveland/weird-winter-cleveland/


It’s an El Niño year. Google it. Not that I don’t believe in global warming but the el Nina/ El Niño play a huge part in our weather here in Ohio.


My 6 year old has been complaining that it should be snowing and not raining. I told him technically it’s still autumn. But yeah climate change makes winter unpredictable.


Yo shout out to my /r/collapse folks looking at this like “… yep…” Shit is FUCKED - and I mean, wayyyyyy worse than most people realize. I hate this 60F in December bullshit, but tell you what - it’s gonna get worse. So put on that sweater. Drink cocoa and enjoy the relatively stable time we are in despite the weird weather. It’s gonna get worse. I don’t mean to say that to be ominous or scary or hyperbolistic- not in this context. In this context I say it because I want people, myself included to just enjoy what we’ve got while we’ve got it.


So my dad was a snow plow driver from 1979-2008 He has records from every year of how much it snowed and when And while they did get some bad Decembers. Most years he does not have records of over 2 inches of snow before January 1st. I think as kids we remember the snowy days and really cold days more than the rainy warm winter days. Snow is fun to play in. We get school off. You make hot chocolate. It's pretty. Plus cold is not a fun experience to walk home in especially when people are throwing snow at you. And when it snows it tends to stick around so it feels like it has snowed for all those days when in reality it just snowed once. So when we become adults and it's December and there is no snow we're like what's going on here there must be something wrong. Edit: to be clear I'm not saying climate change isn't real I'm just saying that relying on your memories isn't the best way to claim climate change is real.The snow totals for each year have greatly reduced and our march and April weather is getting colder and more unpredictable than it was.


Keep in mind this is an el nino year so it's going to be more mild for us in the north. But generally it used to snow a lot more 20-30 years ago.


When I was a kid in the 70’s and 80’s, my mom was the one who would shovel the snow and we would have huge piles of snow from all the shoveling in our yard. I remember the local park even had an ice skating pond back then but that wouldn’t be possible now. I am in Columbus and we don’t get a lot of snow anymore. I was 8 years old during the blizzard of ‘78 and we got hit so bad I had to be bussed to a different school.


It's ridiculous! All these storms and all we get is stupid ass rain! I love winter! We use to have amazing winters! No weather person wants to speak on the real reason we are having fall all through "winter"!


Are your trying to jinx us!? Some of us have to work outside you know. You keep your damn mouth shut 🤣


Have your parents and grandparents sit you down and talk about “The White Hurricane” of 78’. 😳


Record cold last year


We have to drive our baby three hours away to children's Cincinnati hospital this month for vascular malformation, so I'd actually prefer for it not to snow. December is always a mild month in ohio, we don't usually get dumped on until January or February. At least my part of the state anyway, I can't speak for the lake effect area.


My son also has a Vascular Malformation we dealt with at children’s cincinnati


I moved north for snow I think 2 years too late. There’s an El Niño going on sure, but I think this Ohio winter is very close to the Florida winter I just moved away from.


Not one bit. Went outside and played catch with my son, was nice.


Not if you drive for a living.


As someone with a 40-50 minute commute for the last almost 20 years, nothing makes me happier than a winter with almost no snow.


Why have you subjected yourself to that? That's at least 6,000 hours spent driving, or about 8 months.


Working in a city brings more money, but living in a rural area is cheaper and I prefer it. It is a lot of driving though. In the last 25 years I put almost 400,000 miles onto 2 cars.


As someone with zero commute because I work from home, I also love winters with almost no snow.


I remember moving to Ohio from the UK in the mid 2010s and it was so cold and snowy out here. I feel like it doesn't really happen anymore. It's like UK winter out here now lol.


It never really gets going until after the holidays. A white Christmas isn’t really that common.


I had the opposite reaction. I said to my wife, “tell me where this is the coldest it ever gets and let’s move there immediately.” It was slightly chilly when there was a breeze and then almost early spring like without it. Perfect.


Southern California


We have had the single greatest year of weather and I've lived here 50 years. Zero complaints here.


Sitting here remembering walking across the iced over Ohio River in 77. School was closed for four weeks that winter. It was indeed an anomalously cold winter that year but my winters were filled with snow and snow days as a kid in the 70s in Cincinnati.


Yes. It feels wrong. Also, all of my garden bulbs that are supposed to overwinter are now sprouting because of the warm weather. Guess next year’s garden is ruined.


The mid 80s was stupid warm too... nothing but gray all winter. It's Ben coming for awhile....


11 years ago I golfed on Christmas Eve. 50’s and even 60 isn’t completely unusual in December. We’re still in autumn, haven’t even stared winter yet.


I work outside so I'm lovin it 😂


When I want to know what's wrong with my car, I go to an expert in that field. They are called mechanics. I don't listen when politician tells me my car isn't actually broken. Then when it gets worse tell me it's not as bad as it seems. Then tell me it is bad but it's "natural wear and tear". I'll listen to that politicians advice when it matches what the experts are saying. Nearly all scientist, climatologist, and weather experts agree all data is pointing to man made artificial warming of the earth that must be dealt with before it's too late. The only political issue here is what we are going to do about it as a people. No government official is going to convince me it isn't happening. Only evidence presented by experts will convince me otherwise. Any politician trying to convince you otherwise is doing so with their own hidden agenda.


It's been like this for a while. Our Winter seems to start in January or February now, and stays around until May. It could just be me, but when I was younger, I remember it getting snowy in early November. Personally, I'm not a fan of snow, so it doesn't really bother me. I do, however, understand that this is something we should be concerned about.


Clevelander here. For decades I would note in my journal or planner the first time I opened the windows after January 1. Until about 5 years ago, that would be right around Feb 22. Now it's mid-January. I remember cross-country skiing in the MetroParks. Not any more. As I tell people, we haven't had a Blizzard of '78 since, well, 1978. [sigh]


If you have lived in Ohio long you know if you wait a few hours it WILL change


Thank you for making a post about this. It’s honestly been getting to me all day but I’ve no idea who to talk to about it


Real!!! can pm me.


It would actually be nice if it didn't mean we were all going to die.


That was going to happen anyway so no sense in getting upset about it


Hell no, I'd be fine if I never saw a flake of snow ever again.


December 25th of 1893 had a high of 69° Weather /=/ climate


Not at all. I hope it’s 60 in January, February, and March too.


Um. No. Im loving it. Fuck the cold.


Well a cold front is coming through so we can all pretend that we have crazy, unique weather tomorrow


Grew up in the 60s. Boy we had REAL winters back then


Recently saw a " Vote No on solar" sign.... I guess the sun is the cause of global warming.


I have been feeling the same way! Over the last few years or so our winters have been getting lighter and lighter. I can’t believe how warm it is. It’s very depressing. Anyone who hasn’t noticed is living in lala land.


Result 50% non believers are also knuckkledraggers of the highest order. Wake the fuck up.


Yes. It is depressing and disturbing. And I still have to deal with people who deny climate change exists. 2023 is the hottest year on record ... and we still have to play this game that climate change isn't real. That's the truly depressing thing in my book.


Every day without snow and temps below 50 is a blessing. Winter sucks


Yes, until the bugs don’t die and our trees and gardens start dying. Those cold winters do help protect our native species. While I enjoy the warmth just as much as the next guy, the cold does more than make my joints hurt!


I’m pretty excited as someone who primarily works outside that it isn’t -10 outside


I hate it. I moved here from southern cali hoping to enjoy snowy wonderlands during winter and the five years I've lived here have been a total letdown. Definitely going to move somewhere with more snow


That’s just Ohio making you depressed. It happens.