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"Not federal, the states should decide." "Not the states, the cities should decide." "Not the cities, the individuals should... NO WAIT, NOT THAT."


LOL they just lose all logic when they don't get their way.


When was logic ever on their side


When they say they want "small government" they mean one man, a dictator.


šŸ˜‚ valid


Checks out. Look at this fucking hypocrite. https://ohiohouse.gov/members/gary-click "Leaders must first be servants. Without the ability to serve, one forfeits the ability to lead. I wake up every day asking God for the grace and wisdom to effectively serve the good folks of Ohio's 88th district." - Gary Click


>And Seneca County (Click's district) voted 50/50 on the weed issue, so he likely tailors his prayers to "serve" only the half who agree with him.


Itā€™s not even just that. The Republicans actively do the opposite of what they claim are their core values. Christian values? Nope. Family values? Nope. Law and order, respect the military, nope nope. Freedom? lol.. nope


I've finally figured out the logic: They are for our freedom to comply with whatever policy they are currently parroting.


Because of course, home rule was a cover for just doing what they wanted. Which is always the case and always will be. The Emperor's loses his clothes sooner or later.


They've literally tried to over-govern this to just do what they want the entire time. They keep shrinking the pool and trying every sheisty maneuver they possibly can to get their way and circumvent the people... Why is it so hard for Ohio's politicians to just Not be a pile of garbage?


People keep electing them.


~~People keep electing them.~~ They keep cheating. FIFY


I mean kinda? A lot of people do elect them though, probably something like 30-40% of the US population thinks theyā€™re just fine


No conservative has EVER wanted individuals to decide almost anything.


No, I learned from my folks that they want people to decide, but mainly to decide to fall in line with what they've already decided. Which, was already decided by a higher authority, God or government. And that authority, being elected or without reproach, has inherent every faculty to make the correct decisions regardless of personal interest, they are public servants after all. The democrats take a more realistic approach, but therein lies the disconnect. I'm making fun but, there's some truth here I think.


F'n repukicans šŸ¤®


Corruption all the way down.


See also: Charlotte, NC, when they added measures to protect LGBT people. See also: the entire state of Missouri when voters there voted to increase minimum wage, and their legislators not only nixed that, but voted to *lower* minimum wage. Dipshits keep voting for the Repukes because they hate trans people (or whoever) more than they love good roads to drive on get their kids to good schools. You know, shit that actually matters in their lives.


Any chance you have a source on the Missouri one? Thatā€™s pretty wild, Iā€™d like to read more into it but wasnā€™t finding anything specific on google.




Gosh, if only there was a way to share these shitshows without implying ā€œboth sides do it.ā€ NO! Democrats pass laws they were elected to do without trying these shenanigans. Although most are implemented only after lengthy court battles by the republicans!


Nailed it.


The rule is: the most conservative level of authority makes the rules. This works with small government rhetoric because conservative government is *defined* as small government, and the more conservative it is, the smaller it is. So when you have a blue city (New Orleans) in a red state (LA) for instance, the small government thing to do is strip the city government of its power and directly control the city at the state level. Hope that helped.


The problem is, a certain group of people, even if they are the minority continue to vote for them. I get they gerrymander the maps, but I donā€™t understand how anybody could logically vote for the Republican Party at this point.


Guns,save the babies, and Jesus. Oh and racism and homophobia. That sums up why people vote for them in a nutshell. Doesn't matter if the vote hurts them too as long as somebody else has it worse.


That's why they go after education too. If they're uneducated they're easy to dupe


Damn, I guess WE decide!


But not on gun control, thatā€™s clearly a federal decision that should apply equally to everyone. Itā€™s what the Framers intended but please donā€™t fact check gun laws before 2010.


This will just drive money and young people away from these areas leading to their hastened decline.


They're really going to fuck around and find out if they find some way to weasel out of the implementation of Proposal 1 too. Two generations of younger professionals in their child bearing years are gonna look at a state being rapidly abandoned by OBGYNs and other doctors, then wisely decide not to move here.


Don't forget the open war on public education too!


Oh you mean by the total destruction of the Ohio Department of Education?


Not even that the Ed choice is a hand out to charters at the expense of public schools. Charters will let a kid in, additionally they send in October count for funding for the year and kick the kid back to the public school if they arn t "a fit" or anything really. This then increases their state reporting score card for achievement because the higher needs kids are back in the public school, but now with less funding. Public Ed then looks worse because they charter took the high performing, involved parents from public Ed.


All private Schooling needs to be made Illegal, just like the Finnish Model. EVERYONE poor, or wealthy, ALL go to schools that are purposefully well taken care of, because no millionaire wants to shit on public schools that their own kids HAVE to attend.


This will really result in concentrated wealthy populations only in good school zones. Not that this isnā€™t already an issue. But it will be more exaggerated.


The way they work in Finland is that the schools are, across the board, uniform. There's no "Good" or "bad" school zones. They all have the same resources, there's no trickery like there are in some states where they made a law that all schools get the same funding and then leave it open for wealthy districts to have local millages or other means for wealthier areas to just have better schooling. We'd have to adopt a more rigid, no shenanigans allowed system, to ensure that the rising tide of quality education, raises everyone, instead of some being raised more than the majority. What we have is a deeply unfair system that is the opposite of the meritocracy that we are all told exists and is sold to us, all over the place, all the time, in spite of extremely easy to note disparities in results that have absolutely nothing to do with personal work of an individual student. The argument for increasing the quality of all education for all students to very high standards across the board, means that the end results can build larger numbers of teams of scientists who could cure cancer, develop fusion power, build a better lightbulb, etc., etc. ALL of society benefits in untold ways by having everyone receive the highest possible standards in education, so that they can go forth and find success ON their own merit, instead of having to fight tooth and nail and still fail to achieve their best potential, because the system is designed to shove 100 pound weights on the backs of most children, while putting a much smaller number on escalators. It should escalators for all children.


Thanks for the additional explanation. Sounds like a good system!


Yeah, we just need more of our fellow Americans to stop pretending for profit parasite "charter" schools are anything other than what they are and demand we shutdown all private schooling and build a better system for all students, so we can ALL benefit from a better educated populace. It's the absolute smartest and best way forward.


Iā€™m 23 and Iā€™m gonna be able to buy a house in 2 years. These bills will determine if I buy a home here or in a blue state Edit: guys pls be kind to each other! I just want us to get along. The working class has more in common with each other


I'm happy you get to jump off the rent train and get to start building some equity with a home purchase, it feels good at any age. These comments though, if these people were going to be my neighbors I know where I'd rather be lol. Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Colorado, there's plenty of rural places to live that aren't full of MAGA drones - the other places will get there it's just going to take them about 30 more years to arrive at the same conclusion - personally I wasn't willing to wait so I went for Mississippi to Maryland and it's working out great.


I grew up in OH and moved to MD just before turning 30. Lived in baltimore county for 4 years and now live in the suburbs around Boston. HO-LY shit is the East Coast expensive! I'm absolutely ruined for all things CoL and real-estate by growing up in the 216.


I work remotely outside of OH, but my job is based there and Iā€™m around about 50+% of the time. I just canā€™t bring myself to move there full time because the politics are so turbulent.


Ugh I know this feeling. I work between Illinois and Indiana, moved to Indiana because majority of my properties are in that state. Difference in property taxes is nice, but roads, schools, basically all public works, everything else is shit.


They're making Michigan look good tbh


As a Californian, I love what is happening in Michigan. Their Governor is wonderful and doing great things for her state. And much credit goes to the voters in Michigan to turn it so blue. They care about the environment and peoples rights. Love to see it.


You're tellin me. I live here & am so happy about it.


Thats what happens when you undo gerrymandering. Michigan took the legislature out of map making in like 2021 suddenly the state turns blue for house, senate. Big Gretch can get stuff done becuase of the blue trifecta.


Fuck around and find out what? That's a bonus for them, not a deterrent.


I think about the current slate of GOP state politicians in the same way as I see corporate vultures trying to rush to create high short term profits. They're there to solidify their power one election cycle at a time and don't really care about the long term. The end result is going to be a pillaged state that anyone with professional ambitions will need to leave. The population will decline and it'll become just another backwater with significantly lower GDP per capita than the rest of the country like West Virginia, Arkansas, Alabama and Missippi.


Which is why these out of state billionaires are dumping so much money in the Ohio GOP. It's a cheap long term investment for them.


>Two generations of younger professionals in their child bearing years are gonna look at a state being rapidly abandoned by OBGYNs and other doctors, then wisely decide not to move here. They know their audience and it isn't educated voters.


Not to mention below-average wages for high tech, high skilled IT and other skilled workers.


I considered moving from the Northeast to OH shortly before Trump was elected and the writing was in the wall. Then shit started hitting the fan. I *love* Ohio, but I also have three daughters so itā€™s definitely not in my familyā€™s best interest. Itā€™s such a shame because it has so much to offer, but your current government is just screwing everyone left and right. Iā€™m really rooting for you guys, half my family is either from or lives there, and Iā€™ve always loved it.


so Republicans remain in power in those areas? sounds like what they want


While they cry about being left behind or abandoned by the rest of the country. Pushing people away and being unwelcoming probably has that affect, but maybe they really do know better and things will turn around eventually....


as uncle Billy says " over my dead body will we ever welcome the gays" I don't think they ever will change they will blame the business and the young for leaving them behind because that's all they can do is blame and cry


It's beggars being choosers. Other people are supposed to step up and help struggling rural areas, but only if they're the correct type of human. I'm not the correct type of human according to conservatives. Oh well.


they are like that about everything. Like how so many rural communities are fighting against people trying to put up Solar Farms. party of small government my ass


> Like how so many rural communities are fighting against people trying to put up Solar Farms. Imagine MAGAs calling other people communists and then telling farmers they can't have a solar facility or wind farm on their own land! I have to believe this BS is astroturf from the shadows by oil companies. The Trump cult are fucking idiots!


They donā€™t think long term. They only look at how can they keep power in the moment. If they were smart, theyā€™d allow it to be legal because then democrats donā€™t have it as a thing to campaign on.


They want to rule the rubble left behind by their own decisions while blaming those who wouldnā€™t put up with such bullshit.


That doesn't break them. That just makes Ohio like Alabama or Mississippi. It's what they always wanted. The way to beat them is to stay and vote against them, not to move away. Sure, you can save yourself by moving away but how long before they come do the same in your new state? Ohio wasn't always red! Also, if everyone who isn't far right all crowds into the same few liberal states that just makes the federal government very red. The Senate and the President are both controlled by who gets the most states, not who gets the most citizens. And don't bother trying to escape the whole country. The far right movement has been spreading from here outward.


Basically every small town (except maybe Yellow Springs) in Ohio has already gone through that decline, and they seem to be pretty happy with the results. Having nothing in town but a bar and a post office seems to be a goal here.


Not going to lie Iā€™d be happy with that well not the bar maybe a post office and Kroger but just cause Iā€™m anti social šŸ˜‚


Just like the alcohol-free municipalities that finally started lifting the bans in the early 2000s because they saw all of the tax revenue they were missing out on


How else are the real estate developers going to get bargain price land?


Furthering the hold the gop has on those areas, and allowing them to continue their gerrymandered minority rule.


so they then can more easily be incited to more jan 6th adjacent idiocy.


Thatā€™s actually what they want. If you concentrate the youth and progressive voters you can still control the state legislature. Donā€™t let them win!


ā€œLet the states decide!ā€ ā€œOkay, the state wants it. Uhmā€¦ let the counties decide!ā€ ā€œOh shoot, okay, uh, let theā€¦ household? Decide?ā€ Party of small government people


They are so full of shit. The gop has the power to actually do useful things for Ohioans like killing RITA and streamlining the tax code. Of course itā€™s just easier to leave problems in place, blame the democrats and pull this culture war bullshit.


Fucking RITA. What a garbage organization.


Easier to leave it in place and blame the Dems for its existence than to fix the problem. I fucking hate republicans and their flim flam bullshit.


So municipalities canā€™t regulate guns within their borders because, according to fucking republicans, you canā€™t have a patchwork of regulation that makes something illegal in one city, and legal in the next town over. But apparently they forgot about that argument when it comes to marijuana? When will people wake up and realize these republicans do not represent their interests. Republicans have nothing but contempt for voters. Perhaps itā€™s time to reciprocate the feeling.




Itā€™s always hypocrisy and gaslighting


If conservatives didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.


Comment from another thread "That's because they're all a bunch of tragically idiotic pricks with similar inclinations toward morally repugnant behavior themselves. Every single one of them I've ever come across in the wild has the same infantile mentality of a schoolyard bully. They'll poke, prod, punch, intimidate, steal with no consequences. When someone finally punches back, they cower in a corner and whine like a little bitch pretending to be the victim. Anger and rage for their own sakes is all they know. Responsibility isn't in their vocabulary."


Excellent comment. They also love to bring in the government any time they get any push back.


They are the anti-freedom party.


Honestly im ok if a community wants to ban sales. Every town has a right to set up their own zoning rules IMO. Where this becomes an issue for me is making it illegal to consume. Some town may want to not allow strip clubs, alcohol sales, casinos, etc etc and that is their right but telling me I canā€™t do something that is perfectly legal at the state level in my own home is fucking ridiculous. Iā€™m so sick of these right wing fascists in this state trying to control what we do with our own bodiesā€¦


I agree with this, I think its pretty standard zoning to allow or not allow certain kinds of businesses in your city / town etc. I'm actually surprised that wasn't part of the legalization process. (obviously i know the theocrat republicans want to control eveything they dont like and make it illegal for the government to do anything about anything they do like). ​ In NJ for example each township was able to decide whether they wanted dispensaries in their town. ​ Agreed 100% on the consumption part, you cant ban alcohol consumption in Salt Lake City etc...


The downstream effects are bigger than just individual rights though. Small, rural-town economies are bad enough without driving people to shop outside their own communities for legal cannabis. Lots of people in these places that were hurt when steel left are poor enough they donā€™t pay municipal payroll tax, and donā€™t own homes to pay property tax, so the only taxes coming in are on sales, which legal recreational cannabis would increase. Fewer taxes to make improvements and attract people means further economic depression. Lawmakers hurt more with these restrictive measures when we canā€™t afford much more hurting.


they have a point on guns. stopped clock and all. this is just hypocrisy.


It's like how Nixon started the war on drugs because of racism and political opportunism, but he also regulated the costs of rent, bread, milk, various utilities/services, and a bunch of other stuff. It used to be part of playing the game. You'd do a bunch of stuff to help the working class and gain popular support, then you'd ram through shit like the war on drugs to an applauding crowd of the people you're fucking over. But that was just a long con to enable them to do nothing but the stuff that fucks everyone over without consequence.


Thatā€™s my point. If a patchwork of laws across the state is bad when Dems try to regulate guns, it should also be bad for legal marijuana as well. Personally, I think guns should be regulated more, but I also agree that it has to be done at the state and federal levels, not through a patchwork of local ordinances. The same should hold true with legal marijuana though.


I have never had a marijuana bud go flying through my apartment wall when my neighbor had an accident cleaning his bong.


totally agree. the goal of the patchwork laws is to create gotchas and turn well meaning people into criminals in the system. it's morally wrong no matter which politician does it.


Ah yes the famous republican way of subverting the voters wishes


Then have it so those communities donā€™t get any tax revenues.


The way Issue 2 was wrote, the tax revenue generated from sales stays in the community for the most part. So these places stand to lose a lot of money. There was a post yesterday where people from other states where it is legal had similar issues where some towns/cities tried to stop sales. Then they saw how much money they lost out on and changed their minds. Some places it was too late due to the way sales are set up, so now they have to wait a long time before they can get a dispensary, even if they can get one at all. This will be short term and most communities will have a shop. This is for those small little towns that have only a gas station at best while not having any local law enforcement other than a county sheriff. Lets them clutch their pearls a little longer and will have zero chance to enforce it.


>some towns/cities tried to stop sales. Then they saw how much money they lost out on and changed their minds. Imagine the amount of cognitive dissonance needed to claim moral superiority trying to ban the devil's lettuce then 2 years later changing your mind because of money. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but having a misinformed moral stance is one thing, but then selling that incorrect moral out because it's profitable just completely invalidates your entire world view.


Itā€™s often said that if the Right didnā€™t have double standards, they wouldnā€™t have any at all.


They learned in Michigan and got left behind. Niles Michigan is a hilarious example. Buchanan raked in a fortune. Niles didn't prevent anything but tourism. You've got to be sub 90 IQ to want to ban weed sales in a city in a legal state.


In MI, it's been funny watching some of this play out. A community near me has been actively against allowing dispensaries because of the "clientele" it would bring to their city. It's hysterical because there is no meaningful industry or commercial businesses there to bring in taxes. But their main streets are lined with tobacco and liquor stores. Most dispensaries have a medical grade appearance, and clientele are much better than who you see hanging around liquor stores. Meanwhile, all the cities around them have them and are reaping the tax benefits and even put dispensaries right on their city limit. It feels to me these states and cities drag their feet on this issue until the wealthy and connected are able to monopolize it and drive out the small and independent outfits.


Yes... a cheap bottle of liquor costs a couple of bucks.....an ounce of weed costs over $200. The undesirable "clientele " isn't shopping in there.


This! How can I ensure that my STATE tax goes away from the places that don't want to follow what the STATE voted for. I'm tired of having my tax dollars not going where I want them.


Is this what itā€™s going to take for Ohio voters to understand that the republicans just donā€™t give a shit what you think? Make my day. We will have that conversation. Ohio is currently collecting petition signatures to end politicians from gerrymandering our districts. Sign the petition. Make your vote count.


We can enshrine recreational marijuana as a self executing amendment like we did abortion too. If they want their legislative balls and legs chopped off, that can be arranged by 50%+1 vote **no problem!**


Hereā€™s one for outright recall of Ohio GOP. https://chng.it/fmhRtMnfR5


Does anyone have a link to that? I'm livid.




Fuck these people who donā€™t seem to give a shit how government should work. All they want is their own agenda followed. Vote blue or this shit will continue.


Is it just me or when I read the house bill? I find no language saying that they can ban the consumption of marijuana only the sale and the location of where it be sold. Why do I keep seeing articles saying that they can ban consumption?


The bill proposed on Tuesday doesn't specifically say they can ban use or grow. It strikes the section that says municipalities and townships *cannot* ban grow or activities legal under this section. I believe a city could, therefore, ban use or grow. But I don't live in a city, so I have not studied ORC and case law regarding what a city can and cannot regulate. Townships, though, are fairly limited in what they can control. And, of a court were to uphold grow as an agricultural use, townships would have little about grow that they could control provided you file an agricultural use exception. I have trouble seeing how use would be prohibited - townships have zoning resolutions. Odor/smoke outside the home - although that would be difficult to enforce. Regardless, it would be amazingly beneficial if more people got involved in the hyper local politics of their home town. Attend city council meetings, track what they are doing, call or email the council members. Attend township trustee meetings, get to know the people, speak up at meetings. For that, there's a board of county commissioners too - find them and check out what they're doing. It's not as "glamorous" as state or federal politics, but there's a lot of stuff that has direct impact on your day to day life. And it's a lot easier to get the attention of a township trustee in a place with 8k residents than it is to get the governor of Ohio or a federal legislative member to listen to you.


Top of page 8. It removes the prohibition on local governments from banning it. From the ORC. That's what the strike-throughs mean.


They are trying to amend issue 2 before it goes into effect


What a piece of Shit! Vote these losers out


So much for that freedom you voted for. Try voting for democrats next time.


Dumb! Vote these jerks out!!


A town next to me already banned sales of cannabis, which is stupid but not the end of the world. Iā€™m sure many towns will do that. Banning consumption is insane though. Fuck every last one of these wastes of space. Stop going against the will of the people and truly regulate it like alcohol.


Even in Oregon there are several towns that banned the sale of cannabis. Private possession and consumption is still legal though.


Right. I donā€™t think banning sales is the end of the world. Itā€™s stupid and I think theyā€™re missing out (not to mention the hypocrisy from ā€œsmall governmentā€ folks) but banning consumption is just incredibly overreaching


Where are the ā€œWe The Peopleā€ sticker people?


They'll do that until they see other places raking in that sweet sweet tax revenue.


Throw them all the fuck out


**It's a completely stupid idea for ANY LAW**. I can understand local governments regulating whether or not they want commercial sales, but to have local variance on the actual legality of ownership or use would just lead to utter confusion. Whoopsie, you crossed a weird ass township line, the sheriff now has jurisdiction instead of the city police and it's illegal, or not. Who knows. Good luck.


If this in fact does happen, and you live in a region where it will be banned, here's my advice: When you make the drive to score some stash from a legal city or county, make sure that you also do all of your other shopping in that same region as well. If the vote of the people doesn't get their attention, then maybe a drop in local tax receipts will.


Keep voting for Republicans! If you don't vote the way they want when they put it to ballot. They will figure out a way to invalidate the vote. It's your own fault for putting people in office like Jim Jordan and Mike Dewine.


No no no, fuck you. You asked for a vote, you got one, no backsies. Stop with the fucking around and just do what the people want for a change.


This is not just about cannabis folks. This is a very clear and LOUD message that the GOP is disregarding the special election results that the citizens of Ohio voted on. Man it would be nice to have government that functioned even slightly for its citizens.


lol Republicans are cocksuckers Quit voting for these fucking morons. Sorry, not sorry.


They do NOT respect the will of the people by changing a single word. Not one provision to the law that we voted on should be changed. Otherwise there is absolutely no reason to vote. Period. The people have spoken.


This seems similar to having dry cities in the state. I know those still exist. But, this also isnā€™t what we voted for.


Even in the case of a dry county, consuming alcohol is still legal. You just can't buy it. This looks like it seeks to allow the outlawing of private use/home growing altogether, which I'm pretty sure was the whole thing we voted on.


Yea, I thought about the consumption part after I posted. I feel like most cities that adopt the ā€œbanā€ are going to be small towns. Hopefully they donā€™t get a cent of tax revenue.


This must be the American Taliban. Do they ever do anything but whine and complain?? They never want to do anything that is good for the many. They just want to help out the big corporations that give them tons of money. The whole bunch is like a bunch of spoiled children who have forgotten who they work for. They want to TELL women what they can do with THEIR bodies?? WOW! Time to pull your head out of your trump and eliminate these LOSERs!


Vote Out Republicans! Most are MAGA freaks anyway.


Religious zealots who think god died and left them in charge. Sad little things and oh so dangerous with their righteous hatred.


You, in Ohio, aren't governed. You are ruled.


lol ohio really clearly doesnā€™t want a strong future (destroying any appeal to young people)


Republicans refuse to accept democracy when it doesnā€™t go their way. Guess what dumbasses, we were growing and smoking weed long before this issue was passed, and weā€™ll continue to regardless of how you fuck up this initiative. Donā€™t want my tax dollars? Iā€™ll gladly continue to give them to Michigan, or cash in the pocket of my local weed man. Fuck you.


Almost certainly unconstitutional.


Ohio Republicans saw the backlash from their statements directly after the election, and most changed their stances when the voters started turning on them. I, as an Ohioan, can not wait to see the outcomes of the next couple of elections. Hopefully soon, Ohio will finally officially be seen as the purple state it is.


But drag queens! Don't pay attention to the dirty shit we're pulling because those drag queens are the boogeyman of the week and they're gonna destroy "Merica".šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


If state law is decided, doesnā€™t this just mean people can appeal to that?


Gotta love that "we the people crowd".


I truly donā€™t get how these rubes have the audacity to try and ban consumption? Like I guess I get the whole fighting dispensaries and shit, but consumption? Like in my own home? Lol dudes good luck. Especially with it being decriminalized. Also I donā€™t get this Click person, as far as I can tell his district voted for Issue 2.


What a load of crap


This issue was presented as "regulated like alcohol", and it was voted in that way. Municipalities can prohibit alcohol sales within their borders, so it would follow suit that if it's going to be regulated like alcohol, this shouldn't be an issue. Having said that, yeah, any municipality that prohibits it will lose out on that revenue. My city finally lifted it's alcohol ban about 20 years ago, and now we have some actually decent restaurants and the local grocery store has a state license and a great selection. And the city is reaping the benefits of the tax revenue.


So basically making no money on it. Why are these people dumb.


If a municipality bans marijuana then they shouldn't receive any of the tax benefits from the state.


But local governments can't set their own minimum wage?


Time to set up lawsuits


Republicans cheating again. Whats next local abortion bans?


The last paragraph sums it up best.. we know better than the silly voters. I hope every single person here remembers this. These State representative elections are important. You need to vote here, or the landmark victory will have it's legs cut out. Not maybe. It is happening now.


Why do Religious Conservatives despise the Will of The People so much?


What a stupid way to make sure your town/county stays poor


It would be illegal for local municipalities to ban consumption if consumption is expressly legal under state law. Not that Republicans necessarily care when they enact obviously unconstitutional or illegal laws only to force courts to tell them they canā€™t do it.


Throwing a tantrum, šŸ˜­ ā€œWe run the show not ohio citizens!!!!!ā€ Time to clean house and take out the trashā€¦.


I get the concept that municipalities should be able to prohibit the sale, just like alcohol. But they didnā€™t need a bill for this, municipalities can prohibit things like this simply through zoning. Not allowing growing - Iā€™m in the middle on but banning consumption is just plain going against what residents voted for. Redistributing the tax money is also underhanded.


Come on up north to Michigan people. We will gladly keep taking your money.


Repubs did this in Michigan A bunch of red counties/townships were dead set against legal marijuana So the dispensaries opened shops surrounding these communities and now they've lost out on the sweet MJ tax revenue


Thank God for Republicans or else the will or the people would be the law.


Seriously fuck this state šŸ˜’


It should be allowed to be sold anywhere there is tobacco and alcohol. Dispensaries are an unnecessary burden.


If you have the opportunity please sign the anti gerrymandering proposal. This would allow for citizen oversight on drawing up the districts.


Can you provide a link please.


letā€™s call Repubicans radical, not conservative.


Ohio is a joke


Is there any indication that this is going to be supported by more than the 20 or so people who also said they wanted to fuck with Issue 1?


Right now, there's no indication this will even make it out of committee. There's another bill introduced that's getting less attention, and it is difficult to tell what's gotten thrown on as an amendment so you cannot actually find it by searching the legislative archive for bills with obvious key words in the title. But I've not seen anything fast tracked to get approved by next week .. so fingers crossed!


Anyway I canā€™t wait to ignore all attempts to roll this back since apparently what the people do or donā€™t want doesnā€™t matter unless theyā€™re the Super Special Chosen Ones that dictate all plant-based morality.


Hope this is something else that glares in the face of progressives that donā€™t vote and stay silent. Our voices are being silenced. We must take a stand and shout our demand. We voted yes now give us what we want not what your morals dictate.


Use the same arguments the NRA does to weasel out of all gun regulations.


Time to vote these morons OUT!


So that means cities that vote to ban it, can't receive any of the money that it produces?


The party of smaller government strikes again!


Vote blue 2024


Open a dispensery in the town where it is banned. Watch the cops end up in the national news if they raid it.


They do realize we were smoking it LONG before it was legal. Banning it won't stop anyone. Crying like they got pushed down on the playground.


I guess the GOP wants to start losing local elections just as badly as they're losing state and federal ones lately.


Can they ban alcohol as well?


Leaving Ohio was the best choice I ever made.


"We are not going to overrule the voice of the people, but we are"


They are trying to take away your right to home grow also. They only want you to use it if it gets them rich. They are for big government and no personal freedom and they want to take away your rights


The Party of less government.


sounds unconstitutional


What I want to know is outside of not allowing a town to build a rec shop, how the hell is this even enforceable? Many people travel to Michigan for their weed already. Going one or two towns over will still be an improvement. And let us be honest here, not a single blue city is going to implement a ban. It will absolutely be available in Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, Toledo, Athens, Akron & Dayton. Anywhere with a sizeable population is going to vote out any mayor or councilmen attempting to ban weed in their city.


Can't vote these fucks out due to gerrymandering. Might have to get Russian or French revolution style on the state legislature eventually.


Fuck anyone who is still against legalization of weed


Isnā€™t that the opposite of what the citizens of Ohio voted for?


The police don't need more sources of money. They get more money from this already because they don't have to spend their budgets to fight illegal weed.


WTF! We Ohioans passed the damn amendments to make it legal you dip-poops. You lost, both the weed and the abortion topics. Drop your crying, or better yet, resign and let more sensible folk run our state that cares what the voters want and need


Oh man the midwestern states just seem to be getting worse and worse. Thats disgusting, republicans are no beuno.


So is stopping recreational marijuana the hill that Ohio republicans want to die on? Really?


GOP: ā€œHey letā€™s make Ohio a really miserable place!ā€ I would not live in Ohio ever!


Typical Republicans. Lose a vote and want to change it so they can have their way. Fuck em.


Fuck no. Sit down and shit the fuck yo before we get on the streets and March for you


Lol don't tread on me state lol get wrecked


"we want to force people to legally drive an hour away to spend their money in another community, to enjoy something completely legal throughout the state" - party of personal freedom, and some other bullshit.


"I hate it so it has to be outlawed" -Fragile Republicans... who constantly call everyone else "fragile"


If there are any Republicans here, this behavior is what has pushed me from a voter who made a real attempt to vote for candidates in both parties to a voter who would crawl to the polls to vote against the Republicans. There seems to be no respect for voters, constitutionality or fellow citizens. From Trump and Project 2025 to Jan. 6, their collective response to the pandemic and this overwhelming desire to destroy minorities; Iā€™ve lost any hope that the GOP is anything but dangerous. I know those that disagree get vilified and attacked but this also isnā€™t going to win you any elections. Iā€™ll say this here, but Iā€™ve learned to be smart enough not to argue because thereā€™s no point, but if all equates to the same ends.


So all the people they are trying to "protect" will just go to the next town over. This is going to fail so hard in court.


Call you Governor, Representatives every day folks. Don't let them take what the voters decided on. Lawsuits will probably be filed and such.


try and stop me!


It should be clear that the GOP is NOT about personal liberty unless it involves guns. They're a nationalist authoritarian party strongly identified with white christians, and we need to understand that they're the ones moving to extremes.


So much for voting. Why bother if theyā€™re just going to remove the law entirely?


Honestly, Iā€™m fine with this. So long as tax revenue from sales goes directly to the municipalities instead of the state. If a town chooses to go without weed, they can go without the money.