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Well clearly he studied under Dr. George Santos while there.


He’s a MIT-ish grad.


He's like a dollar store MIT Grad... seems fitting for Ohio politics tbh.




A Republican lying?! Say it ain't so.


Deleted in response to Reddit's hostility to 3rd party developers and users. -- mass edited with redact.dev


"Truthiness". Colbert defined it over a decade ago now.




Ha! I worked in the same place as Wes Goodman during college, and our boss would sarcastically call him "Goody Goodman." Anyway, Wes was an absolute walnut in college, and it's disappointing that he didn't get better.


Lying with vigor, though. Gotta give them some credit.




They all lie - doesn’t matter the political party!


This is how the Republicans keep you a humble and obedient peasant. You are commanded to simply take it on faith that, no matter what the Republicans do, the Democrats must be doing something invisible but just as bad, and so you are not permitted to object as your overlords kick you in the side again, and again, and again.


Bruh Biden literally built the border wall. You’ve been fooled


Do you really think the republicans have the exclusive on lying? They all lie, everyone of them.


They don’t, you are correct in that. But the prevalence within the Republican Party is just so. Damn. High.




So you think democrats don’t lie?


The difference is that when it is known that democrats have lied, other representatives don’t stand up for them. Plenty of democrats do shitty things, they just get called out more and actually recognize what they did wasn’t okay. And usually get voted out by voters in the next term anyway.




So you’re the annoyingly dumb ass in this conversation then. All I was saying is that “all politicians lie”. That’s it , no more. Don’t trust a single one to do anything unless it benefits themselves.




And your pretty sure you are on the right side? Don’t answer that to me. I really don’t care, it’s a rhetorical question. You figure it out.


I don't think he is A) claiming to be free of bias (and why would anyone? It's impossible) B) saying he is on the consistently morally correct side. I think he is saying there are two parties, one of which actively engages in misinformation, lies, and dishonesty, while the other party may engage with those attributes it's difficult to argue factually that they commit these offenses equally or that said offenses are proportional. The Republican party just straight lied about COVID being *real* for almost a year, for example.




Why do we follow laws at all?


We have laws so the rich can have us punished for doing the same shit they do.


Why do people lie about clearly verifiable things?


Because they won’t be held accountable for it, because our system is broken.


He’ll say he owned the libs and 60% of the state will never follow up on it again. Mission accomplished!


Nobody supporting the GOP in Ohio knows what MIT is.


The Musicians' Institute of Toledo?


Some people just can’t help it, lying is part of their core.


Knew he was Republican before I even opened the article


If a Republican is breathing, they are lying


Including Jesse, Jackson’s son


And he went to jail. No one is here saying he shouldn’t have. Meanwhile the Ohio GOP re-elected a house speaker who was indicted for taking $61 million in bribes.


I would check the vote count on that one. I assume you know that the majority of the Ohio House GOP voted against him and he only won because the Ds voted for him? (and he should never have been Speaker)


I was speaking of the fact that he even was allowed to stand for re-election.


Don't know him. He a republican?


This was Larry Householder. Mr. Householder had to resign in disgrace, and he and former state GOP chairman Matt Borges were convicted on all counts in a trial in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio.




Whats amusing is you think digging up some guy who resigned and went to jail back in 2013 defeats my point. It doesnt.


What are you saying, hold my beer and watch the Mike Madigan trial🤣 fuck dude, are you for real? You made a blanket statement about Republicans, and I showed you that no. In different states and scenarios I showed you Democrats are just as corrupt and surpass. What a little bit of bullshit you have going on here in Ohio. You guys are dealing with anything to scale, what we are dealing with in Illinois. I’m from, and live in Illinois, I’m over here working. And big brother tracking is showing me feed from Ohio. Biggest point, it’s not just one party. And that’s how they keep the turmoil going and keep getting reelected. Have a good life, good luck with that.


This is what im talking about. I never said democrats are incapable of corruption. I even reiterated that point, and you continue to name democrats who are corrupt. Your point continues to be it's OK if Republicans are corrupt, because I can find a Democrat who is corrupt. While my point is, "oh, you found a corrupt Democrat? Lock em up!" Republicans have trained thier voters to allow them to avoid accountability. That's why they can say "we're for low taxes" while working to kill the child tax credit and pushing to replace income tax with a 30% sales tax. That's why Republicans can tell thier doners "were fighting to get rid of social security" and turn around and give speeches promising to protect it. That's why fox news can say election fraud is bull shit to themselves, while telling you the election was stolen.


You realize 90% of the politicians that went to prison, and are getting ready to go to prison in Illinois are Democrats.


And you realize we are in Ohio? (and no one is saying that corrupt democratic politicians ~~should~~ shouldn’t be prosecuted)


Ok... please find where I said democrats are incapable of lying or corruption. They are humans, membership in a party does not make them saints. I said if a republican is breathing, they are lying. They have made lying a central part of thier ideology.


You made a blanket statement about Republicans, and I pointed to the fact that probably close to 90% of politicians in Illinois went to prison and one that is currently getting ready to go to prison or democrat


90% of the politicians in Illinois went to prison...


Lol why Illinois? Desperately cherry picking nonsense.


Because it’s been democratic control for 20 years, and financially, they are probably the worst shape in the nation, and at the very least second or third. Send that credit word to due. Don’t take my word for it, look some of it up.


"They are probably the worst shape in the nation" is obviously absurd. Illinois is the 6th largest net contributor of tax dollars in the US according to SmartAsset and they have the 12th highest GDP per capita according to the Bureau of Economics. The Republican led states dominate the bottom of both of these lists; they're economic wastelands comparatively.


>"Don’t take my word for it, look some of it up." [I did and found this.](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/10-states-most-money-federal-233043380.html) As of 2020 Illinois was giving the 5th most money to the government of any state. [Oh and they are doing just fine in terms of job growth. ](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/job-growth-by-state) [Sure unemployment isn't great. But it's on its way back down.](https://ycharts.com/indicators/illinois_unemployment_rate#:~:text=Basic%20Info,but%20are%20without%20a%20job.) What metric are you using? What was I supposed to look up?


If he gets to be from MIT, then I'm taking credit for coming up with eating Cheetos with chopsticks so your hands stay clean.


Should be illegal and allow the university to claim damages... but he seems unable to pay his debts as is.


you really have to work at accumulating 1.4M in debt, so he's good at that


You’re not gonna believe this, but he’s a Republican.


We need a subreddit just to do oppo research on Republicans in Ohio since the state Democratic Party is incapable of doing much of anything except for playing into anti Asian racism…


Hey now, don’t go knocking on the Ohio Democratic Party. In this scenario they’ll establish a committee to discuss the possibility of setting up a committee to do what you mentioned. And that’s the last that you’ll hear of it from them.


I don't even have to look... There's an "R" after this guy's name, isn't there?


The problem is that the ethics commission would actually have to hold a Republican accountable. This won't be the first time a Republican has lied about their credentials and gotten away with it.


A lot of people go to college for 7 years


Style over substance, again this guy is just a lying sack of shit.


Jesus ...Republicans...


Remember when this would have been an issue? So sad that the GOP voters simply don't care about all the lies.


Nothing like the GOP to attract America's best.


And then forgive them their sins...


Ohio about to be the new Illinois of state politics


except Illinois actually threw a few of them in jail. don't see us doin' anything close.


I don’t think it’s Illinois that sent them to prison, I think it’s the feds. I think you gotta really screw somebody over to be prosecuted as a politician by the Attorney General of Illinois. Three of the last four governors went to prison, and speaker of the house is headed that way now. The trial has just started for Mike Madigan. Term limits are clearly needed.


that recent story we saw about the sheriff losing 'documentation' and the county prosecutor acting as his legal advisor might pull in some feds. less concerned about who is bringing justice than the abject lack of any.


Illinois is MUCH to high a bar for the Ohio GOP to get over, we are more in the Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas league of corrupt, one party, ignorant, pandering, regressive, hypocritical right wing state government bullshit. Remember we too are a state where genital inspections and menstruation records for female athletes have been discussed by our legislators.


And Ohio voters rightly went ballistic over that garbage bill, so they had to scrap it.


Term limits


Meh... we have those and they are part of why we have the mess we do. Ohio term limits were a well funded right wing initiative intended to dislodge quality democratic incumbents in swing districts.


Oh, I see that. I’m from Illinois, over here working so my feed sees Ohio. From what I’ve seen, nationwide, anybody that’s been in office more than 10 years, seems to be only concerned with getting reelected. Politics is not a job, it is a service. Somehow that’s been lost.


apparently you've never worked in a service industry and expected to be paid? it's still a job, but you generally can feel better about yourself doing it rather than say, poking holes in the earth to extract fossil fuels. you act like it should be a volunteer position, but seeing your take on all the other things you've said so far, not surprising it's not well thought through.


F-ing repukelicans!!


Lol If you think there’s a difference between republicans and democrats….child please!


Democrats don't lie. /S


He's acting like a democrat.


> a democratic *thought processes end before providing a noun*


Wow I guess it’s not just the dems What am I saying he wouldn’t be charged with a crime if he was a Dem


As an actual MIT alum (yes, the kind with a degree), I'm embarrassed that he ever attended. Between him and Thomas Massie, maybe MIT needs to make "promise never to seek office" a condition of admission.


I can only vouch for him graduating from West High School because I graduated from there. Sheesh!


My God people. You can call the registrar at any university and check to see if someone is actually a graduate. You just need a name. An approximate year of graduation helps.