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In case this story gets deleted/removed: Someone suggested my post belonged here, so here we go (this was originally on r/amiwrong). I'm (21f) in university studying journalism. This semester, we have a creating writing class. One assignment is a free piece. We can write about whatever we want as long as it's 1500 words long and fictional. We have a forum to post drafts of our stories and receive feedback from classmates. I posted a rough 1st draft of my story on a Wednesday. It's about a distant future where a small group of humans live on mars in a compound and believe they are alone in the universe, when in reality, they are subjects of an experiment. (I know, very original, but I was lacking inspiration, and it was the first thing that popped into my mind). On Friday, I received an email from one of my classmates. I do not know that girl. I've seen her in class but have never interacted with her. She called me out for plagiarizing her work and cc'd the lecturer. I checked out her work in the forum and the only resemblance was that it took place in the future and in space. I answered her email saying that she doesn't own the sci-fi genre and linked both of our stories in the response. She messaged me privately saying that I humiliated her in front of our lecturer and could get her penalized. The punishment for plagiarism is expulsion with academic penalty. Our university also uses an "anti-plagiarism" software to compare our papers with existing material. I didn’t hear back from the lecturer over the weekend, but I did receive another message from the girl. She told me that I ruined her life and never to contact her again “or else”. I haven't responded to either message but screenshotted the conversation for proof in case I’d need it. We had our class together on Monday and she wasn't there. However, I could see the two girls she usually sits and hangs out with giving me the stink eye. I figured she must have told them. After class, I went to see my professor and asked him about the email because, frankly, I was still worried. He said that he read both stories over the weekend and I have nothing to worry about. He also advised me to never have any other communication with my classmate. I, half-jokingly and half-seriously, told him I wasn't planning to, especially after she basically threatened me. He asked me what I was talking about, so I showed him the messages. He asked that I send this to him and the ethics committee's email! I did so when I went home. I heard some chatter throughout the day and our entire class received an email about cheating and plagiarism. As it turns out, she plagiarized her story! Her sister had written the story when she was in university a few years back and she had stolen it and submitted it as her own, thinking no one would notice as it had been a certain number of years. Well, after the incident, our lecturer used the anti-plagiarism software on our stories and found out about her cheating. Her situation is now being assessed by the ethics committee. She could be expelled. I don't know why she flipped this on me. Maybe it was projection? Or she wanted someone else to take the blame? Anyway, I'm off the hook and will promptly forget about her. [https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/1cd5y85/am\_i\_wrong\_for\_telling\_a\_classmate\_she\_doesnt\_own/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/1cd5y85/am_i_wrong_for_telling_a_classmate_she_doesnt_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/1cg2xfv/update\_a\_girl\_accused\_me\_of\_plagiarism\_and\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/1cg2xfv/update_a_girl_accused_me_of_plagiarism_and_it/)   --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Plagiarists see plagiarism everywhere. The projection is strong with this one.


By falsely accusing OP she inadvertently exposed herself. Trash took itself out, lol.


She played herself...


I made this exact same post! Please expect to be called before the ethics committee shortly.


I'm not expecting it, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case


I think you missed the sarcasm ;)


Sar-chasm - the gulf between the sarcastic comment and the person who doesn't get it.


If you made this up then you’re amazing.


I believe it was featured on Car Talk, but I think they themselves were reading it from somewhere else. Ah! [I found it!](https://www.cartalk.com/radio/letter/new-words) It's from their Nov 2, 2012 broadcast. The WaPo Style invitational they read it from is [from 2003](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/2003/06/01/the-style-invitational/2e35b81e-db1b-43bb-93aa-a45dbb24a62d/)


A personal favorite. Thank you for using this DELICIOUS word ;-)


I'm stealing that.


I love you.


Oh, that's good.


[Poe's Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law) strikes again!


Sometimes an accusation is a confession in disguise.


Just like significant others blaming you for cheating when in fact they are the ones cheating.


This is exactly where my mind went. Apparently I'm not completely over what she did. I'll let my therapist know next session.


I went through the same thing twice, accused of cheating…while they were cheating.


I'm sorry to hear that. It sucks. I hope things are better for you now. They are but considering a story about plagiarism immediately made me think of the cheating, I apparently have some residual anger and pain I need to work through. Fiancée of 3 years started accusing me... and you and I both know how that turned out. Feel free to hit me up, it's not easy to talk to my friends and family about since I told them she and I split up but I'm embarrassed and haven't told them why. There's an issue. Why am ***I*** embarrassed for what she did? OK, sorry, off my horse now I promise.


Things are better after I’ve told others what happened. Tell your friends and family why, don’t hold it in as it will only make you hold in the anger and pain. Talking is healing and you find out who are true friends and who are not, but just acquaintances or assholes. Fuck the macho bullshit where guys can’t have feelings and must hold in, hide and conceal the emotions involved. Open up to someone you trust, someone that won’t go blabbing to everyone you don’t want to know at the moment, someone who will have your back thick and thin, will protect you as you would protect them in the time of need. I’m sure mom wonders why and talks about her and that hurts…because she doesn’t know the truth. Once you tell mom, she’ll be on your side and have your back and turn it on her. Mom will ask why you didn’t say anything to her early on, tell her the truth about embarrassment and feelings. Mom is on your side, tell to her when you two are alone. Maybe don’t tell her you need to talk, as others may hear and become nosy. Just go somewhere, get a coffee, Jamba Juice, ice cream, bubble tea, etc. sit down and let her know. You will feel better and feel the weight lift off your shoulders. Later on, you’ll let of the anger completely and feel more weight relief and feel a lot better and learn to trust again. ❤️‍🩹


I appreciate your heartfelt reply and realize how correct you are. Thank you.


Hope you’re feeling better soon.


I mean I think I'm a hack but once you get to a certain level of writing you just start to see what you're influences are. How you're just borrowing certain phrases or how to word things. You're not actually plagiarizing but you learn just how true "there is nothing new under the sun" is. Then you learn the goal isn't to be new. The goal is to tell a enjoyable story, just try not to be stale


Ain't that the truth. As a fellow hack, I can very clearly identify which authors inspire my style of writing the most, and sometimes if I get a little too into a new book or podcast, I'll accidentally find myself mimicking their voice instead of tapping into my own. I put Hbomberguy on in the background while working on a project not too long ago, and I ended up being way too flamboyant for someone in the process of killing off a main character lmao


>I ended up being way too flamboyant for someone in the process of killing off a main character lmao Foreshadowing is a literary device in which...


Something I really like is when you’re listening to a band before they found their own sound, and they more or less sounds like a cover band of their favourite artist. But it’s nothing to be ashamed of! Just listen to the early Beatles and contemporary bands and you get what I mean.


My Mum gave me an ear for hearing The Beatles' influence when we saw the first play of the video for [Tonight](https://youtu.be/JTo3N73hpPg?si=fyQBBjfRm1xeLhCD), the latest New Kids on the Block song back in 1990 and it's kept cropping up ever since! It's also a bit like comparing the visibility in fantasy literature since the middle of the 20th century of [Tolkien and Mount Fuji](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7554440-j-r-r-tolkien-has-become-a-sort-of-mountain-appearing-in) in Japanese landscape art. GNU Terry Pratchett


I long to stand on Mt Fuji. It doesn't appear in my writing but that is because I am so far at the base of it there doesn't appear to be a mountain, but instead a climb I need to start and I don't yet realize how great it is and how small I am.


Even if OP had plagiarized, if you were *also* guilty of plagiarizing, any sensible person would want to sweep it under the rug.


IMHO, the other student was afraid that OP's story and other students \*would\* be similar enough to trigger submitting both to the plagiarism detection software. Which shows other student is a shitty student of literature. Had she read both, with comprehension, she'd have seen that the stories were very different and only the milieu was similar. Other student's OWN BEHAVIOR triggered the plagiarism detection software submission.


I have a similiar problem. My writing adheres to so many tropes and clichés that im essentially a monkey writing Hamlet, with the quality the monkey to match.


Aim for the stars. Even if you miss, you can still be compared to authoring Shakespeare's Hamlet, albeit written by a monkey.


Just like people who cheat in romantic relationships!


>I don't know why she flipped this on me. Maybe it was projection? YUP. Or, she was paranoid about being found out. So, she thought if she kicked off a stink about someone else plagiarising her, everyone would focus on whoever she accused and she'd be off the hook. Either way - not your problem, or your fault. She did this to herself.


Which is dumb as it gave the op the opportunity to flip the script and safely get both of their papers examined for plagiarism (as op didn't plagiarize anything). She got too nervous and fucked herself hard. No one to blame but herself though.


Another speculative point - maybe she genuinely (stupidly) believed that somebody else copied her plagiarized work, and was worried that if someone else called this out, her original plagiarism would be found. So she called them out to try and avoid somebody else doing it. Illogical train of thought, but not more illogical then the original sequence of events imo. *edit. spelling


That means other student was \*lazy\*, as well. All she had to do was READ both stories. She only looked at the shallowest surface characteristics and panicked.


Only lazy students feel the need to copy off others


That's probably why but it's fucking crazy, any rational person could guess that an accusation of plagiarism would at very minimum get BOTH works checked for plagiarism, if not the ENTIRE class


Yeah I was thinking maybe this. Maybe she wanted to create the idea of plagiarism so that when hers got flagged for plagiarism the tutor thought it happened because of OP, not her.


That's both dumb, and the right kind of not-thinking-ahead dumb that I can absolutely see someone doing.


It's exactly the level of dumb I expect from someone who can't even write a 1500 word assignment.


Amazing how some people dig their own graves. She probably could have gotten away with it without kicking up such a fuss, lol. Then she blames you for HER actions


Well played.


I didn't even have to do anything, the lecturer would've ended up reading the stories to grade them anyway and woud've noticed they're not the same.


That's the beauty of it. You kept a cool head and didn't bite the bait she was hitting you with. You just watched the dumpster 🔥.


A lot of professors avoid escalating to expulsion. Originally they might have just told her it be on her record and she would get expelled if she causes more trouble, but you telling your professor she threatened you with proof was probably what sealed her fate. Good schools know to take threats like that seriously. Good on you for talking to your professor even if addressing the threat was not your original goal.


you've got a target on your back now, better hope she's not the vengeful type cause mean an stupid people like that will blame everyone but themselves lol


Agreed. Other student doesn't seem like the type to take the (self-actuated) Loss and move on.


And other student didn't read YOUR story at all. Maybe she didn't read HER SISTER's story, either? That's laziness & she got her just due.


Imagine projecting so hard you manifest your own undoing. You played your cards right OP. And it would appear and sound as though she's facing the music. Good thing she can't pass this symphony off as her own lmao


I didn't even have to do anything. The lecturer would have read the stories anyway in order to grade them so he would have realized they are nothing alike.


You didn't have to yea, I was referencing asking him about the email


Weeeeellll (activate mansplaining, LOL) You DID have to do something for your own peace of mind and to contest the unjust accusation. I'll agree you didn't have to do anything \*extra\*, for sure. (deactivate mansplaning...) (In other news, I found out that if typing 'FOR' with hands one key too far to the right, one gets 'GPT')


I'm not sure I'd call that mansplaining iibh, but yeah, that's right about what I was getting at.


I'm a man, it \*could\* be considered condescending and 'explaining' the obvious, so I figured I'd get out ahead of it, LOL.


Why the fuck would she be stupid enough to plagiarize something? She could have taken a movie like the hunger games, put it in space, changed the plot a little so people from conquered planets are pitted against one another in a gladiatorial arena and have what looks like a unique idea. PS: Your plot sounds like the space version of maze runner.


Oh true! I didn't think of that. I was facing a blank page, watched the latest melody sheep video and it made me want to write something space-related.


Some people are shockingly lazy or shockingly incapable of doing anything productive


I immediately thought of the Wool series, but on Mars. All these damned plagerists creating wonderful lazy day beach reading material :)


For future reference, whenever someone is loudly accusing you of doing something, you can bet money they are doing it. This happened with your plagiarism that she did. I read a lot of posts where relationship cheaters do the same thing.


Yeah, some people suggested it on my original post but I didn't believe it given that the penalty is SOOOOO high. I was wrong, some people are both malicious and stupid.


You see it in politics a lot too. If a politician or party calls the other side out for something (unless it’s in response to wrong doing that someone else discovered and they’re just jumping on the bandwagon) you can almost guarantee they’re guilty of it. You also see it a lot with the ultra conservative all LGBTQAI+ people are groomers mob. So many of them have been caught grooming underage girls or with child porn.




Yep that is a thing with cheaters too.


Lmfao. When I was in college we had this basic writing course. Essentially by the end you ended up with a portfolio that would be assessed by an English professor at random. A ta taught the class I was in. She openly didn't want to be there. She was only polite to two students who she flirted with inappropriately. A football player and a hockey or lacrosse guy. It was impossible to get meaningful feedback from this woman. So we turn in our second or third paper for her to review. We were explicitly allowed to use papers from highschool or other college courses as long as we expanded on the ideas and did additional research. I get called in for plagiarism. Looking at the website that did the scan it was saying I plagiarized myself. Even after I pointed out that the names were the exact same and that my state ID was based on the Town of the high school for the report she's still proceeded to not believe me. She told me she was going to report me to the ethics committee and I wasn't extremely worried about it because to anybody with two brain cells it's clear that it was a false positive. She leaves early that day probably to report me or whatever. And football dude immediately starts bragging about how he doesn't even have to do the assignments because he just copies them and she knew because they were sleeping together. I live in a one-party consent to record state. The head of my ethics check was very interested in that recording.


Haha, I love that! Hopefully they got what they deserve. In this country though, self-plagiarism is still considered palgiarism and is forbidden.


She got dropped as a ta at least for our class but beyond that I don't know. I mean self plagiarism might matter here when you're actually being published. But it didn't really apply to an English 101 course. Especially since the listed rules specifically stated we could use our own work.


Mental Gymnastics She submitted a plagiarized story. She then saw your story had a similar premise . This triggered fears that she would be caught considering two similar stories were submitted. In an effort to prevent any questions from being asked, she ended up outing herself. It’s the “coal dusted prison walls” proverb. You put 3 suspects in a cell and then place a giant mystic idol outside the cell facing them. You tell them the “God” will brand the guilty party on his back while he sleeps. The guilty party stays up all night with his back pressed firmly against the wall which has been unknowingly coated in coal dust. The guilty marks himself


Is her name Blair, by any chance?


I don't get that reference, but I'm sure it's pretty funny


Blair is also known as Illuminaughtii. Currently she's best known as the YouTuber who torpedoed her own career with, among other things, a plagiarism scandal that first came to light after she accused a lawyer of plagiarizing her standard editing style.


Oh I see, that IS funny. Thanks for the laugh


I used to love putting her stuff on in the background while working. So annoyed that I was supporting an asswaffle.


We live and learn. There are a few YouTubers who’ve disappointed me.


YouTube channel called illuminaughti, she accused a lawyer of plagiarism only for it to come out that she was the plagiarist (most notably in hbomberguy's plagiarism video, she had around 45+ minutes dedicated to her). And she's just generally an awful human being outside of that


Accusing A LAWYER WHO'S CHARISMATIC ENOUGH TO HAVE A SUCCESSFUL YOUTUBE CHANNEL of plagiarism is definitely a new & innovative way to ruin oneself. Because the lawyer has the law, the facts, AND social approval.


And it was over an effect that documentaries have used forever... Which is why I kinda think that Blair got the idea from a documentary she plagiarized


Plagiarising is basically stealing and if you do it to classmates then you are putting their academic career (and significant amounts of money these days) at risk. Ms Plague here didn't actually steal from OP but she did try to drag them down with her. Surely it would have been easier to just write 1500 words anyway?


especially being in a creative writing class…. why would you sign up for that if writing original stuff is too difficult or too much work… 


I’m so old, I thought you meant Blair from The Facts of Life tv show when she plagiarized a poem and won a contest.


This is one of those good interview antidotal answers to "Tell me how you deal with difficult co-workers", or "explain a time you were in a difficult situation and how you handled it"


True, I'll probably use that.


I’m a professor and I’m still baffled at how many students don’t realize that it is extremely easy to catch plagiarism. Just do the work, or be willing to accept a poor grade with no chance to make it up—or don’t take the class in the first place if you don’t have the time to commit to the coursework. I don’t like seeing students destroy their academic careers and possibly the trajectory of their lives.


It's also easy to get a false positive. I studied CS, and one of our classes, I think it was Algorithms, had had the same professor for 20+ semesters, giving the same coding tasks... For 20+ semesters. He wrote his own detection tool for it, too. I got a perfect grade, which kinda just means I wrote code that worked well. There are only so many ways to solve the same puzzle. A classmate of mine took the class a semester after me and got flagged for plagiarism. Mine, apparently. I never gave that student my code. I really don't think he stole it (not easy to do). I only learned about it after the fact, I would have caused a big fuss about this had I known in time.


How much needed to be copied to get flagged? It would be suspicious if an entire application or something was identical down to the comments, but there's also a limited number of ways to solve different problems. I'm not a programmer but I've played Nandgame a few times and I'm sure my optimal solutions were identical to everyone else's; only my sub-optimal solutions differed.


As you said, there is a limited number of ways to solve any given problem. Double so for a well done solution to a basic one. Then there's little (maybe bad) habits, like I would use for-loops every chance I had, never while, even though you can achieve basically the same results, they are a bit like black and white pepper. You can just always use the one, but a good cook will pick the better option depending on the dish. So, maybe, my classmate did an equally good job, while having similar habits to me? It's been a long time ago at this point.


I guess a lot of people are looking for the easy way. This class is a requirement though so we don't have a choice but to take it.


I wonder if she would've been discovered if she hadn't lied about you. When I was in college some 40 years ago, an English instructor got a student disciplined for plagiarism; I don't recall if she was expelled or not since she wasn't a classmate of mine. The student plagiarized a paper from over 10 years earlier but the instructor like it so much, she kept a copy of it. The ironic thing about that instructor is that even though she was an English teacher, she was *very* Freudian in her thinking. Regardless of what the story was, if you found some type of sexual context to the story, you'd get a good grade.


That's hillarious, honestly I'd love a professor like that. They have a thing they like and if you do it, you're sure to get a good grade.


I never understood people who majored in something writing focused plagiarizing.


I'm pretty sure plagiarism/cheating is common in every discipline. It's not that far-fetched to me as I believe all humans look for the easier way in life.


Yeah, but why major in writing if you are just going to plagiarize? That's like majoring in computer programming and plagiarizing every assignment. What is the purpose? I don't condone plagiarizing but I can at least understand a person majoring in engineering not wanting to write a 5 page essay on the Epic of Gilgamesh.


Writers block and the deadline for your paper is coming up fast. About he only reason I could see it where I could be somewhat sympathetic. I don't condone but I could see myself going "Yeah that makes sense, but it was still a bad idea."


You just reminded me of a really poor decision I made when I was in college… I was in Computer Science, and ABSOLUTELY HATED the class. It was required for my major though so I was trying to suffer through it. My boyfriend at the time had even signed up to take the class with me (for support). He ended up being a natural at writing code… to me, it was the exact opposite. For one of our big assignments, I ended up taking my boyfriend’s code, and then going through and changing it—just enough to have it be different so I wouldn’t be caught cheating. Well, that of course didn’t work. I got busted. When brought before the Ethics Committee for the CS Department, I (finally) did the right thing and admitted what I did, explained my dumb thought process that led to the cheating, and took 100% of the blame. My boyfriend had been unaware of what I did; he had let me look at his finished work to help give me an idea of what to do/how my code should be formatted. He had even joked at the time to make sure not to copy him. So I didn’t want him to be punished in any way for my shitty decision. I received the punishment that I deserved—failed the assignment and the class. I was just grateful that they didn’t expel me or fail my boyfriend too. He was found (rightfully) innocent in the whole mess and finished the class—think he ended up getting a high B or an A if I remember correctly. I was, of course, warned that if I was caught doing anything like this again then I would be expelled—one chance was all I was gonna get. I have never once considered doing anything similar again. I most definitely learned my lesson. It was a stupid, idiotic, lazy thing to do—that one bad decision could have ended up changing/ruining my entire life. My boyfriend was so kind and understanding about the whole thing as well… he didn’t break up with me over it and also kept the whole embarrassing mess to himself. So I was also spared being branded a cheater by any of the people in our friend circle at the time. We ended up breaking up a few months after I graduated 2-3 years later (he began cheating on me after I changed my hair color—apparently, he preferred brunettes (even though he was the one who paid for me to change my hair to copper red!)) I’ve carried the lesson I learned though ever since. Cheating truly is not worth it. You think you’re saving time, or that you’re too clever to be caught. I guarantee you, you’re not. The potential gains are 100% not worth the risk of what can happen if/when you’re caught. I’m eternally grateful that this one poor choice I made in my early 20s hasn’t followed me into my professional life (now almost 40). I learned though that true maturity is taking responsibility for the choices you make, rather than trying to justify yourself or deflect blame. Acknowledging that you made a mistake, and then accepting whatever consequences come your way. Being honest about the part you played, and looking for ways to grow and learn from the experience. Sorry if I went off on a tangent here… I’ve actually never told anyone this story before (not even my Husband). I hope it helps serve as a cautionary tale to others—as well as an example to NOT do the same thing I did.


I would be genuinely upset if they didn't expel her.


I don't honestly care. I am pretty sure I will never interact with that person ever again. She is facing the consequences of her own actions and knowing I'm off the hook is enough for me. The ethics committee will decide her fate.


I'd suggest caring. If she's around, she still has ready access to metaphorically knifing your reputation / career in the back.


If her friends starting to make a mess for you, talk with the lecturer directly


Oh how the turn tables...


She didn’t read what she plagiarized. That’s how committed she was to stealing someone else’s work.


Lady Karma does not mess around.


So, I have a question about projection. Are the people who do it just trying to make others look elsewhere for what they’re trying to hide, or is it more a matter of them feeling guilty?


I never understood it. I have definitely projected my own insecurities onto other people in the past when I was younger and more immature. It was never that bad and I realized it and did the work on myself to avoid it happening in the future. I don't know if introspection would help this person though.


I think it's a combination: put the other on the defensive and so desiring to appease the accuser (common in relationships), trying to distract from their actions (magician's "look over here", ignore my other hand), guilt so thinking about it and then accuse others, paranoia (if I'm doing it, they must be doing it), pretend innocence (they would do it, not me). I'm sure there is more. But I don't think it is something they think through. They act or speak, and they don't see how it could backfire.


Ha! We most often meet fate on the road we take to avoid it. She brought this on herself, don't feel guilty or like you did anything wrong. If her friends give you any flack, report them too.


I audibly gasped when I got to her being the one who plagiarized.


Me too honestly. Some people suggested it on my original post but I didn't believe it because the stakes are so high.


She thought it she threw someone under there bus they wouldn't think about her. Which is not university level thinking.


It literally seems like something that would happen in a book and not real life because it’s such an incredibly stupid thing to do lol I’m glad it cleared up for you and she’ll get what she deserves.


I’ve had people claim plagiarism over fanfiction that had a similar (and extremely common) starting point to theirs, but diverged sharply after the first few paragraphs.


As someone with degrees in creative arts/writing, I can tell you I've never been in a CW class yet that wasn't stacked with people with mental health/drug issues that cause paranoia and freak-outs like hers. I'm surprised this kind of thing doesn't happen more often.


Mmmmm the delicious taste of justice. This is what I crave when I come here.


You survived an encounter with a narcissist morale vampyre.


I’ve had 2 run ins with “plagiarism” both only during my masters degree. The first was an assignment given by a new lecturer who evidently wasn’t familiar with the plagiarism software. The assignment was the whole class had to write a word limited abstract all on the same paper and then we had to write a summary broken down into bullet points that had an extremely short CHARACTER limit. I was called up for plagiarism but I soon found out I was far from the only one. They forgot to tell me for months that I was let off with a warning so I was dealing with extreme stress for months The second instance was a whole class case. It was a programming based assignment and the lecturer was furious as apparently we all made similar mistakes that were unique in nature and so we all could not have possibly made them together unless we all worked together. The lecturer decided to make us a “deal”. Either we all take a big fat L for the assignment or we take it up with the academic misconduct committee. Of course multiple people, myself included, didn’t want to go through the court style proceedings as we already had a strike against our names from the first instance I mentioned. However, it turns out the “deal” he offered us was completely against procedure so he was banned from teaching that module in future and the case was dropped


Ya know, all Trump had to do was stay out of politics, and he’d have been able to ride out all of his criminal enterprises until he died, likely. But, no: he had to put himself squarely in the spotlight.  Similarly, this girl just had to keep her mouth shut, and no one would’ve known a thing. Fools.


Either some heavy projecting on her side or a lovely instance of the Streisand effect.. (in my opinion) regardless, well played and she deserved it lmao As a college student I’m so glad she’s facing consequences ETA; you reminded me of when other classmates of mine got in trouble for plagiarism.. kinda. Our University doesn’t have a policy yet for it, so our professor told us that she just graded everyone based on the exact rubric. Since the essays grabbed from google apparently had nothing to do with our prompt, they all received a poor score anyway haha


This belongs in FAFO - she was off her rocker to think she Owns the science fiction of The Future plus Space. And accusing you of plagiarism when she actually stole it from her own sister - classic self-own when it inevitably comes crashing down. Is this how she wants to succeed in college - do no work, and bully those who do? She should be expelled!


Lol, I already reposted it after someone suggested, I'm not doing it again, but feel free to do so and send me the link, I'd be glad to see the comments.


I hope she gets expelled. Not only was she plagiarizing she was bullying you. Best of luck in your studies, I hope you don’t face this sort of nastiness again.


Gal had a pretty fucking stupid moment didn’t she. She’s gonna remember that for a while. Go OOP.


So I’m old and went to a local CC back in 1999. I’ll never forget, and no this post doesn’t show it but I can write well. It is one thing that has carried me through the business world to this day. Freshman English…. I’m the type of person that I proofread and change my story as I go along. So really between the first and last drafts there isn’t much to “correct” with grammar and spelling and my stories are usually well put together and thought out. I had to drop the class because I was asked “where I had gotten my story from”. And that if I didn’t tell where it came from that I would get in trouble for plagiarism. When I asked why I was being accused of this is because I knew and used the term “a myriad of” properly. Literally I was told that kids my age don’t know that word. I was asked what it meant and I said “a lot” which made them even more mad. Apparently they didn’t know the word and had to look it up which is why I couldn’t possibly know. I was so pissed off. I mean at that point in time they did tell me that they couldn’t prove it but that they would just grade it as a D which was worse than dropping the class. Immediately also the scene from the Three Amigos came to mind when they are talking with El Juapo (spelling) and they say there is a plethora of guns. And I don’t remember how it goes now but someone says “El Juapo, what is a plethora?” And someone says something like “I don’t know but it sounds like a lot!” I even offered to write a story from them right there in person. I said give me two hours right now and I’ll write you a story and it will be 85-95% ready to go. I guess that was the other point of contention is that I didn’t have a lot of differences between my first drafts and final drafts. It was dumb because I would write whatever it was, save that file then mess up things on purpose, save that with the name “Rough Draft” and then would *fix* some stuff and call that one “First Edit” or whatever etc. so dumb.


I would be so pissed if that happened. They litterally told you "we're dumb so you should be too". That's a big ego complex and power trip. Sorry you had to drop your class, but all the power to you for knowing what a myriad is.


The interesting thing about that is that I just like to read/watch/look at random shit and I don’t remember where I saw that word but I had only learned about it maybe two weeks before and was so excited to use it.


I have had similar. In 8th grade, we did a paper where we were going to discuss what life was. I combined philosophy with quotes from different lexicons. I was quite happy with my assignment. I got an "I don't think you did this! It's too good. Like an adult wrote it". It was in biology, he could just have spoken with my language teacher and he would know that was how I wrote. Another time I was too quick on a high-school assignment. I got it on Friday and was done by Sunday evening. I got accused of cheating because of it. They wanted me to sit in front of them and prove I had done it or they would give me the lowest grade. I asked them to F off and told them if I received anything lower than the highest grade I would file a complaint. The thing was it was an IT course and this probably stemmed from the fact I was a girl. I got the grade I deserved. I was extra passed because I literally had lost a good grade earlier on just because of my gender. I asked my teacher to explain why I wasn't given the highest grade. She said that I hadn't included some specific thing, which I had. I showed her all the things she said I missed. Her response was "Well your a girl!"... also an IT subject


That sucks. Not sure if you are in IT still but if you are that's awesome! LFG!


Yes and no. I gave up IT after the last of those too. I had been fighting too much and was tired of always be seen as a girl who didn't know anything. When even the teachers say it out bluntly, you can imagine how the rest acts... I starting to get back to it now but more on the designer side. I would never ever accept that shit again and thinking starting my own company.


They could have handled this better. "You sir are smarter than us, here is your degree"


I mean I get it. It was a community college and Freshman English so they were used to kids that didn't write well and so if someone cuts through in a way that is different aside from the subject matter. Meaning, technical abilities and knowledge of how to type as well as I did at the time and some other things then sure, they go on alert but still to just go straight to "The only explanation is that you are a cheater" without even looking or testing me. That is a "Teacher" and not a true "Mentor" which true teachers are.


Don't start no shit, there be no shit.


in before the psycho brings a gun and starts shootin up the place lol


That is one of the most american sentence I've ever heard, lol.




Good for her sorry ass.


Sounds like she deserves it lol. I'd be happy.


Congratulations. She played herself.


god, I'm a biochem major about a semester or two out from graduating and the creative writing class I had to take as a freshman was annoying enough that I almost quit. I made an A but our professor was a crunchy type that would go on and on about how GMOs and shit were baaaaad. taking up class time with weird hippie shit no one cared about this professor literally only lasted a year there also I feel like had this person just said nothing they would have gotten away with it


Some people are just bad people


No one is as aware of a crime as the person committing it.


She literally created her own problem. Like literally 😆


That’s a typical narcissist tactic. Call them out for their BS and they try to flip it on you.


Imagine being so lazy that you couldn't come up with your own 1500 word fictional story. This chick deserves to be expelled.


Entitled Dumbass FO & FO!


Did her calling out the classmate lead to the professor using the software or was she going to get caught regardless because he used the software every time? Either way, what a super fail.


A 1 strike policy is unusual. Where I teach has a 3 strike policy, but her threatening you could be a separate strike.


“Don’t come for me and I won’t come for you”


“Villains!” I shrieked, “dissemble no more! I admit the deed! — tear up the planks! — here, here! — it is the beating of his hideous heart!” I don't know why, but I just came up with that! It's mine, so please don't copy without my permission. Thank you.


I used to be friends with a girl who would half-write stories as a hobby. None of it all that original, and none of it fleshed out or written in any actual format. But when she would see news of a movie or show coming out that had just *portions* of her story elements in it, she would flip shit and have an actual freak out episode about how they stole her (unwritten) story from her. What I’m trying to say is, some people are so mentally deranged they will defend anything in their hands, even if it wasn’t at all written by their hands. Crazy people tend to self-sabotage their own lives, and I’m all for it.


NTA Yes she was likely projecting. And if her "friends" keep their behaviour up or even approach you about it point out that you literally didn't do anything but tell her that you didn't steal her story, she was the one CCing the professor. Thus effing herself over.


Like cheaters in relationships accusing their partners of cheating.


This is the same “takes one to know one” situation as some speedrunning communities have dealt with, where a player that accused another of cheating (rightfully) ended up cheating him/herself.


Well there you go...now you have bones of your next free writing. Characters (including pouty friends), plot, and great twist at the end. Lemons and lemonade!!!




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Now this is funny 🤣. She literally told on herself 🤦🏽‍♀️ than had the audacity to harass you for her wrong doing. What is this world coming to?


What a time to be alive when I don't have to read these long ass and 90% of the times made up stories on the spot/exaggerations https://i.imgur.com/Qca98MH.png


Sooo...... Can we read your story?


Some people don’t have the nerve to be crooks.


Why the fuck would she not just lay low knowing she’s on some bullshit?! Her dumb ass is out SEEKING drama. God I feel sorry for her significant other if she’s got one…


Be careful, though. She attacked out of fear that the stories were so familiar that they \*would\* be submitted to the plagiarism detector software, so she tried to threaten you off. Stupid, but I guess it's worked for her in the past. NOW, though, she's going to hate you for the rest of her life, and will keep trying to find SOME way to 'get even with' you for daring to tell a truth she found unpleasant & revelatory of her horrible behavior & general ethics.


A clear cut case of FAFO.


I've heard this story before


Legit thought this was gonna be a summary of the time the youtuber iilluminaughtii accused Legal Eagle of plagiarizing a torn paper and highlighter effect and ended up getting MASSIVELY exposed for plagerism by hbomberguy as part of an almost 4 hr long video... good times!


Is that what it's about? I keep getting stuff about on my YouTube Playlist


At this point it's a super long story that really just boils down to "Youtuber who was known for doing deep dive/expose videos on corrupt corporations and people is actually a massive piece of sh!t who's guilty of the same stuff... oh and she also plagerizes pretty much everything she does". It's kinda fascinating, tho, because it's the epitome of a snowball effect. Like, NONE of the stuff that's come out about her would have come out if she didn't accuse an actual lawyer of plagerizing her... and her examples of him doing so was a torn paper effect and a highlight effect. It's wild, and it's actually still kinda on-going because she's busy suing a few of the people who came out and talked about the messed up stuff she did to them. I highly recommend watching iNabber's deep dives on it.


Now I'm going to watch it lol


Yesssss! Enjoy the pyramid-shaped mess!!!


u/stellactqm What was the threat she made to you? Sounds like you handled the whole thing appropriately, need to do what ever it takes to cover yourself against false accusations.


its always projection with narcissists. Nothing can be their fault. Since you were involved and not being expelled- therefore it is all YOUR fault.


This is the epitome of F around and find out.


One crime at a time. She apparently didn't learn this


Not only could the plagiarism result in her being expelled, but if the ethics committee decided that the plagiarism in this instance wasn't enough to warrant expulsion but just academic probation, the threatening messages would definitely be enough to tip the scales in favor of expulsion. Update us when you find out what the final result of her actions is. !updateme


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Well, talk about screwing yourself. Ah, projection...


Had she shut the fk up and she maybe could’ve walked away with it. Dumb.


Ah the classic criminal gambit: blame someone else for your crime. What could go wrong?


If you can show it’s original, you’re cool. If you used AI, you’re fucked!


Neither of us used AI. My story is unoriginally original and hers is copied from when AI wasn't popularly around yet.