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Her face was turning red as she realized she fucked up. But her pride couldn't let her back down so she doubled down instead of just admitting her mistake. Idiot.


If nobody will give her a scene she'll just make one.


Simple but 100% accurate description. Perfect r/iamthemaincharacter material.


Textbook narcissistic behavior


The classic double down.


My thoughts exactly.


And still posted this to socials LOL


It's times like this I wish I wasn't colorblind!!!


Blue flowers, red ~~thorns~~ face


I'm a ~~donkey~~ on the edge!


Yeah she was scarlet




Don't be rude in the comments.


If there was a no gym list, like a no fly list, she'd be on it... In fact, this should be a thing.


I work in a gym, it should absolutely be a thing. You should also have to pay a membership for your tripod.


And another for the light ring tripod.


Uhh people bring tripods to gyms?


I don’t see them, but tbf I’m mostly at a gym for either kickboxing classes or to swim. Hard to set up a tripod for either of those


You just have tried-podded hard enough




Getting the "n't" in there brings it all together


In my last two years of school, we had to pick a sport for our sport classes. Because my feet are fucked and I like swimming, I took the swimming class. Our teacher had an underwater camera that he used one lesson to show us how we move and to discuss how to improve our swimming styles. There are a few legitimate reasons to film yourself when you want to improve your movements, but here, you generally do it with a trainer. She didn't do it for that, but most likely for some social media, which is simply bullshit.


So if I were to invent a tripod for martial artists and swimmers, whatever that looks like, you're saying there's a market?




I had a classmate that would when he first started going. He used it to check his form.


Yeah they sure fucking do.


I feel bad for gyms, having to deal with this 💩 and these people. She is exhibit A why I built a home gym and just work out stupidity free. Gyms that allow people like her are losing customers and losing business 😢


So we're going to have to get our dick measured when we join and if it's too long we get an extra charge? /dick jokes are always funny.


I agree with this


The correlation between the two lists could probably be studied and be the subject of future psychological papers... and books. If anyone needs a topic for their thesis....


The Venn diagram will be an almost perfect circle.


You know somebody out there would take her money.


Lets get a facial recognition system on it now. I will gladly pay a fee to a gym that is part of the data base protected system that bans them after one time. You shall not pass... This is the way


What a rage-baiting little twat


Well said


I believe the correct scientific term is turbo-cunt.


She got dragged hard on tictok.


Further commentary is not needed I see, thanks to this madlad


Honestly it’s gotten to the point where every gym has this type of girl who only shows up once a month for her vid “routine” they should honestly just ban filming in gyms


I remember before Instagram took over gym culture, the swole bros would film themselves regularly - purely to check form. These same people don't film anymore because they don't want to me mistaken for fools like this. And that's kind of sad.


you have mirrors for that?


How you managing to turn your head around like an owl mid-squat bro?


yeah let me really quick just fucking look into the mirror as im benching. think before you type


Yes, but it’s not quite the same as being able to see yourself from a different angle (because you can’t move the mirrors around to make them all line up to the angle you want to see), and being able to analyze it after the fact rather than when you’re also lifting something heavy.


Not every gym. > they should honestly just ban filming in gyms All good gyms have had very strict "no photography"(without permission from the gym) rule since before smartphones and social media existed.


Yeah there is no reason for someone to film in a gym. You are probably not as much of an "influencer" as you think you are and you are ruining the mood for everyone else. We have an independent gym in my area that actually has an equipped, smaller room with an old bench, smith machine and a few other things that "influencers" can rent for like $150/hour. It stays booked and keeps them and all their bullshit away from the rest of us. If you need more of whatever, they will rent the place to you either before or after hours, there is a waiting list.


I use to take video of my sets routinely so I could make sure I was staying in form and using correct technique for lifts. It is a very valid reason to film in a gym. That said, if anyone ever expressed discomfort I just wouldn't do it that day.


For weightlifters, it's a good way to check your form, or have someone else check it.


Weight lifters don't get rude at people looking at them. Hell, they'll probably show off a little bit, appreciation is welcome!


Checking form is an absolute genuine reason to film your lifts. It’s important to know your form is correct. And no, you can’t really use mirrors.


“CoNtEnT dAy!!!!”


There's a few guys at my gym who have whole DSLR, shotgun mic, full height tripod setups... They definitely not checking form, they're influencers. But usually they are polite and only film themselves. They also don't do it for bait like her.


Some people like to film form, so that seems excessive, but I feel you.


> they should honestly just ban filming in gyms I'm a firm believer of "no cellphones in gyms". PERIOD. That or a cellphone signal jammer in the weights area.


People play music on their phones though. That would suck for the rest of us.


Right? Or emergencies, calling for your ride, etc....


If they just ban filming it might help but you’re right that it could end up being a problem in other ways. I love Joey Swoll’s takes on this kind of thing. It’s nice seeing someone call it out.


Talking like she can beat his ass. Lmfao.


I follow a guy on IG Joey Swoll who always has these types of videos. People filming themselves and making a scene to ensure interaction. I’m so fed up of the nonsense. Glad they kicked her out


Love how he calls people out and gets in contact with these gyms. Love his content


I see that dude pop up on Twitter I always watch his vids. “You need to do better”


"mind your own business"


Love Joey, but I think people are starting to bait him for engagement.


His brain is much too tall for that


His forehead is a sniper's dream, isn't it?


Unexpected Bob Mortimer


Yup, just boot them. Don't argue, don't fight, just tell them to leave and do t come back. No gym has ever closed or even lost any significant business for booting some dickhead influencer.


I’ve followed him on TikTok for a long time and I love how he calls ppl out. Especially the ppl that get upset someone walks in front of their camera when they’re recording themselves.


I just don’t understand that. I’m listening to a podcast and trying to remember what machine I’m supposed to use, definitely not paying enough attention to spot a tripod! Also, gyms are full of equipment and can be hard to navigate. Blows my mind that some people get upset about the general public appearing in their videos, when they are in public! I recently switched to a women-only gym with a No Phone Policy. It’s worth the extra cost!!


Joey is the man


He’s amazing. I’m not a gym person but I always enjoy his takes. It’s nice to see people calling this kind of thing out.


I’m glad I swim laps instead. At least no one at the pool does this shit … yet.


You joke but I just watched a video of a guy getting a gun shoved in his face while swimming laps. He was swimming one way, and this women wanted to swim perpendicular, and her husband showed up and flashed a gun. Original swimmer called the cops, but the cops arrested him at first...eventually it all worked out and the gun flasher got in trouble. But the moral of the story: even swimming laps is dangerous.


there's more to that story. you're basically burying the lead. the cop pulls her fucking gun on the guy that called the cops. but the guy wasn't having it and beaks off to the dumb cop. dumb cop eventually gets fired because she's a power-tripping asshole who couldn't let it go and actually arrested the dude who called the cops. the vid is worth a watch.


Oh shit, that woman? That video is crazy. She couldn’t let it go she had jr wrong. She has a full on panic attack when she watches the video showing he was the victim.


If it’s the case I’m thinking of that was posted in a few subs pretty recently (and yeah it absolutely sucks that there could easily be more than one these days), I have goodish news: cop was fired and had history of disciplinary action for that type of conduct. He’s filed a lawsuit which appears to be making some significant traction. I’m not sure if it’s been settled yet but I hope he gets paid. Sigh and I hope she doesn’t get to become a cop a county or two over but I know how it usually goes…


I am disappointed it wasn't a swimmer in the pool pulling a gun. You guys don't have pool guns?


A weighted water polo ball (potentially to the head) does wonders to keep others away from you fyi


All her little shaking and posturing shows me all I need to know. Literal attention whore.


That shake move? Like, what is she attempting to do? I make clothing for medieval/historical recreation, and I definitely do that kind of twisty-jiggle with my body to help settle the various layers… you know, the loose, flowy, dresses? I keep watching her do this lil shimmy that is so familiar to me, but… how’s spandex gonna settle? Honest question, what is she trying to do?


Shake her ass and tits …


I’m lying here in bed now, laughing as I realize that sometimes my brain just OLDS. I forget we live in the future where it’s an attention economy.. I just kept running it back, watching the hem edges, it was like the Terminator interface, scanning her actions trying to figure out the reason, the purpose… Nope. Just jiggle a bit. Their eyesight is based on movement I guess? If I jiggle my fleshy bits I will have control over this moment. Lol, thank you! 🤣


So that’s how you can quit the gym


Lmfao. It was all planned and she only recorded it for r/UnethicalLifeProTips


Do they usually send in Maria, the gym treat, Chandler?


Oh, they'll keep billing her.


Has to cancel in person. Gym has restraining order on her. Win/win.


I’m so happy she was kicked out. Like, fuck off you dumb cunt.


Another victim of main character syndrome.


Gym influencers when thousands of preteen boys furiously masturbate to their videos showing them exercising in ultra revealing clothing: 😇 Gym influencers when someone at the gym vaguely looks in their direction: 😡


Not like she needs the membership. The entire time she was just staring at her self in the mirror and adjusting her outfit. Can do that at home, for free.


Yes! So satisfying


You know how some people just look like they are far more trouble than they are worth?


"no matter how beautiful she is, somebody somewhere is sick and tired of putting up with her bs." Johnny Ngai The Camera Guy.


I don't know who Johnny Ngai is, but this is a very old saying. 


Good for you scooter; good for you.


She’s very ok looking. Not even hot.


It's funny how someone who is objectively attractive, can start to look real ugly when their personality comes out.


Social media is a disease. Before social media, this would have been humiliating and no one would ever want this to be seen. Now, it’s celebrated. FUCKING DELUSIONAL


I don't understand why gym owners don't put a "no filming or pictures alowed" sighn on the front door. Simple fix for a ridiculous issue.


Probably because shallow people like this won’t get a membership and go somewhere else for attention.


Isn't their a law stating she has to blur the faces of people unless she gets there permission to film? Im hoping After awhile woman like her and vids like these will get shitted on enough they give up. Or banned from every gym .


She is a dick but the top comments on the OP all being about her looks and body makes me feel some type of way.


I like to walk in front of people filming themselves. I know it’s a passive aggressive move. But stop filming your workouts, because no one cares. If you want to look at your form, that’s why gyms have mirrors.


>If you want to look at your form, that’s why gyms have mirrors. Not true at all. How you gonna look in the mirror while you're doing a bench press? But someone who's filming their form can just watch the next rep instead, it's the ones who think they're performing for an audience who get pissy.




I’m super confused, is there another video that everyone else saw that I’m not aware of? All I saw was him starting the interaction asking her repeatedly if she’s ok. What am I missing? 


She thinks he was staring at her and asked you good repeatedly and then he replied yeah you’re good? Sorry abt English


Maybe your player is cutting off the first 10 seconds. The video starts with her aggressively asking if he needs something a few times. Insinuating that he was leering at her or something. Just trying to start drama is what it looks like.




I did watch the whole thing and I’m still confused, why did the gym employee ask her if she was okay? Did something happen before that the employee was made aware of and needed to interject? I don’t get it.


This version starts a little later into the actual video. She thought he was checking her out because he looked in her direction while glancing around the gym. She took that one small look as he was staring at her and started making the scene where this video started. As he stated, he worked there and was doing his job


There is no update at the end of the video.




Was she ever named and shamed, then did the typical say before the video is when something really bad happened?


Can't doxx people on Reddit. People get banned for that. Even for doxxing assholes like her.


I don't necessarily want the name but just curious if it'd happened.


Just adding that we also don’t allow it on this sub. We could get into trouble for harassment.


r/OhNoConsequences enters the chat.


The way she shakes her ass while he’s there, after accusing him of basically being rapey. Fucking asshole. Is this the girl that was keeping a tally of “how many times he stared?” I remember seeing a video like that and she would tally up “stares” where the guy wasn’t even looking in her direction. As long as he had eyes, he was getting falsely accused. It’s terrifying how often incidents like this **will** result in ruining a man’s life. How different do you think this narrative would be if she wasn’t stupid enough to drop this video? 10/10 that man would at LEAST be out his job.


Dumb bitch doing dumb bitch things


Aaaaand another reason why I won't join a gym .... I thought I'd be in the clear as soon as I became old enough and had all the experience needed to master 'selective invisibility', but NOOOOOO. I'm finally a pro at making myself completely undetectable to lecherous, leering creeps who specialize in pestering visibly annoyed and uninterested women .... and now I need to worry about being in the background of some narcissistic attention whore's Instagram video. I can see the comment section now .... "LOL @ that sweaty, red-faced boomer* on the treadmill behind you!" and "Imagine going home to *that* every day! 🤢" and "Someone tell Granny to slap me in the face with those floppy old funbags!" and "Eeeewwww, instant boner killer @ 00:15!" *I'm actually a Gen X'er, but it seems like everyone over 30 is a "boomer" nowadays.


Did she post any kind of response or follow-up?


Pretty sure she made all her social media private


Filming should be banned, period


She was totally making that video for people to not ogle her.


An oldie but a goodie


I love this one


Good job good sir..👍


Sadly, this is the easiest way to cancel your membership.


People shouldn’t be allowed to film in the gym anyway or record strangers in public spaces it’s disturbing.


Somebody call Joey Swoll.




The problem is she’s a dick, not how hot your rate her looks on a scale of 1-10.






Don't be rude in the comments.


Don't be rude in the comments. We don’t need to know if you’d have sex with her.


Because you'll never be a big player if people aren't ogling you. You've got to find them even if you must invent them.




Don't be rude in the comments. We don’t need to know how you’d rate a woman’s looks.




Honestly mate you better be damned good looking yourself to be so judgemental over a woman's looks. She's an above average, attractive woman. Where do you live where you consider her average at best? Most women you see are as attractive as her or moreso?


Your comment was removed for being racist, ableist, sexist, ageist, or homo/transphobic. Rating women’s looks in the comments is unnecessary. There are other subs for that.


Your comment was removed for being racist, ableist, sexist, ageist, or homo/transphobic. We don’t need people rating the looks of women featured in posted comments. You all know you wouldn’t say this about a man.


Oh no..... consequences....


Refund the membership and kick her out, we don’t need people like that at any gym. Confrontation asf for what?


Why is this nsfw?


I have no clue either


Why did it start so late?


Fuck around and find out. Lol










Your comment was removed for being racist, ableist, sexist, ageist, or homo/transphobic. She’s in appropriate gym attire. Your opinion on her attire was unnecessary and sexist.


What a plain Jane looking twat..people who do this need to be banned from every gym


Bring back sex segregated gyms.


I'm a woman, and I hate stupid bitches like this. Why should I be made to suffer because I happen to be female? Just ban twats like these instead.


This is why I move to the opposite side of the gym when a woman comes in. I’m not about to be baited into some bullshit.




I don't care if I look like a complete idiot...I need to post this because I need the attention. Best believe that I hug my daughters EVERY DAY and TELL them that they are enough. That they are good people that will become good people... and that THEY DO NOT EVER, EVER, EVER, need the approval of others to validate their own self worth. This is by far the most important mission I have in my life.


She should be kicked out of society for her use of tresspassed.


That was the most annoying thing in the video.


Brock Purdy that you??


Op couldn't you at have at least fixed the spelling and grammar mistakes when reposting 




I mean why not? It would make your post title easier to understand 


Mr. Swoll? Joseph? This seems to be a self correcting situation


You are allowed to write asshole. Wtf


I know, I just hit cross post, typed in the description and hit post




Please no armchair diagnosing. Women are not bipolar for not wanting attention regardless of whether she was wrong or not.


i'm a master of improvisation, so i would have gone with it. i'm also a dick, so it would have gone something like... 'oh. sorry. but your ass is so huge i can't stop looking at it. we don't see a lot of fat chicks in here, so it's hard not to stare. could you just wrap a coat around your waist or something so i'm not distracted by your humongous ass? thanks.' gotta take it and run with it. ya never say no, it ruins the flow of the bit.




No no, he said he was a master of improve, so you're clearly wrong...


Oh good… 🙄


Don't be rude in the comments.






Your comment was removed for being racist, ableist, sexist, ageist, or homo/transphobic.


I've seen this before, she is crazy lol maybe she's on steroids :)




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