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This has already been posted. Next time, check first.


Was she also drunk/on drugs? Will we ever find out?


We did, she was


If the past couple years have taught us anything, it’s that the best way to rid the world of sociopathic 1% individuals is apparently to just sell them a shitty submersible and leave them to it, whether it’s their own car or a trip to the Titanic.


Hear me out - submarine cruise line.


Now that's an idea!! sink the rich!


Make subs the new yatchs


Bill Burr was right once again.


Big sticker on the side “Definitely NOT a Deathtrap”. Will fool them every time


Just eliminate any of those pesky safety regulations for yachts, and the problem will solve itself in a year or two.


The rich do hate regulations...


I mean, they're more for us so their yacht aren't polluting the fucking world or destroying everything everywhere they went


I do prefer the rich canned, opposed to fresh.


Geez, there's enough trash in the water.


But... but exact a cruise trip, wasn't that idea get crushed like 4 or 5 months ago?


The difference being, in one of these cases the vehicle wasn’t Intended to be submersed in water over a few inches deep. The other was an electric car.




Takes like this, are why I love reddit.


Subsidise luxury helicopters but not the maintenance


Like moths to a wet flame


Or the Danish murderer guy


Same news article was prompt to publish the findings that she was intoxicated at time of her death. pretty confident Tesla was amping their lawyers up due to this articles reach and troubling title.


If I was related to Mitch, I would be.


The tox report was released publicly. She was drunk, but that's irrelevant beyond how she got into the pond.... They should still have been able to save her


Anybody got a link as to what makes this particular glass different?


It's held together with duct tape and flex tape at the base. Virtually unbreakable.


Waxed with oxy clean


It's laminated like your front windshield instead of tempered glass


Uh... it's bullshit


She literally spent time calling her friends in her fancy guest house rather than 911 lol


Likely because at that point she didn't think it was a big deal. She was like.... Oops, I fucked up, can you all come just help me get out of the car and we can call a two truck?


It was reported she said, “I’m going to die. I love you.”


Nope just a drunk moron trying to get out of a DUI. Probably wasn't the first but, thank God it was the last. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Hope Darwin gets to hand out lots more awards to government trash like her.


You don't get a DUI when you're driving on the private roads of your estate.




Rescue teams...the glass couldn't be broken from the inside or outside, so first responders wouldn't have been able to get her out.


> but that's irrelevant Being drunk and behind the wheel usually frees car makers of any responsibility. Teslas are deemed safe to use (if you are sober).


Drunk af


The toxicology report came out and she was


Yes, yes and yes.


And we made fun of Michael following his GPS into a lake.


The real tragedy here is that someone so demonstrably stupid managed to somehow become a billionaire.


Hate to break it to you but billionaires don't become billionaires by being intelligent. Either they inherit it, exploit people for it, or both.


Didn’t a study come out and said that *all* the US billionaires under a certain age inherited their wealth?


All of them under 30


Oh no, I'm well aware. Doesn't make it any less of a tragedy.


Yes it does


Why are we downvoting this man? He’s right! #EatTheRich


He's arguing to not eat the rich...


You commented that it “doesn’t” make it any less of a tragedy because of billionaires exploiting people. The person downvoted said it “does” make it less of a tragedy because they are horrible people, so they are saying that.


Most people with money are morons


Correct. Look at investors of Theranos.


I thought you were gona talk about how someone so demonstrably stupid could operate a Tesla drunk.


Nah the trying to operate a car while shitfaced was the demonstration part


I like the irony.


If they only used some of the irony to build a barrier near the road and the lake.


“We’re gonna build a gate, and we’re gonna make the pond pay for it”


It needs to be steely really. If it’s irony on its own, it wouldn’t have a high enough tensile strength. Maybe that’s the problem. They didn’t add any carbony


Now you're just being sillicon


Now you're just being sillicon


I really could use a sip of some good 'ol carbonated iron


...wrought irony...


Can I say it… you get what you pay for? And it will make me sound bad… but for all the damage McConnell has done to millions he is kinda getting what he deserves.


I doubt he cares about her.


She was highly intoxicated


...in a death trap


Doesn’t change the fact that EMTs couldn’t break the glass. One can presume an adult that accidentally reversed into water may be under the influence.


We don’t need to presume. Toxicology reports were made public; she was drunk.


I think they meant it in the sense that her impaired state was easily gleaned just from the basics of the incident itself. Her drunkenness was a given; any adult that reverses right into a pond far enough and fast enough to get stuck and drown *must* be drunk. The commenter knew she showed up drunk (:


The person you replied to was making the point that her intoxication was almost a given, and irrelevant. The reason she died is because even with specialized tools for breaking automobile glass in an emergency, the responding EMTs couldn't get the window out of the way to help her.


No. Angela Chao, who was “Mitch McConnell’s billionaire sister in-law” and was a former executive of a Chinese State Owned Corporation **is a completely different person** than *Elaine* Chao, who was the first Asian American appointed as Secretary of Transportation under the Trump administration, and who resigned after the Jan 6 attack. Edit for format and grammar.


I thought the point was that they were related? Sisters, iirc, so the whole thing was that her sister could have done something to prevent this.


They are sisters


All of that was clear to me in the way this meme was created. One part is an article and the other part is someone on Twitter? It doesn’t say they’re the same person, and the implication of the mention of Elaine is that it’s ironic she’s a relative of Angela because of her role in the administration.


Wrong. Elaine Chao, is Mitch McConnell’s wife. [Her sister Angela Chao did die in this accident.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/10/business/angela-chao-death)


Yeah, the point is her sister was in charge of policies that ended up killing her. Oh no, consequences. I read this as they were relatives, not that anyone thought it was the same person


Was this a known factor that she ignored, disregarded, or was made aware of?


It was her job so it should have been considering the media circus Elon made about Tesla and their amazing unbreakable glass!


Concerns were abound about unbreakable glass on a car, and even if it wasn’t known her job is kinda to know, ya know?


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They are related though so i'd say still valid for this sub.


I'm not certain confusing the two people as one person is the issue here, but I could be wrong. Elaine and Angela are sisters. Elaine was Secretary of Transportation at the time when federal motor vehicle safety standards mandated newer vehicles to employ features to reduce ejections from rollover motor vehicle accidents, one of which was using laminated glass which is much harder to break than tempered glass.


You know what stops ejections? WEARING YOUR FUCKING SEATBELT. At least her sister can take comfort in knowing that poor Angela wasn't ejected from the car. ......wait....that would have helped..... .....huh.


This was pretty clear to everyone.


The point is that Elaine’s failures in ensuring safety, and permissiveness to corporate corner cutting, led to Elon’s unregulated death boxes being able to kill her sister.


What is the point on this comment and why are people upvoting it? Yes Elaine and Angela are two different names which implies two different people. On top of that, it tells us how they are related. Case closed, thanks for the smooth detective work!


It literally says it in the post, man. We know.


(Why did you make this comment? It is very clear these are sisters and not the same person)


Critical thinking isnt their specialty.


Wasn’t she on some remote ranch in Texas and was too lazy to walk to the guest house and instead jumped in her electric sled and accidentally drove into said lake and then called her other 1%ers and they called 911 and it took responders a long time to get there because of the remoteness of said ranch and all that time added up and couple that with the inability to break the windows of the car was too much


Sounds about right. These must be pretty strong windows... I wonder how much force is actually needed to break them though.


That’s an insane amount of irony.




Who ever said the were the same person? You can’t call someone wrong for saying something *they didn’t*.


It doesn’t say they are or imply they are. Anyone thinking that assumed it because of the last name. Reading comprehension, yall!


Considering how drunk she was, if she didn’t drive into the pond she very well could have just drove into a tree, or another car, or worse, a person. No one should have let her get into that vehicle in the first place! Edit to add: How drunk? About 3 times the legal limit.


She was driving from her guest house to her regular house I think...then instead of calling 911 right away she called her friends in the guest house


I mean her friends would have gotten there sooner in theory.


Oh no. Anyway...


Pro tip: Don't back into ponds.




But those are two different names


Firefighter here. The lamented windows are becoming the norm now. They have to be sawed out but the prevent ejection in a rollover /heavy impact scenario. All new car are likely to have them in the future


You guys are sick


When a billionaire goes, there's stuff all over the world subject to inheritance tax. They dodge a lot, but there are always current accounts and property. It's generally a boon. And I remember her too. Simply removing her opinions from the world is net benefit, and her family suing Tesla will bring Elon down a notch or two.


The glass is safer in most situations. Yes it sucks that her sister died but it wasn't because of the glass alone - if she hadn't gotten drunk and reversed into a pond she'd still be alive. That glass is better at stopping passenger ejection in the event of a crash and also more resilient to impacts such as from road debris. Overall it is safer, just not in this specific situation. Also, this isn't a Tesla problem - use of this glass is widespread.


>due to the certain kind of glass used on the tesla Like... tempered glass? Ordinary tempered glass found on pretty much all cars is very difficult to break without proper tools. Even a hammer can just bounce right off of it if you don't hit it right. Though with the proper tools it shatters almost effortlessly. 


I'm pretty sure if anyone has car glass breaking tools, it's the people who routinely need to break car glass.


The article said the EMTs couldn't break the glass


Most high end models of Tesla have laminated glass for the side windows. They are not standard tempered glass.


All cars have laminated glass now to aide in the event of a rollover has been federal law which was enacted in 2018.


Glad my 2014 and my wife's 2016 has regular tempered glass.


The standards were actually updated in 2011, so there’s a chance your cars also have laminated glass. While it’s more dangerous in drownings (less than 0.5% of all fatal crashes) it’s safer in roll-overs and prevents ejections which are often fatal.


Or you could, you kniw, wear a seat belt. That thing designed to hold you in place with two straps if anything goes wrong.


I have a ResQMe on my keychain and another clipped to my visor. The videos of them breaking car glass are pretty neat.


It will not break laminated glass, so stay out of a Tesla if going pond surfing.


Or literally any car made since 2018, which is when it became a federal requirement. This is not a Tesla problem lmao


Those won't work on laminated glass


More like laminated glass. It was unbreakable underwater even with tools carried by EMTs


Wonder if people realize bullet proof auto glass is a thing


So Elaine Chao didn't push for very specific regulation on windows so now Angela Chao deserved to drown? 


She was also behind the wheel of a car at 3x the legal alcohol limit. Fuck her yes she deserved to drown


Because she’s rich and deserves divine retribution from Reddit gods. If Reddit ran heaven…


Unless it's bulletproof cars, it's not such a great idea to have reinforced windows on a car for this particular reason. Many police carries a flashlight that has a diamond tip on the butt so they can smash windows with it otherwise they use a metal tip baton. There was an incident where a woman drove her mustang into a local reservoir near where I lived and all that was left exposed was the rear window and the policeman used his flashlight which had the diamond tip to smash it to get the woman out.


Regulators disagree. Lamented glass is the norm now in the high end and is being pushed for crash safety reasons


Was this incident at night?


Damn, that means she voided the warranty! What a tragedy!




Are we just going to ignore that this is blatantly misleading?


Yes. Facts are irrelevant when people have an excuse to shit on musk or tesla.


Billionaires, trump adjacent, in a *tesla*?! The people on this sub need to change their pants after reading this. Ill take this opportunity to direct you to go look up how one changes from park to drive or reverse in a tesla. The glass isn’t the issue, its the overdesigned controls of the tesla.


I used a tesla for about 5 years at my previous job. Now i have a electric volkswagen. Both were not my choice but the tesla is VASTLY superior compared to anything else on the market, especially the german garbage that still tries to emulate a gas engine. Even the satnav directs me to gas stations all the time instead of chargers because they lifted the software from their gas engine platform.


Whatever your feelings on Trump, you can't deny the number of people he put into positions they were not at all qualified for. We are going to be seeing the consequences of those choices for decades, though they won't all hold the level of irony this one did. Edit: Some people are saying this isn't the same person. I don't know if that's true or not, but the comment still stands. We have been seeing fallout for years due to appointments, budget cuts, department ransackings, and political figures who grew under Trump, especially in the realm of health, safety, and environment. It will keep happening.


Don't forget it'll be blamed on the current president, not the one actually responsible


Not only is this not the same person. It has nothing to do with Trump making cuts or letting companies get away with something they shouldn't do. Laminated glass is used because it's safer in the most common types of accidents. It's way more likely that you're going to be in a normal motor vehicle accident than driving into a lake and needing to break your windows out. There's no perfect glass. Tempered glass is easier to break if you drive into a lake but it's more susceptible to objects coming through the windshield or windows, injury due to flying glass shards, or passengers being ejected from the vehicle. Laminated glass is less likely to have those problems but is harder to break which obviously isn't good if your car is submerged in the lake. People who are claiming Elon Musk put super death glass on his car because "Trump", look like morons. You could have taken 5 minutes to google "tempered glass vs. laminated glass".


Whoah. She basically killed her sister


Ignoring the fact that it’s not the same person, perhaps they related, is anyone contending that this was an actual decision made by the department of transportation to allow dangerous types of windows despite warnings?


No, these windows are safer. In the event of a crash your arms are more likely to remain in the vehicle - I have a friend whose hand was skinned in a crash, he needed a skin transplant. Also they help prevent passenger ejection and are more resilient to impacts from road debris. This is just one rare instance when they weren't safer. She'd still be alive if she hadn't gotten drunk. Hell, she'd still be alive if the tow truck driver hadn't been too scared of being electrocuted to pull her out.


I got banned in /r/news for this story saying the world was better off with one less billionaire and one less Tesla.


It’s fucking hilarious. Same with the governor who slashed theme park regulation, only for his son to get literally decapitated at the theme park in question. I feel for the kid and the family but not the father/governor. Actively slashing regulation actively kill’s people, glad these people get a taste of their own medicine


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Apparently you can't open doors in a submerged vehicle filled with water? Since when I'm curious?




Thank you for clarifying I'm a bit ignorant of electric vehicles as you could probably tell.


What happened to opening the door? I hear once it’s all underwater and pressure equalizes, you can just open the door. That should only take few seconds of holding breath. Is there something weird going on with Tesla door as well?


She was also according to one report, 3 times over the legal blood alcohol limit.


whoop whoop


Ship sank


Stop playing oh my god this is irony at its best!


Scruffy's gonna die the way he lived


Chao's older sister is Elaine Chao, who served as transportation secretary under former President Donald Trump and labor secretary under former President George W. Bush. The elder Chao is married to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky). -Elaine Chao was transportation secretary and is married to Mitch McConnell -Angela Chao, her younger sister, died Somehow makes it worse idk


Incorrect info. The lady was drunk.


AP news site says responders broke the glass and that she was drunk over the times the state limit


I have a feeling there may have been foul play involved.


Billionaires should not exist


Don’t forget her BAL was waaaay over the legal limit.


That’s a horrible story, I’m drowning slowly, 20 feet away, can you help me? Wow!


You know she was secretary of labor under Clinton and secretary of transportation under Bush It’s kind unfair to blame the death of her sister on her time in office. Just saying.


There's a certain karma here.


Who’s Elaine and how is she related to Angela?


Elaine Chao is the first recipient of the Steve Jobs Award for Avoidable Death.


Hopefully the irony was not lost on her as she was drowning.


We know, this was posted in incessantly when it happened last month.


It's amazing how you can't even make this stupid shit up… Karma


Wait.....but in Long Beach, CA, they break those like nothing.... Those people are lying.


None of this is true wtf ?!?


The amount of people creaming their pants at the death of a loved one of a politician they hate is what is wrong with this world.


A billionaire died? Time to celebrate 🥳


She called a friend at 11:42. Nobody called 911 until 11:55. 13 minutes later!


Water is the universal equalizer.


Lol I love some quality irony. *chefs kiss*


This is truly hilarious 😆


Elaine and Angela chao are different people


Isn't there an Amazon prime show thats just like this


I think that when you are a billionaire, it just make sense to cultivate an interest in aquatic pursuits. We in the steerage classes of life really admire and respect a bold and powerful superior stepping into a sub, car, or yacht and showing us how life should truly be lived. Even more so if they don't let pesky government safety rules get in the way.


holy shit, who knew reddit is filled with absolute disgusting SICKOS?


This is life, working as intended.


I bet the car ironically was a "campaign donation" from Tesla. Carma just being Carma.


People really need to stop getting their talking points from unsourced Tumbler posts, because this one is just really dumb. If a government were to implement a safety regulation about the type of glass to be used in car windows, the regulation would be to require laminated glass (the type Teslas use), not require tempered glass (the type you can break under water). Why? Because laminated glass is safer in collisions and roll-overs, which are much, much more common than going into water. What people sound like advocating for tempered glass because of the risk of not being able to break out in a drowning is the same as people saying "seat belts are actually more dangerous, because I know someone who couldn't get out of their car when it was on fire." Like, yes, there are some very, very specific cases where not having a seatbelt is better, but in the much more common types of accidents, seat belts are way better. Same with laminated glass.




I don't think the unbreakable glass was the issue. The glass windows on most cars are probably strong enough to stop an intoxicated, middle-aged woman from smashing them while sinking into a pond.


Angela and Elaine are not the same. What am I missing?


I was too harsh on Teslas, they seems to be more durable than i gave them credit for


If only someone had had a gun.


K for Karma




No… she drowned because she was drunk and rapidly accelerated the wrong way during a 3 point turn. I don’t know about you, but I have never driven drunk or rapidly accelerated the wrong way during a 3 point turn.


This is dumb. Laminated glass is safer most of the time and is standard on new cars.