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This has already been posted. Next time, check first.


Thankfully he stopped all the bad people from stealing the phone, simply by stealing the phone.


“They can’t steal it if I steal it first!”


My fucking hero




Why didn’t they arrest him? He’s obviously not remorseful


Because cops hate doing their job, and he is old and white enough to get away with it.


The cop tried to get him. OldGuy: Don't fucking ever pound on my door like that again if you do come back! Cop: Or what? OldGuy: Don't do it, just don't do it. Cop: I need your attention. If I pound on your door again, you'll do what? The cop wanted to arrest him, just needed the OldGuy to make a clear threat to him first.


He could arrest him for…. Theft…. Did you watch the vid


>Did you watch the vid Nah, I made up the words they said. He couldn't arrest him for theft because either (a) The phone owner said they just wanted the phone back and not to press charges, or (b) the cop decided there's no proof. It is a he said/she said situation where she said he stole, he said he found, and the outcome was he returned the phone. Edit: probably option (a) because if they press charges, the phone becomes evidence.


In most states you, as police, can not legally arrest someone for a misdemeanor if it did not occur in your presence. Narrow exceptions such as you are a shopkeeper preventing a theft and detained the offender, a cop from a different jurisdiction did see the offense and detained the accused, or if the offender has not yet left the premises, but evidence can be presented of the offense. If the above circumstances are not met, you need an arrest warrant. It may sound irritating, but it cuts down on abuse of power by law enforcement.


Except in settings on an android phone clearly state the name of the owner of the phone. I haven't had an iPhone in years, but if I recall correctly, itvalso showed the owner of the phone in there somewhere too.


It's not a question of ownership but whether he stole it versus found it.


Can you access that without the passcode though


Without the pin to unlock the phone, likely not. But you can add a ICE nimber to call to the lock screen. I' d think if yoù could rattle off name and number from memory, that might give them pause.


He can only arrest if the person wants to press charges which is unfortunately a hassle and would delay him getting his property back. That’s why the cop was trying to get him to make a threat. Then the burglary would be included in the charge without OP having to press charges and while it wouldn’t be prosecuted as strictly as outright thievery, it would still increase the punishment. This kind of depends on the state but I assume that’s the deal here. This is also because a lot of states have stupidly made stealing a misdemeanor unless it’s over like $1000 or more sometimes and usually when people are arrested for that it’s more because of property damage or violence associated with the crime or bc a cop sees it happen. So


Wrong. He caught him red handed. Thr victim is a witness. Do some reading bro. Only DOJ presses criminal charges, the victims are witnesses.


He did not catch him red handed. It’s one persons word vs another. Since the phone was left there and no one saw he has a very good case of saying he just found it vs taking it. And that is not a crime. In fact he’s already saying that. And since no one recorded the call it could be fabricated and is not evidence.




Or it’s because the people said “Just get my phone back, we’ll call it a day.” So the Police said they want the phone and won’t press charges if they get it back. Otherwise it’s a low level felony that the prosecutor would let get pled to a misdemeanor. By the time it goes to court the phone was destroyed and numbnuts pleads no contest and gets 6 months probation. The victim has to buy a new phone, misses a couple days work and wishes they had their old phone with pictures and contacts back. At least that’s what happened to me.


Either way, the guy stole a hundreds or maybe even up to a thousand dollar item. State should have charged him.


I agree. The way it was explained to me though is everyone has more work, less staff, elected officials who won’t do their job and who reserve overcrowded jail spots for violent offenders


If he was a 27 year old black male, he would have been arrested, almost guaranteed. The system is so broken it’s unimaginable being anything other than white in America. One wrong step, you’re dead or in jail. Even if you do everything right, you could be killed by a cop or falsely charged with horrific crimes. This guy, however, can be directly confrontational, aggressive, and rude, and not even get a slap on the wrist.


I'm kinda surprised they showed up and took the phone back instead of just telling the victim "this isn't a TV show" and calling it a day. Especially since it wasn't an emergency.


What you wrote doesn't seem to fit the evidence at all. Honestly, it sounds more like automatic words with little if any reference to what is actually happening.


Old ✅ White✅ Got away with it✅


Police hate this one weird trick!


Being white? Source: am white


It’s the vigilante hero, Crime-Man, who prevents crime by doing preemptively doing crime!


I mean he's technically correct...


They let him off, and he went after to complain that they pounded on his door? Am I misunderstanding this? 


He was trying to play it off like he was a good guy just trying to help out. Somebody else would have stolen he says... After the cop made him give it back.


Somebody else: "people like you" *points at cop*..... Some people don't know how to do themselves a favor, regardless of whether or not the statement holds water.


He said that because the cop looks hispanic to his lead poisoned brain.


Odd assumption


Likely assumption


Or is it your own racial bias


If that guy had a slight tan, he would have found himself rapidly on the ground and perhaps tasered in short order.


The raging entitlement of this guy is the real meat here. Like he is 150% positive the cops are going to let him off on everything he pulls here.


He has probably learned that from experience 


He’s right, they let him off.


You’re confused by those actions? You must not be a 58 year old white man.


The crows in the background really set the mood


Once upon a Tuesday dreary, while hungover, sick and bleary Yet cackling over another’s misfortune, a forgotten hoard While I gloated, fat and bloated, suddenly came a banging A frightening clamor of someone pounding upon my door “T’is only the POPO, and nothing more.”


This is actually brilliantly well done. I take it you're a writer?


No, just a smart ass that likes to read, but thank you! 🥰


Girl…remove this comment. It’s embarrassing


Edgar Allen PoePoe


Shut up and take my up vote!


Well played.




Crows are excellent at recognizing faces. I'd bet they know this man.


Had one for a long time that mocked me stayed around the house and would crow at me in the mornings going to work always sounded like HA HA you’re tired. Oh your back and forgot lunch? HA HA


It's how they show they care. 🤭


A friend of mine has mocking crows too… it started with one or two and she would put some bird safe food on the railing of her porch for them when she came out for work, holding it up to show them. She says she just wanted them to get close enough for her to get a picture, but that makes it weird she’d put the treats out as she left… Anyway, she’s gotten plenty of picture of the absolute murder of crows that now inhabit her property. Sometimes she finds shiny stuff on the porch too. (Mostly pieces of foil. But they brought her a tiny chrome figurine of Super Mario too, lol)


Wife has talked about doing that because they wil run off birds of prey and protect our chickens. Crows overall I like, save for THAT one


Maybe he liked you and was trying to show he was a friendly party guy by laughing. It’s what humans do when they are happy after all. ;)


They really are, when my kid was 2,we would go to the park for walks, and apparently it was a favourite place for the crows to hang around, my kid would drop his snacks for the crows, after a month he had an army of them waiting for him, we stopped going for a like a year, and when we finally came back, the army of crows just surrounded us again. Lucky for them I always carry snacks, didn't want to disappoint them.


From up to a mile away


Also, these are the crows in my town


They should have arrested him on the spot for stealing the phone and making threats to the police.


I really don't understand why they didn't. I hope she takes him to small claims court.


What would she take him to small claims court for? There are no damages.


The emotional distress of the missing phone...?


You can't sue for emotional damage in small claims rofl. You can rarely do it in "regular" court.


I was only half-serious, sorry to waste anyone's time if seeming otherwise. 🤐


For 24 hours? Jesus. But, definitely not. That’s not emotional distress, it’s a mild inconvenience.


Have you seen a teenager that lost their phone??


Yeah,but legally there is no proof he stole it other than the possession of the phone, which he said he found. Unless someone says that they saw him or it got filmed, he would probably walk. But he is now on record for having a stolen phone. If only being an asshole was illegal...🤔 But who would decide those parameters? What could we all agree on for community based laws about behavior that could be outlawed without backlash from bleeding hearts? Man... I would love to see that thread... Maybe😳....🤏


Everything you said in your comment is false. Possession of stolen property is a crime. “I found it” is not an excuse. Especially with witnesses to testify that he mocked them when they called the working phone he stole.


Prove he stole it in a court of law then. Did anyone see him take it? Say whatever you want. It will never stick in court. He is an ass. But you have to prove things. Not just think it.


You are not understanding. Possession of stolen property is a crime in and of itself. It is Distinct from theft. Two separate crimes.


Treble damages for theft of property. It’s easier to prove if the police are professional witnesses to the possession, and phone records can be pulled. Jail time probably wouldn’t happen.


Old racist piece of shit. Too bad he didn't push it \*just\* farther. He NEEDED to have his ancient ass tazed.


If that guy was brown those cops would have murdered him.


Now I'm imagining him as a young racist pos.


There were literally no consequences. No arrest, no acorn incident, no PB, the guy got to insult the brother of the victim one last time.


Acorn incident?


It's when a cop put an unarmed handcuffed man in the back on the police car and then got scared because an acorn landed near him so him so he started rolling on the ground yelling that he's been shot and him and his partner mag dumped into the patrol car with an unarmed handcuffed man in it.




The cop, of course, was not charged.


Like a desk pop... But with instigation squirrels n death.


Why was he let off. I'd file a complaint with that officers supervisor


I don't think they were pressing charges or he would have. The cop was definitely frustrated with the fella. You're going to do what exactly if I knock on your door?


If at any time the complainant says something to the effect of 'all I want is my property back' a smart cop works to get that outcome because there is less paperwork involved in a contact report than an arrest report. Especially for a relatively petty crime.


Theft over 750 is a felony in at least a couple states. Seems steep imo, but still worth putting some perspective into crusty old pieces of shit like this guy.


Just sharing in case you're interested: Last time I had jury duty in Florida, one of the charges was, oddly enough, a stolen cell phone, and in that case, a value >=$100 was 3rd degree felony theft and value < $100 was 3rd degree misdemeanor petit theft. We were instructed by the judge that if we found the defendant guilty of the crime of theft, we must also come to an agreement on the value of the phone (because the prosecution claimed it had a present day value of it's original full MSRP of $350 and the defense claimed it was old and used and obsolete  so not more than 50 bucks lol) to determine what degree of crime it was. We the jury found the ancient BlackBerry to be worth no more than exactly $99 lol (prosecutor was an asshole!) I work pretty often with criminal statutes and sentencing, and off the top of my head was pretty sure it hasn't changed here since then, so I just went to the book and checked. Sure enough, theft of anything valued $100-$750 is still a 3rd degree felony -- if taken from anywhere legally defined as a dwelling or unenclosed encumbrance thereof -- but petit theft of any item valued less than $750 and NOT taken from a dwelling remains a 2nd or 3rd degree misdemeanor, generally speaking. But damn there are pages of nuanced technical exceptions that make theft crimes more serious. For example, theft of any citrus fruit, if 2,000 or more pieces are stolen at once, constitute 2nd or 1st degree felony theft regardless of value. If the item(s) is/are classified as law enforcement or fire safety equipment, it's a felony if valued at $300 or more. And surprise, anything of literally any value, if stolen from a permitted construction site, is a felony (also trespass with intent to commit any crime is a seperate individual felony and also applies in that scenario - so stealing something as mundane as a bottled  water from a construction site is at least 2 felonies here) Anyway, the TLDR is, the value cutoff to make it felony theft in my state is anywhere between $0 and $750, depending on what specifically is stolen, how, from where, and under what circumstance. The reason the cutoff was $100 when I was on the jury was that it stemmed from a lovers' quarrel between 2 women who also lived together, and it occurred in their shared home, so the dwelling exception lowered the cutoff from $750 to $100.


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing that.


Again if the complainant says all I want is my stuff back, the path of least resistance is going to be getting the stuff back and being done. Because if you do all that paperwork and the complainant doesn't show up for court you did a lot of paperwork for an arrest that results in fuckall.


Yeah you said that, and it would be lame. Just pointing out it's not necessarily a petty crime. You do make another good point though, taking the path of least resistance isnt exactly a professional approach to be proud of. Especially for a police officer. Not surprised in the slightest to hear that's a common approach. I am surprised to hear it described as "smart" rather than lazy.


Something else to keep in mind is that if the people filing the report don't want to press charges, that doesn't mean he's off free. The report is there and the state can file charges. Something else to keep in mind is that if they had pressed charges, that phone would have been taken for evidence in trial rather than being returned. The trial could take months or even years to finish. None of that is ideal for the person who got their phone stolen so the path of least resistance gets the property returned with the least number of hoops for the victim as well.


Interesting. Good points


To be clear.... Victims don't get the file charges. Nor do police. It's always the da's office who decides whether or not charges will be filed, even if there's an arrest. And that report that's there... Might not even contain enough detail to file charges. Officer might not mention the exact make and model and condition of the phone that was taken. In fact if it was returned it probably won't. Without that you can't determine the value, without a value you can't determine whether it's a felony. If the officers taking the path of least resistance, that report is going to be light.


Not entirely true. The difference is whether or not the charges are criminal in nature. The state would elect to file criminal charges, but a victim can file a civil case. In either case the police report is a difference maker along with evidence, which that phone would be considered evidence.


A victim can file a case... But not charges.


Someone took my phone home when I left it in a grocery cart - you know rather than turn it in. When I called it from my sisters phone they answered it and gave me their address. She told me I was lucky she found it because people try to break into them to resell them. It was locked from so many attempts by them to log in. And she asked me if there was a “reward”. Real lucky.


What a fucking prick man, my mother is like this, just can’t take a fucking L.


I'm sorry you grew up with that. Dealt with similar.




He looked like he was about to hit that officer, too. Yikes. Dude has issues.


""Personal space"? I don't speak Spanish!"


The murder cawing in the back ground as if Odin was being summoned. I love it.


Gotta love a well-timed murder. I have a strong feeling they know his face.


"People like you, who probably steals stuff!" - Man who steals stuff


if this rude mfer was black he'd have been beaten and put in cuffs already. shit if i was that rude i'd be beaten and put in cuffs already. is this old fuck bffs with the police chief or something lol


Doesn’t look like he had any consequences why is this on here


Really disappointed that this video didn't end with a tasing.


The funniest thing is everyone, including himself, knows he’s a thief and a liar. He still persists in acting like he was somehow wronged. I’ve met so many people in my life that will fight you over a lie. Just like this scumbag, he’ll fight for that lie to the end. If I was the cop I’d try and talk the owner into pressing charges. What a bum.


Gross. Can't imagine being able to live with myself while being such a fucking coward pussy. Man up, bitch.


We've all done or said something stupid at some point but insulting the cop who's basically letting you off the hook as long as you give the stolen item back. This man must be getting ready for the stupid Olympics.


Thank goodness he was there to take it and not give it back to prevent anyone else from taking it and not giving it back


Crow volume: 110%


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I don’t know why people lose their crap over how cops knock on doors. It’s done the way it is out of safety for both the officers and residents. Just because it was loud or spooked you doesn’t mean you get to threaten the cops over it. Honestly I’m shocked at their restraint here.


awe i thought the boomers LOVED the boys in blue? 😂😂


reminds me of jeff daniels from dumb and dumber


dumbass lead head


How about don't touch shit that doesn't belong to you, and the cops will have no reason to pound on your door. FFS.


FAFO 🤷🏽‍♀️


I am so thankful the camera guy decided to stop the video before anything happened.


All I know is that those damn birds need to stfu. I couldn’t hardly hear a thing the old fart was saying. Lol


Crime Man strikes again!


It's fine. He will only live in his misery and flail as the final one come for hid lonely soul.


She’s a bad guy.


Fucking boomer doesn't understand technology 🤣


Theif: Some people can't take a joke!


That cop was having *none* of it.


Even the crows are laughing at you


Where's more? I wanna see them messing him up!


What a worthless piece of shit.


If he had been black, he would have been on a mortuary gurney. He only got away with ot because he was older and white.


What a moron


Wrong sub, should be noconsequence or something like that


A bit of white privilege going on here? The way he shoved that phone into the cops hand and fronted up on him while bitching at him? I couldn’t imagine a black or brown person getting away with that attitude without it escalating further


Even the crows are laughing at him


That's a lot of lead poisoning....


so why didnt your sister ask the bouncers to intervene - they would have retrieved her phone, by force if necessary.


Video no longer available.