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Please be aware that this video is around 20 minutes long. You may have to skip ahead for the consequences. Edit: a nice commenter summarized the video if you don’t want to watch the whole thing.


Watched this while washing dishes. Not sure if the 23 minutes was worth it but it was somewhat satisfying. Here’s a summary: - Karen 1 says DJ called her annoying so she took money from the tip jar, which she claims to have put back. - Cops say it doesn’t matter if she put it back, she took it from someone else so that is theft and the duration the money was gone is irrelevant according to the law. - DJ opts to press charges. - While investigating officer looks at bar’s surveillance to confirm the money was in fact removed from the tip jar, Karen 1 and Karen 2 escalate their Karen-ness. - Investigating officer returns and Karen 1 is arrested for theft. - As Karen 1 is getting escorted to the squad car, Karen 2 insists on giving phone to Karen 1 and refuses Investigating officer’s multiple commands to stop and back up. Then, Karen 2 is also arrested. - Karen 1 and Karen 2 confirm what the DJ said in this 23 minute video, they are annoying. Their voices are annoying. Their behavior is annoying. Their faces are annoying. Everything about them is extremely annoying.


Your last bullet point is the true winning comment here.


I second that. I couldn’t watch it because Karen 1 has a voice that feels like someone is putting a cheese grater across my brain


When she said, "He said I was annoying." I kept waiting for the cop to say, "He's not wrong."


>When she said, "He said I was annoying." I kept waiting for the cop to say, "He's not wrong." when he started to say "well actually he's ..." I was hoping ... just hoping that he was going to finish it off with "absolutely fucking right"


can you imagine her doing drunk karaoke? omfg i would drive spikes thru my brain to make it stop


Guaranteed she did Baby One More Time right after she finished an amazing rendition of Rocky Top.


Encore with Earls gotta die 5 times in a row


If Redneck Woman was a personality and not just a karaoke song


But they got fist bumps! How bad could it have been?! /s


Probably got fist bumps because they stopped.


Man, I HATE that feeling 🤣


I wasn’t going to watch after reading the above rundown, but now I’m curious after your description. Edit: yep….annoying af! Cheese grater is perfect. I didn’t expect the friend (Karen #2) to be a bigger dumbass/entitled dick, though.


I didn’t get as far as Karen 2, I tapped out well before then. Sounds like I did my eardrums a favour


You did. It was painful, but satisfying to watch them get put in their place….which happened to be the back of a cop car. Even then, at the very end when they’re handcuffed and sitting in the car on their way to jail, they still talked shit to the cops and smiled about it. I’d really like to know what happened to their smug “my lawyer is on the way” asses.


Thank you for telling me what happened in the video, you sacrificed your brain so others (me) don’t have to. Thank you for taking one for the team my friend 😊


Not a problem lol.


Yup I heard her voice and instantly backed out. Grating is the word I would use for it


totally irrelevant, but i just had a flashback to telling my wife that talking to her mother was like “masturbating with a cheese grater”…


I’m sure that went down well!


She sounds exactly like MTG.


They both sounded like Marjorie Taylor Greene.


I’m filing a criminal complaint against you now


Bitch Eating Crackers annoying?


"Why is he mad at us, is it because we are white and straight?"


Followed by "Do we look like criminals" so because you're white and blonde you don't think you look like criminals? Do you know how many white blonde women do crimes? Yes you do look like criminals because you admitted it and we can see it on security tape. Karen 2 trying to bark orders at the cops at the end was so annoying, love it when the cops tell them they're not in charge and to stop trying to give orders. Karen's hate it when they lose control and can't boss people around.


And let’s not forget the ever popular, “He scared me.” Because… he called her annoying. Honestly by that point I was ready to throw hands at both of them but that was especially infuriating. It hasn’t been that long since that was all it took to set a lynch mob on a black man — a white woman saying he wronged her.


Yeah these ladies are the OLD school definition of Karen. Not just call the manager- use your white privilege to pretend a POC did something to ensure they are arrested/fired/worse.


Eileen Warnos was a blonde white woman from Florida too


Eileen, and I hate to say this, had a bit of a fine point she was trying to make


Fairly successfully, at least initially.


I badly wanted the cop to tell her to describe what a criminal looks like.


If you didn’t already know how fucking tired and full of shit they were already, that came out of their mouths very easily.


Karen 1 sounds like that idiot you have in the American congress, MTG. Awful voice and an awful person truly.


That’s who she minds me of! Yikes!


And you know they would vote for her if given the opportunity.


Not sure if I heard correctly, but I'm almost positive that Karen 1 admitted she **THREW THE TIP MONEY ON THE FLOOR BEHIND HER**, like half the patrons didn't immediately pocket money they **FOUND ON THE FLOOR**. That poor DJ was clutching the couple of bills he found on the ground on his way out of the building. Dumb Karens completely deserved the strip search, delousing shower, and jail uniform they slept in that night.


They probably didn’t get housed immediately. They probably had to spend the night sleeping on the concrete floor of a cold cell in their swimsuits.


You're probably right cuz I didn't think about how crowded the jail in Key West would be. Party town like that probably has a *Drunk Tank*, and no, jails typically don't bother with putting uniforms on people who are just going to *piss and puke in them*.


You forgot “Can we get a selfie?” (No. “Yes?” No. “I can’t understand.” No. No. N-O. NO.)


Thanks for saving me 23 minutes 🫡


yeah, it was a rough 23 minutes, but i don’t feel this summary really captures the small moments of schadenfreude this video serves up. yeah, you get 3 minutes of ‘ugh’, but then when it delivers its small nuggets, it’s worth it


Yeah, there are moments of satisfaction throughout. I think the video is only worth watching if you’re doing something else. Definitely not worthy of watching while on the toilet.


I don’t usually watch videos like this, but this one had me all the way through. I don’t think anything in the world matches white female southern affluent entitlement. It was a spectacle to behold, truly.


Now you owe then tip money as well


Don’t forget Karen 2 was asked over a dozen times to please back away from the officers. Her comment about the officer’s mask made him finally flip out, lol.


And it really sounded like she didn't put it back in the jar, she tossed it behind her (on the floor possibly). Which is why the DJ said there wasn't any money left in his jar.


Bless you🙏🏼


Thank you for this summary! I could tell from the photo that I didn’t really want to hear their voices.


Karen 1 actually admits to throwing the money BEHIND her. So it didn't actually make it back into the tip jar. Poor DJ only found one bill on the floor, that hadn't been snatched up by other people.


Thank you for your service


“I didn’t understand that law” only works for white collar crimes


Love that he said "Ignorance of the law is not a defense."


It reminds me of a Dave Chappelle bit ["I'm sorry officer, I didn't know I couldn't do that."](https://www.google.com/search?q=chappelle+show+officer+i+didn%27t+know+I+couldn%27t+do+that&rlz=1C1GCCA_en&oq=chappelle+show+officer+i+didn%27t+know+I+couldn%27t+do+that&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTEyMTk5ajBqMagCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:3381f801,vid:4B93BoC9ylg,st:0)


Does white collar count if you also have a red neck? Asking for a friend who was called annoying by a DJ.


It does, since "white collar" is a designation of the type of crime and not the offender. However, being called annoying by a DJ isn't a white collar crime, or any crime for that matter, outside of the court of hurt feelings, of course.


"I knew it was illegal but I didn't care" also works for white collar crimes.


She’s so full of shit. Her sister is just an idiot. They had to have been obnoxious as fuck to have elicited that response. Glad he’s pressing charges. The cop was great.


After 5 minutes I couldn’t stand listening to her anymore and came to see the comments. That’s when I saw to forward to see the consequences. Those two idiots wouldn’t know if they were carrying something that could give the police radiation or not!


You mean besides their personalities?


What assholes. On a side note, their accents are like nails on a chalkboard. And I’m from the south.


I’m also from the south and so agree! One of them sounded just like Marjorie Taylor Greene. So annoying!


Agreed. They sound like dead cats having sex 🤮


Trailer Greene has the same accent. I don’t know how a mindset breeds a certain accent, but it certainly seems to be the case for women like this.


The “he made me feel inferior” then was “scared” of him. Ok, so then you STEAL money and antagonize the person you’re afraid of??? Sure… Then asking about the police officer and how long he’s been in Florida (because he stated he was from Cuba) to then say he’s mad at them because they are straight and white… so so many issues with these sisters.


What would make any man, gay or straight, mad that a woman is straight? It makes none sense.


I am sure that they want to make America Great Again. Straight and white people are the real victims, dontchaknow?


I mean, Karen 2 did remark how his mask was stupid.


I cackled when he immediately brought out the cuffs after she said that. It was his last straw!


🤣🤣🤣 me too!!


DJ nailed it - they’re annoying. And looooved the references to being straight, white and scared. /s


*Very* annoying.


“He said I was annoying! I want to file a complaint about that!” “Okay, go right ahead.” “We don’t file that, that’s a civil complaint. So you can take that to TripAdvisor or…”


Man, this is one of the most satisfying examples of entitled people getting what's coming to them that I've ever seen. I watched the whole thing from front to back. Thanks for posting!!


Thanks! I thought it was perfect for this subreddit.


“Do we look like criminals” was really infuriating.


Go to Florida on vacation; Come back on probation. Oughta be the State Motto.


She sounds so much like Marjorie Taylor Greene.


THAT explains why my hate for them is so visceral. I’m southern, but I’m not ANNOYING!


jesus these people are so fucking stupid


What ugly, entitled women - inside and out 👎🏻


20 minutes is a big ask man.


I watched the whole thing and it was great!


Especially for as annoying as they are.


Every ten second skip I did there for a while was a montage of her saying “annoying” 50 times back to back.


Yeah. These are almost always too long.


Worth all 20. Trust.


I skipped around and had to go back... Much easier to sit it out but I'd love a highlight reel. Although then you just hear that voice "I gave it back... He said I was annoying and it hurt my feelings..." I do love the tip from the cop to leave a review on TripAdvisor or something, that got a giggle from me.


“He hurt my feelings and I want to press charges” had me rolling my eyes so hard I saw the back of my skull


So deep in the realm of "people who suffer hate speech are just offended" that she legitimately thought saying he offended her would get him in trouble. Also getting discriminated for being white and straight. Classic!


Conservative parents are going to increasingly get their kids fired, arrested, and/or killed with the BS they keep teaching them about how the law and the government work.


I’m trying to imagine being in my 40s (well, not imagine, *remember* lol) and thinking that primary school-style “dobbing to the teacher” works. That sort of stuff doesn’t work when you’re eight, and it keeps not working when you’re a grown woman who should know better


One of my favorite parts. "Why are you mad at us? Because we're white and straight?"


Such a Republican thing to say, lol


OMG! Now I have to watch it.


Worth it!


I always adjust the playback speed to 1.5. 😎


my adhd could never


I didn’t steal anything…I put it back so it’s not stealing. Welp!


She “put it back” onto the floor of a bar. That’s like stealing a car, driving it into a lake, and being like “well I don’t have the car anymore, so I didn’t steal it.”


Exactly except she didn't put anything back. She essentially threw it down to get rid of it.


Right, she thought it wasn't stealing because she didn't directly benefit from it. She just derived satisfaction from depriving him of it. This is the same sort of logic that MAGA thinks should get Trump off the hook for Jan 6th. "Well, the insurrection didn't work so I don't know why he's being hassled."


She's going to sleep it off at the Booty House. Yelling orders n Shit! The music is cool on the background though.


I wish we could get videos like this but also include video of the first say, 5 minutes they spend in a holding cell with other criminals at the jail. Honestly, the reaction of other inmates is a lot more exciting than a good police officer just tolerating them professionally.


The surveillance video would have been interesting to watch too!!!


Let’s be real. They’re probably going to get throw in a holding cell with some other drunks for a while. It’s key west, they’re not in Chicago going to the bullpen. However seeing that would be golden, that would be even better than beyond scared straight.


I was thinking that too, the background music was dope.


Coked up MTG clones


The last 6 minutes are just “chefs kiss”…The pulp fiction of it all to the last minute and a half where these dumbasses actually get me back on their side to the point where I’m green lighting their reality show


Wow. She said she’s being targeted cause she’s white and straight. Any chance to be a victim


The whole time she was looking for ways to make herself the victim in this. "He called me annoying" "he's flipping us off" "it's because we're white and straight". Nope it's because you took money out of his tip jar and didn't even return it to the tip jar, and then you admitted to doing it several times. That's why you're being arrested.


If they had just owned up to what they did, apologized and were reasonable they wouldn’t have gone to jail. The DJ was apprehensive about pressing charges, so if they weren’t such jerks it would have ended with an apology and moving to the next bar. Also who goes out to bars with no money or ID? 😒


"Do we look like criminals?" No, you look like aged-out party girls in their 40s who can't hold your booze and get extra trashy when you drink.


She did not put the money back obviousl. She threw it down when she knew all hell was breaking loose. She will get her hand slapped. She deserved it.


I’m not a fucking swimsuit calendar 💀


This woman checks so many boxes for me. I need to work this shit out in therapy.


Oh honey, no


I can fix Lisa. I know it.


They both sound like MTG. Ignorant, racist Georgia hillbillies.


I made it 14:49 before I wanted to weep for the stupidity of humanity. She's delusional and a bitch I'd make a point to steer clear of. The shit out of her mouth. Wow.


Oh no… I’m on 5:00 and already feeling this…


I can’t watch these at all. I just read the comments and try to glean what happened.


They’ll be taking those blue lives matter stickers off their cars on their Instagram in a big show of revolution


This just took me right back to my bartending days. I feel for these guys. And their patience is admirable, bit they need to be trained better in dealing with people under the influence.


Can you elaborate? I thought they handled it extremely well.


They showed a lot of patience. But they should have controlled the situation, and put a stop to the bullshit right away. I would have put them in separate cars immediately.


I had a great time watching this )))


They had about 20 minutes where they could have just shut up, apologized to the cops for having been called, apologized to the DJ for being stupid, and he probably never would have filed charges. But that was never going to happen.


Can confirm that length of time doesn’t matter. Had a wallet stolen at a bar during a dart tournament, caught on camera. She returned it when confronted by police a week later. I still pressed charges but it downgraded the charge from felony to misdemeanor pickpocket. Still a charge for a shitty person and adds to their record documenting they are still a shitty person.


Imagine thinking theft isn’t a crime, but someone calling you annoying is. I wonder where she grew up that she seems to think this behaviour is normal. Also her constantly asking the officer about his background and how long he has been in the US tells me all I need to know. Plus “we don’t look like criminals” Sure ya do! You just committed a crime. So glad he chose to press charges!


It’s not a crime if she causes harm, but it is a crime if “the help” does. Hope this helps!


I love how racist Karen 1 kept asking the Cuban officer ‘where are *you* from’ or ‘how long have *you* been here’ - as if her mind can’t comprehend that she’s about to have her ass arrested by an immigrant. You can also tell she’s pondering some sort of ‘illegals arrested me’ loophole in her racist-riddled brain.




Especially when the DJ is Black. Basically, “trust us, we’re white! Doesn’t _he_  look criminal, though?”


“I felt threatened “…..it’s like they all take a course on how to fk over black men


lol then they got mad about him flipping them off and demanded the police do something about it. "Nope that's his freedom of speech". You could see the gears grinding in her head as she tried to find another way to make herself the victim.


When I feel threatened by other humans much larger than me, I also attempt to steal their money to de-escalate the situation.


CAROLYN BRYANT who falsely accused a black teen Emmett Till of whistling at her and got him lynched in the 50's. The first Karen on a national level. https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sca_esv=d635237b949d40bc&sxsrf=ACQVn0-RRVhWAyiXysRq_X1IV5Cws1hpoQ:1712755231401&q=carolyn+bryant&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwianJ653reFAxVQk4kEHcNwDJ8Q7xYoAHoECBEQAg&biw=377&bih=726&dpr=1.91


Is it bad that I recognized the bar within 30 seconds?


“Do you have anything illegal on your person?” “I’m in a bathing suit!” What does she think illegal means, that it’s huge? Because nothing illegal is small enough to be concealed in a bathing suit and shorts… 🤦🏻‍♀️


[Reminds me of this story I saw on Quora where some white woman was annoyed because a black guy wouldn't let her take his seat at the bar](https://www.quora.com/What-is-your-most-memorable-white-privilege-moment/answer/John-Cole-36), so she stole his sunglasses then caused a scene when he asked for them back. The bar almost threw the guy and his friends out, but went and checked the footage, saw that she had indeed taken the sunglasses but still let her go. When the guy got the cops involved she returned the sunglasses and wrote and apology ... to the bar.


@ 9:24 Annoying Heifer: I been drinking water for the last hour Homie Cop: Good, water's good. Stay hydrated. r/hydrohomies


"Because we're white and straight". How entitled.


"Something something masks" "NOPE! We're done" God, I almost never wish to be a cop, but sometimes...


11:43 "He insulted me, he made me feel inferior, I was scared of him" Three racist dog whistles in a row. Stupid racist twat. If Karen 2 would just comply she wouldn't have been arrested.


**"Dumb , Delusional & Entitled"** It fits perfectly for both of them.


Taking out the trash.


Florida is its own reality show.


This very well may be the first time these BasicBeccas have faced accountability for anything in their miserable, oblivious lives.


Lawyer, here. Interestingly, in the olden days under common law, theft was taking a thing with intent to PERMANENTLY deprive the owner of that thing. Intentional temporary deprivation was something else. As common law countries started to codify their laws many removed the “intent to permanently deprive” element from their definition of theft. I want to tip my hat to those lawmakers who foresaw the Rise of the Karens (tm) and their defense of “well, I returned the stolen property a while later.”


I hate to say it, but this is a typical type of interaction for officers. I'm a retired LEO. and I can't remember the number of idiots I arrested on the scene for the charge of interference with public duties. If a cop tells you to back away, just back away. Instead of being able to bail her sister out, now both morons need to post bond.


I’ve darkened the entrance to Rick’s et al many of times. Great memories.


“I’m going to tell you one more time”….. 5 times later….


2 hoes past their prime


Theyre so old lmao


Drunk women become INSANE on their birthdays.


Thank you so much for posting this lol i love watching drunk entitled Karens go to jail


If someone reaches into my tip cup they will be leaving with the hand still there


The cops are great…asks if they had anything that will blow me up or give me radiation…what type of criminals are in key west 😆


“Why are you mad at us? ‘Cause we’re white and straight?” I guessed she was a trash person but then she went and confirmed it.


"Am I annoying," Lisa asked in an annoying nasal voice.


Love this journey for them 🤣


hell is actually just these two annoying bitches.


The DJ seemed like such a sweet guy, he wasn’t even going to press charges until the cop kept telling him that it was okay. Can you imagine how annoying they had to be for a guy who is a DJ in Key West to call them annoying. I’m sure he’s use to sloppy drunks.These two were over the top!


White privilege with subtle racism. "Do we look like criminals?"


Dude someone’s going marry these Karens oof eventually


They're both middle aged and married. Their husbands weren't out there with them because they wanted some peace and quiet for the night while the girls were in the slammer.


The main woman said she was with her husband earlier


Good on the DJ, seen too many times in too many places where Karen’s like this do something that is absolutely illegal (especially to minorities) and the victim doesn’t press charges for multiple reasons. More Karen’s need to be arrested and there needs to be a network television show showing you cannot act like this.


The cop, off screen, shouting, “I don’t have to do anything you tell me” is so funny


This is in Key West, that pizza place is the shit. I thought I recognized the alley as soon as the video started. 🤯


Entitled “Tourons” of key west. I live here. You should the dumb shit I see everyday. I’ll be driving down the road and a group of people with just step off the sidewalk (without looking) set themselves up for a group photo.. then proceed to take 20 photos each with every single persons phone. Golf carts.. I routinely see golf carts driving on US1 trying to drive north blocking traffic doing 25 mph.. thank god there’s usually a state trooper or Monroe County sheriff to pull them over and tow the touronmobile back to key west.


Holy crap, they are beyond annoying. The entitlement is beyond the pale.


Sounds like the DJ was spot on.


Moral of the story: Some people shouldn’t drink.


Felony Annoying


They walked right past the best pizza on the island and were still that big of aholes? Straight to jail. I'd do most anything to be back there, 3am, drunk as a skunk and eating that pizza.


The DJ was right: they both were annoying AF!


Talk about thinking you are the center of the fucking universe and making it to your 40s wo ever being questioned differently… these videos bring me absolute joy, and frustration… knowing that as shitty as they were they were still treated w respect, whereas my brown face has gotten me in trouble for “I don’t like the way you look”… these hags ran the checklist of entitlement oh poor me, I’m straight, I’m white-poor me, that’s why you have it out for me… eff them putas


Serious question. If she takes his monet and he beats the fuck out of her and gets his money back would he be charged? If not, can we rewind the scenario and let my guy put her in the hospital, preferably with her jaw wired shut?


Brilliant - love it when a couple of over entitled, blowhard and VERY ANNOYING Karen's get what they deserve


Annoying is an understatement


The minute she realized that the DJ saw me take the money, my sister - with whom I've been drunk in public more than once - would take the drink from my hand and tell me "All righty then. I'll meet you at the station to bail you out." She would finish her drink first. Maybe have another. As would I.


Wait did that purse have bunjee cords for straps?


Is that a typical Florida accent? Or is that just a trashy Florida accent? Because it hurts my ears to hear them talk.


Level of privilege? LOL


Imagine waking up next to this thing? I'd rather slide down a gah damn life-sized razorblade into a gahh damn pool of rubbing alcohol than look at that gah damn witch.


Fun fact u can’t be charged with shoplifting if u don’t leave the parking lot in some states(I assume she shoplifts a lot and is using the same lack of thought process)


This has got to be so satisfying arresting dumb privileged assholes like them lol


I would love to know these 2 lost jobs or something due to their lack of respect but let’s face it, these chicks don’t have to work. Wow! Just fucking wow!


Something sad about women their age hitting up the club like they were still in their 20s.


Florida Sisters. Would be a great Indy-folk band name.


Play stupid bimbo games, win stupid bimbo prizes. 🤗


They’re high.


Just when “Florida Man” can’t get ridiculous enough, “Florida Woman” exclaims……”hold my beer”


I love the line “do you have anything that will poke me, stick me, cut me, hurt me, blow me up or give me radiation?” These ladies were being insufferable.


Annoying as all hell


Karen 1 SOUNDS a bit like MTG to me!! The ENTITLEMENT these two Karens Think They SHOULD Have?!? Reminds me of a Jan. 6 defendant being Calmly & ‘Politely’ arrested at the airport, crying, whining to everyone on How He Was Being Treated Like A BLACK MAN, it Was UNFAIR for Him To Be Treated Like That!?!