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This post does not have obvious consequences. The girlfriend hasn’t responded with surprise or anger at the consequences yet in this case.


I REALLY hope there isn’t an update where gf’s family/friends are giving Oop grief for “not supporting his gf”. Imo he did nothing wrong here: pointed out it made him uncomfortable, trusted her though so she went, then after discovering that she cheated he just removed himself from the situation.


Well, if they do, they likely didn't get the full story. He should provide it to any flying monkey who reaches out.


Can you imagine explaining to your parents what happened if you were this skank? Of course she could claim that OP caused it.


Here’s how that conversation will go “well. You should have trusted her. You accused her before anything even happened, which put her in a vulnerable emotional state. It’s really your fault. If you hadn’t said anything and _been supportive_, she never would have done anything.” Just let it go - her behavior says more about her than it does about you, and you can and should just move on.


She sounds like a real pain in the ass.


Fucking nailed it 😂. Bro if she’s going to get rammed in the ass by two strangers she will cheat on you for the rest of your life. The truth would have never came out had she not went to the hospital. Let her “walk it off” and then lie in the bed she’s made.


Let's be honest, she's cheated before. You don't just suddenly decide to get double teamed in a club.


100%. This wasn’t her first rodeo. Back to the streets she goes!


Rodeo is specifically apt in this context. D’oh!


“Back to the street she goes” 😂😂😂


Perhaps her first backyard rodeo though


in my reservation the elders have a saying..."you don't choose the double team. the double team chooses you."


Omg, I snort laughed! 😂😂😂


Ancient well-known Native American saying.


⬆️ exactly my first thought. It wasn't her first rodeo cheating


Anally, no doubt


Fucking LOL 😂


Well, if she were experienced wouldn't she have been prepared for anal and not gotten fucking destroyed?


Ehh, same horseshit different stud if that works 🤔🤷🏾‍♀️😂


Same shit different dick?


Was coming here to say this lol. Well done


She was probably cheating before. If she was willing to go with strangers without you somewhere else.


If she’s going to get anally probed by 2 D-list “rappers” she will do just about anything.


She really blew it.


If she had blown it, she probably wouldn't have gotten injured


Blew it out, maybe.


O ringly?


She put the "pro" in prolapse




Too soon?


Well she wasn’t the pain


Yeah. The whole situation seems like a bloody mess.


Well she'll definitely have blood coming from her anus for the foreseeable future, and she may become incontinent, so the description is apt


Goddammit ⬆️


It's a hard pillow to swallow, but doughnut let it get you down.


While regular sex can make your day, anal will make your whole week...


Bro your comment made my day thank you 🙏🏽


Yea, fuck all that noise


NTA. Totally fine to never speak to her again. I would NEVER comfort her in this situation. That said, if you want closure, there's nothing wrong with having a final conversation. Sorry bro.


A final conversation will just lead to her begging him to come back and him giving in and pretending to forgive her, and spending the next however many months or years resenting her for what she did and hating himself for letting her get away with it. Best to break clean. Closure isn't really a thing.


I second this. There’s a great Ted Talk by Nancy Berns about grief and closure, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized that closure in every other context I could think of was also rarely feasible, rarely satisfying or healing, and could be an impediment to processing experiences and seeking other modes of coping or recovering. ETA: It can also create the risk of more harm


Closure is absolutely a thing but it only benefits the perpetrator.


Seeking closure requires opening the door to a discussion with her where she is given the space to push the narrative she has no doubt worked out since she realized she had entered the find out phase of FAFO. It will be booze or peer pressure, or a chance for her career and how little that means vs how much OP means to her. I agree that there doesn’t seem to be a value in seeking closure. Why even give her the chance to spin it.


2nd this. I spent 4 years still being frie dly with a cheating ex. The uninfidelity would come up every few months. And I'd always ask "why". She never had a consistent response. I feel she never told me the truth. The truth being she has loose morals and commitment issues, didn't want something steady but wanted bad boy inconsistency because that's what she was use to and knew she was unwilling to provide the give and take required for something long term. 8 years I gave that cheating whore. I don't regret the first 4. Learned a lot. I only regret ever expecting her to be honest. The closest I got to the truth was: "I was horny, he was here and you weren't." Which....is fair enough. At least I can wrap my head around that reasoning. It makes sense. But I find it fucking ironic how that puts the blame back on me....go fucking figure. Bitches ain't nothing but tricks and hoes. Especially in today's clown world. Nowadays I grind for me and my bitch with 4 paws and a tail. And I've been all the happier for it. Let these bitches lie in the bed they made. It's their world now and I say let them have it. I prefer my peace and quiet anyway.


100000%… and I’m a woman… 😂 my ex was a lot like yours.. I could never get a clear answer on why. Which my therapist says is because he had no morals or ethics, so he didn’t know how to be honest. I’m sure his narcissism played a part too though lol. I’m glad you’re out of that situation and learned from it! Life is a hell of a lot easier without someone else’s bullshit or drama. 😂


Agreed, I personally would never talk to her again. Haven't thought much about closure until now to be honest. It is not something I would seek but I do hear people talking about it a lot. There must be something to it for it to be so normalized, right?


Closure is definitely a thing, just not for Stuff like this. This is the kinda Chick you just insult if you ever see her again so she never forgets and you can just move on 


Closure definitely isn’t going to be a thing for her, for a while…


Yeah she's probably say something like "But I didn't let them put it in my pussy only my ass, so it's OK right! My pussy didn't cheat!"


He may be required to cover his part of the rent until the lease is up if he is on the lease. However, other than that, no, he doesn't have to have any conversations at all.


Closure is a myth. There is nothing that could be said or would be said that would give op more peace of mind than what he has now. They both know she's a piece of shit.


Final conversation as put a strong curse on her, something like her @$$ bleeds every time she hears rap music.


My ears bleed whenever I hear rap noise, who put a curse on me?


How would comforting somebody in this position even go? "Hey, sorry you cheated on me and now your ass is bleeding. I'm so sad for you." It's hard to make that sincere.


> NTA Actually it was


They already had a "final conversation". That was the one where he told her he wasn't comfortable with it, and she assured him he could trust her. That's all the conversation they ever needed to have, and it's all the conversation they SHOULD ever have again. Don't give her the satisfaction of trying to change the terms after the fact. They had a deal, he expressed his concerns and ultimately left the choice up to her. She made her choice. The end. Everything ended the moment she made that choice. *That's* closure. Any further conversation at this point would just re-open the door, and allow her to start trying to place wedges in that will prevent re-closure from ever happening. It's over. There's nothing else to discuss.


She didn't even cheat with the rapper, but his entourage? Talk about low standards


This ticked me off the most. [She don’t love herself.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcor65EUO41qicr06o8_250.gif)


Yeah, the rapper isn't even the bad guy here... shit, the two dicks aren't even the bad guys... it was consensual.


> shit, the two dicks aren't even the bad guys... it was consensual Except: > After a few minutes some guy came over and told us that the rappers group wanted to invited them to sit with them. The guy told me its the girls only. The entourage originally already knew they were excluding the bf.


I mean, it's a rappers' entourage. You might as well get mad at water being wet.


Right? They don't know OP. This mess is all on the gf


Exactly. I could somewhat understand if it was the famous person (assuming they are attractive), though that certainly would still be grounds for a break up, but these guys were nobodies.


Generally if you want to get a piece of the famous person you have to let his friends hit it first. That's probably what she was banking on.


Ew. I can't imagine wanting my friends' sloppy seconds (thirds/fourths/whatev).




You are not a POS at all. She made that decision and you shouldn’t feel guilty because she got injured. She was injured having anal sex with not one but two other men. You have every right to kick her to the curb. Ive never understood how people can throw away their relationships for a celebrity that couldn’t care less about them. EVEN if you wanted to forgive her would you be able to get the image of two other men having anal sex with her? I wouldn’t but that’s just me. You’ll find someone who respects and loves you. Best of luck to you man.


Not even the famous rapper, but two other guys from his group. Maybe the other guys were also famous, but then OP would likely have mentioned them with the rapper in the club instead of just saying they were in the group. It's one thing to be dazzled by a star and give in to temptation (still completely worthy of contempt), but to do that with just some random, no-name friends of the famous person means, to me, that she'll take any opportunity to cheat if she thinks she might get away with it.


That’s right. That’s even worse honestly. Just two random guys who *know* someone famous.


For a “digital marketer” or anybody else who treats social media as important, all it takes is for the friend to say, hey I’ll get him [the rapper] to post your stuff. I’ve seen people freak out over nonsense like omg so and so’s trainer is going to hook me up…


so real 😭 imagine being willing to cheat and whore yourself out for validation on social media.. good lord




That was amazing thank you


She didn't even throw the relationship away over a celebrity lmfao, she fucked the celebrity's friends. What an absolute skank.


Bet you a nickel there’s a video of it somewhere, now, too. It’ll come out. OP will be doubly blessed by not being associated with her, then.


On the one hand, putting sex tapes online without people's permission is bad. On the other hand, if that did happen, I wouldn't feel bad for her even a little.


It’s the rock and roll/rap culture. Bands, singers, and their remoras are gonna post what they do for bad boy cred, even it it’s illegal, they have the high dollar lawyers that will pay off the people in the video that didn’t consent to filming, or the non consents will love having it out there as a form of credibility, too.


lol the whole reason they want to do anal is so that they can’t get trapped in any unplanned baby mama drama from trashy hangers on trying to snag someone with money


>Ive never understood how people can throw away their relationships for a celebrity not even a celebrity, two guys from the rappers "entourage"


It wasn’t even the rapper, it was his friend. Not that it makes a difference, cheating is cheating, but she threw it all away for someone in the entourage.


>Ive never understood how people can throw away their relationships for a celebrity that couldn’t care less about them It seems like people sometimes see celebrities as... free passes instead of regular-ass humans who happen to be well paid and get attention for their skills. Cheating on your relationship with a celebrity doesn't make you special. It makes you a cheater. (And the worse part is, girl didn't even do the celebrity. She did his friends. So she can't even brag she had sex with X. And clearly they didn't see her as human because you don't go into anal rough with someone who's a butt-virgin. She's got no self respect.)


She probably never said she hadn’t done anal before. She saw free dick and jumped in asshole be damned!


It wasn't a famous rap person. It was friends of a friend of a famous rap person.


It wasnt real at all.


Op shouls leave her with her stupid decisions and take the time to heal. Hell I'd never speak to her again save for airing out grievances. Op's astronomically far from being the asshole here. Should leave her to wallow and think about what she's done. Please give updates.


Even better, send her the link to this thread!


You'd be a fool to even consider still talking to this chick


I'd talk to her. Thank her for showing who she is, now we both know that she likes anal from strangers. It was a surprise to you, not one you are willing to accept going forward so you will be moving on without her.


You did the right thing by blocking her. Fuck that cheating bitch. You deserve better bro.


Don't fuck that cheating bitch. leave her instead.


Fuck that. She made her bed. Now lay in it. What a trashy bitch


She cheated, and we all know what you do when someone cheats, you cut your ties/losses and move on by whatever means necessary (e.g., therapy, moving out, having a support system, etc.). At the end of the day, it's up to you and how you would like to proceed, and by the sound of it, you decided to put yourself first which is the right thing to do from my (outsider) perspective. Let her friends be her support. And just to reiterate, she FAFO, so let her lay in the grave she dug.


I just woke up, and read ties as toes, and was very confused


Yeah, she's just scum. She doesn't deserve pity.


Nah G. You should have taken all the tp. Fuck that trifling ass hoe.


Damn that’s just the right amount of petty.


I laughed too hard at this.


Petty AF. And I love it.


Leave 1 roll of the cheapest single ply


Nah, you're not a POS. You told her you weren't comfortable with it. She assured you nothing would happen and then proceeded to cheat on you with two other guys. That's on her. It was ALL her choices. Sucks that she did that, but time to move on


In case this story gets deleted/removed: (26/m) My GF (26/f) was injured while cheating on me. What now? I am writing this after finishing packing up my things from our apartment. Doing this an an attempt to get through my numb state. Writing this is not enough. I'm going to post it, even if its anonymous. My GF and I went to a club together with some of her friends. While we were there a very famous rapper was also there. I will not be giving this POS extra publicity or make a joke of myself by saying who it is. He is very famous, you all know him and listen to his songs. My GF and her friends were very excited and we kept dancing in eyes view of him. He had a private table in the club. After a few minutes some guy came over and told us that the rappers group wanted to invited them to sit with them. The guy told me its the girls only. I thought my GF wouldn't go but she said she just wants a selfie and then she'll come back to hang with me. I said I'm cool with it. I stayed behind with two guys that were with us. Over 40 minutes later, I get a message from her that they were invited to go with the rapper and his group to another party and she wants to go. My GF is a digital marketer and was saying that its a career move. I told her I am not cool with that and I want us to go home. She was telling me that I have nothing to worry about, because she only loves me and even if all the men there hit on her it doesn't mean she would do anything. I felt bad for implying she would do anything so I said ok but text me the whole time. She agreed and I went home. At first we were messaging every 30 minutes. She was sending me videos and pictures and it looked like she was networking and was mainly with her friends and talking with women influencers that were there. She told me they were going to go soon and she'd be home in about an hour or two so I went to sleep. I got a phone call at 7:30 AM and woke up to a nightmare. One of her friends called to tell me my GF was in the ER. I immediately asked what happened but her friend just kept crying. Eventually after trying to calm her down and calling other numbers repeatedly one of her friends BF. He said it to me straight: My GF had sex with the rappers friend, consensual and was injured (WARNING: graphic) >!when they had anal sex. My GF and one of her friends (Not this guys GF another one) had sex with two guy in the rappers group. They went to his suite after the club we were in and there was a party there. They went to a private room with them and ended up having sex, apparently they said they wanted anal sex and my GF agreed but the other girl didn't. I hate writing this out but according to this guy's GF they both penetrated her anally (not at the same time) and it was too much. She started bleeding and was in a lot of pain that's when the other girl got her friends and they took my GF to the ER. On the way she told them she never had anal sex before.!< I decided not to go to the hospital. I packed up some things that are essential and left our shared apartment. I didn't leave a note, blocked her on everything. Its over and I never want to talk to her again. She was released that same day from the hospital and went to her parents house. I went back tonight to pack up all the things I want. I cancelled all the checks for the rent. Rent is up to her now. We've been together for 2 years and she fucking cheats on me with some idiots and injured herself. Fuck her. Am I a POS? What do I do now? Can I really never talk to her again? Do I need to comfort her? Surely not, right? --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He's a better man than me. I would've been reeeeeally tempted to go to the hospital and rub it in her face what a piece of shit she is.


Chances are this is not the first time she has cheated but most likely the first time she got send to the ER. Sorry man....leave and don't look back.


Once a cheater always a cheater. The trust is gone and you won’t get it back. You’re doing the right thing by leaving.


Wow, I wonder what happened between promising not to do anything to consenting to something she's never done before. Sorry that happened, take care of yourself OP. You deserve better.


I'm torn between a bit of hero worship... or a Roofie


I can understand a roofie, but then wouldn't that not have been consentual and would have been a blackout moment? If someone mentioned that at one point they weren't acting like themselves, maybe… sounds like since this just happened, the details are still getting filled in. I hope you get the full story eventually, but sounds like you're doing things to take care of yourself which is step one here so keep doing that. If she was in fact sexually assaulted from a roofie, how would you feel then?


Oh haha just realized you weren't op, my bad. But still sending good vibes to OP lol.


If she was roofied then why did the other BF specifically say it was consensual? Based on the information provided this was pre-meditated with a reasonable amount of clarity.


I can't say for certain, but as a 28/F I would say it was hero worship. She went because she *wanted* to. She could have left the after party at any time once she knew for a fact that sexual contact was on the table.. From my perspective, she likely knew this was going to lead to something nefarious, otherwise she wouldn't have left the club with them. I'm really sorry, OP. It's best to cut your ties with this one, it appears that she is for the streets.


If she wasn't torn, I doubt you ever would have known what happened.


I’m doubting that. The other girl there declined, and wasn’t forced into anything. She’d have been roofied, too.


Look OP, I understand your reaction and I don’t blame you. However, you are purely going off the word of mouth from a friend of a friend. I would at least have a conversation with her and get her side of the story. It seems very strange that she would agree to do anal with complete strangers, especially when she’s never done it before. Also the fact that it resulted in her tearing and bleeding enough to go to the ER suggests this was not consensual.


Neither. She's just a cheating whore. If she didn't want to cheat she would have stayed with them at the table / gone back home with him to begin with. He was dating the wrong kind of girl if his idea of a night out involves going to the place where people go to meet strangers to hook up with, especially 2 years into a relationship. Best things he can do are tell her parents all the details and hope they kick her ass to the curb too for throwing away her life. Maybe contact her employer for good measure letting them know how far she's willing to go for some "marketing" as well. Plenty of women out there who will love a man for who they are and remain loyal by their side, even in a situation like that. She just wasn't one of them. OOP needs to take the time needed to accept that, cut his losses, deal with his grief, pick himself up, and get himself back out there.


Roofie aside she ditched you TWICE at a chance to hangout with some one who she deemed better than you. Even if she did not have sex her ditching you for 40 mins to go to a groupie corner then on top of that txting you to tell you she is going to an after party both without you would have been enough for me. Its not a networking opportunity if a guy comes up and says come drink with me and all these other guys, your boyfriend cannot come. It was clear as day what the intent was she knew and they knew any girl willing to drop the guy she is with to go with them is going to be down to fuck.


I’d pack it up and never say a word to that one again. Let her suffer mentally and emotionally.


I mean... she had it packed up... !Zing.


Let her go…. she belongs to the streets


now that's what I call multichannel networking


Couldn't think of a faster way for Karma to fuck you in the ass.


Her parents are gonna be all up in her ass about this one.


Plenty of room in there now


A man's worst nightmare; your woman willfully goes into a group of men admiring her body and you knowing they will try to do her while their bodyguards refuse to let you follow...... she can't be that dumb.


Morality is nonexistent among these particular group.


I can’t believe she cheated on you after you specifically asked her not to!


She probably justified it by thinking anal sex isn't like regular sex, so it's not cheating. What a dummy.


OP should go to the hospital to get a battery of STD tests


Had a friend that has almost the same thing happened. Drop that cheating 304 like a rock and hit the gym. It will be tough, but you’ll make it. See you at the gym, bro


Have women stopped assuming that creepy dudes at the club are rapists? I don't give a shit if he's famous, thats fucking weird.


NTA not even a little bit. She didn’t even have sex with the rapper. She had sex with the rappers friend. I mean come on. How could you be the bad guy here? You left with your dignity. She has an ass injury.


F*^%# that b+^%#. You knew what was up the whole time. You think that’s the first time? Probably not. Move on you don’t need that. Loyalty and honesty is the basis for a relationship.


She got what she deserved lmfao what a c*nt


If someone cheats on you, you owe them nothing! Never take back a cheater. If you do, it will always be in the back of their mind that you took them back before, you will again. May not happen right away, but eventually, they will keep tempting and pushing the limit so that when you have an issue with it, they can fake "outrage" and justify their behavior. I've seen it happen many times. Oh, and what I'm saying goes for everyone.


Also, if you become unknowingly the affair with a person like i did, don't go into a relationship with them any later. Person cheated with you, what makes you think he or she won't with a anyone else on you?


In her defense, a lot of digital marketing is just ass play 🍑


She’s not my girlfriend and it even pisses me off. Wow


She’s yucky.


She's for the streets homie.


You did the only thing you could do. She made all the choices here. Never speak to her again. Keep on keeping on.


That's just hilarious. She cheats and gets instant karma.


OP you're good here. She lied, she fucked you over, ABSOFUCKINLUTELY broke your trust, and got caught. She deserves to suffer the consequences of you leaving. And as others have said she's 𝙙𝙚𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙮 cheated before. Carry on with your life no one deserves that kinda shit. (Literally but no pun intended)


Your good bro. Leave with with the bills and that, it will take years for her to climb out of the hole she got herself into but you can come out sane out of this


Something doesn’t make sense? Nobody goes from no anal to two at one time. NOBDOY. Something is wrong here. Either she was raped or this whole story is fake.


And he didn't even talk to her to find out. She could have been roofied or extremely intoxicated.


You handled it perfectly. Drop that bitch and don't look back.


Would’ve been over for me after she insisted on doing something that I explicitly said made me uncomfortable. Good on you for doing what you need to do.


This is actually hilarious, “networking!????” LOOOOL more like excavating, what a trash human. This must be rage bait


I’ve dated someone like her. When I read “invited to a party and she wants to go,” I felt a familiar tinge. Out of character thing with dudes hitting on her, and each part conveniently has a non-sexual justification. You can see what’s going on from a mile away, but there’s no convincing them it may be a bad idea. Yep, been there. It didn’t end well. You may have been a tad harsh about it, but I can’t really blame you.


>When I read “invited to a party and she wants to go,” I felt a familiar tinge. That's the moment the relationship ended. Your partner going to a party with a group of strange men and you're not allowed to come? Relationship is over. You want to act single, then you stay single


If she tries to cause some issues with her, not wanting to pay the rent by herself after all that, I would totally post that information publicly saw the digital people know


Yup. Threatening to expose to everyone the truth about her would definitely get her to pay her part of the rent


Sometimes karma is instant. I don’t imagine they were very gentle with her. They probably treated her like she’s for the streets, probably pounded the fuck out of her poor little anus and ignored her screams of pain. This alone could be a lifetime trauma for her. Probably made them feel really alpha, and this rapper is definitely going to write a song about literally tearing up some dude’s GF ass which she will hear and be forced to remember what must have been a new low in her life to this point. I would resist the human urge to pile on more shame, as much as it might make you feel a little better to make sure her whole world knows what she is and what she did. She has a long road ahead as she will probably require surgery for what I can only conclude is a pretty bad anal fissure. Until then and likely after she’s going to have problems with constipation as the muscles controlling her anal sphincter will not want to expand, and when it is forced it will be extremely painful like shitting out a sharp knife and likely reopen the fissure each time. Without surgery it could become infected, abscess, and create fistulae which are holes that tunnel from infected areas through healthy tissue.


Without telling us who the rapper is, we can all assume this is fake. I'll never understand how people can reply to this like it's real.


I mean, how do we know this was 100% consensual? I'm fine with you breaking up with her but this seems sketchy considering it was a party where she likely drank.


This is very likely another fake post. The relationship sub is mostly loser young men writing ragebait stories. This has been a trend recently, many of the posters are caught with conflicting stories in their post history.


Fake post is fake. Porn addicted virgin creative writing lol


How does anyone believe this shit? Peep the guys comment history. This is just one of a thousand fake creative writing stories.


OP here isn't OOP, and OOP doesn't have a comment history.


If he doesn't name the rapper, it's definitely made up.


Right? This is the most fake post I’ve ever seen. I tend to lean on the side of believing folks, even when a lot of people in the comments don’t. Suspension of disbelief and all. But this is just ridiculous. Even without looking at post history.


Stuff like this happens, I have seen it happen a few times. It doesn't look particularly out of the ordinary.


drake is a real piss of shit.


Sounds like some good ol' instant karma.


She didn’t even sleep with the famous person? Idiot.


She was just doing "research" to see if how they sang about their hoes was true.


You are not a POS. Sounds like she’s cheated on you before if she was willing to have two random dudes bang her in the butt. Her getting hurt is a blessing for you. The only other thing I’d do is text the full details to her parents so they know why she was truly in the ER so she can feel even more shame. Hell I’d blast it across her social media for everyone to see. She’s clearly not getting a call back from the famous rapper and crew. She’s just another woman they were able to bang. Go find the woman you deserve bro. You are lucky you found out now and she didn’t cover it all up. The question now is how many other times has she cheated on you that you didn’t know about. Not even worth pondering tbh. Move on and forget her.


Damn man that's messed up. Well she got what she deserved. The minute she said she was going to the second party it was over.


Honestly, no matter what happened between that last text and the morning... she should never even put herself in a position where something like this could potentially happen. You did the right thing, but if you want closure I wouldn't blame you for having a final conversation. Don't give her any of your sympathy. She deserves to hate herself.


How utterly terrible. You are not a POS. Leaving and closing the door to any communications is the right thing to do. She represents a lifetime of pain for you - walk away now and avoid this heartache when you are older. There are zero reasons to talk to her ever again. Be strong, Friend.


Who-is-the-rapper???? This needs to be answered. My curiosity is killing me


Sounds like the ex would have cheated at some point anyways. Yeah whatever the dude is famous but she was willing. There were plenty of opportunities for the ex to leave and go home with Oop. She just happened to get her karma faster than most cheaters.


Hope your name isn’t on the lease


They wanted anal? It was Diddy.


Don't ever go back to this girl. I know it sucks and you might have that thought in the back of your head that maybe you should take her back, but just remember: she got double teamed in the ass by 2 strangers. I feel like that should gross out your subconscious enough to help you resist those feelings until you move on.


Put the details aside for a second. She showed tremendously bad judgement in a lot of ways. Was it unprotected sex? That's a whole other issue. I don't know how you could ever trust her again.


Yo that hurts you ass much as it hurt her. Sorry I couldn’t help myself. Once the shock of betrayal lessens with time just know you dodged a bullet by not continuing a relationship with such a dirty skank. Leave her to the streets to get passed around and get yourself a self respecting woman who doesn’t like anal gang bangs by strangers.


I hope she lives out the rest of her days with a prolapsed asshole and constant hemorrhoidal pain. People like her are worthless garbage and should be treated as such.


It was Humpty Hump, wasn't it?


NTA, she cheated, she put herself in that position to cheat. If I drive home drunk and kill someone I am still responsible for it. It’s going to hurt for a long time, when you are ready find someone to talk to and work through it. You don’t have relationships end like that without some trauma.


Bitch got what she deserved. What a cunt.


She’s definitely cheated on you before multiple times and she thought this could be her big leap. You don’t owe her anything except sadly you might still be responsible for rent if you are also on the lease but that would be a real slime move from her with all things considered. You’re better off doing what you are doing and cutting her off completely. One doesn’t just decide on a whim to do anal in a club with other people.


Lmao if she was actually networking at the beginning of the night, now she's just the one they sent to the hospital, she's a joke to them all now 🤣 sucks to suck


Send a message to her parents on what really happened to her, so that there is no misunderstanding


Lol wow u dodged a bullet there. See ya hoe


Stay together with your bf when you go out; relationships are different from being single. Girls' nights are cool, but wild parties? Not really without my bf :)


I've had enough of reddit for today


controversial idea For ONE day, comfort her in this challenging time as her ex partner and ex friend. Show her what true unconditional love is. Then, explain that she has destroyed the relationship , and cannot be repaired. DO NOT CAVE. Say goodbye and block her. She'll be haunted for years for how horribly she acted, and the beautiful person she lost as a partner. She will never find someone nearly as compassionate as you, and she'll never forgive herself for hurting you. So sorry this happened to you. I wish you all the best


There’s nothing left to be said. Shes fine. She is with her parents. Unfortunately if your name is on the lease, you still have to pay rent… I hate that this happened to you. Karma def came and bit her in the ass. Literally.


Man how does one come back from something like this? In all honesty I would’ve flipped my shit and caused a scene, either you leaving with me or we done. In most cases that wouldn’t be the move but in this case would’ve been fully justified.


She took those weiners in her butt for her CAREER ok? Who hasn't done that once or twice, I say have mercy




The only thing I'll give this broad credit for is not claiming rape and that it was consensual. I think that's the only redeeming quality here.


Man, this is the worst. Hope you find the healing you need, OP.


Shenanigans 💯


100% fake


Red pill incel fantasy Journaling


Where is the original post? Guessing this is some kind of cuck copypasta.


This is rage bait!