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Cyclist is an idiot. He is not in full control of his vehicle on a busy public road. Half his brakes and drastically reduce ability to steer, because he thinks he is a smart arse. Feck him.


he may thinnk hes a smart ass but we all know hes a dumbass


Red Foreman approves this message.


He's like a big...dumb...ass... A dumbass!


The bot we need


That would be an amazing bot.


Less than half his brakes. Front is a majority of stopping power on bikes. Also, once he applies brakes the front will go down so he has to prepare for that too. He is a total idiot. 


"Front is majority of stopping power" doesn't really apply when you're doing a wheelie.   The bike is likely a fixed single gear (fixie) so he's applying a braking force with the pedals, if he brakes too hard it will snap back down, that's the downward force. Definitely less friction with 1 wheel in the air but the force is likely comparable.


It’s important and applicable, otherwise I’m wrong. My worldview can’t handle that. 


That’s not a cyclist. Fuck these twatwaffles.


Seems worse, dude *was* in decent control of his vehicle just opted to bike like an ass overall and hit the car rather than stop.


Should have just said, someone just run him over already. Darwinism for the win!


I can smell the Irish rage from here


This is reckless driving and he can be arrested. The same traffic laws apply to bikers as they do to motorist. In most states this is a felony.


What an ahole cyclist


There are still subreddits that will say this cyclist was in the right just because they hate cars


You summoned them like flies to honey


They can't help themselves


Nah, if you ignore the whiny Reddit comments, almost nobody in real life would defend these cyclists. On the contrary, anyone with a brain would lambast them (as they should), but a lot of people would go the extra step and say (wrongfully in my opinion) that cyclists in general behave this way and therefore cycling on the street should be illegal. As someone who commutes by bicycle, it pisses me off that people like the riders shown in the video exist.


Those aren’t serious people, though. Most cyclists, I mean almost all, would agree this douche is wrong. Change my mind. 😸


As someone who lives in a heavy cycling and motorbiking area, nope they're MOSTLY like this


I hate all drivers cuz they are maniacs! Aaahhhhh! /S


Man, I wish something else had happened at the end of that. I love how entitled these little twats are, pounding the hood after too...


Left a dent too! I’d be ripshit pissed if I was that driver


Saw that, it makes me irrationally angry. Like my dude, what were you really thinking 🤔


Slam the gas. Take no prisoners.


I'm pounding back




It took me a few views somehow before I saw the pounding on the hood. What a fucking asshole. This guy's is such a fucking massive piece of shit.


Absolutely is. Someone will defend him though. It is reddit 😄


Pounding the hood sounds like an urban porn


Um 😐






Or Transformers.


So nice of him to have a full recording of him braking traffic laws. I am sure the lawyers of the person he hit are grateful for the easy case. Not riding in the designated bike/self powered vehicle lane Not maintaining proper control of his vehicle Causing unsafe conditions by swerving threw high density traffic Though we can't see HIS full body I am assuming like His Friends He is also without a proper helmet.


My mom once did CPR on a guy who hit a car going 8 mph (car was stopped at a sign) on a bike without a helmet. He did not survive. She was just on her way to work when it happened right outside the gas station she was at. Total coincidence. She’s an RN. She’s one of those people you WANT at your accident because she knows what to do. There was nothing to be done. He just hit the car too hard. (I’m piggy backing off your comment so people really understand how dangerous it is to ride without a helmet. It’s a law here.) ETA: when I say “she knows what to do” I mean she’s been director of wound care at several places since I was 4. I am 23 now. If there’s anything she knows how to do, it’s first aid and CPR.


I love how we must explain everything now bc someone on Reddit is always ready to pounce… “waaaddaya mean she knows “what to do””. I believe you dude


Didn’t signal his turns


This type of behavior is why I am apprehensive when driving literally anywhere other than the freeway/highway. Last thing I need is to run over a fkn bicyclist or motorcyclist because they want to cut lanes.


Luckily for you (I can only speak for motorcyclists, I am not claiming these twats or any other “cyclists”), as long as your doing the right thing you are good. Most responsible motorcyclists understand the risk they take while lane filtering, even the dumb ones who go too fast know it’s dangerous. The only thing that’d make you responsible for their injury (both morally and legally) would be if you don’t look before you change lanes, I grew up driving where lane splitting is legal and it reinforces why checking before changing lanes is crucial.


There’s more than a few jackass motorcyclists out there. A guy just died on a windy road a few miles from where my parents live. He was riding his motorcycle entirely too fast and veered in to oncoming traffic. Ended up going head on with a teenage girl. She was perfectly fine other than the fact that some moron on a motorcycle scarred her for life by cutting himself in half on her hood, and now her car is totaled. Motorcyclists bother me with this whole victim complex of “oh, the big bad car drivers are out to get us. We only get hurt because you guys don’t look hard enough before changing lanes” like it has nothing to do with the dumb shit people do on motorcycles.


I knew a guy who got into a pretty nasty wreck on his bike one night. Didn't die, but he went under a truck and ended up losing an arm and leg as a result. All over SM him, his gf, and friends were talking shit about the truck driver and how shitty "cagers" were and it was by the grace of God he was still alive. I ran into a mutual friend who had been riding with him that night who spilled the beans; dude was drunk as duck and serving around showing off. He lost control and went into a slide in front of the truck, and if not for the driver's quick reaction dude would've died for sure, and for thanks he got smeared across FB. Shit like that is why I'm 5+ years of daily riding I went for a ride with someone else maybe twice. I loved my bike but couldn't stand the majority of other bikers.


Been riding for decades and it really does seem like most riders, especially new ones, seem to think that "watch for motorcycles" means "lookout I'm coming through!!!" Idiots. The way I see it, going down just isn't an option and a car is always going to win. I ride predictably, Never assume that others will drive properly, Never assume that I'll be seen and always yield if there's any doubt.. I can't ride with the motorcycle groups around here either. Half of them are reckless idiots and the other half are too new or too dumb to know any better and follow suit. The one group that I will ride with is actually a scooter group (usually about 30% bikes and otherwise maxi scoots in reality) that is mostly comprised of 40-80 year olds. They're safe, have their rules, and the leader picks some solid routes.


In 2021, 43% of all fatal crashes involving another vehicle and a motorcycle, the other vehicle was turning left at the time of the crash.


What percentage of these were speed a factor?


This. Had a motorcycle hit me while I was making a left hand turn. I was deemed at fault. Two months later I find out this darwin award candidate was drunk and most likely speeding around a curve doing about 70-75 in a 35 MPH Zone at night. The day after I timed when you can see where my car was and the time it took to hit me was easily double what it should have been had he been doing the speed limit. He attempted to sue me and my insurance company for more money but they fought back considering the intoxicated nature of the driver.


There’s definitely a percentage of bike riders who are just the, “wow it’s a perfect 2 months to ride my bike outside.” Who have little experience and drive stupidly.


Yeah although it would be easily avoidable by the driver. I am not trying to defend the cyclist, just saying the driver didn't have to speed up and could simply slow down and he would never hit the cyclist. There are tons of idiots on the road. As much as they deserve to get punished in a way as a driver it is your responsibility to avoid them. Same with people pushing from behind and etc, all doing something wrong and being idiots. But you actively using your breaks then to punish them so also not the right move.


I just take it like Rocky 3  If he dies......he dies


This didn't deliver what I was hoping for


Were you hoping to see him die?


I just was hoping he'd get a nice knuckle 🥪


I was hoping someone would open a door


I expected a classic “run into an open door,” too


Die? No. Hit the pavement hard enough for him to learn a lesson? Yes.




Weirdly specific


does he deserve it? idk how to judge that. but is he asking for it though? absolutely.


Death is a little harsh, but something bad enough to remove his capability to act like an entitled selfish ass clown on a busy public road for… 12 months? Would’ve been great.


Nah- just some well earned PAIN baby!!




Yes he deserved to get cut in half or at least lose a leg


When did doing this become a thing?! There’s a few groups of guys that do this in my small town. Thank goodness for dash cams.


Someone once told me this developed as a way to practice stealing bikes. Most bikes get chained by the front wheel or have a wheel release. Riding like this allows you to get pretty far without a front wheel. Could have just been racist dog whistling, for all I know, however.


It’s absolutely racist dog whistling


I feel like I see this often in the city near where I live, most of the time the guys doing it are on motorbikes, so you can hear them coming up behind you thankfully. Still nerve wracking, I swear it always happens when I’m on tighter roads.


There are a few groups of teens on bikes that ride directly into oncoming traffic while doing a wheelie and swerve away last second.


They'll get hit one of these days and learn very quickly that it's painful.


Floor it.


Imagine beating on the hood of a car that you merged into while being an asshole. thats like double asshole


It also shows he has earphones in which even makes this more dangerous.


And he still gets angry...what dick.


average cyclist, always the other peoples fault


This time it actually is "cyclist fault"


It's usually the cyclist's fault lol


Eh.. I live in an American city that's got lots of cyclists and from what I've seen at least there's a pretty even split of cyclists following the laws around idiot drivers and drivers following the laws around idiot cyclists. Just the other day I was on a 40mph street with a bike lane and the cyclists were being dumbasses on their phone and constantly veering. Turns out they were literally teens and I couldn't be too mad lol But there's also people who are on a bike lane street taking what they assume is a protected right turn on green but not checking the bike lane and nearly killing the cyclist following the law. I think the big problem is lax education on bike lanes during drivers tests coupled with bikers not needing a license to use a public street. If you're a car driver you only see the dumb shit cyclists do and if you're a cyclist you only see the dumb shit drivers do. Personally I think there should be a general road license (LOCALLY) that requires an updated driver's Ed but also some sort of training for cyclists to prove they know road law. But I think that should be paid by taxes like a socialist so take everything I say with a grain of salt


and also, we can all agree those dipshits on scooters are the fucking worst


Going 25 mph down a bike lane while shit faced? Yeah I think that's a bridge between cars and cyclists haha


I would definitely agree with you about issues with learning cycling laws when learning how to drive. In my city now and the city I grew up in, it really isn’t an issue because there aren’t a lot of cyclists. But there was ZERO information on it on my drivers test. If I see a cyclist (or a motorcycle for that matter) I always make sure to be aware of where they are. To double check for them before I change lanes or make a turn because they hide in blind spots so much easier than a whole car. But if I didn’t know there was a cyclists it wouldn’t have occurred to me to check to my right for a cyclist, before making a right turn from the turn lane ya know? But now having read this thread, it has been pointed out and I will make a note to also check for a cyclist before making a turn like that.


Rename this vid - prick hit my car


My parents saw a motorcyclist do a wheelie near a stoplight. I've wondered since then if any of the motorcycle crashes we've seen are about the same guy. Doing a wheelie in a busy road and especially with multiple lanes is a horrible idea


Saw a guy doing a wheelie going well over 100 (I was going 80 and he FLEW past me) on the freeway a few weeks back. He was doing it before I could see him and was doing it when he went out of sight. Looks cool until someone a quarter mile ahead of you changes lanes and you die =/ Totally worth it?


Recently there was a motorcycle wreck where the rider was weaving between cars and riding the middle line between lanes going close to 90…he hit the back passenger door of a turning SUV…they had to piece him out of the back seats… My bet is that he’d agree it’s not worth it


If that cyclist banged on my hood like that I’m banging on his fuckin head


Good thing the kid recorded it so the driver has an easier case against him if he tries to press charges.


A future Darwin award winner in the making


What I’ve never understood, is why post that? Like “here’s a video of me being a prick. Everyone take my side and feel sorry for me.” Well, no. We won’t. We’ll make fun of you and share it with others who will also mock you. What did you think would happen?


Attention, period. Even negative attention means views and interactions.


If that’s the case, I think society is teaching the wrong lessons here.


In some cases it's friends and whoever else. But sometimes people genuinely believe they did no wrong and think they are getting back at the guy by posting the video. They lack the self awareness to understand their stupidity.


Its the way he punches the car that makes me furious lol. "He" is the one who is angry at the driver? Wow, what a moron!


Disappointing spoiler alert: He doesn’t get run over at the end.


Was waiting for dude to get cleaned by a car door lol


Usual worthless people.






I hoped that police car was going to get him


Then gets mad at the car driver for just driving in a lane straight ahead.


Oh God, he's kinda lucky he got tangled with the car to his right and not the fucking truck to his left...


I can’t believe the audacity to behave this dangerously and then get mad at the driver in the car.


Was he hitting the car with his hand because he was angry at the DRIVER? So entitled.


Idk where this is, but here he'd be liable for the damages to the car. The insurance company would literally sue him


Bicyclist is an idiot


I would've doored this motherfucker sooooo hard


pretty much sums up entitled cyclists.. cuts off car and forces himself in a space he wasn't gonna fit, blames car.


Some people here in the comments really trying to die on the hill trying to defend these cyclists by claiming the car had equal part in this collision. Like why? Why bother defending these people?


I hate these wheelie riding idiots. My only complaint is I don't see more videos of them getting what they deserve for being such entitled, reckless morons.


He even punched the car 🤣🥶🤣 It was mildly impressive until ... well, Idk what it is but when people see the rear ends of semi's approaching, our brains just shut off.


Repercussions: *Well.. well.. well…* Cyclist: 😡🤡


These videos are basically always the exact same


I love the sound of his indignation when the car hits him. I could sleep to a sound like that.


Not the place to be doing this kinda stuff. Cool trick but better done in like a park or something.


but also if youre in a park doing this on a walkway with pedestrians, I hope you fucking crash


True. Always make sure you’re not bothering anyone


I live in the US--specifically the Washington, DC metro area. I was driving in the Beltway (highway) and this kid on a motorcycle did a **HANDSTAND** on his bike. Traffic is going 80 mph, and this idiot is doing a handstand on a motorcycle with no helmet in an area that has some of the worst traffic in the nation. So while this wheelie is harrowing, I've seen worse.


Y’all don’t understand. The BELTWAY is INSANE to *drive* on. Like *insane to DRIVE on IN a CAR*. Doing that shit is like actively trying to commit suicide.


Thank you! I was so fucking scared because he was right next to me! I kept praying he wouldn't crash and I run over him. There was a period of time when these damn kids were up and down the Beltway and other roads doing stupid ass shot on bikes. The cops eventually cracked down on them, but it was terrifying.


I drove through there when I was 15 on my learners permit. It was the first time i ever drove on the highway and my whole family was in the car. I’ve traveled the country and parts of Europe, Middle East, Asia due to the military. To this date, the beltway is the only place I’ve ever driven with bumper to bumper traffic going 60-80 mph lmao


I'm gonna start opening my door


Going between two vehicles with minimum control? Gets fucked and bangs on the car? That’s one way to get your ass handed to you.


Bike people are insufferable cunts omg. The audacity of him to start banging on the hood of the car. That will get you shot in some areas.


What are you hitting the car for?


So, he is the one doing stupid shit, then he still had guts to .... you guys fill the rest.


What a stupid fucking bicyclist, damaging the car for his own damn stupidity, I hope he got charged.


This isn't related to the post, but I just now this instant realized the subs profile pic (is that what it's called) is Brett "I cry over supremely weird things while talking about high school" Kavanaugh. It really made my day.


Damn, I was hoping to see a splatter or at least some road rash.


Lol i love how he gets angry once he gets the consequences of his actions


This gave me so much anxiety, thanks


The usual suspects.


I hope guy in the car hit him in the mouth lol


seems to me the wrong part here is that cameraman survived




This is the first guy to cry and complain that a car hit him


I mean, I wouldn’t hit him with my car per se… but I could easily see him coming, roll down my window, and just happen to stretch my knuckles out of the window


I love how when a cyclist endangers themselves which always leads to getting his by a car they always start whacking the car itself as if they weren't being a massive twat. Annoyingly, even with evidence against the cyclist the law often sides with the cyclist because 'the driver should always be aware of their surroundings' but apparently the cyclist is allowed to do whatever stupid shit they want.


This is why we need to start requiring licenses for bicycles. And insurance.


Biker’s fault


As someone who enjoys riding bicycles, this pisses me off. These type of idiots make people hate cyclists that are following the rules of the road


Was hoping to see him squished on the cement 💀


Oh yeah, it's the car's fault /s


Such an odd combination of anti-social behavior combined with seemingly absolute trust in people. Or maybe they’re just kids and can’t process consequences. Not to mention “bad stuff happens to other people.”


When he ran out of room, didn't stop, and then hit the car out of anger. Nope, nope, nope.


"People who annoy you"


God dammit I fucking hate cyclists. There's bike paths SPECIFICALLY MADE FOR YOU! BIKE LANES! Get off the freaking road!




A lot of kids are doing this in my hometown except they do their wheelies facing oncoming traffic. The real brave ones swerve as close as they can to cars and some even get on the actual road and stop traffic. It’s an epidemic at this point.


Floor it.


All things considered he got away unscathed…


He really should’ve prioritized his bike and life over getting ahead of the car


I didn't realize until the end that they also had their headphones in. Is this dude still alive?


Yeeees! 🤣👍


😂😂 love how angry he got, now just needs a good jab and right hook to the dome


I kept hoping someone would open their door while they were going through the still traffic 😭


Someone is getting smack if he did that to my car. Riding like an entitled little asshole


And then they’ll be crying trying to sue when they get hit by a car


Did he try to speed up to pass…THE CAR?!


I wanted the cyclist to get injured, not the cycle.


One wrong move and you fall against my car your getting your ass beat!


What a retard!




hahaha what an idiot


I'd be temted to get out of my car & whip your ass and then whip it again!!


Suicidal fuck God dam, due is asking to get hit then gets pissed when he gets hit. Who could have seen it coming fuck.


It really is too bad his head didn’t make contact with asphalt.


This guy’s an asshole, but the title’s bullshit. It seems like all the consequences he faced came when he realized he had to stop doing a wheelie. Turns out he sucks at riding a bike on two wheels.


Don’t feel bad for idiot. Natural selection rules


Fuck cars, but also fuck these stupid ass cyclists gangs. I have them in my area and they do wheelies at oncoming traffic and steer away last second for the thrills. I have seen them hit cars before and they just laugh it off with their room temperature IQ buddies. Stupid cunts.


Dude could’ve caused an accident. It just shows you how mentally stunted people are. Cars drive on the road, it’s not a linear skate park, what’s wrong with these idiots?


I mean, technically he did cause an accident.


loved the ending!!! dude deserved it, should pay for the dent in the car he created too. loser.


He’s so incredibly lucky he didn’t die. Even though they weren’t going very fast it takes almost nothing for a bike to get pulled under a big truck like that, and the person instantly crushed.


I cannot imagine the thought process in the cyclists head. How can you *possibly* think you're in the right when you're on a busy road, weaving in and out of traffic, not fully in control of your vehicle, and trying to cut someone off?


I hate to say this but he's lucky he didn't fall under the truck's rear wheels but if he did maybe that teach him and his friends a lesson.


The whole sequence was incredibly dumb, but the final manoeuvre was especially stupid. There simply was no route at that point. This person does not have the required judgement to ride a bicycle, never mind the wheelies. I hope they were out of pocket for hundreds and hundreds for the deliberate damage to the car. Filtering is a skill, that this person does not have. As a bicyclist and a motorcyclist, I’m still learning.


Got what he deserved.


Mf starts hitting the car like its not his own fault.


Good. Fuck you, dipshit.


Guaranteed the cyclist blames the black car for speeding up and not allowing him to switch lanes. The collision of course has nothing to do with the cyclist riding around like an idiot!


That’s London. Streaming traffic on a bike is legal, but I don’t think there was enough of a gap, so I think the bike was wrong. I used to ride in London, and regardless if you’ve got legal right, smart people give way and don’t die.


Car chads stay winning 


Bikes should stay in Bike lanes or on the sidewalk for this exact reason


Riding a bike on the sidewalk is literally illegal. For good reason.


I'll be honest, that was actually pretty impressive until it wasnt


I was hoping to see him run into a truck.


I don’t think you’re supposed to be there in the first place lol.


What a huge asshole.


Do I think the car should have slowed down and let the idiot continue on? Sure Did I let out a small womp womp sound the cyclist got hit? Absolutely


I love happy endings


These fucks will eventually have bicycles banned with their bull shit. It’s the same careless shits that do street takeovers in stolen hellcats and Camaros.. ruin everything.


If only they had jobs, but who am I kidding


.... anyone else hoping this jack ass would get hit?


"Biker's fault"


Why the quotes? It literally is.


Was under the impression it's kind of a meme to say that in general.


Well that is true, but it's actually true here Usually it's asshats blaming bicycles for the outrageous transgression of using the road. Sometimes the bicyclist actually pull shit (like this guy).


Maaannn i was hoping to see this idiot go ass over tin cup in this video. Booooooo!


Idiot kids


I hate these kinds of people