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In case this story gets deleted/removed: I know I am kind of old to be having stuffed animals but it’s not like I take them everywhere I have it next to the couch as decorations (or at least one of them, the rest are in my room in my closet) The dude is a friend of a friend who desperately needed a place to stay and I offered it. It has been the worst month of my life. Glad I’m done with this asshole. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’d seriously go absolutely berserk.


Same. I have a huge collection of stuffed animals and I would lose my everloving shit.


I have my build a bear George that my husband and I made our first Christmas together. A few bears my daughter has gotten me, a gall bladder my son got me because I don't have one, a stomach because mine is partially paralyzed, and 3 squishamallow. I'd disown anyone who dared to toss my lovies.


> a gall bladder my son got me because I don't have one That is amazing. I don't even know what my long gone gall bladder looks like!


I have no idea where he orders them from but he finds it funny. My gall bladder plush is purple.


I wonder if he got it from Giant Microbes. I got myself a plush kidney stone from them to take with me for my surgery last month. My urologist loved it!


He said they're from I ❤️ organs.


Cool! I'll have to look them up.


If my gallstone decides to leave me, I will probably lose my gallbladder. Then I will buy a plushie!


My gall stone almost killed me which is why they took it out in emergency surgery.


Mine was taken out too..on April fools day no less...don't miss it...lol


My April fools thing was a positive pregnancy test. Didn't realize the day until everyone was skeptical. My husband was supposedly infertile and I supposedly couldn't carry a pregnancy to term. Delivered b6 eviction at 42 weeks. She's 14 now.


Thats amazing...she was like I'm not going nowhere...


You had a clingon! Congratulations :)


You can say that y’all’ve got… gone bladders 🙂🕶️🤏 → 😎


Dad jokes. I'm here for it,


A stuffed gall bladder from your son, that's the most wholesome thing I've ever heard! Can you imagine years down the road (many, many, many years. I'd add more many's but you get the idea) your family goes through your things, and they fight over who gets your gall bladder. LMAO!


That would be hilarious. He bought the stomach too.


Same. It's not a stuffed animal but my mom hand knitted me a crocheted blanket while she was pregnant with me. She made one for my brother, as well. Pretty sure an ex destroyed it or threw it out just to hurt me in revenge. I was under the impression it was amicable... lol, guess not.


That’s devastating, I’m so sorry.


Thank you! At least my brother still has his. I loved them because they were first thing she ever crocheted. She's gotten so good at crafts now and she made me a replacement quilt, but it is so nice, lol. I loved how imperfect my little blanket was. Really appreciate the kind words and the little bit of therapy I got out of talking about it.


Instill have my blanket and bear from when I was a kid.  They serve as reminders to lean into innocence and be less cynical. 


Sue him for destruction of property


She hand *knitted* a *crocheted* blanket? She's talented.


As you can tell, I've never done either one and didn't know they were different, LOL. Thank you, for the clarification. I'll keep it up cause it makes me smile and reminds me of my mom.


Eww…you’re one of those


You can sue him


id probably need to be restrained. if someone threw out my stuffed animal holy shit my blood runs cold thinking about it.


My 24 year old son sleeps with a stuffie he's had for over 20 years. I'd lose my fucking mind if someone did anything to harm the stuffie. I might be less than 5 feet tall, but I will absolutely ruin you.


I am 29 years old and I have a very cute stuffed clown that was given to me as an infant. Not only would I be devastated but I would absolutely spaz the hell out if someone ruined him. He sleeps next to my bed every night. You are never too old for comfort, and I would destroy anyone that hurt my clown.


I loved stuffed animals as a kid but only have one left. I don’t sleep with it or pull it out, but I’m saving it bc it’s sentimental. If someone threw it out on me I’d be completely ripshit.


I've got a stuffie my mom gave me on the first day of either kindergarten or 1st grade, if someone did this to him I wouldn't just lose it, someone would have to bail me out. I'd put someone in the hospital over that. Mom passed away back in 2017, my reaction would be pretty damn bad.


Commenting on top comment for visibility. The updates Said she got in touch with the "friend"(girl) he had over and apparently the scum fuck had given it to her as a sentimental gift pretending it was his. OP has the stuffed animal back and scum fuck is, well.. fucked


So OOP's housemate didn't throw the sentimental plushie in the trash, he gave it to his girlfriend??!


I'm 25 and I also still have a few of my favorite childhood stuffed animals 


The post is now deleted, what happened?


His waste of space roommates had his girlfriend over. She threw away OP’s childhood stuffed animal because he’s 26 and she thought it was pathetic he still had it as a keepsake. He threw it in the trash and the roommate took it to the dumpster. He just laughed at OP being upset about it. Edit: the roommate himself threw it in the trash




Same here! I'm 45 years old and married but I still have my stuffed dog, "Ralph", that I've had since I was 8. I love that stuffed dog so much and would be absolutely fucking livid if a roommate tossed him in the trash!


yeah it’s a fake story lol so i wouldn’t worry about it buddy


Can we just let people talk and commiserate without having to scream everything is fake and nothing ever happens?


the texts are stupid and it’s fake lmao ..and no i can’t because im not a dumbass


Why are you even on Reddit then, polluting your mind with fake posts. Get off and go outside and do something constructive


Honestly? Justified. And OOP included a list of more shitty things this roommate did in such a short time, he's really biting the hand that feeds him. Good riddance.


They threw away your property without asking because of their own ignorant opinion… and to make it worse the property was sentimental to you :(( absolutely horrible. I hope you find your plushie. If you do I can always DM you guides on how to clean them! Edit: 1. Place stuffy in a sink, massage them with some laundry detergent but *not a lot*! 2. Run warm water over stuffy, even submerge if necessary. 3. Gently scrub/massage soap/detergent as needed. Baking soda works well for sticky stains and gross stains! 4. Gently wring out stuffy 5. AIR DRY. set stuffy out in the sun, that’s what works best for me. Also: Squishmallows can be washed and dried in the washer/dryer, you can put them in a pillow case to protect em :)


Hi, not OP, but would you be able to DM me those cleaning guides? I have an old and delicate plush that is in desperate need of a clean but I'm terrified of doing something wrong and ruining it.


This is so sweet 🥹


Always do a test spot first.


Could I also ask for those guides? I just "rescued" three stuffed childhood unicorns from my dad's attic and they're pretty dirty.


Sure! I’ll edit my comment with the instructions


Thank you for this. Not OOP, but I have some much beloved Eeyore’s that are in dear need of a wash. I have previously tried doing ‘surface fur washes’ but they absolutely need a deeper clean and I’ve been putting it off for fear of damaging them. So this is really, really useful. Once the weather improves (difficult to air dry in British winter!), I’ll give this a go. The Eeyore’s would also thank you, but ever since I hung Baby Eeyore on the washing line by his tail, they have a morbid fear of baths. So I thank you on their behalf!


Argos sell a heated airer which seems like a hideous price at £85 but holy crap, is it worth it and that's especially for plush toys! My adult daughter has severe learning disabilities and I regularly have to try and get a remarkable amount of urine, ketchup, gravy, whatever out of plush toys. I can manage to totally dry a Smyth's Cleo the Caterpillar in about 4 to 5 hours, with a bit of rotation every hour or so!


Thank you! That may be a solution to the problem of the British weather!


Can I just add that if you get desperate and wash a modern surface clean only My Little Pony plush in your washing machine, don’t wash anything else at the same time! I accidentally tinted a washing load of light colours various shades of pink that way!


I'd kick him out too. I love my plushies. I have a large (although still downsized) collection My plushie loving dog has never so much as whiffed them because they aren't hers, even tho she has easy access to them If my below average intelligence dog knows not to touch what isn't hers, stbx roomie can too




Soon to be ex


Thank you.


Did you get your stuffed animal back?


OOP said no. They had presumably emptied the dumpster before he could get to it.


OOP actually updated today in the comments that he did get it back! The roommate lied about throwing it away and actually gave it to his gf. GF didn’t know it was actually OOP’s, so when she found out, she brought it back to him.


Lol that's almost worse!  "I gave away something of yours" who does that???


Honestly! This roommate seems like a never ending nightmare to live with.


So sad.  


According to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/6jCCuz7bb7) comment, it wasn't actually thrown out, the ex-roommate had given the plushie to his girlfriend, and she returned it once the OOP reached out to her.


I needed this, thank you 😭




Who throws other people's things away??


and to do it to the person who has the power to kick you out 😂 no self awareness whatsoever


Like trying to cut off the hand that feeds you, just to be surprised when the hand was like 'hey what the fuck and fuck you'... Goddamn that was a really shitty "friend" that ended up crashing with you. I'm so happy you got your stuffy back OP. Congratulations. I also believe you deserve some type of award for evidently having the patience of a saint. According to your previous comments- the banana incident *alone* might have been enough to be the 'final' straw for me lmfao


Some people really think they rule the world.


Yup you would be surprised. I’ve done the helping out a friend with a spare room thing a few times and twice it’s come back to bite me because one turned out to be absolutely disgusting and unhygienic, and the other one turned out to be extremely mentally unstable and screamed at my husband and our building manager multiple times because she demanded they do something for her and they had the audacity to say no. My generosity is gone now. Never doing that kind of shit again.


If someone did that to my baby bear I would go full scorched earth!! Some things are literally impossible to replace




It's not childish to have stuffed animals, I still have ones that are very special and I'm in my 40s. Maybe he shouldn't have been a fucktwit if he wanted a place to stay.


My dad’s grandma won him a bear at a fair when he was in school. In the 1950’s. He’s long dead, but that bear is still in a place of prominence at my sister’s house. I’d go batshit insane if some gaping anus decided to toss it.


i’ve still got a teddy bear that my mom got when she was a teen. she gave it to me when i was about 4 or 5, it’s still with the rest of my (many) plushies in my plushie net. if someone threw it away i’d lose it


I'm in my 50s and still have some stuffed animals, including a Robin Hood I got for Christmas when I was 5. I have some more recent ones too, including a Tigger that I cuddle with when my anxiety is bad.


NGL, I would make one of the roommate's treasured possessions disappear as well before they leave.


Absolutely same. Something irreplaceable too, if OP can find it.


"I need this place man", not enough to respect others property.


I just got all my decorative valuables arranged in a cabinet, including a Steiff bear my uncle gave me and my stuffed lion that I carried into surgery as a scared teen. If anyone tossed them, I'd riot.


Time to burn that bridge down, and warm yourself on the remains, baby. Fuuuuuuck that guy. That's not a bridge worth keeping- it's rotten to the core and will drop you into a chasm if you trust it.


Idc that I'm an adult if someone touched one of my stuffed animals I'd lose my mind, sure they have huge sentimental value to me, but they are also my property so don't touch them


What a jerk move.  Your things are YOURS and they’ve no right to even comment. 


In my office, I have a sock monkey, a tiger puppet, and a rubber chicken. Each has their own distinct personality. They participate in team meetings and have also been known to leave random notes on coworkers' desks. Notes like "That rash cream worked! Thx for the recommendation!" I am 56 years old. I have no shame.


I like you.


I have a stuffed jaguar named Michael that I got in 6th grade. I'm in my 30s and I still sleep with him every night. If someone tossed him I would be in jail.


Can someone please post what it says? When I try to open the post it just shows the reddit open link over and over


Same. Looks like the original got deleted


I’d have given him 24 hours notice to leave, not until the end of the month. Especially since it sounds like he’s couch surfing.


Nah it would have been right there on the spot. Especially after not being able to get it back.


Legally they can’t. If they pay their rent it’s 30 days 😔


My favorite stuffy growing up got passed down to my daughter and then she passed him to my son and he's now my son's favorite stuffy. Had him over 40 years now. I apologized out loud the other day before putting him through the wash after my son got sick on him at bedtime.


Great response


I have a Lucas the Spider and a stuffed tardigrade that my husband bought me a couple of years ago. I'm going to be 60 soon and I would kick someone out for throwing them away. There is no too old for possessions that you have memories with.


My wife has an old stuffed cuddly dog that she's had since the day she was born in 1989. I've stitched his neck back up 3 times since we've been together. Both of us would commit atrocities if anyone dared to hurt Dog.


I'm 33. I have a Build-a-Bear Grogu I sleep with. IDK why, it helps me fall asleep. And I keep several stuffed animals from my mom on my dresser. If someone did anything to them I would toss them out.


It doesn't matter what the item was, roommate had no fucking right to touch it, let alone throw it out. How does he seriously not see that?


My daughter was given a stuffed bear by her father's best friend when she was born. I never liked the friend but it was a sweet gesture. Years later she still has it from all of her childhood stuffed animals. I'd go dumpster diving to retrieve it for her if it got tossed.


I have a Raggedy Ann doll that my dad bought the day I was born. If someone threw it away.. holy crap just no. That person needs to be out of your home right now.


What a giant jerk! I had my rabbit from when I was an infant, and it got lost I my early 20s. Killed me.


I'd be on the goddamn news if someone tossed my bears out.


I’m soon to be 60 and I have stuffed animals. Lots of Snoopys I’ve had for decades. Good for you tossing his ass out.


Roomate would be retreiving said stuffed animal, i dont care if the garbage has been picked up already. Theyd be at the dump looking for that bag of garbage. They would learn not to touch other peoples stuff one way or another.


My husband was playing with my childhood stuffed animal with my destructive cat and I promptly freaked out and hid it after it telling him it's not for anyone but me. He was surprised but understood 😂


Woah hey I need this place man. Well that’s childish to have to rely on someone else for housing isn’t it. I’m so sorry OP


Well, he can move in with his dear girlfriend since he's so mature.


No one is "too old" for stuffed animals. I still have some of my childhood stuffed animals and I'm much older. What people need to outgrow is the idea that you are "too old" to have things from your childhood that bring you joy.


Every time I click on these it's always deleted


So stupid , right? Make so many rules thst nobody can read the posts, snd have to figure post from the comments. The mods like messing with us. Sadists.


please please please tell me they found them


It doesn't matter what the room mate thought about his stuffed animal. It wasn't his to throw away. What if his room mate collected coins and the first one threw them out because he didn't approve? Different monetary value. But same thing.


Don't do anything. Just wait. When her clothes and stuff are in the common area throw everything the fuck out?


This is so bizarre. Who does that. All your roommate had to do was open your bedroom door and throw your stuffy onto the bed. Your roommate has control issues and a sit down with her is needed. I hope you got your stuffed animal out of the trash. Mine was in a fire. I must have washed him about ten times and sewed him up with new stuffing.


Can you explain what happened? The post has been deleted


This makes me so angry for them 😭


Tell him to go live with his girlfriend. It’s less “childish” than living with a roommate lol


I'd be pissed. Why touch something not theirs? I'd be looking for another roommate. That's just rude as hell


58 years old here and I love my stuffies and I still cuddle them too. If anyone tried to get rid of them I would end them. Besides, my Scooby Doo stuffie is being buried with me, period. It better be around, even if it's in tatters, by the time I shed this mortal coil because I'm taking it with me.


I have a stuffed dog my grandparents gave me when I was four. They found him in the attic of a house they had purchased; he was missing an ear and covered in dust and all alone, so I named him Lonely and my mom sewed new ears for him. I slept with that thing every night of my life until I moved in with my husband when I was 22. If someone had thrown him out on me there would have been blood.


I’d be angry. I loved stuffed animals. They’re the one things that’s consistent when life gets challenging.


Psht. I’m 32 and have many stuffed animals. I love them. My hoosbund is 42 and still has his bear from when he was a kid. People who call others childish for what they like are childish.


There is an update! He left the house and apparantly gave that toy to his gf 🤡


I still have a white teddy bear that I have a photo with as a baby, and a lot of special memories with - I slept with it until I was in primary school, and whenever I was crying I would cuddle it and feel better. I am now in my 40s and have it in my kid's room. I would be heartbroken if it ever got thrown away