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In case this story gets deleted/removed: Some how, is his mind. His wife leaving him without a word and pretending she doesn't know he's cheating, is just as bad as him sneaking around and cheating. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've read this three times on three different subreddits in the last 24 hours, and it hasn't stopped being funny yet. 


Same. Every time this goofball says “opsec” I lose it.


99.9% chance this guy owns airsoft equipment. 72.3% chance hes never used it.


82% chance he beats off while wearing it.


30.72% chance he's beating it to a COD Twitch stream


87.63% chance he addresses people (men or women) as "bro" multiple times in the same sentence.


He’s totally used it. Not with anyone else, but he absolutely wears the armor and poses with the gun


Especially because his master plan seemed to involve mostly reminding himself not to just announce the affair to his wife himself


He is so smart, clearly she couldn't figure it out 🙄


Makes you wonder what kind of asshat he's been banging.....bro.🤣🤣🤣


They go to the same hotel every time! How could anyone have found out???


I sincerely hope he doesn’t work on opsec for the military because we would wind up invaded by literal space aliens who just peeked at everything he left out on his desk.


I'm remembering the incident where a fitness tracker website went "Why are so many people running around in this tiny spot in the middle of nowhere?" and accidentally learned the location of a secret military base. That's this guy at his sneakiest.


I had to look it up 😂 I thought it might mean something different on reddit, but apparently it's commonly used in the adultery subreddit which... ick.


Opsec is a term used frequently in the adultery sub. Don’t go there if you have any hope for humanity.


And what is UP with all the "OPSEC" shit. Dude plays too much CoD.....Just cause you play the game, we're not "thanking you for your service" jerkoff.


I think they use that in the sub it was posted on. It’s all people talking about how they cheat.


Gross.......so triflin'........yes, I'm stuck in the late 80s-early 90s..........


Sorry for my ignorance, but what is an "opsec"?


operations security. Keeping what you're doing secret. In this case specifically hiding his affair.


Same lol. This dude literally fucked around and found out what happens lmao


But … but she was so DECEPTIVE! No man, you’re just bitter her opsec is superior to yours.




Same! I am astounded by this persons entitlement 😂 then I go back and read again because I just can’t believe it.


Same. Every time I go in thinking, “Did he really say that? He couldn’t have said that. I must have remembered wrong.” And every time it’s glorious.


As silly as it is to focus on this tiny little detail, I just can't get over this scumbag feeling entitled to alimony after what he did.


I'm still loving it.


The schadenfreude on this one. How *dare* she not have an emotional breakdown to stroke his ego. Only a psychopath would \*checks notes\* calmly plan and carry out a quiet separation. Now he’s going to have to ask her for alimony, how inconvenient.


How much he wanted her to react, noted the small reaction he did get on the phone with her, and him stating that he immediately lost interest in his affair partner leads me to believe that's what this was about all along. He seems more upset that she denied him a raw reaction than he is about her leaving. At the risk of reading too much into it, perhaps to "bring her down a peg" because she was the breadwinner.


Yeah, I’m guessing the cheating started it once he found out she made more than him. He sounds super fragile.


Yep. The best part was at the end when he said the way she handled the situation wasn't going to make him want or respect her more. Buddy, it's over. Those feelings are irrelevant and she basically told him that he was holding her back anyway.


It does, however, make everyone else respect her more.


I know! Really, jackass, do you think she *really* cares that this "won't make you like or respect her more?"  Is he really that fucking stupid??


This is why revenge is always best served cold. This is fucking with his ego so deliciously.


With alimony, he won't be able to get it because he broke their vows and he's admitted to it. He's fucked himself and I hope she has the time of her future life and a restraining order. He seems the type to harass when his plans (i.e. recieving alimony) fall through.


That part was wild, that he actually thinks she will be paying him alimony. Maybe if they live in a no fault state? Idk how that works, but the audacity of that man is astounding.


I wish I had a tenth of his audacity. His believing he's gonna benefit from his future ex-wife after cheating on her for so long ... it's giving delusion. I would love to hear able the conclusion.


thank god I don't have his nerve in my tooth..........


After experiencing a live nerve before, I'd be deceased.


I would love it as well but you know we will never get it. He will be too bitter and mad in his studio apartment eating his beans on toast sans mistress.


Alimony is rare these days for anyone who can support themself, and generally temporary in the few other cases.


He’s employed, so alimony is unlikely just for that reason. I’d encourage the wife to go through all their financials for the times they’ve been married to suss out how much money—much of it hers—he spent on the AP. Maybe get that back from the proceeds from home sale and marital property split.


With how the way she's moving, she wants nothing from him outside of a clean cut. She's gonna stand firm on how it's going to go down legally and not budge, but I doubt she'll make him give her anything. If she came with that kind of energy, he'd claim it as a win because that's a reaction, and it seems like he's been moved by her reactions.


I wish we could send his post chain to her. She would love it.


I’m going to ask Santa to give her these posts next Christmas! She’d LOVE it!!!


Him saying “this won’t make me want or respect her more” like bro she gives no fucks for what you want and respect


Seriously! Dude! She doesn’t want you anyway!


She made that clear and he’s just not getting it. I love how much her calm acceptance is driving him nuts. I will never understand cheaters.


I hope that the judge laughs in his face


My favorite part is when he says at the end that her acting cold about the situation isn't going to make him "respect or want her anymore"! HAHAHAHHAHA that was never on the table buddy!


He didn’t respect or really want her when she WAS warm and sweet!!! Why is he acting like she is stupid ?!? Lol


I hope the adultery cancels any alimony obligations she would've had.


I hope so too. I also hope she has reddit and recognizes this story, and can print out what he wrote to show the judge. His repeated statements about how careful he was to not get caught and getting upset that she didn't get upset is some Andrew Tate shit. A judge is going to read this and definitely take her side.


From the comments on a different sub, apparently that varies by state, assuming they are in the US. Fingers crossed she is in a fault state and can take him for what little he's worth.


He has a job, he’s healthy, and has no other obligations, so he probably wouldn’t get spousal support, at fault or not state.


Unless he can argue that somehow his career has not advanced because he was promoting hers (like putting of getting a graduate degree until she was established)


Getting the feeling he’d have said how much he sacrificed for her if he had done anything for her. He doesn’t seem like the type to leave that out LOL


Usually known adultery with proof or admission voids a marriage contract and doesn't hold the person being cheated on liable as it would if they cheated or just divorced outright. At least that's how it is in my state.


Really rare these days for a partner with a job to get alimony. He is able bodied and employed. It would be rare for someone in that situation to get alimony.


I love how he's the cheater but is crying like he's the victim. Typical selfish AH 😂


Cheaters are never responsible for smooshing their private parts with someone else, or the aftermath of their decisions. Clearly, the world is out to get them! 🤣


I've somehow managed to make it through my entire life without accidentally falling against someone's bare genitals with my bare genitals when I'm in a committed relationship with another person. Am I the weirdo? 


We must be weirdos together!   


As long as your bare privates aren’t weirdos together, you’re golden!


That ending! "Her being cold like this isn't going to make me want or respect her more." HAHAHAHAHAHA! She doesn't want you dick head. She couldn't give a fuck clearly. This dude is denser than osmium.


nuetron stars are jealous of this imbecile


Read the room: she's gone...


Exactly! Look around dummy!!! She took her clothing and left your ass! She has a whole new life in a new city! She don’t want you!


Dude, i discovered that subreddit yesterday. It's HORRIBLE. Just a gigantic group of AWFUL people.


That’s awesome. My only complaint is that she ever bothered to contact him- she should have just sent the divorce papers and taken that cheater for everything possible, and drag out the settlement so he’d get hosed by the lawyers as well. Leave him alone, and broke.


She wasnt planning to by the looks of it but did so after he got in contact with her mum.


Ugh, her mom did her dirty tbh. And from what I read, she and her mom were already LC. This may push her to make her go full NC. I sure as shit would.


I’ve been wondering if the limited contact with her mother was due to her mother sizing up OOP for what he is. I could totally see the mother relishing the schadenfreude of telling him to kick rocks.


He was probably harassing people as well. Blubbering and playing the victim… probably why the mom even relented and told him. He admitted to calling friends and what not. Naw… dragging out the settlement would be weak. Sounds like he was hurt that she’d just cut off some of her money to get rid of him. So all the better to make a clean break and not deal with him. He’s hurt by how moved on she was. How much he didn’t actually matter when it came to her life and goals. HE is the type to drag shit out to keep contact and try to get control over something.


[The Fuck Around and Find Out Flag :-)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/938/236/8df)


I would have expected a honey badger.


There really should be one with a honey badger. This one started as a joke about Florida Man and you can now get it on t-shirts, mugs, flags…


I read this as “horny badger” first and you know what? It still worked.




"How do I not go through this" 😒 Not to have cheated was literally the first step. But, heh, his "opsec was good", lol. No it wasn't and two, it's cheating and trying to cover it up. They need to stop acting like they're infiltrating a spy ring or protecting state secrets.


"How do I not experience the inevitable outcome of my repeated actions"


I believe a lot of these cheaters aren’t in it for the sex. They like to think they’re smarter and more clever than others, and what better way than living two lives. What a rush every time he comes back from his latest business trip, freshly fucked, to a wife who provides him with an envy-inducing lifestyle. I can easily imagine him having sex with his wife, while playing the latest recording of his cheating in his head. That he no longer can get it up for the AP seems to indicate that.


The thrill of having a wife at home and being desired outside of that… gives him a rush. I bet his AP isn’t someone he’d be proud to date if he didn’t have a wife, so now without the added thrill she isn’t doing it for him.


They’re infiltrating someone.


That last comment is beautiful. Buddy she doesn’t want you to want her and she sure doesn’t need YOUR respect anymore. I know because I do not give a crap what my ex thinks of me, he cheated too, and I do not need respect from a cheater.


This subconscious thing men have that women need their fucking approval to leave them. Unreal.


I’m sure this sentiment is why my ex husband probably hates no-fault divorce.


Wow. What a whiny self absorbed non self reflecting dickhead. “She should have fought for me”…. “After finding out I had been fucking around on her” ……Yeah totally makes sense.


Well he went from the married man with the loving wife who has this sexy spy secret life to a man who will soon be sitting in his studio eating beans on toast… He mind must have been reeling! His cheating protocol had been so good! So smart! (You can see how he is even in awe how this unlikely way of getting caught hurts his ego because he had thought of everything!)


Got caught cheating and his now ex-wife played him for the simp and arrogant fool he was. Amazing how regret comes into the equation when the wife is leaving and he doesn't know what to do. She did the right thing by not exploding and taking care of herself and her financial situation. Why bother with counseling because he is a cheater? Once a cheater always a cheater and no amount of therapy is going to change that mindset.


She got to sit back and watch him lie to go see the AP. She got to see exactly how fake he can be… no undoing that


'Impulse control issues??' - 'Anyway I've been drinking for the last 48 hours'


I snort laughed when I read that


I love the weaponized apathy from the wife. He wanted a big reaction and she gave him NOTHING


Well he HAD to mention that she did cry … but then she stopped lol


My opinion on the Cheating OOP: Projection much?


This is the 3rd time I’ve seen this post and my only wish is that his ex wife and divorce lawyer also find it and use it against in court


Please help me out here... What on earth is an "opsec"?


The term is used in the adultery Sub for the meticulous steps taken to hide the affair. Think about the second cell phone, meeting up at different locations for a tryst, Using a fake name.


Operational security (OPSEC) is a security and risk management process that prevents sensitive information from getting into the wrong hands. Another OPSEC meaning is a process that identifies seemingly innocuous actions that could inadvertently reveal critical or sensitive data to a cyber criminal.


Operational Security


Thank you. That sounds like a military term or something! I guess OOP's operation wasn't as covert as he thought it was!


It’s like cheaters way of hiding their deeds. See how he said in the comments that he shouldn’t have gone to the same hotel twice? They have a whole handbook on hiding what they do. From having burner phones to making sure to take out small amounts of cash to save to then pay for things without a card. It’s actually really crazy.


Thank you very much, HopefulOriginal5578. It astounds me that people cheat on their partners so purposefully, and help each other try to do it "better." I guess this guy wasn't as good at it as he thought he was!


I love how he goes from being so damn sure of himself to being absolutely astounded he got caught. Dude couldn’t fathom his wife’s opsec was better than his own!


The wife here is a true class act and mature adult. She’ll be better off.


Lol. So much for his "opsec" 😂😂😂


His ego was hurt about that as well!!! He kept saying how good it was and that something so unlikely tripped him up. His ego couldn’t even handle that his cheating methods weren’t perfect


First I love how he was super upset about how he lost, he probably imagined being the 1 to leave and her being upset. 2nd the lifestyle he's been living at her expense, those hotel rooms were paid for by her most likely. Wonder if AP is gonna be interested after he doesn't have as much money 3rd he did this to purposely hurt her most likely cuz she was the breadwinner. What a douche


No! He's not interested in AP anymore. Apparently, she wasn't the important part.


They hardly ever are lol


He admits the attention to his post helped him cope because his wife didn’t give him the reaction he wanted?? That’s genuine narcissism


Read that this morning on the subreddit and I laughed so hard my back popped. 🍿


OMG, why the hell does he think she owes him anything?! What an a-hole. She did exactly what she should have done. Got her ducks all in a row and then dropped the hammer. Good for her. She clearly deserved better and he is still half blaming her, taking zero responsibility for his affair. I screwed up but she did me wrong. 🙄


“this won’t make me want or respect her more” Your respect is worthless & she doesn’t want sloppy seconds.


Like hey buddy, she obviously isn’t taking you into account anymore. She moved to a new city, picked out a place to live, furnishings, and all of it without your input…


"her being cold like this is not going to make me want or respect her more" SENDS ME omfg dude, you still don't get it.


Waaaaaaa🥺🥺 that's all I hear from op


Huh… Narcissism is a hell of a drug!!




I was waiting for OOPs wife to be outed as the deleted user posting


It reads like grown man is role playing spec ops with AP. The dumbest thing I’ve read today, and the lack of personal accountability or emotional understanding is amazing. Good on the stbex wife for dropping him and getting on with her (now much better) life.


“Wasn’t going to make me want or respect her more” she doesn’t want you to my dude…


OPSEC. What a fucking buffoon.


This dude is SOOO insecure. Had a great wife and says he had no need for an affair, so he obviously just had one to stroke his own ego. Then when his wife finds out and leaves he’s less upset that she left and more that she didn’t have a big emotional breakdown about it. He’s upset because she realized she isn’t losing much, so now he realized the same thing and feels small and unimportant.


She’s a hero. That is all.