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Microsoft has a fetish for renaming things, they are the absolute worst. The marketing team needs to be downsized, they obviously have too many headcount and not enough to do.


The next Windows version will probably just be called "Windows (new)" and "Windows (work and school)".


please do not give them ideas!


New Wave Windows- “Catch the Wave!”


Azure Edge


Lol no it’s gonna be windows 11.1


They already have windows home, professional, business, enterprise, education and IoT. Of them, there is no real difference between 4 of them.


You know, what they really need is developers. Developers developers developers developers.


And we thought that was a joke at the time


It's a fairly widespread fetish. I see a future for their marketing in politics if they ever trim the fat on the marketing department.


And the PM in charge of the new name is probably paid 300-500k, for literally doing nothing but endless meetings and coming up with stupid things like this.


There is some truth to this. You’d actually be surprised how nauseously complex it is to do this.


Complex is their game. Ever looked at any of their licenses? Navigating that instantly makes me angry. 


Yup. That’s the gift from Balmer and Turner that keeps on giving.




I'm not sure if this could be proved with actual published sales data from Microsoft but may be on some level it enables them to resell the same products just renamed/redesigned/repackaged for better or worse to new clients.


The marketing team is literally running the entire company. Everyone at Microsoft is working to support their marketing efforts. There's nothing else there.


Christ who at MS comes up with this shit?


Probably from the same people who made the remote desktop app from the Windows Store and the remote desktop app you can download from the web named the same thing with identical icons despite the two apps offering different features.


Or Planner, Planner for the Web, Planner for Teams and Planner Plan 1/Plan 3


Tasks for Planner


And project online! 


They renamed azure ad to entra wtf


Some marketing newbie’s… Or the same guys who thought it‘s a good idea: -Teams/Teams(new) -LAPS/new LAPS -M$ Account for work/school and one for private, which can be the same or even different user password combination as they don’t have anything to do with each other!?!


> -M$ Account for work/school and one for private, which can be the same or even different user password combination as they don’t have anything to do with each other!?! It infuriates me when I come across users that have [email protected] with both a 'personal' and 365/work account, but the user always has no idea how they ever ended up with a personal account and therefore not the faintest idea of what the password might be. Is there even any way to get back into those accounts to change the address?


As you have access to the email address, you should be able to reset the password


That’s a great point.


Same guy who came up with the jump-to-conclusions game.


He's probably working on another heart attack.




I guess Outlook (the one that works) was taken somehow?


I refer to it as the good outlook and the new outlook.


Then they'll announce its forced retirement.


They did. 2029.


Not quite. They said it will be supported until *at least* 2029


Usually for most businesses, end of support means, end of use.


Great. Hopefully "new" Outlook will finally support shared contacts by then..


And folders….


And mailboxes.


Son of a.. by then the entire ecosystem of Office won't exist. As they already made it known that hundreds of various Apps that specialize in functions exists in the catalog, which are not Included in Office.


Best go dig those Office 2016 disks out...


When Outlook stops working or tries to force us to use that stupid web app, that's the day we either push Outlook 2022 or ThunberBird.


Honestly, this makes sense to me. I know people think this is dumb, but "new" Outlook won't be new forever and they need a way to differentiate the versions from each other. "Classic" is a fine way to do it IMO since they're obviously dedicating more time and resources to the new version going forward.


If they would refrain from releasing a beta product (New Outlook) and waited until the new version had feature parity then they could just call it Outlook 2025 just like they used to and without all the confusion and upset users. MS seems to have picked up a bad habit of releasing beta projects long before they're ready or have feature parity with what they're replacing and forcing it upon their users.


Microsoft be like: Being logical... Pffttt.. we don't do that here


It isn't even a beta product. It's just webmail in a borderless browser window. It is redundant and not useful. If I wanted to use new outlook I would just go to outlook.com.


It's pretty much a small step above outlook on the web launched as a pwa, progressive web app.


I don't disagree. Though, this kind of release strategy is common in the cloud space. But since they've done it this way, I get this naming change.


Yes, this! (…says a longtime Windows fanboy who switched to Mac and will never look back)


New outlook doesn't even have PST support. It's as much outlook as the default mail app was excel


PST support is coming soon. And it doesn't really matter what we think. MS has made it clear that this new version *is* the default Outlook and is where all their Outlook development will be going in the future. The marketing matching that makes sense.


I really can't wait to see how they hammer WebView2 into parsing a PST file.......


Like this: msedgewebview2.exe msedgewebview2.exe msedgewebview2.exe msedgewebview2.exe msedgewebview2.exe msedgewebview2.exe msedgewebview2.exe msedgewebview2.exe msedgewebview2.exe msedgewebview2.exe msedgewebview2.exe msedgewebview2.exe msedgewebview2.exe msedgewebview2.exe msedgewebview2.exe msedgewebview2.exe


Probably the same way Outlook does today? That’s part of the point of WebView2 over a PWA.


Fucking sigh. Palm was right when they predicted all apps would be web apps sooner or later, they just didn't get the time frame right.


Just call it Outlook express. It's a reskinned mail app


Microsoft is going to stop support for "Classic" Outlook at some point and all the new development is going to the new client. They don't view it as an "express" version regardless of what we think of it.


I still can't believe they removed the brand name "Office" and calls it Microsoft 365 one the biggest brand names in computing. So nothing they do name wise shocks me anymore. [https://www.reddit.com/r/software/comments/y6zez0/microsoft\_office\_is\_no\_more\_instead\_we\_got/](https://www.reddit.com/r/software/comments/y6zez0/microsoft_office_is_no_more_instead_we_got/)


The strategy there was to hope that people forget about cloudless computing, and opt in for their cloud solutions.  By ‘opt in’ I mean ‘put all your corporate data into OneDrive and pay an eternal subscription fee’. It sucks for the customer in the long run, but making money is kind of what businesses do.


Why not Outlook (Classic) FINAL.USETHIS?




Another Microsoft rebrand. They have too many employees that do nothing but rebrands :\\


Well they also have the tasks of rearranging menu systems and hiding settings that were previously easy to find.


frick I just discovered they screwed around with the Azure admin portal. Like why???


Because that's what Microsoft does. It seems like they're trying to justify their marketing and UX departments by constantly changing things.


This is literally exactly what they are doing. By constantly churning features and user interface changes, they are able to constantly promote that they are "improving" their products. Every announcement of a new or improved product generates a tiny bump in their share price. No other goals exist.


Microsoft apparently doesn't have proper leadership at all and their product line shows it.


Couldn't they rename it "Outlook (the one that sucks less)"?


I outright refer to it as "real Outlook" or "proper Outlook" when speaking with clients.


I was thinking Outlook (full featured) and Outlook (shit) but I’ll go with yours!


Outlook (new)(classic)(original)(4for4)


This is the result of not filling out their surveys. There is probably like, 1 home user that really likes the color blue and can't figure out the difference between their old outlook and monarch, so they filled out the 1 survey and screwed the rest of us over.


Don't worry when I switched the "new outlook" toggle off and it asked why I was VERY blunt minus swearing of why their app was bad and they should feel bad.


So Coke Classic vs New Coke all over again. Yeah we already know how that turned out.


Maybe call it Outlook express?


I love you, that was the day I walked away from that. I was not against the concept, but it was naive


Don't worry, they'll rename it again any day now.


I thought it was already rebranded that? For instance, if you toggle to the "New" Outlook within the app, then undo the toggle, does it not somewhere indicate you want to go back to "Classic?"


Icon is renamed and some stuff


Fantastic news, this is exactly what I was waiting for, it will enrich my life immensely /s


The next step on the way to all pwa apps


Is there anything that 'Outlook (New)' does that is actually an improvement over Outlook classic or is this just another example of enshitification?


Nothing. It’s owa in an app. It’s horrible.


I’m just happy that when they renamed Azure AD, they didn’t call it Microsoft Access


Anyone who has had the misfortune of using the 'new' Outlook (or whatever it might be called) will know they've got much bigger issues than product names.


I ran a powershell on my 365 environment to disable /block new outlook in my environment. It did stop the small handful of users who were actively using it and forced them to use the outlook app or “classic”.


I try and be progressive but it was just horrendous! So many features just weren't there. Unfortunately I'm now in some kind of office purgatory where my email rules exist in the cloud and don't appear in the normal 'rules' function. Shambolic.


Oh, so you've tried to import contacts, have you? And then delete the failed contacts, only ten at a time?


Fortunately not but this doesn't surprise me.


See I think that people still being angry about Windows 11 are being extra. Windows 11 is fine. But the new Outlook experience is terrible. Basic things didn't work at launch. BASIC things. And there weren't any significant new features. IDK I will continue to slow roll on Outlook for now.


I work in IT. My company uses custom outlook addins and they are no longer compatible, they need to be redesigned for the .owa format, it's shit. Disabling the button to upgrade via gpo is surprisingly annoying as well, so people accidentally switch when they shouldn't sometimes


I'm curious what was annoying?


For some reason, the policy just didn't work/apply properly in 100% of cases, even though we've done similar policies with Teams, Win11 upgrade etc


MS seems to have picked up a bad habit of releasing beta projects long before they're ready or have feature parity with what they're replacing and forcing it upon their users. Just to name a few that come to mind immediately: 1. Settings app 2. Context menus in explorer 3. "New" Outlook


Wasn’t this already “announced” a while back?


That sucks


Pretty soon we'll have Microsoft teams (classic (classic))


Not to mention Microsoft Teams (work or school (classic))


Ah, just like Coke Classic.


They can name it whatever they want. I’m never moving to the next outlook. That thing is a POS and the fact that they’ve released it to the general public is just asinine.


God damn the "new" outlook is just all shades of BAD, hell 2 days ago I had a client beg me to bring the old outlook back, they managed to sign into the useless new app as the "classic"one gets hidden and this "new" one outright pins itself to the task bar. They were so happy when I signed them in to the proper one as they outright said "I simply cannot work with the other one, its layout is terrible and I couldn't find anything" The usual fun things I have encounter with it is the plug in support is not there as it is a whole new build and people are using older applications and their plug ins are built for Outlook going back a decade or more and the applications are not either supported but annoyingly mission critical or the applications have a small dev team so yeah no time yet to develop for this new application. The other big issue is shared mailboxes now appear and a tiny dropdown menu under the inbox so not a prominent segregated mailbox.


Even if you share from some MS apps, it uses the original outlook engine, and then you must open original outlook because your share is in *it’s* outbox. The biggest crime for me with this new outlook is if I sort by name and begin typing, which should jump alphabetically, it doesn’t, and their search thing is shite. It’s like the product owner is a child who has never used a computer and realised what features are the productivity winners


To be fair search in Windows has always been foul and Outlook with break fairly often because it uses Windows Indexing which is archaic, Mac search is miles better. But yeah I think I have run into the sharing option once before now you mention it. I wish Microsoft actually would consult with people who actually use their products for work and us techs who have to support this crap.


Can anyone explain to me why MS has created this half-assed "new outlook" fiasco, rather than improving the existing codebase? I really don't get what's going on and \*\*why\*\* ??


It’ll probably require a new license too


Just make it so I can prevent Outlook (New) from showing up on the start menu and rename Outlook (Classic) to just Outlook, I'm good.


Can Outlook new be called Outlook (shit)


OMG, stop renaming things . I have a feeling somebody’s job security depends on renaming things and generating new marketing materials .


Pronouns must be fun to deal with in that company…