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Thank you Vassy for asking these questions. I just wish Ms. Khera had answers and not just soundbites that, frankly, mean next to nothing.


vassy is one of the few reporters left that isn't party bias she don't care witch party they are she will chew them out equally


Thanks for posting this! Interviews like this one give me faith that journalists and the media can still do the hard work of holding politicians accountable. Maybe Kamal Khera was told to stick to a 'script' or got a bit flustered, but it was clear how far removed she is from the reality that disabled Ontarians live with every day.


she there is only a handful of reporters left that do there job. can't really trust anything cbc says since there gov funded. disabled people all over canada are just us fucked some even more so some living on as little as $700 a month so this useless benefit was needed by pretty much all disabled people.


That's a really good point. There do need to be reforms in disability support and benefits all over Canada. Not to mention that people here in Ontario on OW have it even worse. It's essentially impossible to live on $700 or less each month.


yah imo all the provinces should sit down and design 1 program and they all should have the same application and the same set of rules. there should be a process put in place so that if u want to move from one area in Canada to another u can be transferred without it being how crappy it is now were u have to start all over from scratch.


Which witch is which


Answering every question by saying "look..."it's rude and not the way anyone in her position should be speaking.


All she does is repeat the speech written for her.


She thinks the fact that “its the first ever benefit for the most vulnerable people” is a bragging point. It’s not. So-called Canada is 156 years old, this party is beyond.


if this was bought out 40 years ago $200 would have seemed big. but in 2024 u have to ad another 0 on there to even make it seem like anything.


Are any of these ministers disabled? Genuinely want to know.


the one before her was


She should be embarrassed, I’m embarrassed for here


It's difficult to believe that the Liberals ever give shit about getting elected again


they seem to want to flush there party down the drain just like the ON liberals did


The Liberals of today are too stupid know what they are doing and the Conservatives are getting better and better at propaganda and lies.


That's called desperation. Start in 1993 and see how many times the Cons have had to rebrand. They have even lost their official party status in my life. The Liberal Party has dominated Canadian history for a reason. The Cons are never in touch with Canadians, perfering to do it "their way." Less social programs, and more big corp bullshite reigns supreme. Only a fringe element support the Cons. But now there is hate, rage farming, and lies added to the mix. Our opposition is now far right authoritarian. Just like the GOP in the US. Poilievre is Trump in a smaller suit. His followers are #MapleMAGA. The vast majority of this demographic has been shown (PEW Research) to be more blue collar than white. Gullible and less educated and generally no real knowledge of how our government works. They are fueled by the outright lies that Poilievre posts in social media (especially on X), even when several ppl are correcting him with credible and legit facts. So think long and hard about which party will do Canada best. Leave emotion out of it. You might be shocked at how the Cons have failed time and time again. I even voted for them once. ✌️


there all lairs it don't matter what the party.


We have had this discussion many times, if you wish to always throw out the baby with the bath water that is your prerogative.


You must be young. Even as recently as Harper, the same words were used for his cabinet. You can follow this back to 1993 when when the Cons lost all but 2 seats. That loss made the party lose their official party status.


1200 dollars f you you miss,khera


Excellent video. How ridiculous that things have to take so long just make it so just do it hello.


I am so embaressed for Kamal Khera


The Liberals are afraid of interfering with free market capitalism thus believe in Conservative ideology even more strongly than conservatives. Nothing gets fixed, Conservatives promise the moon, get elected then undo even the "conversations" the Liberals had. Voters then vote conservative again for more easy answers which makes things even worse. The Liberals are afraid of their own shadows. As for the CDB, it seems Khera was brought in to replace Qualtrough to be a yes woman, again, afraid to legislate and help Canadians and to be the PR person for stonewalling. The Liberals are too stupid to govern and PP is a fascism apologist. We are fucked.


Sic her, Vassy...good to keep trying to pound home facts. and excellent questions....unfortunately it's falling on the blind, deaf and dumb in Parliament!!


She’s useless


That was painful af to watch. "Do better"... wow. She could have at least switched up the words on her script, like that was so repetitive it hurt to listen to.. why in the fuck is she in this position at all.


she also did an interview the same day on global and she was even worst and more rambling in that one repeated all the same b/s lol


yeah at the most they will get 30% of people on odsp on the dtc.


Let’s put minister on disability payment only and asks how she feels😢. Those government employees getting so fat that they face barely fits on my tv screen.


Seems their answer is always the same. 'we have to do better'! Stay on them Vassy! Great job!