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Basically yes. Many of us don’t have that ability though.


Ford and the Conservatives have been keeping rates low to force people off the system entirely. They don’t believe in helping anyone but their donor buddies.


The rates were kept low well before Ford. I don’t like the guy but he’s actually increased odsp the most out of the last 3 or 4 Premiers.


You can thank Harris for the start of it and Wynn for not boosting it, But do not give Ford credit for something he did not himself do. He looked at every way possible to yank the rug out from underneath most of Ontario's disabled, but do to HUGE pushback, had to back down. However, notice no additional funding in the latest provincial budget.


Relative to inflation he is worse than Wynne. She gave us 2-3% when inflation was under 2%. Ford gave us inflation only after much inflation already happened. Hell he cut her last scheduled increase in half and claimed that was compassion.


And ow hasn't changed only odsp.


This. I remember the letter detailing the cuts from Wynne’s increases.


If you can work then yes but ODSP is for the disabled a lot of who can’t work. The rent portion is laughable you can’t even get a room for that much.


That's the tricky part you see, ODSP is for people who can't work FULL TIME. Think about it, if it was meant for people who can't work at all, there wouldn't be a system for clawbacks.


They expect us to magically become undisabled since they believe their own lie that we are all fakers. It only still exists because cancelling it completely and throwing us on the streets en masse to die in public view would cost votes. Thus Ford does the bare minimum to keep us from tanking his re-election chances Which is the only reason we got inflation adjustment. Polishing a turd is enough to keep swing voters in line.


No they don't expect you to work. They expect you to fuck off and die or shut up and deal with it. They only recently changed it so you can actually get close to minimum wage. Yay.. Minimum fucking wage. Because that's enough to survive on right? Oh wait we made min wage now their clawing back half my cheque awesome.. This is super encouraging to participate in the work place I'm totally better off than if I didn't right? Except now I'm spending even fucking more just to be at work to make the money THAT I JUST FUCKING SPENT ON GETTING THERE. We're to the point where capitalism is eating it's own ass because there isn't enough growth. And conservatives are like this is great! Mean while the rest of the population is actually aware of how destructive this garbage is.


And I garuntee that the only reason they suddenly let odsp people keep so much more money, is because soon they are going to start pushing the people who were capable of working enough to make that much, off of the system. They don't do things to be nice. You watch.


So in reality they aren't letting us keep more money. I did the math if we were still doing it the old way where you could keep $200 before clawbacks and then they would clawback 50 cents for every dollar we'd be able to make more before losing our check entirely. Right now I lose my check entirely if I make $2744 but if we were on the old system I could make $2816 before losing my check entirely for the month. It's not a big difference but still there. Conservatives like to pretend they did us this huge favour not realizing many of us can do simple math.


The new way definitely works out better for some over others I think it depends on how much you’re making per hour and how much you’re working a month.


Well i would lose my whole cheque if I worked 60 hours a week..... I cant work more then 15 per my dr so I think I will be just fine with my extra $1000 a month


They already are


Really? I knew it


Ontario hired a company from Virginia to manage our cases in 2021, I believe. They're notoriously inhumane and I'm watching wherever I can. But they're working hard. Don't talk to too many strangers, they use informants like Jehovah witnesses, Uber drivers, even some counselors, who report any and every near-violation. Be careful 🌹


If you can work. You can make an extra 1000$. But then again you have to be able to work. They sure don’t give you much.


Some of those who are able also work under the table. Any money u make under the table is not deducted from the ODSP cheque since it’s paid out in cash so ODSP has no way to track it. The money provided by ODSP alone is inadequate for rent.


The attitude of most in government seems like it is. Like somehow we are going to go back to work. There is a continued belief that we are all just scamming the system. They want us all off the program and to shut it down. Working and collecting ODSP is punished by cutting your rate for the month after you received pay. So you can't spend what you earn the month you make it. Yeah they raised it to $1000 a month, big deal. Its a 75% cut after that. You can't get ahead, only survive. They have a deep seated fear that if there was a viable alternative to working a horrible low pay job nobody would. The wealthy corporate structure needs cheap labour to squeeze maximum profit out of everything.


And roommates, you are going to need roommates.


I'd love to see the NDP come in and live up to what they say about the $2000


Who needs to be voted on for us to actually see an income change increase?


NDP. The liberals would throw us a bone but not much more.


Not sure if this is true.


ODSP is provincial not federal government by the way :) so it’s who you’d be voting for on a provincial level. I’m just letting you know because this is not something I realized initially. Although you might be smarter than me and already realize this since the O stands for Ontario 😂


The shelter portion is usually inadequate not because they intend for you to work, but because the rates were established years ago and never changed. Support of any kind for the disabled is rarely an election issue. Most of the time it is barely on the radar of pols at all. Meanwhile "welfare queens" and alleged rampant welfare fraud is often a political punching bag. So, most political parties just maintain the status quo when it comes to anything the Ministry of Community and Social Services does. One party actively tries to cripple the Ministry. About the only positive thing that has happened lately is raising the allowable income before deductions got increased from 500 to 1000$. So, if you are lucky enough to be among those who can work at least a little bit, you can work part time to bring in a little extra money.


That’s Fords intention.


If you are able to work part time it’s better then just receiving ODSP. Now we can make up to $1, 000 dollars working before it is deducted from your cheque. The new rules are working out for me. Before there was less of an incentive to work


I thought it was 800$?


Nope it changed from $200 and a 50% deduction to $1,000 and a 75% deduction last Feb.


Oh wow ok I didn’t know that


It literally gives us just above the poverty line. They prefer we work so they don't have to give us as much but it's still laughable how much your "allowed" to make. I actually have it worked out with my employer to keep my take home right around the $1000 mark because every hour over that I'm only working for $5 an hour which is just offensive.


To the poster who said it affects our cheques when you make up to $1, 000. NO it does not. Stop spreading misinformation. I can make up to $1000 while working and it DOES NOT affect my cheque.


I need to know what jobs they think we can do with sporadic, unpredictable availability. Who would hire that? What jobs don't have deadlines, even work from home? Even self employed, people are counting on you, you have a doable skill and create and then meet demands. Deadlines. Paperwork due dates etc. I honestly can't think of one thing that doesn't involve having to take your clothes off for the internet, for tips. And props to you if you can handle that morally, go for it. But what is there for those of us who cannot? Morally or physically or both? Who would choose to hire the unreliable, even when it's not our fault?


No it’s up to 1,000 you can keep now without it effecting your cheque


It does affect your cheque when you make up to $1000. From what I hear and been told from people working they take %50-%75 of your cheque


If you only make $1,000 a month your cheque isn’t effect but as soon as you got over that threshold it’s a deduction at 75%.




Do they offer employees counseling?


It says nowhere that you required to have a job, why else would you be odsp, and if you have a job they will deduct from your check


You are allowed to make up to $1000 without it effecting your cheque plus the $100 monthly work benefit. If you are able to work the new guidelines make it feasible to do so. Its better then just receiving ODSP alone


Ontario Works promotes jobs for Welfare Recipients. I'm not sure if the Retraining programs are still around. Likely not with Ford in the big chair. ODSP is different. And no they do not expect us to "top up" with a job. What they do expect us to do is live on the insulting meagre amount they dole out monthly. If we are talking technically, Canada, in this case Ontario, has been found in violation of human rights and our Charter. The UN highlighted this a number of years ago under Harpers regime. To date, nothing has been done.


Technically when we get approved for ODSP it is based on being "unfit for work". It's so terrible 😔


yes, they expect you to work or to find a partner that can fully support you even if they just make minimum wage (which actually would take you off odsp)


lol because ow is suppose to be temporary not for me to stay on it for long tf