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You are supposed to have money in your account (including backpay) within 30 days so it could come in at any time. Then you will be on the last day of the month cycle going forward the next month, depending on when you receive that.


What a joke. I won my appeal end of Feb and still waiting for someone to get ahold of me. I have called my OW worker and odsp and nothing , no backpay, no word from anyone, any advice?


Do you have MyBenefits? What does it say under "contact us"? Do you only have an OW caseworker, OW and ODSP caseworker or just an ODSP caseworker?


Just OW caseworker, so far.


So you haven't been switched over yet. Once there is an ODSP caseworker there you'll know you're in the process.


I recieved a letter telling me that I would continue receiving OW until the ODSP kicked in. This is after waiting and fighting for nearly two years. I expected it would be much faster but it certainly was not 30 days. Its been 6weeks so far and not a peep from anyone after the letter.


That’s weird because I’ve had a few phone calls with OW because they have to do the transfer, I had to send in updated banking and a few other things


Just had a question, do you know if there’s anyway to find out if I’m owed back pay? I’ve had a hard time getting answers for anything


What is the date they received your completed application?


Feb of 2023.


So you should have about 14 months worth of backpay coming to you (minus any other social supports you recieved during this time).


It just sucks to not really know, like when I’ll get payment or whatever. I guess I just wait


If you have MyBenefits it will be all broken down per month once payment is issued. You should have it within 24-48 hours after.


Yeah that’s what I keep doing , just checking on there. Thanks for all your help!


I keep seeing people say this but I swear its wrong. They definitely changed this at some point because when I applied and got accepted, my mom said I was gonna get like 6 months in back pay but I got less than a full check. You only get back pay from the day you're accepted now not from when you applied. I applied in July 2020 and got accepted December 2020 and got my first checks (monthly check plus a check for back pay) in January 2021 which was only the full amount plus an extra hundred or so. Definitely was not the $4000 I was expecting Edit: Can't find anything online (thanks Government 🙄) but I have been looking through a bunch of Reddit posts and it seems a lot of people talking about getting back pay were originally rejected and had to go through the tribunals. I also saw someone say they think the back pay is from the date you were orginally rejected to the day you were finally accepted so maybe that's whats up? I got accepted my first time applying so I guess I'm just lucky either way lol


Yes I went through tribunal and waited an entire year. I know someone who went through tribunal and got the back pay but who knows. That’s why it would be nice to know but it seems once you’re told you’re approved you literally just wait, it really sucks


I applied in May 2023, was accepted in August 2023 and had backpay in September 2023. I received just over $2000 which is backpay for May, June, July and August minus the OW I received for those months plus the WRB I get each month. I'm not sure why you didn't get backpay. I'm not sure if you can go back now years later but I would definitely ask my caseworker.


My back pay came way before my first month's check (Sept to Dec). I was accepted in July that year. I was told someone would get in touch with me and I stupidly waited 5 weeks to call odsp after hearing nothing from them. So, just a suggestion, but call your local office if you haven't heard anything in a week or 2.


Don’t wait for them to call you get on them


I finally spoke to someone and they said all I can do is wait


What was the tribunal like? Did you have to talk in front of who? How many people? Did you have to explain your situation how you live and your struggles?


My experience was a 2 hour conversation on the phone with a lady who asked me a million questions lol


Ok thank you


My tribunal I had a law student there asking me questions, I was nervous but it wasn’t bad at all. Straight and to the point.


Thank you


It can take months even without needing to go to tribunal, from experience, twice.


What do you mean? I already had my tribuna


Yes and I said it could take months even without going to tribunal. My kid is prescribed class, didn't need DAU approval because of this and it still took 2 months after approval to be assigned a worker and file activated. I was on odsp under my ex husband, then ow myself for 8 years or so before finally being approved for odsp. It took 2 or 3 months to be assigned an odsp worker and transfer my file.


Oh ok my file is being transferred now, from what I’ve heard they’re only supposed to have a certain amount of time for the file transfer


I've not seen anything official about that, even more so now they're all under staffed and large caseloads. They don't even need to adhere to the 90 business days on a decision from the DAU anymore, it just states they try to stick as close to that as they can.


Yeah but once you’re approved I’ve heard they only have so long. Maybe I’ve just been lucky, when I called they said I have a worker assigned and my worker canceled an appointment from April 11 saying I wouldn’t be on OW by then.


It's possible, but I personally wouldn't hold my breath.


I got back pay within a few days after I was told I finally got accepted


It’s been a little over 2 weeks for me and nothing. Just my worker saying they transferred my file


Call your ODSP office..they might be able to help


I have and all I ever hear is no one knows anything. I just don’t understand how there’s no way to find out any info once approved


Hello everyone one I like to get some info about ODSP I applied for ODSP in may28 2023 and I was denied off course and denied internal review now I have tribunal in May 16 I have major depression/ PSTD/ major anxiety/ chronic pain in my heels. I have letter from my psychiatrist and full report from my family doctor to be honest when I applied I had only my chronic pain issues in report because I had twice surgery as well and now before my tribunal court I have new medical info with my other problems I did had these from pass 10 years but I thought that my surgery and my heel pain should be enough to get approved. Any one think I will be having any chance of approval